[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Vf6cl.png[/IMG] All these years I thought this was some blackbird/raven sitting on Squall's shoulder. I've wondered about the significance every time I played Final Fantasy 8. But I was wrong. It's his goddamn arm. Jesus. How do I even manage to get up in the morning? This has seriously blown my mind!
im only 12 and what is this CURRENTLY LISTENING TO Ubiktune: [UBI035] C-jeff — Preschtale
haloi ill yoshirubn nu-te qual de vri?
Kitties of the sea mothersmurfers.
I am now the number one stock holder of betterhomes realestate llc. you may now shower me with praise and money requests.
Apparently I have been an idiot, I woke up in the middle of my sleepy time and decided to be an idiot and moan like a top dollar hookah! Yep, I bitched at one of the mods, I completely misinterpreted what he said and I behaved like one of these: So I decided I would make a blog to allow all of you guys to poke fun at me without the risk of being banned from EoEO, go ahead, call me an idiot I deserve it. ...
Which ones are best?
I got a super sexy paper cutter! I've had it for a few days, but I'm just now really getting the hang of it. It was a "business expense," and so far I'm using it to re-design and semi-mass produce my packaging. The set of cards I made to pin my Legend of Zelda earrings came out really nice, I think. I'm working on a lot of new things to put up. I have BJ's grandpa's... like suit ...
Today marks one year since my friend Brent died. His mom found him within the 5 o'clock hour. He'd been crushed under his truck when it rolled back on him. The passing of a year hasn't done very much in changing the horror of it all. When it crosses my mind all I can think of is how little he deserved to suffer as he did. Because he suffered until his last breath. A lot of my friends and family are posting to his facebook memorial ...