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Thread: FFIX's Story...

  1. #16
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    8/9 ish. My favourite story, and it only gets better as I play more of the earlier FFs.

  2. #17


    I'd say a 6/10... It was somewhat confusing and I got a little bored with it, But it was ok. I didn't live up to the epic adventures and stuff that I'd come to know as final fantasy.

  3. #18
    sillybuttons™'s Avatar
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    I guess if you take the story as a whole from the creation of Gaia to the end of the game it scores pretty highly (8 1/2ish). But as far as the actual gameplay goes I'd give it a 7 at best (still respectable). I just feel a lot of the story elements were sort of wedged in to increase the length of the game overall. This is not to say i didn't enjoy the game though, its still one of the greatest games of all time..... ever.:mog:

    If anyone is interested in the whole timeline look below.

    5000 Before FF9
    Gaia is born.
    Circa 1200
    The Iifa Tree appears on the Lost Continent and starts emitting mist. The mist gradually spreads towards what we know today as the Mist Continent.
    Circa 1300
    The Holy eidolon Alexander is summoned for the first time. Alexander is found too be too powerful, however, and is split into four crystals. One piece is given to the three kingdoms (at the time) of Burmecia, Lindblum and Alexandria. The last piece is taken by the summoners and kept a secret in Madain Sari on the Lost Continent. Soon afterwards, a civil war breaks out in Burmecia over whom should be in control of the Crystal. The piece is in question is taken by a group of fundamentalists, who separate themselves from the city of eternal rain and set up their own nation in the Vube Desert.
    1300 - 1400
    Cleyra and Burmecia sever all ties between each other. Alexandria and Lindblum are "officially" founded. Cid Fabool I becomes the first Regent of Lindblum after winning the "Festival of the Hunt", and attaining the Master Hunter Award.
    The 9th Lindblum War breaks out. General Magdalene of Alexandria and 9 soldiers take on the entire Lindblum army and win.
    General Magdalene dies at the tender age of 25.
    The 15th Lindblum War breaks out between Lindblum and Alexandria. The cause and winner are unknown.
    Zorn and Thorn are born. Quina Quen is born. Throughout Final Fantasy 9, nobody truly knows how old Quina is, so this is merely an estimate.
    Dr. Tot is born.
    Baku is born.
    Cid VIII becomes Regent of Lindblum. Cid VIII is later known to have created the first airship.
    Brahne is born.
    Cid Fabool is born.
    Adelbert Steiner is born.
    Beatrix is born.
    Amarant Coral is born.
    Kuja is created by Garland, but seen as a failed project. Kuja's incredible ambition is highly unusual for a Genome, and Garland sees it as a fault. Garland prepares to kill Kuja, though stops when he realizes he could make Kuja become his "Angel of Death" and help rebuild Terra. Garland puts a limit on Kuja's lifespan (about 25 years), assuming that he will only need to live until the next Angel of death was created...A more "perfect" Genome.
    Freya Crescent is born.
    September 1783
    Zidane is created. He is given the body of a young child, which will allow him to grow more "naturally" and become stronger through time. Kuja is jealous of his little "brother" and begins to plot.
    Sarah (Dagger) is born in Madain Sari.
    After several years of plotting and planning, Kuja kidnaps Zidane and deposits him on Gaia. What use would his replacement be, Kuja thought, if he had to interact with humans? Zidane is taken into the care of Baku, leader of Tantalus.
    The Invincible destroys Madain Sari. Jane (Dagger's mother) and Sarah flee from the burning city and end up in Alexandria. Unfortunately Jane dies in the stormy seas, leaving only her young baby girl afraid for her life, floating towards Alexandria Castle. When she arrives at the castle, the Royal Family is amazed how much she looks like the recently-deceased Princess Garnet, and has her horn removed. She becomes the "new" Princess Garnet.
    South Gate is built to commemorate the friendship between Lindblum and Alexandria, and the Burkmeia Cable Cars are placed between them to allow easy access across the mountain.
