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Thread: Ciddies XIII Prediction Thread Tickles Your Fancy (VOTE BEFORE OPENING THREAD)

  1. #76
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harle-Quin View Post
    I predict that Rye will win something she doesn't deserve to win, but was nominated and voted for merely because she's Rye. :bigbiggri
    I predict that people insinuating that every time they talk to me is hurting my feelings. :[

  2. #77
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rye View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Harle-Quin View Post
    I predict that Rye will win something she doesn't deserve to win, but was nominated and voted for merely because she's Rye. :bigbiggri
    I predict that people insinuating that every time they talk to me is hurting my feelings. :[
    It's not a prediction if it's happening right now. Besides which, if they're voting for you they must think you deserve it. Who is QQQuin to decide what criteria others ought to use? He's no HVH, that's for sure!

  3. #78
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rye View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Harle-Quin View Post
    I predict that Rye will win something she doesn't deserve to win, but was nominated and voted for merely because she's Rye. :bigbiggri
    I predict that people insinuating that every time they talk to me is hurting my feelings. :[
    Being Rye might be a compliment.

  4. #79
    Mr Cactuar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I'm my own MILF View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Rye View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Harle-Quin View Post
    I predict that Rye will win something she doesn't deserve to win, but was nominated and voted for merely because she's Rye. :bigbiggri
    I predict that people insinuating that every time they talk to me is hurting my feelings. :[
    It's not a prediction if it's happening right now. Besides which, if they're voting for you they must think you deserve it. Who is QQQuin to decide what criteria others ought to use? He's no HVH, that's for sure!
    Hahahahaha QQQuin, that's gold.

    Anyway, I don't know enough people to really vote, though I did nominate.

    And I'm more of a lurker
    Thanks to Sir Edeon X for signature
    "It's the decisions you make, when you have no time to make them, that define the person you are" - Teh_Masterer

  5. #80


    I havent been predicted once, how sad Hope their all wrong
    Ill do mine soon.

    If I was like Cloud I don't think I would have taken that test.
    Changed to stop Jessweeee♪ from going insane. Is that better?

  6. #81
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    ...Because some of us really have nothing else better to do.
    (But I won't be putting the runner-ups. Thats 50x more thinking )

    Best Member: Psychotic
    He gets along with everyone, and he's quick witted. Ace

    Best Male: Levian
    Call Me

    Best Female: Jojee
    No-one can really say that they haven't had Jojo flirting with them. Lol

    Best Administrator: Loony BoB
    He's been pretty awesome lately...

    Best Cid's Knight: Psychotic
    This was a hard one, but if he was Best Member, then why not Best CK too? = P

    Best Site Staff: Flying Mullet
    All FF6. All the time

    Best Recognized Member / Former Staff: Jojee
    Three cheers for Jojo!

    Best Veteran: edczxcvbnm
    This was also a hard one, but I guess he wins

    Best Regular: Bunny
    Top poster in General chat. He's evil too

    Best Newbie: demondude55

    Nicest Member: Jojee
    *Meow* Or whatever animal sounds you mimic

    Evilest Member: Bunny
    You hate the Nintendo 64. Doesn't get much eviler than that

    Sexiest Male: Levian
    Random FTW

    Sexiest Female: Jojee
    I am her one and only stalker you know

    Cutest Male: Sagensyg
    Didn't know who to pick and I forgot who I voted for so I just chose the one with the coolest name

    Cutest Female: Rye

    Best Custom Rank: Flying Mullet
    It's 110% Awesomesauce

    Best Avatar: Loony BoB
    Gotta love that FFT Chocobo

    Best Signature: blackmage_nuke
    Sure, why not?

    Best Artist: KoShiatar and Rocket Edge and Slade
    Don't make me choose!

    Best Graphic Designer: Polaris
    At the rate at which she can produce, and it looks good, I think she is the best

    Best Writer: Behold the Void
    Behold the Void is awesome

    Best Poet: Poetically Pathetic

    Best Poster: Psychotic

    Best Spammer: Old Manus
    Somewhat random FTW

    Best Chatter: NO SELECTION
    I don't use the chatroom, and I never will

    Best Usernoter: Cz
    I nominated him

    Funniest Member: Old Manus
    Yeah Mold Anus

    Weirdest Member: Goldenboko
    You and your Leeny can live happily ever after

    Horniest Member: Pureghetto

    Most Bitter Member: Yamaneko
    When you look up bitter in the dictionary, you'll see his picture

