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Thread: Woah! I just saw a giant woman outside my window! I guess I'm asleep.

  1. #1
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    Default Woah! I just saw a giant woman outside my window! I guess I'm asleep.

    So, when you're dreaming, can you tell that you're asleep?

    I always figure out during the dream, but at the very end. Not nearly enough to do what I want or anything. Things just happen as I'd expect them to, like a day in my normal life. It's been far too long since I've had an abnormal dream. It's just a world based upon my expectations, rather than wonders, and when it finally gets weird, I realize I'm dreaming, and I wake up.

    What about you?

  2. #2
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    I'm so gullible!

  3. #3

    Dancing Chocobo

    You know that you can only remember a dream when you wake up during it?

    Interesting? Yes. That's why you never experience the VERY end of your dream. Well, you do, but you don't remember it.

  4. #4


    I remember my dream once i go somewhere or see soemthing during the day
    I have known that i was dreaming once but then i woke up, the best is when you can control your dream even when you dont realise it is one

    I love dreams

    If I was like Cloud I don't think I would have taken that test.
    Changed to stop Jessweeee♪ from going insane. Is that better?

  5. #5

    Dancing Chocobo

    What if you could control your dreams....?

    Then you could do anything you want for like...hours.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut View Post
    What if you could control your dreams....?

    Then you could do anything you want for like...hours.

    That would be cool but did you know you only dream between 5-45 minutes a night

    If I was like Cloud I don't think I would have taken that test.
    Changed to stop Jessweeee♪ from going insane. Is that better?

  7. #7
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    sometimes it occurs to me, 'okay this is a really crazy situation, this wouldn't happen in real life. I must be asleep HOLY CRAP WAKE UP NOW BEFORE SOMETHING WORSE HAPPENS'

  8. #8
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    I know I'm dreaming usually. Even when I don't have control over them.

    I've had two very memorable dreams this week, which is unusual. Usually I can't even remember them just when I wake up, but I can remember these two very clearly. I want to tell you one of them, because I love you.

    1) Y'know Sawyer, from Lost? The US government hired him and his team of 4 to hunt some dinosaurs. I found out about this (can't remember how), and ended up in a lovely little glade with ankylosaur-esque dinosaurs. They were exactly like them, except they didn't have the tail. They had a turtle's tail. I went to drink from a stream at the side, when the leader stopped me and said (yes, said): "No don't drink from there. We filter our water from the lake." This is easily the best line of any dream ever. Meanwhile, Sawyer and co. (and it was Sawyer, not the actor that plays him), were trying to catch a T-Rex. With ropes. On a beach. That was a fun little interlude. After that, time jumped a bit, and I ended up besieging a US building with my little ankyloturtles, and we kicked ass and everything was happy. Then it ended when I woke up. And I don't mean it was cut short by my waking up, I mean the dream properly ended.

  9. #9
    A Lyrical Storm Is Coming TyphoonThaReapa's Avatar
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    A very active mind you have Quin. Well, I can't remember too many dreams I've had that's similar to our reality. My dreams are almost all crazy. I've learned a lot about dream in my psychology class. But I'm pretty sure you guys want me to spare you guys of a lecture.
    A'yo son, TTR WAS HERE!!!

  10. #10
    (。◕‿‿◕。) Recognized Member Jojee's Avatar
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    Most of the time when I realize I'm dreaming I'm having a sort of nightmare and trying to wake myself up Otherwise, not really, although once I did have a normal dream where I knew I was dreaming and I tried to fly by flapping my arms a lot ^_^ It worked for a little bit and then I fell.

    You can teach yourself and practice to have lucid dreams, though. I did a project report thing on this in high school :3


  11. #11
    Abandon All Hope Fatal Impurity's Avatar
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    I've never had a lucid dream and of the like 2-3 times I realised it was a dream I woke up immediately eventhough I didnt want to, must be a knee-jerk reaction I suppose.

  12. #12
    Ogre Araciel's Avatar
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    Not really...but then I rarely 'remember' my dreams.

  13. #13
    That's me! blackmage_nuke's Avatar
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    Sometimes im like, this situation is pretty bad, it's probably a dream, then i pinch myself and i think it hurts or something, then im like its not a dream, but i didnt feel it for real. Then i try to move things with my mind and on the chance it succeeds ive figured it out and on the chance it fails i dont think im dreaming
    Kefka's coming, look intimidating!
    Have a nice day!!

  14. #14
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jojee View Post
    Most of the time when I realize I'm dreaming I'm having a sort of nightmare and trying to wake myself up Otherwise, not really, although once I did have a normal dream where I knew I was dreaming and I tried to fly by flapping my arms a lot ^_^ It worked for a little bit and then I fell.

    You can teach yourself and practice to have lucid dreams, though. I did a project report thing on this in high school :3
    lucid dreams are awsome.. ive had about 10 of them.. so much fun.. flying and playing master of the universe

    ive only ever had one nightmare.. seeing a nuke blast heading my way while looking out the window.. very unsettling

  15. #15


    Hehe, I usually do know it, sometimes my dreams were so real though, that I woke up in relief that it wasn't really happening.

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