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Thread: Unpopular Gaming Opinions

  1. #91
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    Assassin's Creed: Good idea, not very well executed
    Assassin's Creed 2: Ironed out all the flaws of the first, more varied locations, interesting story, rewarding side missions/exploration/puzzles etc - Subject 16 stuff really stood out too
    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: Pretty much as above though much more refined combat - bit more confined location wise but still iterates and improves - Subject 16/Desmond stuff was really awesome
    Assassin's Creed Revelations: Felt more like gigantic DLC than anything else, not really much new, not really interesting, plot was meh, it's contribition to the series storyline was quite minor and the Desmond related stuff was terrible - game as a whole was also very short in comparison to 2 and Brotherhood

    Honestly I tell anyone who's interested in trying AC to skip the 1st one (read up on it if you want to understand some of the references) and start with AC2 and ACB - skip Revelations (again read up on it)

  2. #92
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    Indeed. 2 and Brotherhood are where it's at. Two very excellent games.

  3. #93
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quinter Wonderland View Post
    The first game is infamous for being terrible, Big D. Please tell me you tried the sequel. Please.
    No it's not, it was roundly applauded? Which isn't to say AC2 isn't a million miles better and should be tried, I agree, but "infamous for being terrible" is one of the most wrong things I've seen in this thread.

  4. #94
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    Mortal Kombat on Sega Genesis is the best video game ever.

  5. #95
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    I was unclear: it's terrible parts are well-known for being terrible. xD

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    Heck, the DS has Chrono Trigger.
    As does the PSP.

    As well as Chrono Cross
    I think when the best argument you can make for a console/handheld having a better library than others is that it has re-releases of previous consoles best games there is something very, very wrong. And I have a PSP and love it for the record.
    How does upping the ante on Skyblade's post qualify as the "best argument you can make"? If you mean my original response, I'm sorry, but there's nothing wrong with a fan of the FF series thinking it's tremendous for a handheld to have FFI-IX on one machine (on a drive nonetheless). It's my opinion.

    And yes, I do think there are some tremendous original titles on the PSP, games that successfully navigated the dire straights between handheld and console gaming that the system so desperately failed at for the first few years of its life cycle.

    Gamestop might like a word on that if their PC section at every store I've been to is any indication. Steam, GOG, and I guess Origin if you really want to include it pretty much are the PC market these days. Is it feasible as the sole distribution method of all games right now? Of course not. Is it feasible as the primary distribution method for games though? Plenty of evidence pointing to yes. And since broadband coverage continues to expand in every part of the world, it's only a matter of time before it's perfectly feasible as the only distribution method.

    As for solid state drives, they're a non-issue. Most people don't have them because they're expensive, and those that do, aside from having them in a netbook or Macbook Air or something (where you're probably not looking to play modern games anyway) are going to have your standard drives as a storage drive as well they can run games from. Moreover, the price per GB is always falling on SSD's and I'd say it'll be a couple more years before the amount of storage you get for a reasonable price is more than sufficient to handle just about anyone's gaming needs. And with services like Steam and sufficiently fast internet, you don't even need to store your entire library on the drive all of the time anyway. SSD's are really a non-issue as far as digital distribution, and by the time they've proliferated enough to be an issue, they'll have become cheap enough that it still won't matter.
    Even if broadband is one day available in every gaming market on the planet, you will still have large demographics who simply will not pay the monthly fee for broadband internet because they can't afford to. But they build up huge libraries of used games.

    PC is difficult, and my answer is changing. In April I bought a new laptop with a 300GB Solid State Drive and a 400GB regular hard drive, both internal. By July, that SSD was full. My digital PC gaming library is only beginning to grow. This is a problem. I had to put Steam on my regular hard drive, much to my dismay. And uncharacteristically of Valve, Steam does not support multiple drives. This also makes storing games on the larger external drive a problem. However, I can agree that this will be partially alleviated over time, as you can already buy 1TB notebook drives for under $100. That's incredible. But I can tell you from my experience with PS3, uninstalling and reinstalling games for space is not fun. And that's from the disc. Having to re-download GB-size updates after waiting for the disc install to finish is a reason to not play the game.

    And the PS3 also really highlights why you're wrong. There are PS3 exclusives that have filled up the single layer Blu Ray, and needed to go over into a double-layered Blu Ray. There are a few games that have filled up the dual-layered. 50 Gigabytes. And games are getting larger. I simply cannot believe that we will come to a future where users will be content to download a 60, 70, 80GB file in order to get a game, and then delete and redownload it. Not with every major internet provider having monthly download caps. Not with net neutrality a pipe dream. And certainly not in the low-income neighborhoods of Philadelphia, which is my local Gamestop's bread and butter. Granted, a lot of that is uncompressed audio. But as someone who regularly has their console digitally connected to a surround sound system, that's precisely what I expect from an HD-generation game. I desperately want a FFXII re-release, just so we can get a version without the horrible compression filters on all the excellent voice performances. How many decades will I have to wait before all these factors are neutralized and this "inevitability" happens?

    For the sake of the joy of gaming, please, let me have my discs.

  7. #97
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    Store you game files on a big external drive. Move the files over to the main drive when you want to play them. (obviously make sure you leave enough space on both drives to swap things over) No need to re-download everything.

  8. #98
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    I'm not sure if that works for Steam or PSN/XBLA content.

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    I'm not sure if that works for Steam or PSN/XBLA content.
    Steam it definitely does. Won't even need to reinstall or anything. It will just run an integrity check.

    There's also programs out there that will expand your library onto another disk, I'm pretty sure.