    Eiko Carol is born. Madeen is summoned to protect her, and takes the shape of the moogle known as Mog. At some point around this time, Sir Fratley leaves Burmecia to travel the world.
    Freya leaves Burmecia in search of the missing Sir Fratley.
    Eiko's Grandfather dies, making Eiko the last known survivor of the Summoner tribe. She survives with the help of several Moogles. Freya meets Zidane in Lindblum.
    The King of Alexandria dies. Doctor Tot leaves Alexandria and moves to Treno. Kuja appears within the castle, and convinces Brahne to create an army of Black Mages. Brahne has a Black Mage factory created in Dali. Kuja plots a war between the great nations, hoping that through it he will be able to gain Garnet's Eidolons. Vivi was "born" in July of this year. Quan fishes Vivi "out of the sky" and takes him into his house, intent on eating him. Quan decides not to, however, and becomes Vivi's surrogate Grandfather.
    March 1799
    Garland, aware that the time has almost come for his "perfect Genome", Zidane, to arrive in Terra, creates another Genome: a girl named Mikoto. Mikoto is given a soul, and told to lead Zidane to Garland once he arrives.
    July 1799
    Regent Cid of Lindblum is married, and the first non-mist powered Airship is built. It is named the Hilda Garde I.
    October 1799
    Brahne begins mass-production of Black Mages in Dali. Regent Cid becomes suspicious of the happenings within Alexandria Castle, and asks Tantalus to help him in a small assignment.
    January 15, 1800
    Princess Garnet's 16th birthday. She is "kidnapped" by Tantalus, while trying to escape herself. The game begins.
    January 21, 1800
    Burmecia is conquered by the Alexandrian army. Zidane, Freya, Vivi and Quina over hear Kuja pledge his devotion to Queen Brahne's cause. They rescue a Burmecian soldier, and end up fighting Beatrix, who in turn completely destroys them. The party sees Kuja for the first time, before he departs for Treno on his Silver Dragon.
    January 22, 1800
    Princess Garnet is captured after returning to Alexandria, and put to sleep. She is placed within the dungeons while they wait for the extraction of her Eidolons.
    January 23, 1800
    Kuja returns to Alexandria, and aids Zorn and Thorn in extracting Garnet's Eidolons. This completed, he accompanies Brahne to Cleyra and uses his magic to destroy the Whirlwind barrier surrounding it. Queen Brahne casts Odin and destroys the city.
    January 24, 1800
    Zidane, Freya, Vivi and Steiner return to Alexandria and help the Princess escape. Steiner sticks around and helps hold back the Basilisks while Vivi, Dagger and Zidane make a run for Gargan Roo.
    January 27, 1800
    Dagger acquires the Ramuh Eidolon and makes for Lindblum. On her way there, however, she sees her mother cast Atomos on the great city, destroying a great deal of it. The invincible sucks the dying souls from the city, then everything disappears. Alexandrian Soldiers enter the city and take temporary control.
    February 2, 1800
    Kuja arrives at the Iifa tree and watches as Zidane's group arrives, followed shortly by Queen Brahne and her fleet. Brahne feels she no longer needs the assistance of Kuja and makes a valiant attempt to kill the man. She summons Bahamut, but Kuja calls upon the Invincible to bend the will of the Eidolon and has it attack Brahne's fleet. Meanwhile, Zidane and the crew fend off Mistodons and eventually find the Leviathan Eidolon: A powerful Eidolon, though water based so completely useless in this fight. Brahne dies.
    February 6, 1800
    With the Mist completely gone from the world, the production of new Black Mages becomes impossible. Kuja, realizing this, makes for the Black Mage Village on the Lost Continent and persuades them to help him in his cause, under the condition that he will grant them longer life-spans. Only a few stay behind.
    February 10, 1800
    Princess Garnet is now in command, and is preparing for her coronation as Queen of Alexandria. Everything seems to be peaceful. Kuja appears, however, and calls upon Bahamut to destroy the city. Garnet and Eiko meet at the top of the Alexandrian Castle, where the true nature of this great castle is revealed: It is actually the dormant Alexander. Kuja, impressed by its sheer power, attempts to capture it with the Invincible, but Garland has other plans. From within the great airship, Garland destroys Alexandria. Alexandria is decimated, though Kuja, Zidane and Dagger make it out just in time.
