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  1. Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII Apreciation Threads.

    Just announcing that sometime in the future I plan on doing two threads, both of which will be long and detailed (split into pages), and will be full appreciation threads for both Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII. They will cover my overall look on the storyline, the characters, the locations, and whatever else I decide. They will both take me sometime, and will be very detailed, so I hope people will take that into account when they read them.

    The reason I am choosing ...

    Updated 07-29-2015 at 06:36 PM by MJN SEIFER

    Final Fantasy , Video Games
  2. Best of luck to Square Enix

    So much irony in me saying these words.

    My thoughts are with the Square Enix team working on the Final Fantasy VII Remake and I wish them all the best. The amount of pressure they're going to get working on something that is considered the best RPG of all time by millions could kill a person. No matter what they do, people are going to bitch when the game doesn't live up to their expectations.

    They could keep EVERYTHING from the original game in it and I still predict ...
  3. Final Fantasy VII[My most hated game, yet I can't get enough of it]

    Final Fantasy VII.

    Everytime I hear these word I somehow get excited yet heartbroken. You see, I'm a person who wears her heart on her sleeve whenever it comes to anime or like FFVII. I just don't like the romance aspect of FFVII. It's left too ambigous.That's why I hate it because of the LTD great controversy.

    I'm a person more inclined on the romance aspect of FFVII. That's why I get frustrated when it comes to the biggest debate in the world of FF.

    But still, ...
    Tags: ffvii, rant, romance Add / Edit Tags