  10. #100
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    It definitely works on Steam as I did it when I was building my new PC and also debating what I was having on my SSD etc. Just copied everything over from my old pc onto an external hdd then copied it over to steam. Booted Steam up and it was golden. The one thing you do need to watch out for though is that not all game saves are stored on the Steam Cloud - so be sure to check your Windows User folder for any saves to avoid losing them!

  11. #101
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Well let's see...

    • I'll second the record that the current console generation is the weakest generation by far. The fact I have to own multiple systems just to feel like I got my money's worth this console generation is kind of sad.
    • FFVI and VII are great games, but they are both largely overrated.
    • FFXIII is a terrible game. Not a terrible FF, not a terrible JRPG, a terrible game...
    • Metal Gear Solid 4 is a bland title and one of the weakest MGS entries.
    • MGS: Peace Walker, while a great game for the handheld, is redundant and proof that MGS really needs to retire.
    • Zelda Ocarina of time is overrated and not the greatest game of all time, it's aged horribly and Nintendo knows it cause they overhauled it when they ported it to the 3DS just so it wouldn't play like ass on their new system.
    • 3D gaming is a terrible gimmick.
    • Motion Controls are not a bad thing for gaming. It's still in it's infancy but it has a more plausible future than some other new game mechanics (see above)
    • Apparently I need to say this but Assassin's Creed Revelations is the best entry in the series. It's plot is more refined and focused, it has better level design, it's less buggy than the other entries, bombs add a lot to the game mechanics, the Desmond puzzles were actually real fun and creative, it made the Brotherhood feel more important to the gameplay as opposed to a gimmick in AC:Brotherhood, and the less Desmond the better. Yes the tower defense was awful but the game thankfully had the foresight to make it optional.
    • Raiden is not a terrible character and MGS2 is not bad for having him. Rose is a bad character and she's partly why MGS2 is not as good as the other MGS games.
    • The only thing the PSP has going for it is the ability to play PS1 games off it's memory stick, other than that it's an overpriced paper weight.
    • Final Fantasy has entered a Dark Age and I honestly don't feel they can restore the former glory of the series without some new blood or without removing some people from their positions.
    • Blizzard is overrated.
    • The industry needs to stop making Zombie themed games.
    • Sly Cooper's games were infinitely better than Ratchet and Clank or the Jak series.
    • JRPGs are no longer mainstream and have returned to their niche status.
    • Indie gaming is exciting in terms of coming up with imaginative ideas and innovation but most of them fail as fun games.
    • The Sega Saturn was a great system.
    • Merging MMO game design with solo RPG design is a terrible idea.
    • Modern game design has made gamers pansy's and this is partly why games are not as good as they used to be.
    • Super Mario Galaxy is overrated, and hardly one of the best Mario games
    • BlazBlue is not as good as Guilty Gear or Street Fighter.
    • All 3D fighting games are terrible.
    • Kazuhige Nojima is one of the worst scenario writers in the Japanese game industry.
    • Microsoft and Sony's console "arms race" has led to the current miserable state of the gaming industry.
    • Gaming journalism is terrible and largely could be written by anyone with an opinion regardless if it's right or wrong (I should join in *ZING*)
    • Sega Genesis vs. Super Nintendo is the only console war that mattered.

  12. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Well let's see...
    • 3D gaming is a terrible gimmick.
    • Raiden is not a terrible character and MGS2 is not bad for having him. Rose is a bad character and she's partly why MGS2 is not as good as the other MGS games.
    • The industry needs to stop making Zombie themed games.
    • Modern game design has made gamers pansy's and this is partly why games are not as good as they used to be.
    • Gaming journalism is terrible and largely could be written by anyone with an opinion regardless if it's right or wrong
    Agreed with these.

    About Rose: I read Kojima actually had a really psychedelic plot in mind for her. She was supposed to be on the oil rig, and Raiden would chase after her across the separate platforms (serving as a motivation for Raiden to deal with the threat), but he would never find her. This would make both Raiden and the player question whether she was real or just another AI made for puppeteering the fellow. Great scheme IMO, but the team veto'd the idea and instead we run around with a squirt gun freezing bombs.

    Zombies suck regardless of medium.

    As for the pansy part: Dark Souls has shown me the path as it has done for many, many others and I'm glad it gets a lot of love on these forums.

  13. #103
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    I think Dark Souls has one of the best stories of this generation. It really is a phenomenal game. It has such a massive history, but it's not just handed to you on a plate. You need to figure it out. You have to make assumptions and estimations based off of what little evidence you have.

    Basically, it's exactly like real history, which is an incredible achievement for a game.

  14. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Well let's see...

    • I'll second the record that the current console generation is the weakest generation by far. The fact I have to own multiple systems just to feel like I got my money's worth this console generation is kind of sad.

    Agree. The worst has to be the Atari ET era.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post

    • Zelda Ocarina of time is overrated and not the greatest game of all time, it's aged horribly and Nintendo knows it cause they overhauled it when they ported it to the 3DS just so it wouldn't play like ass on their new system.

    Agree so much.

  15. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by Quinter Wonderland View Post
    I think Dark Souls has one of the best stories of this generation. It really is a phenomenal game. It has such a massive history, but it's not just handed to you on a plate. You need to figure it out. You have to make assumptions and estimations based off of what little evidence you have.

    Basically, it's exactly like real history, which is an incredible achievement for a game.
    Agreed. It is a great accomplishment to tell a story without a narrator throughout the game. The fact that there are dozens of lore video's on YouTube being made with the help of hundreds of players doing their research proves this is the real deal. Let alone the 200k views those vids get.

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