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Thread: Welcome to all the Newbies! FF Questionnaire!

  1. #16
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Intended to do this earlier but had the small matter of attending to the Cook-Off

    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?

    Hmm. I've not really played many of them. I've played VII, VIII, X, X-2, XII, XIII and XIII-2, along with Theatrhythm. If that counts.

    It's difficult because all things being equal I still play the heck out of Theatrhythm, mainly because it doesn't take a lot of my non-existant time to play. However, not counting Theatrhythm, I'd go for XII. It felt both a traditional Final Fantasy, but it modernises it too which is a good balance. Sure, it did have some overtones of XI in there, but that's hardly a fault seeing how it was just after XI, so probably some of the elements carried over.

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?

    Even tougher. I'm tempted to go for Sazh, mainly because he is most possibly one of the most grounded characters in the entire series. You know what? Sazh it is. Honourable mentions go to Minwu, Vanille, Auron, Lulu, Red XIII, Vincent and Noel.

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?

    Easily Alexander. I have a soft spot for many upon many summons, but I particularly love Alexander. Maybe it's because he's a pretty rare summon, but I love the holy element in general and Alexander fulfills that. My favourite incarnation is probably FFXIII probably, because I'm a big fan of defence and his gestalt mode kicks fortress ass.

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?

    Not FFVII's Gaia. Too messed up. FFX's world is too barren for me but it's nice for a long holiday if you could have flights in between worlds as it's very beautiful. But to live in? It's a toss up between FFVIII, FFXII and FFXIII (after fall). Of those three, I guess FFXII, but FFXIII comes close.

    I just really like FFXII's world and it's incredibly well developed. I could shop in Archades, take a skyship to Rabanastre and maybe go sight seeing around Phon Coast. It's brilliant.

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?

    Those adorable sheep you see in FFXIII!

    6. What do you name the pet?


    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?

    Moomba what now? I never really got those. Tonberrys are cute, though their giant forms in FFX-2 kept near-killing me, so maybe not. It's between Moogles and Chocobos...
    It'll have to go to chocobos. Their practical, can dig for treasure, and are just cute. Moogles are nice as pets though, and Mog from FFXIII-2 is adorable.

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?

    Many upon many. I play Theatrhythm remember? I love Suteki Da Ne, I love Ronfaure. I love Aerith's Theme. I love Theme Of Love. I love Judgement Day. I love Waltz of the Moon. I love Melodies of Life. I love Over The Hill. I love To Zanarkand. I love The Silence Before The Storm. I love the Promise. I love We Have Arrived. I love Somnus. I love Archlyte Steppe and March of the Dreadnoughts. I love Movement in Green. I love Cosmo Canyon. I love Memories of Waves and Light.

    Them and also many of the distant worlds versions, and I couldn't possibly choose.

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake

    I don't drink milkshakes and I don't really have much of a creative side. Hmm.
    Caius's Back To The Future
    Chocococoboko Surprise
    Sazh's Frothy Fro
    "A Nalbina, My Good Man!"

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?

    Hard to say really. I like my characters as friends more than lovers. I honestly couldn't say without sounding like some creepy person who lives in their parent's basement (I don't)

  2. #17



    1. Final Fantasy 13, Final Fantasy 13-2, Lightning Returns:Final Fantasy 13

    2. Lightning Farron from Final Fantasy 13 sequel

    3. Bahamut from final fantasy 13 sequel

    4. Final Fantasy 13, or Final Fantasy versus 13

    5. The Highest, strongest, scariest Bahamut

    6. I'm still don't know what to call him.

    7. Moogles from Final Fantasy 13-2

    8. Charice-New World from Final Fantasy 13-2, that last part is very sad. Because the song was played during Serah nearly died. And when Serah is dead, chaotic escape into their world. From English version.

