Turn my blood into ice, for my heart aches from the longing of you.

Can you remember anything about your first ever playthrough of FFIX? I've played it dozens of times, and 100%ed it at least half of those, but I can't remember anything solid about my first time, or if the memories (of liiiife, love's lost refraaaaaiiiiin!) are real memories or if I've made them up. Stupid brain. I remember buying the damn thing. Insane Games, The Avenue, Bridgwater. Platinum edition, no book. £9.99. In year eight I "borrowed" the book from my friend and we both forgot I had it (MUAHAHAHAHAAA!). My friend, who at the time was a more experienced gamer as I had only just received my PS1, told me not to get it as Final Fantasies are trout. Fortunately, I ignored the pillock.

Every time I throw disc one in and the music starts up, I immediately sink into euphoria. It is one of the best things I have ever heard, followed closely by the rest of the soundtrack. The opening bit with Zidane (Arthur!) claiming everything in the room as the game screamed at me to light the bloody candles always feels like going home, in a way. It's the game that effectively changed me for life.

Anyway, following that apparent marriage proposal, I'd like to know if you guys can you remember any similar experiences you had. Do you remember buying/receiving the game? What were your first impressions?