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  1. Teat.

    by , 09-13-2011 at 09:53 AM (Parkers Poop Paradise)
    Teat is a pretty funny word.

    I am almost all better again. I even did a pushup today. I am still very tired, and maybe depressed, I can't tell for sure.

    I'm trying to make a decision on the project I have to do for university this year, it's not dissertation-important, but fairly important none the less. I've narrowed it down to two choices, unless I can come up with my own project idea. Both have great positives and big drawbacks. It's giving me a headache !!
  2. Pottermore

    Enjoy some HP images. Poor voldy, he looks so sad in that last panel.

    I got into pottermore last week. My obsession has taken new heights. I admit I have a problem. Like seriously, all I talk about now is harry potter. All I draw, harry potter. All I reblog? Harry potter. I've even made new friends via pottermore. o.o RAVENCLAW!

  3. Stuffs, happenings, etc.

    So I just finished my first french class and I don like the teacher. But I figure 1 on 4 is pretty good so I'm oki with that. So here are some happenings in my life right now, each with their own title:

    Stupid people who pay for college and don't do what they're supposed to:
    So some people decided it would be a good idea to pay to go to school and not pay attention or get anything out of it. I won't even go into the immature texting and note passing and giggling in the background. ...
  4. Things that make foa cry.

    A major theme in my life has quite suddenly become exposure to things that frighten me, and terribly enough this new theme joined forces with my life's M.O. of throwing ridiculous bad luck at me this morning.

    This morning after about an hours worth of sleep I headed in to work to count all the freakin' money from yesterday. I headed into our business office where A, the manager on duty met me with her usual deadpan delivery.

    "There's a thousand leg creature ...
  5. I'm bragging. Deal.

    My Etsy store is kind of rocking my own socks off. Eight Ten sales (plus working on a custom order) in two and a half weeks is preeeeetty impressive. Yep.

    Though, I have to say, I put my buns into designing semi-sophisticated Disney princess jewelry, and then I tossed up some random plastic stuff that I was just screwing around with... and I almost cannot keep stock of Adventure Time earrings. I even had someone convo me "Hey, you got any more of those Jake the dog earrings?" ...
  6. A screen name petition

    Who feels that The Fresh Prince of Mel Air should change her screen name back to Melissaur? I'm sure most of us do, and I think it's time to change it back. By responding you are hereby signing this petition for Mel to change back to Melissaur.

    Will this work? Probably not, but it's worth a try.

    Agent Proto
  7. A New Project

    First, I would like to apologize for my recent behavior, because I think I'm alienating other people by generally being a dickweed.That aside, I am starting a new project: a series in which I review films, games, and shows with typical Laddy-like zeal.
    It's only in the planning stages, but it's turning out really well, and I hope you'll enjoy watching me give input and show an analytical and "intelligent" side I rarely show on these forums.

    So, for people interested: ...
  8. cliffhangers

    aww maaan!!! i just watched (the rest of) season 1 of Hawaii five-0.
    and i NEED to see season 2 D: becaus it ended with an exiting cliffhanger.

    so either i need to wait patiently and hope it wil show up on the internet soon. or i have to wait a week or 12 (!!!!!) before the next season starts on tv.... but after that 12 weeks it will problably stop and so i have to wait another 'tv-season' before Hawaii starts again...

    so ill have more succes on waiting for it to ...
  9. F**king growing to hate grinding in this game......

    I have spent a considerable amount of time recently on this game getting trophies. Imagine my consternation when I have spent 150-odd hours on the game and have every single trophy except Treasure Hunter, only to find that I have sold most of the items that you need to upgrade and they are super-rare. Having started again, I have since reached the post-game phase and have maxed out 90-95 percent of the I just need the totally ridiculous sums of money to upgrade all the weapons ...
  10. Childish behaviour

    Im trying not to blog that much here... but things just keep popping up, and than i feel like blogging it.

    But anyway:

    Something that is really getting on my nerves everytime is that endles and childish Ps3 vs Xbox war @ anywhere.
    if 1 person shouts Xbox than BAAAMM!! all hell breaks loose.

    its just so stupid becaus both consoles have great kwalities and great games.
    and just becaus they have an Xbox they somehow cant accept the Ps3 and start bitching ...