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Thread: Fredula Novalations Celebrallis Final Ciddies XIII: What!?

  1. #766
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    thats a hard one

  2. #767
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    Yeah, it is. the predictions are evenly split amongst 80% of them.

  3. #768
    Get me some wine. Recognized Member Queen Award, First of Her Name's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCracker
    Since the dawn of man, there have been those who rise above all others. One day, we shall become those people. We shall strive to rise above the Normals and destroy them with our awesome wrath. Who are we, you might ask? We are the ones who give you a reason to live. We are the ones who put a smile on your face with our antics. We are the ones who create things that no one else is capable of, the ones who do and say things no once else can think of. We are the ones who believe there is still a light of hope in humanity. We are the Weird,

    What are the Weird you may ask? Well the answer is not so simple. The Weird are a complex group that have a wide array of talents and attributes. From Drugged up hippies to baby punchers, the Weird is quite possibly the most adverse group of people to walk the earth.

    Some look down upon us as vermin, disgraces they should live without. However what they do not know is we have a plan to knife all those mother smurfers when they aren’t looking. Whose laughing now normal people, whose laughing now?

    You think you are so big with your “Rational” and your “Stable lives”. Well guess what, you don’t get to win an award for being normal, do you? Well guess what ya ginger bastards? We do. Not so special any more, are ya?

    Regardless, I’d now like to present to you the Nominees for weirdest member of EoFF. Well, actually I don’t. I’d much prefer to sit here and insult the normal people a while longer. The only thing stopping me from doing that is the fact that this speech won’t get submitted if I don’t at least mention the nominees. Not that that will stop me, as each of the presentations will be filled with an anti-normal rant anyway. So in the end it all works out. Guess Award Guy and his little rules are beaten again. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Anyway, back to presenting.

    Actually, before I begin, I would like to say this in all seriousness. Normal people, thank you. Had you not existed, we Weirds would be the Normal’s. And since we hate Normal’s so much, we would hate ourselves. And we don’t want to hate ourselves. That’s supposable bad for your health to hate yourself. And if you are so busy hating yourself, you can’t hate others. And if you can’t hate others, then you may friend are in a sad state. Okay, now to the nominations.

    Bunny? WTF? I was under the impression he was just an ass hole. Well, I guess those types could be weird. But only if you stretch it. So fine, I’ll mention him. But don’t expect any great comical leaps about him being weird. Cause I’m not to sure I buy it. Could be a mole set by the Normal people to take this award away from us. Damn those Normals.

    Now for the one and only Demondude55. Why do I say one and only? Could it possibly be he is the only Demondude55 on this site? Perhaps, perhaps not. Why is he weird? Could it be because he wants a little JesweexLeeza action? Its not weird to me, but that’s another story entirely. Perhaps its because he got nominated, yet I couldn’t think of anything weird about him until looking through his previous posts? That’s not so much weird as suspicious. Watch out Demondude55, Bunny’s not the only one I’ve got my eye on this Ciddies.

    And now my good friend Goldenboko. The reason he is here is likely the same reason he is in the writers Award, EoFF playin’ and Squall and Rinoa Playin’. However this shows his potential to be weird. What he writes and what he does are 2 different things. Has he in fact gained enough weirdness to be here, or is this a call on bad judgment? Who knows, it’s the Normals who vote for this award anyway. The truly weird probably don’t stand a chance at winning anyway. The damn Normals and their hatred towards us. I hope they all burn! Burn I say burn!

    And now for our little pot head Jojee, and her obsession with weed related thread titles. But being a pot head alone is not weird. Being Azn, however, that’s getting closer. An Azn with a sexy headband? Now that’s what I call weird. Plus she’s a monkey. Until now I didn’t know monkey’s could be Azn. That’s weird all right. Yep. Totally weird. Not much stranger than an Azn Monkey that’s for sure. I’ve seen some pretty odd things in my life, but not much compares to an Azn Monkey. No siree bob. Not much at all. Wait, when was an Azn monkey involved in this Speech? What the hell am I writing a speech for anyway? I guess I could read up to find out, couldn’t I? But If I do that, I’d have to stop writing and I might loose my place? I wonder if I keep writing it will come back to me? Ah, right ,weirdest member speech. I knew I wouldn’t have to result to a crappy normal method. My way works just fine thank you.

    Ah, now we have none other than Loony Bob, now what is there to say about Loony Bob. He’s been around here for way to long in my opinion, and a normal person could never be around that long. However that doesn’t stop them from infesting our forum daily with their inane blathering on these so called “Logical though patterns.” Trying to make us think and act like them. But not our BoB, he keeps it realer than a box of Frosted Flakes. They’rrrrrrre Great!