    February 12, 1800
    Kuja awakens, though severely damaged from the attack in Alexandria. Taking the Hilda Garde I, he flees to the Desert Palace. February 16, 1800
    Kuja, foreseeing that Zidane will come after him, begins to rest at his Palace. Zidane awakens from the attack. Dagger has lost her voice due to emotional strain.
    February 20, 1800
    Zidane and company arrive at the Desert Palace, only to be captured. Kuja bribes Zidane into retrieving the Gulug Stone from Oeilvert on the Forgotten Continent, threatening to kill the rest of the party otherwise. Oeilvert, an ancient city of Terra, has a barrier around it that prevents magic use within. Since Kuja's main strength lies in his magical abilities, he cannot go and forces Zidane into the job. Kuja mentions that he sends Zidane because "no one likes to fight themselves..."
    February 22, 1800
    Zidane, having conquered Oeilvert, returns to the Desert Palace and hands over the Gulug Stone. The crew quickly find out Kuja's real plan, however: He wishes to enter Gulug Volcano with the Gulug Stone, and extract the Eidolons from Eiko! The process is an extremely dangerous one for children under the age of 16, and Kuja does not wish to wait until Eiko matures.
    February 23, 1800
    Kuja arrives in Esto Gaza and passes through to Gulug Volcano. He gains entry with the Gulug Stone, and heads to the basement of the massive Volcano.
    February 25, 1800
    Zidane and the gang arrive to save Eiko, though it appears they're too late: Zorn and Thorn are already performing the ceremony to extract the Eidolons. Mog, Eiko's best friend, goes into a trance to save her. In a massive surge of power, the young moogle becomes the Eidolon Madeen and quickly puts an end to Kuja's plans, as well as Zorn and Thorn. Yet this does not shatter Kuja's dis:bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou: he concocts a new plan to enter a trance himself. The team recovers the Hilda Garde I, as well as Hilda herself, then return to Lindblum. Hilda breaks the spell on Cid. Dagger gains her voice (and magical abilities) back. Cid begins work on the Hilda Garde III.
    February 27 - March 1, 1800
    Kuja visits the Elemental Shrines in order to sway the views of the Guardians of Terra, and open the gateway to Terra.
    March 4, 1800
    Kuja, Zidane and the others go through the opened gate to Terra, via the Shimmering Islands near Esto Gaza.
    March 8, 1800
    While Zidane travels through Terra, Kuja hides in the Invincible, waiting for his time to shine. Zidane ultimately defeats Garland, and Kuja taps into the flow of souls through the Invincible, and achieves the Trance that he has been looking for. Garland, with his last breath, informs Kuja that his life his limited. This throws Kuja into an uproar, and causes him to completely destroy Terra with his new powers. Kuja and the Genomes of Esto Gaza take the Invincible and head back to Gaia.
    March 9, 1800
    Kuja "activates" the Iifa Tree again, sending Mist to cover the entire world. Memoria and the Crystal World are also formed. Kuja enters, intent on destroying everything through the Crystal.
    March 10, 1800
    Kuja enters Memoria, dead set on destroying the Crystal and everything with it. Zidane and Garnet learn a great deal of the world's past, as well as their own, and eventually come into battle with Kuja. The party seems to be winning until Kuja casts Ultima. The force of this spell is so powerful, however, that Kuja is shot straight out of Memoria, down into the Iifa Tree. Zidane and the others suddenly end up in Necron's world and defeat him. However, as this strange place slowly falls apart, the party is stuck. Kuja uses his power to transport the party out of the Iifa Tree and inform Mikoto of their whereabouts. Everyone but Zidane leaves on the Hilda Garde III, and Zidane heads after Kuja to attempt to save him. Kuja dies, however, and as the Iifa Tree rages and thrashes, Kuja protects Zidane one last time from the oncoming roots.
    Some time later...
    Zidane returns to Alexandria to reunite with the grieving Queen Garnet.

