I'm getting this expansion to PSU for Christmas, and I'm pretty happy about it. I've heard some good things about it, some PSO related as well. In one trailer I saw that soon, you'll be able to make PSO-Like Characters, such as in HUmar suits, or Ranger Helmets. Also, Mags are making a nice return, as well as various areas from PSO. I'm looking forward to it, to say the least. Anyway, I'll go into info mode now.

Info on PSU: AOTI

Genre: Online RPG
Systems: PC, PS2, X-Box 360

Okay, now with things that AREN'T obvious. PSU: AOTI is an expansion pack to Phantasy Star Universe, as you know by now. It is somewhat comparable to the relationship between Episode 1, and Episode 2. Those who have the expansion pack are easily spotted, by their golden names, akin to PSOv1 and PSOv2, back on the Dreamcast. It's offline mode, from what I understand, is an altered version of the Online Story Mode for PSU, though I am not entirely sure of that.

New areas are being released periodically to those whom have the expansion, and they are quite numerous. This includes areas from PSO, and we've seen footage of the Forest so far, and of a re-vamped version of De-Rol-Le, whom can now fly, strangely.

Speaking of PSO in relation to PSU, there will also be costumes from PSO being released in PSU, which is quite grand, if I do say so myself. Footage reveals a HUmar looking fellow running through the Forest Area, in the Yellow and Green HUmar suit from PSO. Other new pieces of clothing have already been released as well, which appear as default clothing to those who don't have the expansion just yet. But, my info is only in bits and pieces. The trailers are obnoxious, but I at least gather that Mags are returning. :3

So, what do you think of PSU, and the expansion? Played earlier PS Games? Etc, topic starts.

Also, I want to put these random images here, 'cause I can.