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Thread: Post your EoFF History

  1. #46
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Dear Kace,

    I've talked to you forever! Remember when me and you got in that giant stupid fight. You ain't got no claim on me, you just finally had the power to push me into Staff. Biooootch! I'll probably do something on this eventually where I name drop as many people as you, but not til after lunch.

  2. #47
    Being Pooh. Chris's Avatar
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    All of you are far too young to remember Iri. She could be naughty.
    Last edited by Chris; 10-26-2012 at 05:14 PM.

  3. #48


    I'll just name-drop people in order of meeting.

    Freya, Jiro, Kaiserdragon, Shion, Tifa's Boobs, Thecloudyday89.



  4. #49
    Ogre Araciel's Avatar
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    Lol Anaisa

    Lol Iri

  5. #50
    Ray "Bloody" Purchase! Crop's Avatar
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    I have no moments here. I joined 7 years ago and rarely post. It's hard to crack the shell that is EoFF, and don't have the dedication that Jiro has to make thousands of posts to do so.

  6. #51
    Nobody's Hero Cuchulainn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiro Jaggins View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuchulainn View Post
    three pages of self indulgence. yay.
    You're not as different from the rest of us as you would like to believe Sir Gareth. Even if it is only the opportunity to insult those far nerdier than you, something brings you back. It's good to have you here. Thank you for that one MSN conversation we had by the way. It helped me make a lot of changes.
    I'm very different. Not saying I'm better, just different. What MSN converstion by the way?

    EDIT: Think I remember it now. Didn't think I said much worth anything. I suppose if you sift through enough of the trout that comes out me gob you'll find the odd nut.
    Last edited by Cuchulainn; 10-26-2012 at 05:49 PM.

  7. #52
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    I had a small novel typed out on the life and times of an internet dweller who once liked Final Fantasy a bit, but Cuchulainn made me reprioritise my life.

    there was a picture here

  8. #53
    Nobody's Hero Cuchulainn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    I had a small novel typed out on the life and times of an internet dweller who once liked Final Fantasy a bit, but Cuchulainn made me reprioritise my life.
    I don't wish to stuiffle your creative side you big merchant of berries. Walt away. Was just wary of another echo chamber full of indulgence, false modesty, name dropping and self congradulatory nonsense.

    Tell me about your love of cricket and how you successfully groomed that 12 year old boy that one time
    Last edited by Cuchulainn; 10-26-2012 at 08:46 PM.

  9. #54
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Looking for FFII info. *throws wrenches*. *enforces*. Spam Brigade. a vey odd poem by auron. Fantasy football (2). Fanasy baseball (8). Elitist Party. Cid's Knight. Character Tournament. Arrested Development. hey sexy. Quina. Fresno Giants. Fireworks. Admin. Mr. EoFF. JLI. Eyeson's Next CK. Engaged. FFXIII-2 Event. Award Qu. Married.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  10. #55
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuchulainn View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    I had a small novel typed out on the life and times of an internet dweller who once liked Final Fantasy a bit, but Cuchulainn made me reprioritise my life.
    I don't wish to stuiffle your creative side you big merchant of berries. Walt away. Was just wary of another echo chamber full of indulgence, false modesty, name dropping and self congradulatory nonsence.

    Tell me about your love of cricket and how you successfully groomed thst 12 year old that one time
    You seem grumpy, do you need someone to change the diaper you made a stinky in?
    Last edited by Pike; 10-26-2012 at 07:14 PM. Reason: test

  11. #56
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    Cuch has made a lot of stinkies in a lot of nappies, Gobo. Narrow it down, some.

  12. #57
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Joined May 2011. Donated a lot of money to Movember last year. Won Best Newbie Ciddie in December. Really haven't done much else.

  13. #58
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    I joined in 2005 because back then joining internet forums was the cool nerd thing to do. I was already well into college by that point so sadly I don't have any stories of being young and innocent.