  4. #19
    Steiner is God Vivisteiner's Avatar
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    ^Where did you get that info from?

    I want to know before I read it.

    "They said this day would never come. They said our sights were set too high. They said this country was too divided, too disillusioned to ever come around a common purpose. But on this January night, at this defining moment in history, you have done what the cynics said we couldn't do." - Barack Obama.
    clicky clicky clicky

  5. #20
    A true ffix lover Ashley Schovitz's Avatar
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    Sillybuttons it seems like you should give it a 10 after that long post you made. I know you can find some of that info in the game , but where did you find all those dates to go with them?

    Yellow Winged Angel

  6. #21
    Retired Dragoon Crossblades's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    Probably 8.5, to me it was epic, the only drawback for me is that it's without a doubt the cheesiest FF in the series, but it was meant to be light-hearted so in the end it was a really great story.

    Vaan - "Hey, you!"
    Penelo - "Yeah, you! The one reading this sig at this very moment!"
    Vaan - "Interested in playing FFXII International Zodiac Job system?"
    Ashe - "But you have no knowledge of the Japanese language?"
    Fran - "....We could help...."
    Balthier - "That's right, Fran! Just click on Crossblades' thread on the very bottom of this signature and it will show you all license grid translations, magicks and tecks locations, and other changes that were made!"
    Basch - "Don't forget though. Swap Magic is needed to play this game if you don't own a japanese PS2."
    Vaan - "Also remember that if you played the original, you'll have an easier time playing the international version. We hope you enjoy the International Zodiac Job System experience. See ya then!"

  7. #22
    sillybuttons™'s Avatar
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    The timeline is a compilation from another FF site. Linky Final Fantasy 9 / IX / FF9 - Timeline of Gaia :mog:

  8. #23
    Steiner is God Vivisteiner's Avatar
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    I had never heard of this General Magdalene.

    Oh, and it suprises me that Quina and Zorn and Thorn are so old.

    "They said this day would never come. They said our sights were set too high. They said this country was too divided, too disillusioned to ever come around a common purpose. But on this January night, at this defining moment in history, you have done what the cynics said we couldn't do." - Barack Obama.
    clicky clicky clicky

  9. #24


    Those dates do, of course, get all messed up if you stay at the inn too often ^_^

    P.S. It's Outer Continent, not Lost Continent. Lost Continent is the snowy one.

    P.P.S. Did Kuja enter Memoria dead on midnight?
    Last edited by ReloadPsi; 01-05-2008 at 10:18 PM.

  10. #25


    9/10, I like the way the story begins being very lighthearted, being all Zidanes goal is to get Dagger to Lindblum, but then the real story begins once burmecia is attacked and the characters open up more because we learn about them and they get to know eachother better

    The story starts to get deep at the start of disc 3 once we get a new main enemy and things gradually build up and move along
    The only thing i didnt like was that although with sidequests this game is quite long which is good, but once you get to disc 4 the story seems a little rushed, not badly it jsut could have lasted longer
    Other than that this is one of the best FF stories

    If I was like Cloud I don't think I would have taken that test.
    Changed to stop Jessweeee♪ from going insane. Is that better?

  11. #26


    I'd have to vote an eight. It wasn't quite epic to me, but it was quite interesting. It does seem a bit rushed by the end of the game.

  12. #27
    carte blanche Breine's Avatar
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    Hmm, I'd have to say a small 9. I really liked it - it had great character development and on the whole I thought it was pretty epic. Also, the entire game is very amusing and lighthearted.. and let's just face it, it's well written. I wasn't crazy about the whole Terra-thing at the end, though.. to me it seemed a bit too spacey and sci-fi-ish compared to the rest of the game.

  13. #28


    Id have to give it a 81/2 i really did like the story, as it was very old skool which was nice for nostalga(spelling??), good character development

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  14. #29
    I miss kinje longaway :[ Eiko Guy's Avatar
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    I'd give it infinity if I could but will settle for ten.

