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Thread: Omegle - Chat with a Stranger

  1. #1
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    Default Omegle - Chat with a Stranger

    Stranger: hi
    You: Quick, we can't talk now, this is bat county.
    Stranger: oh !
    You: Please, decide, do we travel North or West?!
    Stranger: West
    You: Okay! West it is!
    Stranger: Hurry
    Stranger: Theres not much time
    You: We're going! Bats are fast, but our rocket-car is faster!
    Stranger: ZOOOOM
    Stranger: We hit one what now?!?!?!
    You: ... dinner?
    Stranger: yep
    Stranger: what i had in mind
    You: I'll take the left leg and the left wing.
    Stranger: cool i only like the rigth wing
    Stranger: WHAT, WHAT IS THAT?
    Stranger: SPACESHIP!
    You: What then shall we do!?
    You: Friend or foe!?
    Stranger: I DONT KNOW
    Stranger: Hurry the rays are xcoming
    You: ... I say we offer the bat remains as a token of peace.
    Stranger: yea
    You: If they accept, we'll know we're safe!
    Stranger: unless there vegetarians
    You: ... the worst kind of aliens.
    You: if they are vegetarians, then let's make a pact
    You: for every animal they don't eat, let's eat three
    Stranger: ok
    You: Good.
    Stranger: Im happy
    You: I'm scared.
    Stranger: me to but happy
    You: That said, this is my stop. Adieu.
    Please, list your hillarious chat logs from: Omegle

  2. #2
    Recognized Member Bastian's Avatar
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    Stranger: hey watchaaaa doinggggg
    You: wondering what I'm doing.
    You: I think I'm typing.
    Stranger: kinda bored here lol, you wanna have some fun?
    Stranger: do you have a cam?
    You: What does fun consist of? Vampires?
    You: Zooooooop!
    Stranger: i got one, it's just, please tell me your over 18, i hate all these children on here
    You: I'm 7.
    Stranger: ok cool, can never be sure, bunch of little kids running around on here
    You: blip
    Stranger: alright well im gonna show you something on my cam ok?
    You: a dinosaur?
    Stranger: okay, go to - Who's Got a Crush on You!, its like omegle but with webcams , just accept my chat invite on the left hand side i think, its all free
    You: auf wiedersehn!
    Stranger: lemme know, im gonna disconnect on here, ill be waiting for you on there, im gonna go grab my one bra i just bought, i wanna show you it! haha

  3. #3
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: OMG!
    You: HURRY!
    Stranger: what
    Stranger: you're dead
    Stranger: godga
    Stranger: ok
    You: Do we travel North or West?
    Stranger: i always travel west
    Stranger: west coast BAY-BAY
    You: We travel West along route 66
    You: We come to an old bar
    You: Quick, what drug are you taking?
    Stranger: pcp
    You: Good, I'm taking acid.
    Stranger: niceee
    Stranger: smurfed out of our brains, yo
    You: We walk in and the people start morphing into alligator people
    You: you goto the bar and order a drink, what do you order?
    Stranger: i like it
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: gin and tonic bay bay
    You: I start talking to a wall.
    Stranger: cool
    Stranger: i enjoy that as well
    Stranger: then i order jager bombs for the whole bar
    Stranger: and i use your money to pay
    You: you drink your drinks and then we rendevouz at the car
    You: We're to meet the Supreme Patriarch of Oregon
    Stranger: what
    You: We'll gather instructions there!
    You: Don't worry
    Stranger: you mean inmate # 3438098
    You: the wall told me
    You: PRECISELY! You talked to the wall too?
    Stranger: yes apparently i did
    Stranger: jager will do that to you
    You: Black outs are a mystical force
    You: be prepared, we're entering the mountains of the nomads!
    You: A fierce race of sober christians!
    Stranger: i smurfing love oregon
    Stranger: lets make pot brownies with an easy bake oven
    You: GOOD Thinking! We can offer them as a peace offering
    Stranger: yessssss
    You: and once the effects get by, we can sneak through
    You: I knew you were the Chosen One!
    Stranger: and then what
    Stranger: what is our mission
    You: After sneaking by the Christians, we arrive at the prison
    You: how do we enter this thing!?
    Stranger: i would distract the guard with sesame street role play
    Stranger: i am big bird
    Stranger: he is ernie
    Stranger: we are to be wed
    You: PERFECT!
    You: While you are doing that, I will be Oscar the Grouch
    You: wed you two
    You: and we'll say we want your honeymoon to be a conjugal visit
    Stranger: yes
    You: that will be where we club him over the head with a spoon!
    Stranger: amazing!
    Stranger: then we find The Inmate?
    You: Yes!
    You: Oh no! We're at an impasse in our passing
    You: what do we do?
    Stranger: i've got to be unstoppable
    You: Do we, make out? Dual? Take the up stairs?
    Stranger: i have maggots to throw in people's eyes
    Stranger: does that work
    You: Yes!
    You: You use the maggots on the guard's eyes
    You: The guard is blinded
    You: We take his keys and roll him down the stairs
    You: Hooray, we have found The Inmate
    You: The inmate asks you one question.
    You: "What?"
    Stranger: i feel bad about the maggots
    Stranger: that was inhumane
    You: you answer?
    Stranger: can we give him a brownie
    You: the Inmate or the guard?
    Stranger: the guard
    You: sure
    Stranger: that was smurfed up
    Stranger: ok ok
    You: it will help him with his pain
    Stranger: so now
    Stranger: The Inmate says "What"
    Stranger: and i reply
    You: yes
    Stranger: "why the smurf do Rosie O'Donnell's feet smell so smurfing bad?"
    Stranger: and he replies
    You: "While your answer is admirable, the ability to answer that question is beyond me and is entirely offensive."
    Stranger: whattt
    Stranger: no
    You: He then reaches into your eye sockets, rips them out, and you die.
    You: He then rips out my trache
    Stranger: YOU LOST THE GAME
    You: The end.
    You have disconnected.