    Most Underrated Member: Heath
    I nominated him and it's TRUE

    Most Improved Member: Goldenboko
    You're trying too hard but you're getting there

    Most Egotistical Member: Jon Thompson
    I cried aloud with mirth and merriment

    Most Missed Member: Christmas and Owen Macwere
    I wanted to get to know Owen more, and I miss Christmas sweeping the ciddies with her jokes about poo poo

    Most Hardcore Gamer: JKTrix
    I nominated someone else, but JK pretty is freakin' hardcore

    Most Helpful Gamer: BG-57
    His name pops up in my head everytime

    Most Helpful Techy: o_O
    He's always helpful. Maybe too helpful

    Most Helpful Member: Leeza
    [leeza]Signature removed for being slightly under the filesize limit[/leeza]

    Cutest Couple: Marshall banana & Necronopticous

    Most Likely To

    Become a Cid's Knight: Tavrobel
    I can see it now...

    Get Banned: NO SELECTION
    All of them FTW

    Run a brothel: ShlupQuack
    Teachers make excellent slave drivers

    Work in the brothel: Jojee
    Long story

    Win a Ciddie for the very first time: Rengori
    Everyone's favorite American-Idol-something! Even mine!

    Save the world using only a milk carton and a rubber band: Captain Maxx Power
    It's Over 9000!!

    Spend hours looking for the 'any' key: Jessweeee♪
    Dead ringer

    Be Timon: Psychotic
    (See Next Ciddie's comments)

    Be Pumbaa: Levian
    (See Above Ciddie's comments)

    Get Together: Rye & The Ceej
    Get it CRUNK


    I never noticed how good Leeza's format goes with bold white text. *steals*
    Last edited by Lawr; 11-29-2007 at 12:39 AM.

  7. #82
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    Spend hours looking for the 'any' key: Jessweeee♪
    Dead ringer

    Be Timon: Psychotic
    (See Next Ciddie's comments)

    Be Pumbaa: Levian
    (See Above Ciddie's comments)
    I actually looked from Psy to Lev about four times

  8. #83
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    1) Best Member: Loony BoB
    The prodigal failure returns, complete with Picture Thread and Movies Tournament.

    2) Best Male: Loony BoB
    yeah yeah shut up and die already. Everybody hates BoB, but the people that do hate him don't vote tactically.

    3) Best Female: Rye
    This Ciddie is too hard to predict for. I hate it. Officially.

    4) Best Administrator: Leeza
    Leeza more like canupleaseher amiritefolks.

    5) Best Cid's Knight: Levian
    Think of a LOL LEVIAN IS SHORT joke.

    6) Best Site Staff: Renmiri
    Renmiri is everybody's mom. She is the new mom. Renmiri is mom. What does that have to do with Site Staff? What does ANYTHING have to do with Site Staff?

    7) Best Recognized Member / Former Staff - DK
    Man with a temper. You do anything, man get pissed off. You steal his shotgun/spartan laser he get pissed off. Throw grenade in general direction he get pissed off. Man get you man teabag you. What the hell is wrong with him.

    8) Best Veteran: edczxcvbnm
    dunno. Just guessing.

    9) Best Regular: Bunny
    demondude and Sagensyg said it would be him so if they live, I live. If they die, I die.

    10) Best Newbie: demondude55
    Devil Man strikes again.

    11) Nicest Member: Xander
    Xander always wins Ciddies, despite being insanely inactive. Nobody knows how she does this. She just does.

    12) Evilest Member: ShlupQuack
    Bitch be rapin' your profile.

    13) Sexiest Male: Levian
    Hah hahahaHAHAHAHAhHaHAHHaHAAahahahahHAhaHAHAHahahahaha.

    14) Sexiest Female: Lekana
    Picture thread is a battle between Rye and Lekana to see who can get the most "You're so pretty I want to touch your hair" comments. Rye just turned on her fans, calling them creeps, whereas Lekana has kept up the titties.

    15) Cutest Male: Rengori
    He has a thing on his head. It can see you, it can touch you.

    16) Cutest Female: 41-Inches-Wide
    She's asian and you're all japanophiles. It's destined.

    17) Best Custom Rank: edczxcvbnm
    I demand an assist for this.

    18) Best Avatar: ShlupQuack
    If had to list EoFF's three favourite things, I would say pirates, boys and kissing. Look what we got here.

    19) Best Signature: blackmage_nuke
    Rye and MILF have the same god damned sig. What the smurf, people?