    No other soundtrack has ever made me cry just because I haven't heard it in a while.

    Fat kids are harder to Kidnap.

  15. #30
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sillybuttons™ View Post
    I guess if you take the story as a whole from the creation of Gaia to the end of the game it scores pretty highly (8 1/2ish). But as far as the actual gameplay goes I'd give it a 7 at best (still respectable). I just feel a lot of the story elements were sort of wedged in to increase the length of the game overall. This is not to say i didn't enjoy the game though, its still one of the greatest games of all time..... ever.:mog:

    If anyone is interested in the whole timeline look below.

    5000 Before FF9
    Gaia is born.
    Circa 1200
    The Iifa Tree appears on the Lost Continent and starts emitting mist. The mist gradually spreads towards what we know today as the Mist Continent.
    Circa 1300
    The Holy eidolon Alexander is summoned for the first time. Alexander is found too be too powerful, however, and is split into four crystals. One piece is given to the three kingdoms (at the time) of Burmecia, Lindblum and Alexandria. The last piece is taken by the summoners and kept a secret in Madain Sari on the Lost Continent. Soon afterwards, a civil war breaks out in Burmecia over whom should be in control of the Crystal. The piece is in question is taken by a group of fundamentalists, who separate themselves from the city of eternal rain and set up their own nation in the Vube Desert.
    1300 - 1400
    Cleyra and Burmecia sever all ties between each other. Alexandria and Lindblum are "officially" founded. Cid Fabool I becomes the first Regent of Lindblum after winning the "Festival of the Hunt", and attaining the Master Hunter Award.
    The 9th Lindblum War breaks out. General Magdalene of Alexandria and 9 soldiers take on the entire Lindblum army and win.
    General Magdalene dies at the tender age of 25.
    The 15th Lindblum War breaks out between Lindblum and Alexandria. The cause and winner are unknown.
    Zorn and Thorn are born. Quina Quen is born. Throughout Final Fantasy 9, nobody truly knows how old Quina is, so this is merely an estimate.
    Dr. Tot is born.
    Baku is born.
    Cid VIII becomes Regent of Lindblum. Cid VIII is later known to have created the first airship.
    Brahne is born.
    Cid Fabool is born.
    Adelbert Steiner is born.
    Beatrix is born.
    Amarant Coral is born.
    Kuja is created by Garland, but seen as a failed project. Kuja's incredible ambition is highly unusual for a Genome, and Garland sees it as a fault. Garland prepares to kill Kuja, though stops when he realizes he could make Kuja become his "Angel of Death" and help rebuild Terra. Garland puts a limit on Kuja's lifespan (about 25 years), assuming that he will only need to live until the next Angel of death was created...A more "perfect" Genome.
    Freya Crescent is born.
    September 1783
    Zidane is created. He is given the body of a young child, which will allow him to grow more "naturally" and become stronger through time. Kuja is jealous of his little "brother" and begins to plot.
    Sarah (Dagger) is born in Madain Sari.
    After several years of plotting and planning, Kuja kidnaps Zidane and deposits him on Gaia. What use would his replacement be, Kuja thought, if he had to interact with humans? Zidane is taken into the care of Baku, leader of Tantalus.
    The Invincible destroys Madain Sari. Jane (Dagger's mother) and Sarah flee from the burning city and end up in Alexandria. Unfortunately Jane dies in the stormy seas, leaving only her young baby girl afraid for her life, floating towards Alexandria Castle. When she arrives at the castle, the Royal Family is amazed how much she looks like the recently-deceased Princess Garnet, and has her horn removed. She becomes the "new" Princess Garnet.
    South Gate is built to commemorate the friendship between Lindblum and Alexandria, and the Burkmeia Cable Cars are placed between them to allow easy access across the mountain.
    Eiko Carol is born. Madeen is summoned to protect her, and takes the shape of the moogle known as Mog. At some point around this time, Sir Fratley leaves Burmecia to travel the world.
