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Thread: The Memorial Service for...

  1. #46
    ♥ Mayor of Zozo Avarice-ness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Momiji View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCracker View Post
    That being said, they charged people to see the funeral? REally? I can't help but wonder if they charged family too?
    It could possibly go toward MJ's $400mil debt.

    Yeah I heard that was the purpose of why it was done the way it was done, his mom wanted something more private..

    But if you think about it, selling seats, networks buying rights to air it, merchandise, it would prolly really help the debt.

  2. #47
    There's a Bo In My Fro Garnie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avarice-ness View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Momiji View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCracker View Post
    That being said, they charged people to see the funeral? REally? I can't help but wonder if they charged family too?
    It could possibly go toward MJ's $400mil debt.

    Yeah I heard that was the purpose of why it was done the way it was done, his mom wanted something more private..

    But if you think about it, selling seats, networks buying rights to air it, merchandise, it would prolly really help the debt.
    I thought that the seats were free? Wasn't there a online lottery where only so many fans could win the tickets. the only profits made from tickets were the ones people were selling on ebay, and it would have been impossible for them to attend it as they needed the wristbands.

  3. #48
    ♥ Mayor of Zozo Avarice-ness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garnie View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Avarice-ness View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Momiji View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCracker View Post
    That being said, they charged people to see the funeral? REally? I can't help but wonder if they charged family too?
    It could possibly go toward MJ's $400mil debt.

    Yeah I heard that was the purpose of why it was done the way it was done, his mom wanted something more private..

    But if you think about it, selling seats, networks buying rights to air it, merchandise, it would prolly really help the debt.
    I thought that the seats were free? Wasn't there a online lottery where only so many fans could win the tickets. the only profits made from tickets were the ones people were selling on ebay, and it would have been impossible for them to attend it as they needed the wristbands.

    From what I heard you had to pay for seats, that's why they had seat fillers for people who couldn't make it. Seat Fillers sit in the seats for people who couldn't come, so someone couldn't just come up and sit in them because it's not the seat they paid for. Closer seats = more money.
    If it was a free event there wouldn't be need for seat fillers because everyone would have an equal chance for a seat.
    Last night on ET, they talked about the seat fillers and how it was like the emmy's and what not, so it's definitely confirmed there were seat fillers there.

    As for the e-bay, I heard people bought tickets and THEN -SCALPED- them on ebay.

  4. #49
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    No, you didn't have to pay for seats. But it wasn't just a free event, that would have been nuts and crazy. Can you imagine how many people would have stormed the Staples Center? A few days before the memorial, you had to enter your name/email in a drawing in order to *win* tickets. Only the person who entered and presented themselves with a valid ID could get their tickets. Each person was given two tickets, so the second ticket could have been sold since that one wasn't attached to a name.

  5. #50
    Dinner is served. Unbreakable Will's Avatar
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    ^ I saw that, I had been under the assumption that they had sold the tickets.

    My personal thoughts on it are this: Michael Jackson was a dedicated, incredible entertainer. His personal life was lonely, and depressing (I blame his father...douchebag needs to burn in a hotter spot in hell) thats why I find the song You Are Not Alone depressing, because nobody told him that ya know? The memorial service was a little ridiculous in my opinion, but only because I think the casket should not have been there. He should have been put to rest. I was never a huge fan, but I find that I appreciate his music a little more now that he's gone, it's kind of like a realization that there will be no more MJ music. Does anyone get that?

    (SPOILER)And yes I know I ramble :P

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  6. #51


    So apparently the memorial service cost 1.4 million dollars and LA is asking for donations to cover the cost.

  7. #52
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    Apprently they've sold his death certificate too. I'm pretty sure his body has disappeared for organ harvesting too. Hopefully they don't try to reuse the heart.


  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    So apparently the memorial service cost 1.4 million dollars and LA is asking for donations to cover the cost.

    Yeah I saw that, I also saw that alot of people worried that if people don't donate that much, that it's going to come out of their paychecks in taxes.

    No offense... but no one's that awesome as to were people have to pay for their death in taxes.

    Rolling stone online says:

    As a result, mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has asked fans to give tax-deductible donations to the city of Los Angeles to help cover the roughly $3.8 million necessary to make the memorial service and all the security involved a reality, My Fox L.A. reports.

    I'm finding just as many sites that say 3.8 mil as I am 1.4 mil

    According to

    According to the Los Angeles Times, the city, which is $530 million in debt, is not likely to defer much of that cost through a PayPal donation site set up for public donations, which has collected only $17,000 to date.

    to date = today
    Last edited by Avarice-ness; 07-09-2009 at 11:37 PM.

  9. #54
    can we sleep now? drotato's Avatar
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    If that's true, Quin... I wanna buy his voice box. D<

    Will wants the dancing part of his brain, so he can learn all his dance moves. ;D

  10. #55
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    Indeed, if I had that dancing ability...I could have any woman in the world...oh wait, I already have the only important one, nevermind, I'll stick to my silly white boy moves.

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  11. #56
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    MJ had white boy moves, and look at all the ladies he go-....oh, wait. Nevermind.

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quin View Post
    MJ had white boy moves, and look at all the ladies he go-....oh, wait. Nevermind.
    Ladies and little boys... big difference o.0

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  13. #58
    There's a Bo In My Fro Garnie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miriel View Post
    No, you didn't have to pay for seats. But it wasn't just a free event, that would have been nuts and crazy. Can you imagine how many people would have stormed the Staples Center? A few days before the memorial, you had to enter your name/email in a drawing in order to *win* tickets. Only the person who entered and presented themselves with a valid ID could get their tickets. Each person was given two tickets, so the second ticket could have been sold since that one wasn't attached to a name.
    yah i thought so.

    The way i think of it is that there was no way that if MJ died it would be a quiet private affair. It should have been, but lets face it, this was the most famous person in the world (my opinion)
    Im probably right though...if you think about it, who is more famous then Michael Jackson? in this age i mean (barring Elvis)

  14. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by Garnie View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Miriel View Post
    No, you didn't have to pay for seats. But it wasn't just a free event, that would have been nuts and crazy. Can you imagine how many people would have stormed the Staples Center? A few days before the memorial, you had to enter your name/email in a drawing in order to *win* tickets. Only the person who entered and presented themselves with a valid ID could get their tickets. Each person was given two tickets, so the second ticket could have been sold since that one wasn't attached to a name.
    yah i thought so.

    The way i think of it is that there was no way that if MJ died it would be a quiet private affair. It should have been, but lets face it, this was the most famous person in the world (my opinion)
    Im probably right though...if you think about it, who is more famous then Michael Jackson? in this age i mean (barring Elvis)
    The Rolling Stones?

    Michael Jackson was famous but hasn't been at his peak for a very long time. He was pretty insignificant nowadays and the only reason people are making such a big deal about him was because of how famous he was back in his heyday. I'm sorry, but there are lot more important people in the world nowadays than Michael Jackson and he should not have been giving the amount of media coverage that he was getting, especially with all the other going on in the world during the time of his death.

  15. #60
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