  4. #4
    Recognized Member G13's Avatar
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    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hey
    You: Yo
    Stranger: asl
    You: No thanks
    Stranger: yyyy
    You: I already ate
    Stranger: huh
    Your conversational partner has disconnected
    Edit: What's with all this "click this and see me naked" bunk?
    Last edited by G13; 01-15-2010 at 06:42 AM.

  5. #5


    on there what does "sta" mean?

    i havent been saving my logs but next time i have a good one a will
    I like chocolate!! No matter what flavor you get, you can always taste the broken dreams!

    ~Dead people should stay dead, otherwise whats the point of killing them???

  6. #6
    Badge Badge's Avatar
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    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Hello
    Stranger: I'm lookiing for a female over 25, disconnect please if you're not
    You: I'm 60 does that count?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Why couldn't I get anyone cool like you guys?
    If I turn my back I'm defenceless, and to go blindly seems senseless.

  7. #7
    Tiny Chloe ♥ Chloe.'s Avatar
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    I was talking to an 18 year old male from America and he wanted a naked picture of me so I disconnected. I wanna try and get a funny conversation like you guys have.

  8. #8
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    Usually, you have to start the conversation fast and catch them off guard. BE PATIENT PADOWANS!

  9. #9
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
    Quindiana Jones's Avatar
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    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    You: Christ! There's a bear in my oatmeal!
    You: What do I do?
    Stranger: who said what??
    You: The bear said it wants to kill me!
    Stranger: oh no!!!1
    You: IT'S GOT A GUN!
    Stranger: u need to call the police!!!!!
    Stranger: or run
    You: The Llama Police?
    Stranger: that wrks too
    You: I'll do both!
    Stranger: yea!!!
    Stranger: YAY!!!!
    Stranger: u do that
    Stranger: teehee
    You: Oh bugger, the bear ate the llamas...
    You: At least I still have legs!
    Stranger: i thought that bears only ate vegetables, fruits and ffish
    You: It keeps throwing acid tabs at me!
    Stranger: what colour bear is it???
    You: Teal.
    Stranger: lol
    Stranger: kk
    You: Though it's fangs are the colour of Ghengis Khans beard.
    You: And it has a tongue the shape of a walrus' laugh
    Stranger: wow u got ur self the rare fanged ghengis khans, walrus laugh, killer bear!!!!!
    You: And it won't stop making inappropriate jokes about teachers!
    Stranger: dnt kill it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You: I couldn't if I tried!
    Stranger: yay
    Stranger: just run
    You: It's covered in a layer of bulletproof magnolias!
    Stranger: of course
    You: Besides which, I don't even have a gun...
    Stranger: lol
    Stranger: just run and let it get tired!!!!
    Stranger: XD
    Stranger: u'll be fine
    Stranger: or u cud give it ur porridge??
    You: But it's just taking a kilo of heroin!
    Stranger: that works too
    You: It'll never tire!
    You: It doesn't want to eat the porridge, it just wants to hide in it! It told me.
    Stranger: well, theres only one thing u can do now
    You: Rescue a badger?
    Stranger: write a will giving everything u own to me
    Stranger: ok?
    Stranger: XD
    You: I own nothing but a variety of STDs.
    Stranger: tthat works
    Stranger: teehee
    You: And a tendency to attract bears.
    Stranger: i love bears
    Stranger: but snakes are better
    Stranger: lol
    Stranger: aanyways im sorry it had to end like this
    Stranger: but b4 u die, theres sumfin i really need to tell u
    Stranger: ok?
    Stranger: i love u