    Freya leaves Burmecia in search of the missing Sir Fratley.
    Eiko's Grandfather dies, making Eiko the last known survivor of the Summoner tribe. She survives with the help of several Moogles. Freya meets Zidane in Lindblum.
    The King of Alexandria dies. Doctor Tot leaves Alexandria and moves to Treno. Kuja appears within the castle, and convinces Brahne to create an army of Black Mages. Brahne has a Black Mage factory created in Dali. Kuja plots a war between the great nations, hoping that through it he will be able to gain Garnet's Eidolons. Vivi was "born" in July of this year. Quan fishes Vivi "out of the sky" and takes him into his house, intent on eating him. Quan decides not to, however, and becomes Vivi's surrogate Grandfather.
    March 1799
    Garland, aware that the time has almost come for his "perfect Genome", Zidane, to arrive in Terra, creates another Genome: a girl named Mikoto. Mikoto is given a soul, and told to lead Zidane to Garland once he arrives.
    July 1799
    Regent Cid of Lindblum is married, and the first non-mist powered Airship is built. It is named the Hilda Garde I.
    October 1799
    Brahne begins mass-production of Black Mages in Dali. Regent Cid becomes suspicious of the happenings within Alexandria Castle, and asks Tantalus to help him in a small assignment.
    January 15, 1800
    Princess Garnet's 16th birthday. She is "kidnapped" by Tantalus, while trying to escape herself. The game begins.
    January 21, 1800
    Burmecia is conquered by the Alexandrian army. Zidane, Freya, Vivi and Quina over hear Kuja pledge his devotion to Queen Brahne's cause. They rescue a Burmecian soldier, and end up fighting Beatrix, who in turn completely destroys them. The party sees Kuja for the first time, before he departs for Treno on his Silver Dragon.
    January 22, 1800
    Princess Garnet is captured after returning to Alexandria, and put to sleep. She is placed within the dungeons while they wait for the extraction of her Eidolons.
    January 23, 1800
    Kuja returns to Alexandria, and aids Zorn and Thorn in extracting Garnet's Eidolons. This completed, he accompanies Brahne to Cleyra and uses his magic to destroy the Whirlwind barrier surrounding it. Queen Brahne casts Odin and destroys the city.
    January 24, 1800
    Zidane, Freya, Vivi and Steiner return to Alexandria and help the Princess escape. Steiner sticks around and helps hold back the Basilisks while Vivi, Dagger and Zidane make a run for Gargan Roo.
    January 27, 1800
    Dagger acquires the Ramuh Eidolon and makes for Lindblum. On her way there, however, she sees her mother cast Atomos on the great city, destroying a great deal of it. The invincible sucks the dying souls from the city, then everything disappears. Alexandrian Soldiers enter the city and take temporary control.
    February 2, 1800
    Kuja arrives at the Iifa tree and watches as Zidane's group arrives, followed shortly by Queen Brahne and her fleet. Brahne feels she no longer needs the assistance of Kuja and makes a valiant attempt to kill the man. She summons Bahamut, but Kuja calls upon the Invincible to bend the will of the Eidolon and has it attack Brahne's fleet. Meanwhile, Zidane and the crew fend off Mistodons and eventually find the Leviathan Eidolon: A powerful Eidolon, though water based so completely useless in this fight. Brahne dies.
    February 6, 1800
    With the Mist completely gone from the world, the production of new Black Mages becomes impossible. Kuja, realizing this, makes for the Black Mage Village on the Lost Continent and persuades them to help him in his cause, under the condition that he will grant them longer life-spans. Only a few stay behind.
    February 10, 1800
    Princess Garnet is now in command, and is preparing for her coronation as Queen of Alexandria. Everything seems to be peaceful. Kuja appears, however, and calls upon Bahamut to destroy the city. Garnet and Eiko meet at the top of the Alexandrian Castle, where the true nature of this great castle is revealed: It is actually the dormant Alexander. Kuja, impressed by its sheer power, attempts to capture it with the Invincible, but Garland has other plans. From within the great airship, Garland destroys Alexandria. Alexandria is decimated, though Kuja, Zidane and Dagger make it out just in time.
