Quote Originally Posted by FFwarden View Post
There would be a lot of infomation to go into 1 film of a game, I agree. It is possible if done right. They said Lord of the Rings couldn't be done, well I say lets get Peter Jackson in on it lol.
Who the heck would say that you couldn't film Lord of the Rings? Going from a JRPG -> Movie is way harder than going from Book-> movie. First of all a video game is WAY longer than a book. And the narrative is completely different. The stories of video games rely on the player spending time fighting their way through 'dungeons' to increase the length and help the player get a feel for the scope of the game. There are just so many places you visit in a game after you cut them all you would be left with a script that was just 'inspired by'.

The only games that I could see being adapted well into movies are FF10,12 & 13. (Based on narrative, not quality of story)