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Thread: Battlefield: Bad Company 2

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    Bolivar's Avatar
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    Default Battlefield: Bad Company 2

    In an incredibly tumultuous game release season, its easy for a lot of titles to get lost in the wind, but I was wondering if any of you guys are getting Bad Company 2 this Tuesday.

    This has actually been on my short list of most anticipated titles for 2010. I really enjoyed Bad Company 1's campaign. Although it's almost the same "game-but-with-bots" single player Battlefield used to have, i actually liked it for that reason - it was like a story within the universe of Battlefield. I thought the humor played out pretty well, it was relieving to have it in a genre that often takes itself too seriously. The multiplayer did it for me as well. And of course Battlefield 1943 really rocked my summer.

    Having played the game at PAX and then different stages of the BETA/Demo at home, I have to say this game is a lot like the original, but incredibly more polished. The movement and aiming seemed just a tad off in the first one, but this seems almost perfect. I really value the attention put into movement in an FPS and it's frequently a characteristic that I will dismiss some on while praising others.

    Anyway, things generally seem to be falling into place with this one, and I hope to see some of you guys online. I doubt it, though, with so many different titles coming out.
    Last edited by Bolivar; 03-01-2010 at 09:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Bad Bolivar, you know where this really should be

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    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    Anyway, things generally seem to be falling into place with this one, and I hope to see some of you guys online. I doubt it, though, with so many different titles coming out.
    If you're getting it for the PS3 then you won't see me online sadly. I pre-ordered on Steam a few weeks ago, ironically after playing the PS3 demo.

    I have to say that the PC Beta was more satisfying as well. Not just because I prefer a keyboard and mouse in FPS titles, but because the levels weren't capped at two and there were more unlocks than the console demo. Being able to call in Mortar strikes as a Sniper, or lay mines as an Engineer was very cool.

    Overall the game seems quite well balanced and tons of fun. Much better than the demo of the first Bad Company I tried way back when it was about to come out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Bad Bolivar, you know where this really should be
    LOL I know, I zoned out for a few hours and started a new thread while I was still in General FF...

    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22
    If you're getting it for the PS3 then you won't see me online sadly. I pre-ordered on Steam a few weeks ago, ironically after playing the PS3 demo.
    Hell, I'd be playing it on Steam as well if I had a comp that could run it adequately.

    What I'm almost looking forward to most are the different, maybe quirkier modes that they've put in like Squad Deathmatch and Squad Rush. I know at least 3 people on my Friends list who are getting it so it should make for some pretty fun, long sessions of MP.

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    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22
    If you're getting it for the PS3 then you won't see me online sadly. I pre-ordered on Steam a few weeks ago, ironically after playing the PS3 demo.
    Hell, I'd be playing it on Steam as well if I had a comp that could run it adequately.
    I know the feeling. I bought COD4 back when it came out for the PS3 because I hadn't finished building my current desktop then. I was actually kind of worried about the system requirements for Bad Company 2 because the recommended seemed pretty high, but I found it ran very smoothly despite that, and even on medium settings I thought it looked a touch better than the PS3 version to be honest.

    But anyway, I definitely can't wait to try some of the other modes, not to mention a different map. Between the PS3 demo and the PC Beta I played that one Rush map a little too much. I need to play something different.

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    So it's pretty good. Campaign, I thought the first mission was a great choice that made me say "Damn, this is game direction!". The second mission felt like more Bad Company 1, but the ending chase certainly helped. The jungle missions after that established that this is a huge step up. There comes a point in Bad Company 1 where base-taking becomes a science, a very fun science, but here they're actually coming up with plans before taking them, which is a really fun aspect of the gameplay. I'd like to see some of these strategies take hold in multiplayer (but I doubt it).

    The missions after that showed to me how they're bringing in new gameplay tidbits, and the experience as a whole is better for it. I'm now on a new scenery/asset palette and I can't wait to get more.

    The multiplayer is pretty great as well. Conquest is definitely simplified, with an A, B, and C bases instead of 5 or 6 flags, but I think it's simplified in a good way. It's really balanced and you're not overwhelmed, you can just enjoy yourself with the game elements.

    The Nelson Bay map I was worried about, being night-time and all, but when I played 2 rounds of Rush in it, it felt... perfect. I never lost sight of anything and the map design is REALLY smurfing good.

    Overall this game met my expectations, which were actually pretty high after seeing some story screenshots, and I can see myself playing this as my shooter of choice for the rest of the year.

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    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    The PC version is plagued with some problems right now. As it is I can't connect to servers for multiplayer, and for some reason, the volume on the dialogue is so low in cut scenes that I wouldn't know they were talking if it weren't for the subtitles.

    So a shaky launch but I'm sure it will be patched soon enough. I'll probably wait to play it too much until then, but in the mean time I bought X-Com: UFO Defense a few days ago, Civilization III today, and I'm playing through Heavy Rain again so I have some titles to keep me busy. It's just disappointing that Bad Company 2 had to launch with some issues that make it almost unplayable.

    I did play to that chase scene in Cold War though, and I have to be honest, that scene disappointed me because it was almost a direct rip from the end of COD4. The first mission was cool though, and I do look forward to playing the rest of it. Just that one scene bothered me because it was so much like the chase at the end of COD4.

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    Damn I'm really sorry to hear that man, it's especially unfortunate considering they were touting it as the savior of PC gaming coming down from on high. The impossibility of mods is surely disappointing but this is a borderline crime.

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    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    To the best of my knowledge nothing has been patched as of yet (every time I load Steam BC2 doesn't download anything) so I'm a bit annoyed. If these were tiny issues I could accept a slow response but apparently I'm far from the only person having problems, so not responding with quick fixes to at least some of the issues people are having seems pretty bad to me. Unless they have fixed some things and I've just missed the news.

    On the plus side, I just waged war against Arabia (I think anyway. Talk is cheap and my enemies must die. Names be damned) in Civilization III.

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