    9. I wanted to find a way to save Serah, and Fang, Vanille from their fate. But as Hope says ''Chasing the impossible, you might say.'' When talking with Serah and Noel. But I have more faith in these words, when Vanille asked ''You think ... you think it's really possible'' And ''Hope replied Sure. Anything is.''. And I believe it. That's what I wanted to make. Anything is possible.
    ''There is no fate, but what we make.'' John Connor-Terminator Salvation

    10. Lightning Farron, I want to take her flying into the sky. That, their world will be safe. Despite the danger will continue to come into their world. I will continue to protect their world, although I have to sacrifice my life instead. This is not a statement. But this is my promise.
    ''No sacrifice no victory.'' Captain Archibald Amundsen Witwicky-Transformer
    ''When prayers turn to promises not even fate can stand in their way.'' Oerba Yun Fang-Final Fantasy 13
    ''I will stand by you, no matter what happens. I'm yours forever.'' Snow Villiers-Final Fantasy 13

    ''I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy. Because they know what it's like to feel absolutely worthless. And they don't want anybody else to feel like that. So there's only one thing I can do, is smile. Probably will not do much. But if I see another person smile or laugh. I hope it makes them forget the problems that hold them back. I hope they do not feel what I feel. All I can do is smile and hope. Smiles and hope.''

  3. #18


    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy? Final Fantasy VIII

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?Nael van Darnus ( FF XIV)

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon? Odin

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?It would be FF XIV Eorzea

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet? I love Chocobos, so could it will be the one

    6. What do you name the pet? DarkStar

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys? Chocobos

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?
    " Answers"- FF XIV main theme

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake

    Mor'dhona Lament- an chocolate strawberry milkshake with parts of fruits resembling Dalamud fragments.

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?

    Firion from FF II and we would go watch sky in some romantic scenery.

  4. #19


    What is your favourite Final Fantasy?

    Hmm! I think I'll have to say Final Fantasy X. I remember watching my sister play when I was in 7th grade. I ended up falling in love with it the day I decided to play it myself

    Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?

    Ohh, how can I choose? I really like Caius from FFXIII-2, but I also really love Rikku, Lightning and Gippal!

    Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?

    I think Odin is pretty cool

    If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?

    Spira! I love each and every destination. Personally, I'd want to live either in Besaid or near the Moonflow. Although I love Mt. Gagazet as well, it's too much like Norway All that snow...

    You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?

    Ehehehe. I want a Microchu! They're pretty annoying when hunting in the Archylte Steppe, but they're kind of adorable as well.

    What do you name the pet?


    Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?

    Moogles! They're so squishy.

    What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?

    Hmm, I have the complete soundtrack from both FFXIII and FFXIII-2 on my iPod, so I'm obviously a fan of those. I like Snow's theme pretty well, I listen to it when I'm on my way to school
    But I also really reaaally love To Zanarkand and Caius' theme.

    Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake

    Uh. I, uh... The Crazy Chocoboco Shake

    If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?

    I used to have the biggest crush on Tidus when I was a kid, but I kinda grew that off. Now I'm totally into guys like Gippal and Noel and Caius. I'd like to take both Caius and Noel to the zoo and I'd listen to them quarrel and it would be really nice.

    Conclusion: I am unable to make decisions.
    This eternity-- it was never your desire. is that not so, Yeul?

  5. #20
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daylight View Post
    Now I'm totally into guys like Caius.
    Wouldn't you find him abit clingy?

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Daylight View Post
    Now I'm totally into guys like Caius.
    Wouldn't you find him abit clingy?
    Maybe a tad, but I could ignore that. Aren't we all a bit... Flawed?
    This eternity-- it was never your desire. is that not so, Yeul?

  7. #22


    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?
    Final Fantasy 7

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?
    Tough.. but i would go with Balthier

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?
    Bahamut Zero

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?
    7.. I would love to play in that arcade

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?

    6. What do you name the pet?
    Gizmo XD

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?
    I would have to actually say 1000 Words.. so catchy

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake
    My creativity is somewhat borked right now.. all i could think of is a bahamut where the whip cream on top is torched to a crispy brown

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?
    Cid (Highwind)... On an adventure like a boss

  8. #23
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daylight View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Daylight View Post
    Now I'm totally into guys like Caius.
    Wouldn't you find him abit clingy?
    Maybe a tad, but I could ignore that. Aren't we all a bit... Flawed?
    There's clingy, then there's "I'm gonna travel the historia crux in search of multiple versions of you which wearing some fugly purple skintight bodysuit" clingy.

  9. #24

    Default Not that new, but I want to play!

    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?

    FFVI but there are still many to play, Bwah-ha-ha!

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?

    Mog and Nanaki!Cute and powerful win the day.