    20) Best Artist: KoShiatar
    Wercenary. It's like half werewolf, half mercenary. I liked that name better.

    21) Best Graphic Designer: Omecle
    this'll be good.

    22) Best Writer: Behold the Void
    The cakiest walk you ever did see.

    23) Best Poet: I Don't Need A Name
    Britain's best kept secret. His name is Andy. Poetically Pathetic presses hard, but his name change will not happen until January. Leeza has cost him this Ciddie.

    24) Best Poster: Bunny
    He's a jerk. We like jerks. I mean I like jerks. Don't you?

    25) Best Spammer: Jojee
    Her pot threads were dumb and I hate you all for liking them. I especially hate Jojo. I mean, Jojee? No. Jus...I mean what NO. Jojo. I don't care if people think you're a 12 year old pop star. You're Jojo. Oh and forget this stupid "Monkey" or "Moonlight Racoon" bull while you're at it.

    26) Best Chatter: Cookie
    Cookie, the EoFF forums are with you. Yeah #eoff how do you like us now.

    27) Best Usernoter - Cz
    Come back you big Arsenal supporting ponce.

    28) Funniest Member: LunarWeaver
    I hate everybody who got nominated for this award other than Lunar. He won't win it (sorry pal) but damnit I am full of spite.

    29) Weirdest Member: TyphoonThaReapa
    Nutter. Absolute nutter.

    30) Horniest Member: Misfit
    Lekana vs Misfit = #eoff smurfs things up for the rest of us, as per usual. Sod off you bastard chatroom.

    31) Most Bitter Member: Jon Thompson
    There's always some sort of surprise. I will bank on it being this.

    32) Most Underrated Member: Crossblades
    vs oddler. Gaming forums beat user notes today.

    33) Most Improved Member: Cookie
    Unrelated commentary.

    34) Most Egotistical Member: I'm my own MILF
    Ever since he pulled tiny tina he's been on a rampage. We're not impressed; Rye is easy.

    35) Most Missed Member: Owen Macwere
    The reaction to his death was surprising. He touched a lot of people here.

    36) Most Hardcore Gamer: Necronopticous
    Go on then.

    37) Most Helpful Gamer: Renmiri
    I kind of wanted to predict BG-57 because his name reminds me of a band's name that sung this song that was on some NG flash version of DDR. Weow, weow weow wuh weow. Wuh wuh wuh weow. Weow weow wuh weow weow weow weow weow. She clings to me like cellophane CHUG fake plastic submarine CHUG slowly driving me insane but now that's over.

    38) Most Helpful Techy: o_O
    So what if the sex was great CHUG just another thing I grew to hate CHUG just a temporary escape but now that's over (now that's over)

    39) Most Helpful Member: Leeza
    Whhhhhy? Why do you always kick me when I'm hiiiiiiiiiigh knock me down 'til we see eye to eye. She may not be Miss Right but she'll do right now. God I hate the helpful ciddies.

    40) Cutest Couple: ~*~Celes~*~ & Shadow Bahamut

    ~*~Celes~*~ & Shadow Bahamut
    Del Murder & Miriel
    edczxcvbnm & Jojee

    The first three alphabetically will be the top three. Now. Now then. Hmm. Winner. God. I don't know. smurf. OK nobody likes Del and Miriel because they "ruined" mafia and taunt us about food. I want to say Kari and Alan, I do. I voted for them. But they've maintained a lesser profile this past six months so...sorry guys. NO. NO. I will stick with them. Loyal Psychotic. He is foolish but he does not care. He stands by his pals until the very end. I may lose, but I lose for Kari and Alan!

    Most Likely To…

    41) Become a Cid's Knight: I'm my own MILF
    Won that gay contest. Will never be a real CK because we all hate him. In the Staff Forums, Tuesdays have become HATE MILF day. Sort of like Business Casual Thursdays, but with less branded polo shirts and more making fun of him for being a general failure.

    42) Get Banned: Vincent, Thunder God
    He likes the staff you know. He likes them, likes them.

    43) Run a brothel: Big D
    If you voted for something that isn't this, I hope you choke. It's glorious.

    44) Work in the brothel: Rye
    Definition of whore? Rye.

    45) Win a Ciddie for the very first time: 41-Inches-Wide
    :3? Honestly. HONESTLY. :3? What...what is that? don't even answer.

    46) Save the world using only a milk carton and a rubber band: theundeadhero.
    Him or Super Delete.

