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Thread: No! That's not what I meant!

  1. #1
    Ich bin ein Kaltduscher Vikeve's Avatar
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    Default No! That's not what I meant!

    So, the other day at school I was walking with my friend who had to go to the bathroom (since you know girls can't go to the bathroom alone we have to go in groups but even if that weren't the case my friend has a fear of going to the bathroom while other people are in there because she is afraid they are listening to her so I usually just press down on all the sinks to make noise while she goes.), and as we open the door I see the light switch and a few weeks ago while she was in the bathroom I switched on and off the lights to freak her out.

    So as we open the door I comment on how I switched on and off the lights from last week and I said, "Oh, I'll just turn off the lights" and she said, "No, there are other people in hear!"

    Mind you the only thing they heard was, "I'll just turn off the lights" while she said, "no there are other people in hear." So we look and it turns out the health teacher and some random student was in there just starring at us. So my friend shouts, "No, you've got it wrong we weren't about to have lesbian sex in hear" which just causes more confusion.

    Then of course a few weeks ago i was bored at another one of my friends house and he's one of those crazy people who enjoy wearing and sagging pants that are almost three times their size so out of boredom I decided that it was possible for me to fit my entire body in one of his pants. So I go and try and it worked nearly all of me fit into his pants because they were that freakin huge or I'm that small or both when my dad comes knocking at the door.

    So I jump out of the pants and my friend gets the door and my hair is all messy from his monster of pants and I say, "Oh, was just inside his pants." And my dad stares at me and I realize what a dirty mind he has and to try to make it better I shout, "NO HE"S WEARING THE PANTS!" Which made it worse and my dad just said, "Yeeeeaaah, I'll just be leaving now." And it was sad.

    Don't you hate it when people misunderstand you tell me your stories about this I guess.

  2. #2


    Happens all the time. I helped a friend, who just so happened to be a girl, put on her contacts.(She just got them) All of our other friends were outside in the living room talking, and she just had to make comments like,"Wait, I'm not ready", "Put it in slower", and "You're being too rough" along with the occasional "Ouch" and "Ahhh" sounds.

  3. #3
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    You need to be clearer and say exactly what you mean. :P

  4. #4


    Don't listen to his hypocrisy, Roto sugar-coats everything he says.

    This does happen to me now and again! I have my very doofmonger moments and say some odd things in some odd situations.

  5. #5
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    When I was in high school, some girls did the turn all the faucets on thing so no one could hear them, and if you turned them off in the interest of saving water they'd bitch at you, so I've always been irritated by people who do that. What do you have to cover up? Everyone pees and makes poo, so all i can imagine is that they were trying to smoke or talk on their cell phones!

  6. #6
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Loony Beaver: Shush. You sent me a PM that said "Refill is kind of a dumb."

  7. #7
    diafnaoplzkthnxbai NeoTifa's Avatar
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    what? i am quite misunderstood. actually.
    Oh gods, why? ಥ_ಥ

  8. #8
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    There was the time I was at work talking to my mate about what we were going to do later and as we were talking I remember my mate saying he'd like me to walk him home after the pub (Normally I have to walk past his to get the bus home anyhow but I was going to try a different route) so I sarcastically replied with; "what you want me to hold your hand and tuck you in tonight" at which point our manager walks in to the cloak room and hears us...we've both got girlfriends but we've both been pretty much told that he thinks we're gay. He just stands there looking at us getting changed outta our uniforms with this expresson so I looked at him and knew whatever I said now it wouldn't get worse so I just said nothing....apparently he still thinks we're gay.

    I've got tons of things like this in my past I usually end up playing them up more like in said events I'll just act camp or something it's why I have a reputation for being a joker.

  9. #9
    Pretty Cool Dolentrean's Avatar
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    you gotta love miscomunication
    Oh, did I mention I'm awesome?

  10. #10
    That's me! blackmage_nuke's Avatar
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    I always lmao when someone asks "are you coming tommorow?"
    Kefka's coming, look intimidating!
    Have a nice day!!

  11. #11
    EoFF's Laundry Goddess ~*~Celes~*~'s Avatar
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    ALL THE TIME. It's like, why even bother? -_-;

    Then again, it's quite funny, all the same

  12. #12


    Wow. Suddenly I see where all those cruddy teen shows get their poorly written lines from.

    All your life needs is a laughtrack and Disney Channel has a new hit.

  13. #13
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    Whenever people give me the "What's going on here, eh? " look, I just say the worst thing I can think of.

    For example, in the first situation you mentioned I'd've said "We're just popping in for a bit of bum. You don't mind do you?" And then would proceed to graphically describe what we "were about" to do.

  14. #14
    Lives in a zoo Recognized Member Renmiri's Avatar
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    Hehehe... My 90 year old grandma is that master at those. But at her age, everyone just laughs cause they know she just said it innocently.
    Me and my kids have dragon eggs:

  15. #15


    If you don't like your brother stealing your tennis balls, it is not smart to shout out "Stop touching my balls!"

    Cheers to Polaris for the set!

    Final Fantasy's completed: I, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

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