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?

    Phoenix or Leviathan, but defintiely not Typhoon, that dude is creeeeeepy.

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?

    I wish I had played more by now so I had more choice, but FFVI, but only if I could visit the Esper World.

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?

    Three Mu, a mesosaur (pet dinosaur? yes please!), a Wyvern, and a Pipsqueak (so cute in the tiny armor!)

    6. What do you name the pet?

    Mu: Squeaky, Squeakers, and Scrabbly, Mesosaur: Alwin, nicknamed Fatty Mc-Tubby-Pants, Wyvern: Aria, and Pipsqueak: Ineffective a.k.a Tiny-Face.

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?

    Moogles!!!!!! Master Tonberry still gives me a fright every time. You think he's all cute and sweet and then, *wham* you are dead.

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?

    I say Utada Hikaru's "Passion" (Japanese long version of "Sanctuary"), but that's Kingdom Hearts, ne? If that doesn't count then a Moogle Wind Song.

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake

    I have only two failed Milkshake ideas.
    Tonberry Blitz: Put Master Tonberry in a blender, blend thoroughly, then pour over ice. Then throw it out because that is disgusting.
    Alternatively, the Shiva: a block of iceno blender can crush.

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?

    Edgar. He is a delightful flirt and he makes me laugh. We would play mini-golf and and go bowling. Cause I say so.
    "If I were a man, I would eat his heart in the marketplace." - Much Ado About Nothing

  10. #25


    1. FFVII
    2. Cloud
    4. FFIV, maybe
    5. Tonberry
    6. Ton-ton
    7. Tonberry
    8. The Darkness of Eternity
    9. cba
    10. Tifa, somewhere where Cloud couldn't find us or know about it.

  11. #26


    I'm officially changing my "favorite final fantasy" to FFV. It was the second time you visit Mirage that pushed it past FFIII. That town is smurfing creepy.

  12. #27
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    FFXIV Character

    Sheetle Bug (Twintania)


    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?
    Ooooh. Yuna probably, I guess. xD I don't actually know.

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?
    Shiva is pretty cool. (See what I did there?)

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?
    I do love Spira. Man, FFX dominates my list so far. D:

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?
    Sand Worm. He will eat all my enemies.

    6. What do you name the pet?

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?
    Moogle, kupo.

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?
    Oooooh. Um. There are so many great choons. Someday the Dream Will End from FFX.

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake
    Behemoth Blast: I dunno. Lots of berry-flavours to continue the alliteration.

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?
    Quina. We would eat so much good food. :3

  13. #28
    Kin! KH-Cloudy's Avatar
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    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?
    I like how OP Cloud feels.

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?
    I've played FFVIII so many times, that I feel Quetzacol would be my favorite. Though I like all of FF8's summon animations, they're well made imo.

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?
    The world of Eorzea (ARR) is beautiful from all the screenshots I've seen.

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?

    6. What do you name the pet?

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?
    Chocobos, hands down.

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?
    There's a lot, it's really hard to pick...but I think I will go with The Sunleth Waterscape from FFXIII

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake
    Ton Toxin: A mysterious pokey flavor! (It pokes at your taste buds!)

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?
    I'd like to take Rinoa to a Blitzball game!

  14. #29
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?

    Toss up between 9 and 13.

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?


    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?

    I'll say ark. Any summon that take 2 minutes to complete must be cool. Right?

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?

    FF X-2. Like FFX but with more massages.

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?


    6. What do you name the pet?

    Tyrannosaurus Yam

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?


    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?

    Blinded by Light hands down.

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake

    Mu-lkshakes, served at "Chocobo's Hot at Cold Drinks"

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?

    Yuffie and Cait Sith, Anywhere. Cause no one likes those guys.

  15. #30


    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?
    Final Fantasy XII by far. I just plain love that game.
    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?
    Buttz. Mwahahaha.

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?
    Carbuncle (got me through FFV).

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?
    Vana'diel (specifically, Windurst)

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?
    Maybe a Dhalmel

    6. What do you name the pet?

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?
    Battle Theme from XIII right now.

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake
    The Jeuno. The best of three other shakes combined. I don't know if it's worth 5 gil, but it's pretty smurfing good.

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?
    Fang. The City of Dreams.

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