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Thread: This game is essentially a clay pigeon.

  1. #1
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    Default This game is essentially a clay pigeon.

    You know? That posh people shoot.

    Anyway, most things around here are about how great a game is, or how great a part in a game is blah blah blah. It's all very nice. But not all games are good, and we've all had bad experiences. Terrible, terrible experiences.

    Example: I was out shopping in Gamestation. I see games around a reasonable price. Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, PoP etc. But I already know these games are good and, although I haven't bought or completed any, I've played enough to like them. So I figure I'll go for something new: Legendary. Mythical beings = cool. Guns = cool. Main character is a little bit special = cool. What could possibly go wrong? Oh my good God. It's horrendous. Don't ever buy it. Don't ever play it. In fact, it's best if you just forget all that you've just read and never think of it again.

    The important part: Tell me of the crappy gaming experiences you've had.

  2. #2
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    I bought Lost Planet on Steam for $5 and pretty much forgot about it immediately. It's pretty, really. Actually, gorgeous. It's a really good looking game. But it's so damn boring. Kinda fun for a bit, but geeze, it's just run forward and shoot bitches with one of about three guns.

    A few years back I bought Mad Maestro for the PS2 when my friends did a random Gamestop run. This was pre-Guitar Hero, and I was into rhythm games, so I thought a random quirky Japanese music game was a no-brainer. Then it turned out to have an awkward gameplay system that barely made sense and just wasn't fun.

    Oh, and Guilty Gear X on the GBA. I never play fighting games and I was able to get to some ridiculous level - over 100, I'm sure - in Survival mode on the hardest difficulty. The music also sounded like it was out of an NES game. It was a pretty shoddy port.

  3. #3
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Oh wow it's really unique and something totally new and... Yeah. Well. Eh. It made me realise that a game where you have to repeatedly jam a swordfish basted with highly concentrated sulphuric acid into your eye socket would be pretty unique too, but wouldn't necessarily mean it would be any good.

  4. #4


    Anything to do with Mega Man. He has a lot of fans, and I am happy for the people who enjoy the games, but they are just not for me in any way.

  5. #5
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    The first three PS1 games I played were Tekken 3, Tomb Raider II, and Burning Road. Two of those were good games, one was horrible.

    You wouldn't normally expect a generic looking racing game with trucks on the cover to be that great, but I was nine or something and I had never played a bad game before :P

    You couldn't even play with two players unless you hooked up two playstations together. It was dumb. You could turn your truck around and race backwards and you'd instantly be in first place, though; that was pretty fun.

  6. #6
    Let's mosey. Imperfectionist's Avatar
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    Dragon Rage was an absolute abomination.

    I got it years ago for my ps2, thinking that anything with dragons and fire and stuff had to be a winner. Oh boy. It was so bad. It's just so simple and you're just doing the same thing over and over and over and over again. Ridiculously boring, crap story, and I am now permanently traumatised.

  7. #7
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    Ya know, hot girl turning into demons to fight other demons to an awesome rock sound track sounds awesome right? Well that part is, sadly most of the time your solving pain in the ass puzzles in barren lands with hardly any monsters to fight. I got to the water world and quit.

  8. #8
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    The time I played Jade Cocoon 2 with the volume up. I learnt in that one single experience that Jade Cocoon 2 was nothing like the awesome Jade Cocoon 1. In it's voice acting it damn near stopped me ever playing it again. I also didn't like that in Jade Cocoon (the first) you caught monsters in the wild and could fight yourself versus them and when you combined them you got tons of different looking beasties and yet in Jade cocoon 2 there was like 10 different looks this made me angry, how could they have abandoned so much good stuff in favour of cramming the disc with some of the worst voice acting in the history of gaming? They made the game much much worse than it should have been. I physically have to turn my volume off to play and put music on.

  9. #9
    Nerf This~ Laddy's Avatar
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    Oh God don't get me started with Shifters.

    Or the Survivor games.

    I like Might and Magic, Shifters was sorta based on it. IT WAS THE SNGLE MOST PAIN-INDUCING PIECE OF EVER.

    And the Survivor game was hugely disappointing. If a Survivor game was maybe an online-based browser-esque game with all of the intense strategy and challenges then maybe it would mean something. But the strategizing is all 'Let's Make An Alliance and vote for_____.' And the challenges were literally pointless. If I need to only swat flies on bananas or navigate through a maze I DON' EVEN smurfING CONTROL THE PLAYERS IN!

    Oh, and going through 1/2 of Okage, Shadow King without saving only to die in a battle against mice. =/

  10. #10
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    I bought Starfox Adventures.

    Don't ask why because I really don't have a valid answer. I knew it was supposed to be a platformer/adventure (though calling it either is a bit of a stretch), and I knew Rare was developing it which should have been my biggest red flag. I've at best been indifferent (Diddy Kong Racing) and at worst absolutely hated (every platformer they made) any game by Rare that wasn't an FPS on the N64. So in a moment of Starfox fanboy weakness I let my better judgement fail me. Never again have I made such a mistake.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Vermachtnis View Post

    Ya know, hot girl turning into demons to fight other demons to an awesome rock sound track sounds awesome right? Well that part is, sadly most of the time your solving pain in the ass puzzles in barren lands with hardly any monsters to fight. I got to the water world and quit.
    Funny because I had the exact same experience with that game as you. I stopped when I got to the water world and placed the game on my shelf where it has been ever since. I would rather of had that game be just a straight up puzzle game because the combat was terrible, as was any part where you were controlling your Gargoyle friend.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post

    Oh wow it's really unique and something totally new and... Yeah. Well. Eh. It made me realise that a game where you have to repeatedly jam a swordfish basted with highly concentrated sulphuric acid into your eye socket would be pretty unique too, but wouldn't necessarily mean it would be any good.
    Okami wasn't really unique beyond the graphical style and the idea of drawing your items. But I haven't played in a while. :0

  13. #13
    The Bearded One Tasura's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laddy View Post
    Oh God don't get me started with Shifters.
    Ugg, Shifters, it's the only game I've ever returned on the principal of not liking it.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    I bought Starfox Adventures.

    Don't ask why because I really don't have a valid answer. I knew it was supposed to be a platformer/adventure (though calling it either is a bit of a stretch), and I knew Rare was developing it which should have been my biggest red flag. I've at best been indifferent (Diddy Kong Racing) and at worst absolutely hated (every platformer they made) any game by Rare that wasn't an FPS on the N64. So in a moment of Starfox fanboy weakness I let my better judgement fail me. Never again have I made such a mistake.

    i made the mistake of buying that. i was naive and was all like "wow itll be just like a zelda game but with a fox"

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post

    Oh wow it's really unique and something totally new and... Yeah. Well. Eh. It made me realise that a game where you have to repeatedly jam a swordfish basted with highly concentrated sulphuric acid into your eye socket would be pretty unique too, but wouldn't necessarily mean it would be any good.
    You truly live up to your name because Okami is one of the best things on this planet.
    I never actually bought a bad game. I have a sixth sense and am able to scope out the trash from the good, but that doesn't mean I have never played bad games. All the bad games I've played were either rented by someone else and I just played it or it was given to me or someone else as a gift.
    the bad ones I have played were Quest 64, a demo of Pacman World 3 that came with Soul Calibur III I think, along with Urban Reign.

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