    February 12, 1800
    Kuja awakens, though severely damaged from the attack in Alexandria. Taking the Hilda Garde I, he flees to the Desert Palace. February 16, 1800
    Kuja, foreseeing that Zidane will come after him, begins to rest at his Palace. Zidane awakens from the attack. Dagger has lost her voice due to emotional strain.
    February 20, 1800
    Zidane and company arrive at the Desert Palace, only to be captured. Kuja bribes Zidane into retrieving the Gulug Stone from Oeilvert on the Forgotten Continent, threatening to kill the rest of the party otherwise. Oeilvert, an ancient city of Terra, has a barrier around it that prevents magic use within. Since Kuja's main strength lies in his magical abilities, he cannot go and forces Zidane into the job. Kuja mentions that he sends Zidane because "no one likes to fight themselves..."
    February 22, 1800
    Zidane, having conquered Oeilvert, returns to the Desert Palace and hands over the Gulug Stone. The crew quickly find out Kuja's real plan, however: He wishes to enter Gulug Volcano with the Gulug Stone, and extract the Eidolons from Eiko! The process is an extremely dangerous one for children under the age of 16, and Kuja does not wish to wait until Eiko matures.
    February 23, 1800
    Kuja arrives in Esto Gaza and passes through to Gulug Volcano. He gains entry with the Gulug Stone, and heads to the basement of the massive Volcano.
    February 25, 1800
    Zidane and the gang arrive to save Eiko, though it appears they're too late: Zorn and Thorn are already performing the ceremony to extract the Eidolons. Mog, Eiko's best friend, goes into a trance to save her. In a massive surge of power, the young moogle becomes the Eidolon Madeen and quickly puts an end to Kuja's plans, as well as Zorn and Thorn. Yet this does not shatter Kuja's dis he concocts a new plan to enter a trance himself. The team recovers the Hilda Garde I, as well as Hilda herself, then return to Lindblum. Hilda breaks the spell on Cid. Dagger gains her voice (and magical abilities) back. Cid begins work on the Hilda Garde III.
    February 27 - March 1, 1800
    Kuja visits the Elemental Shrines in order to sway the views of the Guardians of Terra, and open the gateway to Terra.
    March 4, 1800
    Kuja, Zidane and the others go through the opened gate to Terra, via the Shimmering Islands near Esto Gaza.
    March 8, 1800
    While Zidane travels through Terra, Kuja hides in the Invincible, waiting for his time to shine. Zidane ultimately defeats Garland, and Kuja taps into the flow of souls through the Invincible, and achieves the Trance that he has been looking for. Garland, with his last breath, informs Kuja that his life his limited. This throws Kuja into an uproar, and causes him to completely destroy Terra with his new powers. Kuja and the Genomes of Esto Gaza take the Invincible and head back to Gaia.
    March 9, 1800
    Kuja "activates" the Iifa Tree again, sending Mist to cover the entire world. Memoria and the Crystal World are also formed. Kuja enters, intent on destroying everything through the Crystal.
    March 10, 1800
    Kuja enters Memoria, dead set on destroying the Crystal and everything with it. Zidane and Garnet learn a great deal of the world's past, as well as their own, and eventually come into battle with Kuja. The party seems to be winning until Kuja casts Ultima. The force of this spell is so powerful, however, that Kuja is shot straight out of Memoria, down into the Iifa Tree. Zidane and the others suddenly end up in Necron's world and defeat him. However, as this strange place slowly falls apart, the party is stuck. Kuja uses his power to transport the party out of the Iifa Tree and inform Mikoto of their whereabouts. Everyone but Zidane leaves on the Hilda Garde III, and Zidane heads after Kuja to attempt to save him. Kuja dies, however, and as the Iifa Tree rages and thrashes, Kuja protects Zidane one last time from the oncoming roots.
    Some time later...
    Zidane returns to Alexandria to reunite with the grieving Queen Garnet.
    Holy trout. Gone were the days when such godly individual grace the forums.

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