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Thread: Doctor Who: Season 10

  1. #196
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    I'll defer this onto Sam for expert information.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miriel View Post

    I'm thinking about getting started with Doctor Who, but I'm confused as to where to start. I've only watched like... 2 episodes before. One was one of the way earlier ones I think, this was years ago and I remember thinking it felt very ameatuer-ish. But then the other episode I watched was Blink, and I thought that was just fantastic. But I never gave Doctor Who another chance since I assumed that Blink was just a special episode and one of the reasons I loved it so much was being I think Carey Mulligan is one of the best actresses to come around in years. I love her.

    And there's so many different doctors and whatnot. Not sure which one to begin with? Do I need to watch it all the way from the beginning?
    No, the beginning happened in 1963

    Either watch it from Season 1 with Christopher Eccleston the 9th Doctor, or Season 5 with Matt Smith the 11th. There was a dramatic shift in writing (Steven Moffat, Sherlock) took over then.

    I'd say the 9th and 10th Doctors are a lot more cheesey than the writing for the 12th but they're still a lot of fun. 12th Doctor writing is a lot better.

    I would also say to remember that Doctor Who is intended as a family show for parents and kids alike so do expect a lot of childish silliness at times. And do not ever, EVER, watch the episodes "Love and Monsters" and "Fear Her". They are turgid.

  2. #197
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    Fear Her's not THAT bad.

    Why are you saying 12th Doctor? Do you mean how (SPOILER)technically 10 regenerated into himself, so he was two incarnations in one body?

    Yeah, I actually think you might like to start with season 5, then go back and watch seasons 1-4 if you like the show, but some of the very best episodes ever are during seasons 2-4.

    EDIT: If you do start with season 5, make sure you go back and watch Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, so you know who River Song is.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  3. #198
    That's me! blackmage_nuke's Avatar
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    I think Psychotic is a time traveller and he went backwards too far to post about Dr Who.

    I actually suggest you watch episode 1 (not the pilot, that was insane) then jump to The Fifth Doctor (possibly fourth, everyone raves about the fourth but I havent seen that one) watch him until you're bored then jump to the modern series.
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  4. #199
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    12th Doctor? I meant 2nd Doctor. Patrick Troughton is a legitimate beast and I loved his Doctor.

    I suspect absolutely none of you would enjoy watching classic Doctor Who though. Instead of having a story that lasted one or sometimes two episodes, they lasted about 5 or 6. And it was just very drawn out and never got to the point. The Doctor is still the heroic badman that he always has been, but the pacing was ridiculous.

  5. #200
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    My mom read something recently that some of the episodes were destroyed, and so not all of the classic episodes are even available to watch anymore.

    I really want to watch episodes with Tom Baker, as it seems like everyone loves him.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  6. #201
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    I suggested starting at the Fifth because thats when they started cleaning out the pacing issues. (possibly before then but from what I saw of an episode of the fourth with daleks where they spend 15 minutes walking through wasteland, that doesnt seem to be the case). ALso because I prefer the Doctor with an entorage and not just one Companion.
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  7. #202
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    I say start with the first season with the Ninth Doctor. Even though I say Tenth is my favorite out of the three, Ninth kept me hooked to DW. I was emotionally invested most in the Tenth Doctor's stuff, but Eleventh has great storylines, too. I especially like the mindsmurfery episodes that make me think.

    tl;dr - putting on my fangirl glasses, I say started from Ninth's stuff and watch everything from there on.

    BTW, I saw a Tumblr the other day where the blogger put up these little Powerpoint presentations (yeah, IDK, I guess it's a Tumblr thing to make silly looking Comic Sans-filled presentations to defend something in their fandoms or whatnot) about most of the old Doctors and their companions.

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  8. #203
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    Start with Nine's first episodes and go forward from there, unless you want to watch the current episodes quickly in which case start with series five (Eleven's first season) and then go back and watch Nine and Ten's stuff when you're done. Also note if you're watching on Netflix that the 2009 specials aren't included in the standard Doctor Who listing; you'll have to go track them down manually (and I think one of them isn't included on Netflix at all, but it's usually regarded as the weakest one so whatever). If you do not watch these then the transition to Matt Smith's Doctor will make no sense.

    That said, definitely go back to watch some of the classic series episodes once you've caught up. Tom Baker has a number of excellent episodes (I especially recommend "Genesis of the Daleks" and "The Pirate Planet", the latter of which was written by none other than Douglas Adams and is part of a longer arc that you might want to see in its entirety) and the other Doctors have their moments as well ("The Tomb of the Cybermen" and "The Caves of Androzani" are particularly great).
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  9. #204
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Don't miss out Chris Ecclestone.

  10. #205
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    You can probably just watch "Silence in the Library"/"Forest of the Dead" and then skip ahead to Eleven's first episode without missing much in the way of continuity. But yeah, I forgot to mention that if you're going to watch Eleven's episodes, you definitely need to have seen that pair of episodes first, since River Song is so important to seasons five and six. Without those, the show won't make much sense.

    That said, you should definitely watch at least most of Nine and Ten's episodes (I agree that "Love and Monsters" is skippable; that episode was putrid. "Fear Her"'s not that bad though).

    For what it's worth, I started out with Eccleston's first season and never regretted it.
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  11. #206
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    Another thing i liked about classic drwho is that he actually used SCIIENCE to solve some of his problems instead of just waving the screwdriver, rearanging some cables and flicking some switches.

    There was a scene th the fifth doctor where hes stuck floatin space and uses a cricket ball to bounce himself back onto a spaceship which blew my mind more than any sparkysparky mumbojumbo in the new series. These days the problem would probably be solved with a companion turning on the tractor beam or someghing

  12. #207
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    For what it's worth, I started with the tenth because my girlfriend knew that if she started me off at nine I wouldn't have been able to put up with how corny the whole thing was. Given that I really didn't get into the show until Moffat took over and the quality of the writing went way up, she was right to do so.

  13. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by blackmage_nuke View Post
    Another thing i liked about classic drwho is that he actually used SCIIENCE to solve some of his problems instead of just waving the screwdriver, rearanging some cables and flicking some switches.
    THANK YOU! I'm glad someone else has noticed his fascination with implementing huge doses of deus ex machina by waving a magic wand around or some other trick of fate (though normally through magic wand waving).

    I'd like a story that didn't end with "Oh no, we're all doomed! But don't worry, my sonic screwdriver will save us!". I want more originality than that. That's probably been my biggest annoyance of this season so far.
    The primary reason the Sonic Screwdriver was written out of the show during the Fifth Doctor's run was because it was felt to be too useful in too many situations, and it hindered building a good script, as it allowed too many easy escapes and solutions.
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  14. #209
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    I completely missed Eccleston's episodes. Ah well. He looked odd in that leather jacket anyway.
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  15. #210
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    I probably should watch his episodes, but I've never got round to it.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

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