    Mostly I hung out in #eoff with the odd forum post every so often. Then I disappeared from both for a bit because I was a World of Warcraft e-celebrity and that was more exciting.

    Then I quit that and came back and started posting/chatting again. Started dating Hux in like Feb 2011? We'd been best friends since FOREVER before that but we were always dating other people.

    Early 2012 (Feb/March?) I volunteered to man the EoFF Facebook and Twitter because WHY NOT and this turned into a staff offer, which I wasn't expecting, but I guess I'm just that great. (Dramatization: I am really not that great.) I was made an Editor and then about a month later made a Cid's Knight.

    That summer Jiro visited and dragged Huxley along with him; we played video games and ate pizza. I promptly kidnapped Hux and kept him in my room for a few months

    I ran the Ciddies. Swept the Ciddies as well which made running them awkward because I knew beforehand that I'd won everything.

    Met Jason Lynch (Aexoden from chat); he fell into my bookshelf. That actually happened during the Ciddies revelation.

    I think that pretty much covers my EoFF highlights. Did I namedrop enough people? I'm going to namedrop Cuch because it amuses me.

  14. #59
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quinter Wonderland View Post
    Cuch has made a lot of stinkies in a lot of nappies, Gobo. Narrow it down, some.
    Oh god, please not a Guess Who thread about Cuch's stinkies.
    Figaro Castle

  15. #60
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    Default the adventures of slutttbucket shorty

    Had to dig through my livejournal a bit to reinforce some faulty memory timelines.
    September, 10th, 2001: I had joined FFO and been chatting there for... a month or so, maybe a few weeks. One day I joined and they kicked me for no reason! Tried to re-join, I was banned. Fine. Searched for other FF forums - #eoff was the next result with the most people in there. Why not! Spent the night chatting away and left the room several hours later with omg a boyfriend (Kuecari). Before I signed off for the night, I joined the forums (as Demosthenes) because people prodded me to. The next morning September 11th happened and that was weird. It was devastating and horrible, but I had a feeling about being so excited because I had so much fun the night before and felt like I really found a group of friends that I connected to. I don't remember much of 2001 beside Kuecari, Aexoden, Angel and Seifer. Kuecari and I break up after two weeks. A little while later, I started dating Aexoden. Scottie hones in on me I and I break poor Jason's heart in the first few months of 2002.

    2002: The rest of 2002 I don't really remember as far as EoFF goes. Parents got divorced, a lot of things started happening in my personal life. Beowulf is probably the most prominent person I remember being there for me and spending time with. I don't know what I'd have done without him at that point in my life. If I remember correctly, I was mostly running with DK, Joaquin and Tokki-Ru by that point in time and they + Beowulf are my best friends. m4tt and I meet in #eoff and get "married" and spend time playing footsie for months, essentially. This is probably the year I had my name changed to Shorty, though I can't remember.

    2003: I get introduced to the world of LJ via m4tt, who I get together with around... April? My crew is still DK, Joaquin, Tokki, Beowulf, with introductions of Daniel, Miriamel. Mikztsu, Cheffie, Nait, Tiffiekins, RyuKishi, MecaKane, Britty, Mindflare, Denmark, Squally Leonharty, Giggles and CloudDragon are in there somewhere. Drama with Scottie and ladies of EoFF happens. Pretty sure #analgoatfarmers was created this year and thus the bond of Spiff, Kane, Hito, Nicolas, Halan, Linus and myself was created, featuring some members who randomly popped in from time to time. Acquired a microphone. Lots of recordings and voicechats. m4tt and I break up and that sucks. Pretty sure this was EoFF Webcamfest year. I'm pretty sure this is the year I spoke to Knox on the phone for the first time and it was one of the most delightful phone conversations I've ever had.