    Stranger: and i alway will
    Stranger: so when u die, u know at least one person will show up to ur funeral
    Stranger: XD
    Stranger: but i must go be4 the bear starts attaccking me
    Stranger: ok?
    Stranger: i love u
    Stranger: and good bye
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    At the end I decided to see how long they could go on for without my participation.

  10. #10
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    I own nothing but a variety of STDs.
    This made me LOL!

  11. #11
    oh, sweet nuthin' themagicroundabout's Avatar
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    Default i tried your hunter thompson approach

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: How long can we maintain? I wonder.
    You: How long before one of us starts raving and jabbering at this boy? What will he think then?
    Stranger: i want find a girl to smurf
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    or save this log or send us feedback.
    No point mentioning the bats, I thought. The poor bastard will see them soon enough.

  12. #12
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Hi, i'm looking for a horny female to tell me to jerk off and finger my ass!
    You: Jerk off and finger your ass.
    Stranger: you f?
    You: My name is Harold Tubbs. I like bears.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  13. #13
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Quick
    You: There's an elephant in the room!
    Stranger: what?
    You: What is its subject!?
    Stranger: oh my god
    You: what are we ignoring that we should be discussing
    You: hurry, answer, so he'll go away
    Stranger: existence of god
    You: Whew, he just disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
    Stranger: uh
    You: Thank goodness we got that awkwardness out of the way.
    Stranger: i see
    You: Anyway, God huh?
    Stranger: yeah
    You: Do you believe in a god or a God?
    Stranger: depends on how u define it
    You: I suppose.
    You: I define it like this:
    You: when my problems show me how big they are
    You: I show them how big my God is.
    You: And he wipes away them all!
    You: With fury and vengeance
    You: what about your definition?
    Stranger: i don't believe in any type of it
    Stranger: so i don't define it
    You: That's an honest response.
    You: But that's irrelevant right now
    You: This is bat country
    You: we can't stop here
    You: do we go west or south?
    Stranger: north
    You: Good answer!
    You: We head north to an abandoned cottage of cheese.
    You: Makes the term cottage cheese very literal
    You: Inside, we find a crooked old crone
    You: with disabled legs
    You: but she walks just fine
    You: should we sex her?
    Stranger: no
    Stranger: we're gay
    You: Awesome!
    You: Even better.
    You: So we ask her for rubbers
    You: She doesn't have any
    You: And I have AIDS
    You: what do we do!?
    Stranger: condom
    You: We don't have any!
    Stranger: we jerk off
    You: ...
    You: You're terrible at this game.
    You have disconnected.

  14. #14
    Recognized Member G13's Avatar
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    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: sta?
    You: Maybe later. I'm full right now.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hello
    You: Hi is Phyllis there?
    Stranger: yes
    You: May I speak with her?
    Stranger: no, she's not feeling well
    You: GOD DAMMIT!
    You have disconnected.
    Last edited by G13; 01-15-2010 at 05:54 PM.

  15. #15
    it's not fun, don't do it Moon Rabbits's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Stranger: Hi, i'm looking for a horny female to tell me to jerk off and finger my ass!
    You: Jerk off and finger your ass.

    And yet we censor smurf and

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