Confession time kiddies! I need to get something off my chest. Stay calm ladies, I just mean I need to fess up to something.

For a long time now, I've prided myself on not watching "crappy arse programs" like The O.C., Beauty and the Geek, and other such bollocks. But....last Sunday, I was so bored that I may have accidentally turned onto channel 4 and not stopped watching until both programs were over.

That's not so bad, you may be thinking. Well, you're right. It wouldn't be if I had stuck to my beliefs and just stopped watching. It was a stupid mistake and will never happen again. Or so I'd like to think. I'm hooked. I want more O.C and BatG (lol batg).

Please don't judge me.

And for a topic, I think we'll have:

Confession time! What things have you done in the past that you never fessed up to but always wanted to get off your chest?