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Thread: Eyes on Final Fantasy Cid's Knight Application Form

  1. #76
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    Cid's Knight Application

    Forum Name: Quin 'n' Tonic.
    Real First Name: Arthur.
    Age: 16.
    Years general gaming experience: Roughly 6.
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: Roughly 6.
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: I'm an FF whore. They're all good to me.

    Short Answer

    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before? Yes.
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently? No can do, missy. It be dead.

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff?
    Staff Porn. And the nifty little blue thingy. And..uhh...I want to make EoFF a better place?

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go? Sister, I'd be starting the damn thing!

    Long Answer

    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation? Sob a little, then wait for someone else to do something useful, and then copy them and take all the credit. Then ban Raistlin.

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned. Hack into his account (PM him asking for his password....he's not too bright, I hear), then send offensive PMs to all the staff...hang on. He does that already, doesn't he? Hell, just ban him for the fun of it.

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.
    I would do this with everything I write.

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members. Ummm....I guess I'd have to stop my crappy spamming as much, and I know they'd enjoy that. Bastards. I'm banning you all ASAP for that.

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).
    I'd be willing to try.

    Subjective Section

    What makes you so special?

    The incredible amounts of spam I manage to shoot out my arse. I hear that's a good way to become a CK, y'hear?

    That was fun.

  2. #77


    <h1>Cid's Knight Application</h1>

    <h2>Bio Information</h2>
    Forum Name: Astos
    Real First Name: Bobbert
    Age: 19ish
    Years general gaming experience: 18ish
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: 17ish
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: ff1 lolz im dr une OR ff6 lolz im flyin mulit

    <h2>Short Answer</h2>
    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before? technically yes, actually no.
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently?

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff? i wanna have a threesome with rubah and hsu duh.

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go? i'd probably travel to england if i had to. none of this japan stuff though.

    <h2>Long Answer</h2>
    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation? sabbatical.

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned. ask joel holmes to find something he finds insulting in some way, then take akumaou812's divine word as law of the land and ban the snot out of raisty.

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues. wear an eoff t-shirt. i kinda wish i had one.

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members. disallow registration of more members. ban all who are looked down upon. delete fluffy puff. delete eoff 2005. invent a time machine and make all cool members go back to december 5th, 1999 and start again.

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ). frontpage is a microsoft application for stupid high school librarians who don't know html and think frontpage is just as effective. page and site have similar meanings on the internet. therefore, front site is dumb and thus i will not be a part of it. 'cept for the ff1 section. best website ever.

    <h2>Subjective Section</h2>
    What makes you so special?
    I am 5,447,084 people. read more here.

    *Denmark do not condone this application.

  3. #78
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    The staff should post some follow-up questions now, based on answers that interested them.

  4. #79
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    So Quina, if someone was breaking the rules of the forums, yet they offered you a plate of cookies to look the other way, what would you do?

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  5. #80
    No can eat Quina's Avatar
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    If I was looking the other way how could I eat the cookies??


  6. #81
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Good answer. It was a trick question, and you got it. I like your style, Quina.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  7. #82
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    <h1>Cid's Knight Application</h1>

    <h2>Bio Information</h2>
    Forum Name: Ouch!
    Real First Name: Zach
    Age: 18
    Years general gaming experience: 13-ish
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: 10
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: Tactics

    <h2>Short Answer</h2>
    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before?
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently?
    It no longer exists. I was an administrator for its entire lifespan. I'm gonna go with the honesty is the best policy policy here; I totally abused my power by changing usernames and otherwise embarassing the members. It's cool, though. I changed 'em all back. I also knew everyone on the forum personally. It was a forum for my high school class.

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff?
    See, I've got a job application waiting for me at an GameStop not too far from here. I've even got a friend who already put in a good word for me. I've already been out of school for a week, and I've yet to go pick up the application. I probably won't. This leaves me with a lot of free time this summer. Boredom is probably also a good motivation, especially now that I don't play any online games to suck up my time.

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go?
    As long as I can stay away from the tentacles, I'm game for just about anything.