    2004: Windshear befriends me and Daniel finds this hilarious. m4tt and I get back together. lol Sarah's 15 instead of 19. Things end with m4tt. I befriend Hito (I think this year?), Winged Sorceress, PG and VampireCrono. I get together with other obscure members of EoFF for very small amounts of time. I feel like I was mostly AWOL from the forums but active on #eoff. Daniel and I start talking on the phone pretty frequently at the end of the year. Pretty sure this is the year Hito and I spent four hours on the phone hopped up on Mountain Dew.

    2005: Daniel and I get together and spend a bazillion hours on the phone together every day. My mom finds out and hates him because he is 20 and I am 16 but we still find ways to talk and spend time together. I befriend foaface. I become a little more active on #eoff and Daniel puts the fear of god into everyone to vote us for Cutest Couple for the Ciddies and we win. I am an asshole and break his heart when I meet up with Spiff in Las Vegas and sparks fly. We make up later and are as best of friends as ever but by this point in time I pretty much feel exiled from EoFF and leave again for a while.

    2006: I was mostly AWOL. Except I moved within 45 minutes of Aexoden and he avoided me like the plague and six years later harasses me to visit him.

    2007: Moved to Arizona with Spiff. Then broke up a few months later. Was still mostly AWOL.

    2008: I start inching back toward EoFF. I thiiink I met Joaquin this year. Definitely in #eoff a lot more. Play Dokal for the first time and make a looot of new friends. Start talking to Rantz and we become best friends. Start becoming more active on EoFF. I thiiink I became friends with Misfit and Jowy this year, and by association, friends with Roogle. Pretty sure this was Ventrilo chat year. Roo, Jowy, Misfit and I had a four hour conversation and Misfit fell asleep on the phone and Jowy went AWOL, so Roo and I excluded them and talked forever. I want to say this is the year Rye and I became besties which consequently meant I became [strike]friends[/strike] enemies with Huxley.

    2009: Meet Linus and have a river floating pow wow with him and Spiff. It was simulaneously awesome and awkward. Not much else happened this year.

    2010: Briefly reconnect with m4tt the night before his wedding, awkwardly! That was weird, since no one had heard from him since his nutso girlfriend trashed everyone on EoFF. Drama with Caraliz and every other member and nonsense being posted on the front site. I ran the EoFF Beard Contest and somehow won Best Female that year. Raistlin and I become friends after seeing eachother around on the forums for nine years. Met up with Kane who came to spend a couple days on my couch with his Canadian friend in November. Met G13 in December and it was amazing.

    2011: Ranztien came to visit me for a month and we had a lovefest. During the time he was here, we met up with Genius Lynx/MDNA and Kalilung when they came through Phoenix, then NCG when we went to San Diego, then Necronopticus, Lamonda & Kawaii Ryukishi when we went to LA. Later that year I met My Little Pokey. Rantz and I broke up because I was lamesauce. Met up with Roogle at a gaming convention and we ate sushi and gossipped about you lot. I'm pretty sure I met up with G13 again around December or possibly November.

    2012: Start inching my way back to kindof posting more around mid year. I meet up with Jiro and Jentleness. Jiro and I drive to San Diego and nearly die and he is one of my favorite people I have yet to meet. We have a night of lecherousness with NCG and say goodbye to go to La Jolla and LA the next day. Rantz and I start dating again in June of this year. Start making a lot of new friends and old connections in my most active year to date. Join the CK Competition and [strike]I wipe the floor with the contestants[/strike] win by a couple of strokes of luck. Met Hito and krelbel recently and they were delightful. In two weeks I will be meeting Denmark, PG after him and Happy Noodle Boy later on. At the end of the year I will be visiting Rantz in Sweden for the first time and plan to move to Sweden to be with him next year.

    I joined both Aiyon and God Hates Fraggles at one point, but I cannot recall anything from either of those forums except mindless bulltroutting.

    Lots of things, places, people and nonsense probably weren't been mentioned because this is the bare bones of trout that has happened since I've been a part of EoFF.
    Last edited by Shorty; 10-27-2012 at 03:32 AM. Reason: added a few more details I remembered!

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