    Wow, another person who I had to check their recent posts to figure out who the hell they were. I’m slipping in my old age. Prayzer deserves this award for chatting regularly on myspace. Silly silly Prazyer, Myspace is for pedophiles. And everyone knows pedophiles are weird. Welcome aboard the nominations my friend. Welcome aboard.

    Time to introduce the yearly poser, Psychotic. Come on people, he’s not weird. Yet every year he makes it this far. How blind can you all be? The only weird thing about him is he is from Europe! That’s all you have Psychotic! That’s it! I see through your little farce, trying to fit in with another crowd while you hang out with your “Normal” friends in real life. You can’t have it both ways forever my friend. One day I shall uncover the truth about you, one day. And when that day comes, well, I really haven’t thought ahead that far. I mean, when my life mission is complete, what will I have left in this world? Perhaps I shall take my time uncovering the truth until a new purpose arises. Nah, I’ll just be miserable for a few years until some underage kid goes on an adventure that I get caught up in, thus giving me a new reason to live. So watch your back my friend, cause one day I’ll have you. One day.

    Now I’m introducing an Azn Wannabe? Damn, that’s pretty weird. Normally guys want to be with Azn’s, not actually be them. I hope you can one day find that surgeon who’ll make all the necessary adjustments to make your dream come true my friend. Until then, you will be just another wannabe with a shot at this award.

    All I know this Ceej guy for is hating this thing. My votes for him, simply because I’m an ass and want to present him with something he despises. Of course that’s probably his goal, putting on this front just to get us to vote for him? He may be one sly customer, that Ceej. Perhaps he shouldn’t get my vote? Ah well, hardly matters and my votes never seem to be for a winner. Wait, so I vote for Ceej, he looses. If I don’t, he could win. I think I found a way to control the Ciddies. Thank you Ceej, for giving me this Idea. I wish you the best of luck.

    Wait, we only have one more nominee? But I’ve been having fun. And why does it have to be this white guy? I was hoping to end this Ciddie with a minority of some kind so I could make a bunch of Racists Comments that would have to be changed because they wouldn’t allow them to be posted on our forum, thus making me change it anyway. And I was looking forward to the extra work, but no. Thanks to them ruining my plans. I don’t get to redo it. Damn them all to hell. Another normal conspiracy I tell you!

    Fine, I’ll introduce him already. A white guy who talks Gangster. Normally that’s normal, but he’s trying to convince us he’s black. Now that is odd. Very odd. No way this guy doesn’t belong here. Well, good luck TyphyoonThaReapa. I hope one day you shall fit in.

    Wait, I never actually introduced the Azn wannabe, did I? I guess now might be a good time to do that, huh? Well, I guess its pretty obvious as we all know who the other candidate is. But I'll probably get scolded for not mentioning him. It's Pureghetto.

  4. #769
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I'm a nomination leader? Oh good god why I am not weird. I'm normal! What's going on! :ANGRY:

  5. #770
    (。◕‿‿◕。) Recognized Member Jojee's Avatar
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    Wow, Neo. tl;dr XDDDDD


  6. #771
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    go mr. reapa

  7. #772
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    Poor Psychotic, tormented as such.

    I'll have to agree with Jojee's tl;dr. Good thing she knows how to point out her own faults.

  8. #773
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    The Ceej is rather weird.

  9. #774
    humanity is devoured by snacks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jojee View Post
    Wow, Neo. tl;dr XDDDDD
    now safe beneath their wisdom, and their feet;
    here i will teach you truly how, to sleep.

  10. #775
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shauna View Post
    The Ceej is rather weird.
    Yeah, well, that's what you get for claiming imaginary numbers aren't real. Frankly, my dear, neither are real numbers.

  11. #776
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    we want results! we want results!

    *rattles fence*

  12. #777
    Get me some wine. Recognized Member Queen Award, First of Her Name's Avatar
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    Those who didn't make it...
    Loony BoB...............6

  13. #778
    (。◕‿‿◕。) Recognized Member Jojee's Avatar
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    Oh Ceej, don't let me down! I need another prediction right~!


  14. #779
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Less weird than Jojo, but weirder than Loony BoB.

  15. #780
    Recognized Member smittenkitten's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    I'm a nomination leader? Oh good god why I am not weird. I'm normal! What's going on! :ANGRY:
    Paul you're not weird, just special.

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