    <h2>Long Answer</h2>
    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation?
    It's a three step procedure that I used rather frequently when getting rid of unwanted people (i.e. people I didn't like) on that other forum I mentioned.
    1. Ban them.
    2. Change their usernames to humorous ones and edit their spam posts to make them look like idiots.
    3. Close the threads, but sticky a couple for my own amusement.
    I'm not sure that'd be anywhere near as amusing as it was when I actually saw the same people in school the day after I did it.

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned.
    Why wait for him to actually make such a mistake? Frame him. I'm sure I can find some obscure hentai porn to slip into his signature somewhere. If I used tentacles, people'd probably blame Kishi.

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.
    Subliminal messages.

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members.
    Promote some more staff sanctioned spam threads.

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).
    I'm not entirely sure how useful I'd actually be, but if stuff needs to get done, I wouldn't be adverse to helping with what I could. It's not like I have anything better to do.

    <h2>Subjective Section</h2>
    What makes you so special?
    I have a 32 inch vertical leap and nine foot standing long jump. I'm white, too.

  8. #83
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Need more Del and Quina here IMHO.

  9. #84
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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  10. #85
    ♥ Mayor of Zozo Avarice-ness's Avatar
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    <h1>Cid's Knight Application</h1>

    <h2>Bio Information</h2>
    Forum Name: Avarice-ness
    Real First Name: Ashley
    Age: 21
    Years general gaming experience: 17
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: 13
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: FFVI

    <h2>Short Answer</h2>
    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before?
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently?
    A couple, We can say I'm still active, but I can't say the same for the other 3 members.
    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff?
    [STRIKE]Because I like lamers.*[/STRIKE] 'Cause no one is more annoyed than me 'cause of double posts... unless I'm making them. Plus I want to be able to put bold green font in peoples stuff. =D
    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go?
    I'd go ALLLLLL THE WAAAAY~ But it really depends who I wake up next to the next morning to make me decide if Staff Orgy's are really the best idea.
    <h2>Long Answer</h2>
    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation?
    I'd do this thing called "YOU'RE FIRED" but instead of firing them I'd ban them, and they would fear the day they crossed my path again!

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned.
    He posts, banned. =D... Well.. I'd prolly just stalk him, then accuse him of stalking me, and ban him for stalking.

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.
    I'd put a [STRIKE]Stupid[/STRIKE] awesome flyer on random websites~ Or just make people join that I know, I've done it before I can do it again!
    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members.
    I'M THE -BEEPING- MAYOR OF ZOZO, that answer should win alone.
    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).
    I would, I like to ramble about things Final fantasy. I'm sure I can ramble better than any of them. > >;
    <h2>Subjective Section</h2>
    What makes you so special?
    I'm me and they're all not. >=[

    *Avarice-ness does not condone lamers at all.

  11. #86
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    Bio Information

    Forum Name: BERT
    Real First Name: BERT
    Years general gaming experience:17 or so
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience:10 or so
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: VII!

    Short Answer

    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before? I DON'T THINK I HAVE. oh wait I was a admin on a RO forum for a bit but the site/server died everntually
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently?

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff?
    I don't, and I know you don't want me to. I'm bored.
    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go? ALL THE FREAKING WAY

    Long Answer

    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation? ban who started it, or everyone. and suspaend everyone else from posting for 4 years.
    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned. make a thread about monkies bums

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.
    I would run around Guild Wars yelling "JOIN EOFF OR DIE CUZ PUFFY SAYS SO!"

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members. monthly random bannings

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).
    Iw ouldn't because i don't play much FF anymore and there is no need for those evil frontsites.
    Subjective Section

    What makes you so special?
    My mommy told me I was.

  12. #87


    Cid's Knight Application

    Bio Information

    Forum Name: Bipper
    Real First Name:Michael
    Years general gaming experience:20+ ? I played pac-man and robotron on my laser 128 computer. sexy.
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience:19 played FF when it came out. I was like zomg I dunno what to do. Much like I still do today.
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: VI

    Short Answer

    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before? yes
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently? GOEforums, Nhaven forums none of which are up

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff? world domination and sexual harrasment

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go? GOE!?

    Long Answer

    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation? Cut my losses and psychotic's throat

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned. CK me.

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues. I would go on a hunger strike to raise forum awareness.

