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Thread: How important is EoFF in your life?

  1. #1
    Jinx's Avatar
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    Default How important is EoFF in your life?

    Was going to make this EoEO, but I know that'd be too rough for some of you.

    I was just thinking about this earlier. Got a job today--before I told my family or put it on Facebook, I put it on EoFF. EoFF is a huge part of my life. Some of my very closest friends are from here. I met my boyfriend on this website. I've always been more of a stay-at-home person, but had the option to go out with friends at any time.

    Since I've moved, I have almost no one to hang out with, and EoFF has been the only social interaction besides family I've had. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't talk to Locky or Shorty, and lately I've been becoming closer to shion, and really opening up to Mr. Loony BoB.

    I talk to people/text people from EoFF quite often too. Last night I talked on the phone with Sephex...well, the Dragon King. Sephex wasn't home. BUT.

    When I've gone through really hard times, I've had so much support from the members here, and when I've gone through happy times, I've got a lot of encouragement. Being a member here has helped me grow as a person, because it's helped me here others' opinions on things and I've had to re-evaluate some of my beliefs. More often than not, they haven't changed. However, it's made me question why I think and feel the way I do. Also, people call me out on my trout and when I'm a bitch, as well as respond when I'm nice and friendly. It's really great to get feedback on your personality, and have to look at how you are as a person.

    I love EoFF. If you couldn't tell by my postcount. This is my second family, and I love having a place where I can be honest about things that I can't talk about in my IRL.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  2. #2
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Pretty important. I have no friends or social life here. Heck, I barely have a life here. It gives me some social interaction and some projects to focus on. It also allowed me to meet my boyfriend. There are a lot of great people on here that I very much enjoy talking to and who have been good friends to me and supported me.

  3. #3
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    The Dragon King was amazingly coherent, from what I heard.

    Also, I enjoy hanging out here because this place avoids being mean spirited for the sake of it, like everywhere else on the internet. That, and there are tons of cooooooooooooool cats around here.

  4. #4
    Being Pooh. Chris's Avatar
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    You love us like 'family', yet, you want a dong picture from your 'brother'.

  5. #5
    Jinx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    You love us like 'family', yet, you want a dong picture from your 'brother'.
    Incest is the best.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  6. #6
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I couldn't even begin to quantify the impact it has had on my life.

  7. #7
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    I joined EoFF when I was 12, which was 13.5 years ago. I've been part of EoFF for over half of my life now, and that proportion will only increase. EoFF saw me through a lot of times, and was my first real interaction with people who lived far away from me (well, technically FFWA was first, but I only registered there about a month or two before EoFF was created). It helped give me perspective, and the talking with friends I made at EoFF during my formative years helped me think differently about a lot of things.

    I've met some of my oldest and closest friends here, so it has obviously had a major impact on my life.

  8. #8
    noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    I won't say it's -the- most important thing in my life (in spite of my post count probably suggesting otherwise), but I like it here. It stays pretty active, and errbody gets along in spite of the occasional arguing and trolling.

    I just kinda hate the whole "being the newb" and coming in when everyone else has been around since the dawn of time and are all bffs and whatnot and having to go through the whole process of going from being the newbie to being considered a regular or whatever. And considering that most places I frequent, I've been the last newbie to register and actually stick around, so I'm always gonna be stuck with that label.

  9. #9
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noxious.sunshine View Post
    I just kinda hate the whole "being the newb" and coming in when everyone else has been around since the dawn of time and are all bffs and whatnot and having to go through the whole process of going from being the newbie to being considered a regular or whatever. And considering that most places I frequent, I've been the last newbie to register and actually stick around, so I'm always gonna be stuck with that label.
    Locky has been a member for less than a year, if you can believe it. Technically still a newbie, but she's become part of the crew. The length of time people have been here makes little difference to anything. Just gotta believe! :3

  10. #10
    Stupid Malaka Rebellious Eagle's Avatar
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    It's decently important, the people here are great and give good advice and it's nice to come to when I'm lonely. Most people here are so much better than most of the people I know in real life tbh.
    Era Vulgaris
    "My life's a chip in your pile. Ante up!" ~Setzer, FFVI

    "Knights do it two-handed!" ~Drunkard, FFV

  11. #11


    Very Very Very Very Very Important!
    Eyes On Final Fantasy.jpg
    All of you taught me so many things that most of it effect to my own life
    It may not be enough if I write it all, I guess
    Although I've never played any Final Fantasy Series.
    But still you guys more than friends or family. Yeah somethings like that
    Never gonna seperate from my live ever! Never gonna forget you guys ever!
    You guys made me laugh and smile. They're the best things that makes me happy.
    I just wish I could meet you guys. And say thanks. Although it might need to do some traveling to do that.
    I know my english not to good. But still trying to learn.
    The point is tumblr_m7gobnRm2D1rtt0u2.gif guys

  12. #12
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    I refer to EoFF as my 3rd family. While I haven't really truly been on here for long (Last September), I couldn't possibly think of a world without EoFF and EoFFers.

    I can hardly think of a single EoFFer who I didn't like. I have so many friends here who I cherish as much as my IRL friends, and a few of those are even on my Facebook, which is essentially a seal of approval from me pretty much. Even if I don't have you on Facebook, there's so many people who I like, and more importantly, respect and look up to. The staffers here obviously are a key inspiration, but also other people who are just genuinely nice people. Even people who are pretty much polar opposites of me like Chris I just love so much because they are just nice people. I could name drop several others, but I'd make this post too long and bore people to death.

    I guess EoFF is just a unique place. It is truly my little secret - I wouldn't tell any of my IRL friends about me and my third family, but that doesn't detract from how I feel about the place. It's events like the Ciddies that just make me go all warm and fuzzy with love for this place.

    I'd probably still be here when I'm 50.

  13. #13


    Look at my joindate. 2001. I was 12 years old when I joined this forum. Back then I just wanted to talk about FF1 because it was the only one I'd ever played. I'd heard of the other games but never played any of them. At first I was just a scared little kid only hanging out in the FF forums (yeah can you believe that), and I wasn't too too active. But over time I just kept coming back and I ventured into the upper forums and chat, and I joined some spinoff boards where I really got to know some members of EoFF a lot better. Then there was LJ where all my friends were from EoFF. I had some kind of real-life social life during high school, but I only really hung out with those people at school or at school events (sports etc). They were just acquaintances, really. EoFF is where I made a lot of my formative friendships during my teenage years. EoFF was my link between high school and college; I wasn't very outgoing so I was slow to make friends, and EoFF helped me through that. Even when I was an idiot and left EoFF for a few years, I still thought about this place. Now I'm back, I've reconnected with a bunch of old friends and made many new ones, including my girlfriend.

    How important is EoFF in my life? I don't know who I'd be without it.

  14. #14
    Nobody's Hero Cuchulainn's Avatar
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    Not important at all. I mean if I showed up and it had disappeared I'd be 'aw for shame'. Then I'd quickly move on to other things.

    Most the ppl i like are on my bakebook, the ones that arent yet can be found if needed.

    Plus if there was no EoFF there'd never be that danger of stumbling across yet another gay mans erect nipples in the photo thread.

  15. #15


    Best place for a ghost to be hunting. You can feel the energy of all the activity going on, and you just never know what you might come across. It's not a super important part of my life, as I've been absent for long periods of time and for some one who has been here for over a year my post count is pretty low (averaging less than a post per day). I won't even say I'm a part of the community, but it's a great place. There's just something especial about it that keeps me coming. It's fun to watch things happen.

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