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Thread: Neighbors

  1. #1
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Smash Neighbors

    Let's talk about neighbors. I live in a two story apartment complex. My apartment is a one bedroom. It's nice for just me. Enough room, ya know. Below me though, below me is another one bedroom apartment. Three people and a child live there.

    Now, this is fine, sleep on your couch, whatever. No, what bothers me is the parties they have right in FRONT of the apartment doors. It's not just them, it's like all the douchey people from around the complex come to my front door to drink beer and talk VERY LOUDLY. Again, okay, whatever, you guys like to party. But every smurfing night? With very small children out there playing till the am hours? Which these children are outright brats? I'm working double the amount of hours for the past few months, I NEED SLEEP. You also have people discussing how they "killed a n----". Does that make me an accessory to murder?

    Now they aren't TOO bad. They are very nice to me. When I first moved here they let me use their wifi password. But ugh. They are pretty douchey. One just randomly always ends up with his shirt off o.O The chick is always drunk and doesn't know how to discipline her child. The other guy is quiet, whom actually owns the place, he just seems to be a push over for them to live there without paying rent :/

    NEIGHBORS :/ SO EOFF! Tell me about your neighbors! Ever had lame ones? Or great ones? Or whatever, it's neighbor story time!"

  2. #2
    YOU BOYS LIKE MEXICO?! Jowy's Avatar
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    i hear them stomping around a lot and blaring their TV through the wall. they really like the dish network music channels. the chick who used to live next door used to bang on the wall at six am and threaten to kill me because I would be parked too close to her car.

  3. #3
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    My neighbours used to complain about how we were having waaaaay too many parties at my house - 1 or 2 per year is apparently pushing some kind of boundary. They even phoned the police on us for making too much noise once. Then they moved away. We like to imagine that it was because of us. Dumb neigh-BORES.

  4. #4
    YOU BOYS LIKE MEXICO?! Jowy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tifa's Boobs View Post
    I've had to grab the broom many a time, thanks to my upstairs neighbours.
    forever ago we had people upstairs that used to steal cable and party hard. one day i left "dogs bark jingle bells" on repeat for nine hours with the stereo speakers on full blast with boosted bass pointed upwards. i've cemented a place in hell with that.

  5. #5
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Most of my neighbours just say hi when we pass each other in the stairwell, really. It's rare that we ever see any more of them than that. There is one couple that we're somewhat close to, though - the ones in the flat just up the flight of stairs that starts at our flat door. I met them while getting locked out years ago during a rough time in my relationship with Danielle in which she stayed elsewehere for a week or so. I was sitting outside on the kerb waiting for a locksmith to arrive when the girl/lady (20-something at a guess) from upstairs invited me in to her place while I wait, she was pretty insistent. So we just talked about what was going on and yeah. The rough patch ended shortly after and Danielle and I are both good friends with her now, and her husband is pretty cool too. When we're out overnight then she feeds our cat, she has our spare keys in case we make the same stupid mistake (has happened once or twice xD), stuff like that. When I got Danielle some flowers and they turned out to be toxic for cats, we handed them to our neighbour instead and Danielle just went up to see them once the flowers were fully bloomed. Suddenly, a few days later, we had a knock on our door and she'd bought us some fancy flowers that were cat-friendly! Lovely couple.

    When living in NZ, I have to say neighbours there are much more polarising. In the UK, they rarely say anything to anyone. In NZ, they're either the noisy/drunk/unfriendly types or they're really friendly and you'll probably be having barbeques with them on a regular occasion. Or at least, that's how it was where I lived. Luckily there were loads of the friendly kind in my life and I haven't personally experienced the unfriendly type.
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  6. #6
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    I also live in an apartment, but I never had trouble with any neighbor. It's an older building, and everyone basically keeps to themselves. The most amount of noise I deal with is people using a cart to lug lots of groceries to their place, and even then no one is stupid enough to do that at 3 in the morning or something.

  7. #7
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    When I lived in an apartment, I'm pretty sure I was "the loud neighbor." Only because my dog liked to run around in circles, though.

    Damn blasted kids from the complex on the other side of the pool would always come out at 2am on weeknights with their boombox and be loud as trout. I've had loud drunk nights and everybody gets one, but I am not above calling the cops when it is a repeat offense. Weeknights after 11 are not okay.

    I've found that neighbors in suburbs aren't as friendly as I'd thought. Where I grew up, neighbors went to eachothers' houses and brought desserts to new people moving in and would chitchat on the sidewalk. Imagine my surprise when I found out not every neighborhood is like Wisteria Lane.

  8. #8
    YOU BOYS LIKE MEXICO?! Jowy's Avatar
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    that reminds me of when i was a kid...the house across the street had a basketball hoop and everyone would just play in the road at 2 AM with the radio on. eventually enough people bitched about it and the city council came and nicely asked them to remove it. those guys were cool though! i used to play hacky sack with them in high school.

  9. #9
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    I have no idea who my current neighbors are.

    Back in my old apartment the woman across from me was apparently really grouchy, at least according to people I knew who knocked on her door on accident while trying to reach me. I saw her once or twice and she did seem to be wearing a permanent glare. I mostly just tried to avoid her.

  10. #10
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    I never had any unique neighbor problems... just hearing sex through the walls.

    My friends during undergrad lived in an off-campus dormitory, and they would often hear their friend screaming/moaning very very loudly and pounding from different parts of the building (one lived three floors above, the other, approx. two below), smurfing her bf like no one's business. That must've been pleasant.

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  11. #11
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Where I live is a good area; hardly any crime or anything. Yet, it has unfortunately attracted low life people from a bad neighborhood. They came to live in the tiny little house next to mine. Their family includes a bunch of grown ass men with no jobs that just smoke weed at midnight every night then laugh and cough. Unfortunately they do this in an area that's right next to my friggin' window. So anytime I want to go to bed it's near impossible to unless I walk all the way downstairs and then outside in my pajamas to ask them to keep it down.

    Then a few times they decided to pop off cherry bombs. We've actually had to call the cops on them a few times because they were being that obnoxious. This isn't the hood, we have curfew here. No loud noises after 10PM mo fos. What makes it worse is that their dad is a cop, well was a cop until he decided to choke out his wife.

    They're not even supposed to be living there because there's so many people a very small house, that it's a fire hazard or so my dad says. They're just renting the house so I hope to God that for some reason they get kicked out. They're horrible people. I haven't even spoken about everything they've done in the past two years.

    Apart from that I like the rest of my neighbors even if they have their little things that are odd, they are at least not incredibly obnoxious. Last night one of other neighbors opened the window completely naked. She's a heavy-set woman, but I'd think I will still take that over the douchebag cop and his moron sons any day.

  12. #12
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    What neighbours?

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
    Trying to catch me riding dirty.

  13. #13
    Ogre Araciel's Avatar
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    Their kids play unsupervised in my backyard..

    smurf those smurfin smurfs

  14. #14
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiro View Post

    What neighbours?

    But... you're from Australia, where everybody needs good neighbours.
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  15. #15
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    That is how the song goes, and songs never lie!

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