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members. make the staff porn fora public, like bert.

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ). I love web page design.. the front site could use some beauty - and GOE.

    Subjective Section

    What makes you so special? lol I r GOES.

    *EoFF Staff do not condone lamers who read fine print. ( I read this, condone me softly )

  13. #88
    IF I WERE A BOY~ Dynast-Kid's Avatar
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    Bio Information

    Forum Name: Dynast-Kid
    Real First Name: Larry
    Age: liek omfg 13
    Years general gaming experience: Around...8, or whenever I got my N64
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: 6
    Favorite Final Fantasy(tm) game: Final Fantasy XII

    Short Answer

    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before?
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently?

    I used to moderate at Genji's (R.I.P.) forum. But I stepped down because I was too busy with school junk. And no, i'm not still there. I don't think anyone is.

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff?

    Bipper took the words straight from my mouth

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go?

    Depends on the amount of alcohol coursing through my veins, and if Kishi was there.

    Long Answer

    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation?

    Ban first. Don't ask questions later.

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned.

    So many ways...I'd probably lure him into a thread about penguins, twist his words as to make him sound like a zoophile, and ban him for molesting animals. Or soemthing liek taht

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.

    Join countless forums and whore EoFF everywhere. Especially on Fool's Gold...

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members.

    A Webcam in Void's shower

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).

    I'm useless with coding and such but content-wise, i'm quite an asset. Plus, I could totally come up with some spicy new color schemes!

    Subjective Section

    What makes you so special? I'm a cute wittle 13YO with a sassy attitude. Plus, i'm allergic to shrimp.

    *EoFF Staff do not condone lamers who read fine print. Damn, not fine enough...

  14. #89
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by some newbie
    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.

    Join countless forums and whore EoFF everywhere. Especially on Fool's Gold...
    I can't think of a worse answer for that.

  15. #90
    <3 Recognized Member Jess's Avatar
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    ~Wait, what? Why is there an application for this now?

    Cid's Knight Application

    Bio Information

    Forum Name: Jess
    Real First Name: Jess
    Age: 17
    Years general gaming experience: 10
    Years Final Fantasy(tm) experience: 7
    Favourite Final Fantasy(tm) game: VII or IX

    Short Answer

    1) Have you ever moderated a forum before?
    1.a) If so, which one (please provide link), for how long, and are you still there presently?
    I have but only ridiculously small forums which aren't around anymore. I haven't moderated for a few years now, and I was probably around about 15 the last time I did, and I've also never moderated on a vB board before. woah jess, way to sell yourself.

    2) What are your reasons for wanting to join the EoFF Forums Staff?
    I'm a fairly active member, and I've always been aware of the rules & have followed them and I always find myself pressing the warn button *whore*. It'd also give me something to do because I often get bored of posting in threads but I just can't make myself leave and never come back because I love it.

    3) If you were asked to participate in a Staff Orgy, how far would you be willing to go?
    You'd have to have to wait and see! ;]

    Long Answer

    1) Imagine the users of LOCP decided to invade the forum, registering many accounts and spamming it up. What would your actions be in this situation?
    It's not going to be a long answer so in short, ~I'd ban whoever was involved and if our long-term members started to post spam aswell, but didn't do anything too bad I'd probably drunk tank them.

    2) Describe the perfect way to catch Raistlin slipping up so he can be banned.
    Allow him to post in EoEO. You'll be able to ban him within hours.

    3) Detail what you would do to promote the forum in other venues.
    This place needs to be promoted?

    4) Detail what you would to heighten the enjoyment of the forum for existing members.
    Encourage more events and competitions, if I ever came up with a good idea & help anybody who needed help, I suppose. I'd also make sure to change Psychotics signature and avatar to Newcastle United stuff - but that's for my enjoyment.

    5) Tell why or why not you would be willing to work with the Front Site Staff in bettering the Front Site ( ).
    I enjoy making banners and such, so I wouldn't mind doing some Photoshop work and lark. I also have a basic knowledge of HTML.

    Subjective Section

    What makes you so special?

    edit: I also live in England and the only other mod that does is Paul.
    Last edited by Jess; 06-05-2007 at 07:07 PM.

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