    47) Spend hours looking for the 'any' key: Bert
    He's a silly boy.

    48) Be Timon: Jessweeee♪
    Is Timon hyperactive? I dunno, it's been 12 years or so since I last saw the Lion King. Want to know why? I'm an adult and I'm not a furry. You sad acts.

    49) Be Pumbaa: rubah
    It would be funny.

    50) Get Together: 41-Inches-Wide & Jojee
    azn invazn blah blahity blah bloo bingblah. Man I'm gonna start me a caucazns are kewl trend. It'll be just like White History Month!

    see guys now you can idolise me like you idolise Christmas, Yamaneko and Bunny and so on and so forth. Being mean is HIP.

  9. #84
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    Oh yeah. Let's get it on. Call me.

  10. #85
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Sagensyg, if you want to be involved in the official prediction party then you'll need to clarify a single nominee for the following...

    20) Best Artist
    26) Best Chatter
    35) Most Missed Member
    42) MLT Get Banned

    Think of it as a betting thing where you have to bet for someone since you've put the money in anyway. Just pick one at random if you have to, or someone you have a hunch on or something. I 'unno. Someone!

    Just 14 in so far. Less than I'm used to! I suppose the likes of Murd are waiting 'til the final moment.

    Can people also note to me any changes they make as I keep a spreadsheet with your predictions - any edits you made won't be counted unless I'm made aware of them.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  11. #86
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    3) Best Female: Rye
    This Ciddie is too hard to predict for. I hate it. Officially.
    Hehehe, Agrias.

    35) Most Missed Member: Owen Macwere
    He touched a lot of people here.

  12. #87
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    41) Become a Cid's Knight: I'm my own MILF
    Won that gay contest. Will never be a real CK because we all hate him. In the Staff Forums, Tuesdays have become HATE MILF day. Sort of like Business Casual Thursdays, but with less branded polo shirts and more making fun of him for being a general failure.
    Why do you hate me you know I'm awesome. It's the jealousy, isn't it?

  13. #88
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    I'll tell you next Thursday.

  14. #89
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I'm my own MILF View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    41) Become a Cid's Knight: I'm my own MILF
    Won that gay contest. Will never be a real CK because we all hate him. In the Staff Forums, Tuesdays have become HATE MILF day. Sort of like Business Casual Thursdays, but with less branded polo shirts and more making fun of him for being a general failure.
    Why do you hate me you know I'm awesome. It's the jealousy, isn't it?

    i dont hate you.. but i do have to say: jaleous of what?.. all the pink?

  15. #90
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    My predictions are my votes...except where I didn't vote. Then I just guess at random.

    1) Best Member

    2) Best Male

    3) Best Female

    4) Best Administrator
    Kawaii Ryűkishi

    5) Best Cid's Knight
    Behold the Void

    6) Best Site Staff

    7) Best Recognized Member / Former Staff

    8) Best Veteran

    9) Best Regular

    10) Best Newbie

    11) Nicest Member

    12) Evilest Member

    13) Sexiest Male

    14) Sexiest Female

    15) Cutest Male

    16) Cutest Female

    17) Best Custom Rank

    18) Best Avatar
    Kawaii Ryűkishi

    19) Best Signature

    20) Best Artist

    21) Best Graphic Designer

    22) Best Writer

    23) Best Poet
    Poetically Pathetic

    24) Best Poster
    Kawaii Ryűkishi

    25) Best Spammer

    26) Best Chatter

    27) Best Usernoter

    28) Funniest Member
    Old Manus

    29) Weirdest Member

    30) Horniest Member

    31) Most Bitter Member

    32) Most Underrated Member

    33) Most Improved Member

    34) Most Egotistical Member

    35) Most Missed Member

    36) Most Hardcore Gamer
    Kawaii Ryűkishi

    37) Most Helpful Gamer
    Kawaii Ryűkishi

    38) Most Helpful Techy

    39) Most Helpful Member
    Behold the Void

    40) Cutest Couple
    edczxcvbnm & Jojee

    41) Become a Cid's Knight

    42) Get Banned

    43) Run a brothel

    44) Work in the brothel

    45) Win a Ciddie for the very first time

    46) Save the world using only a milk carton and a rubber band
    Kawaii Ryűkishi

    47) Spend hours looking for the 'any' key

    48) Be Timon

    49) Be Pumbaa

    50) Get Together
    Lekana & Psychotic

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