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  1. _&$%$ virus

    so in holland there is a virus called Rhinovirus.
    this virus effects horses and can caus abortion and sicknes, and it verry bad cases even paralysis and at the worst even death.

    It doesnt affect humans, but they can transmit it thorugh clothes and stuff.

    I have my internship at a pig stable, but he also has some horses becaus he is making a ´career-switch´

    the school doesnt want to take any risks and says strict: 'if your internship adres has even 1 ...
  2. Fallout adventures

    Today I cam across a group of bandits mercilessly beating a naked man with rubber chickens. Five minutes later I came across Tenpenny standing outside of megaton taking potshots at blowflys with his sniper rifle.
  3. Final Fantasy VII[My most hated game, yet I can't get enough of it]

    Final Fantasy VII.

    Everytime I hear these word I somehow get excited yet heartbroken. You see, I'm a person who wears her heart on her sleeve whenever it comes to anime or like FFVII. I just don't like the romance aspect of FFVII. It's left too ambigous.That's why I hate it because of the LTD great controversy.

    I'm a person more inclined on the romance aspect of FFVII. That's why I get frustrated when it comes to the biggest debate in the world of FF.

    But still, ...
    Tags: ffvii, rant, romance Add / Edit Tags
  4. Another reason to fear cops

    Anyway, turn off your cell phones when you get pulled over

  5. Derpy

    This whole derpy thing is making shayne an annoyed boy
  6. A Little Something About My Band, Culloden

    I write, I play bass and I sing for a band, a Heavy Metal band and it is called Culloden. Originally it was because no one else could do the job properly or would bother that I started singing and I've never been a good bass player, I've been inspired by bassists who play the bass like the guitar for crying out loud!
    I've been plucking, bashing, shouting, screaming, chanting, forcing my way through the ranks of skill, you can say I've been grinding, a lot to reach a level I can face the next ...
  7. Ambien

    I made a post on Ambien last night and nobody called me out on it yet. It's not bad, but it is VERY out of place.

    Anyway, sleep this week has been rough. The reason why I have to get to work early this week is because my QA partner's mother in law has passed away so I have to cover his time slot, which starts one hour earlier than mine. I reached my wits end last night and took ambien. I feel rested, but I am still going to take a short nap when I get home.

    This is ...
  8. Lovin' dat Lovecraft

    Well, a few things.
    1) I have unplugged myself from the internet and phone (to a certain extent) for 2 weeks due to a massive plummet in my grades. Just, to explain my recent inactivity. I'm trying to reinforce better work habits, so I don't have to do this anymore.

    2) I am absolutely in love with H.P. Lovecraft now. I recently got the complete fiction at Barnes and Nobles for 20 bucks. It's 1100 pages and contains a near unlimited number of short stories.
    His writing style ...
  9. The storry contineus

    i was 'browsing' facebook when i saw this:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	421353_10150594294428068_6119163067_9102680_1864215996_n.jpg 
Views:	235 
Size:	123.6 KB 
ID:	35718

  10. Audiobooks!

    I like them. I'm lazy and I drive a lot. I've been trying to find an amusing werewolf paranormal romance that doesn't royally suck. You know how hard this is? Why do they have to put such lame covers on so many fantasy type books. Do people buy them with such lame covers? ugh. This is why normal people make fun of fantasy so much you know!