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  1. #151
    Recognized Member Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
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    Clannad was mostly just okay for me when I watched it, but you really just have to force yourself through it to watch the masterpiece that is After Story. I have some issues with After Story, but Ushio more than makes up for all of them for me.

    I just got my hands on the box set for Evangelion, so I'm definitely going to start watching that again soon. I'm thinking about rewatching Boogiepop Phantom after that just because I haven't watched it since buying the box set.

  2. #152
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Just finished Clannad After Story. The last two episodes were just OVAs, first is set 1 year before everything, second is just a recap of the entire series, narrated by Tomoya.

    For the most part, I agree. Clannad largely just "happened". For a lot of After Story, this is true as well. However, the "golden" part of the series is so good that it's all worthwile. Even if you absolutely hated the series, it'd still be worth watching it just for that story arc. I liked it, but admittedly it was nothing too special.

    Now getting into very heavy spoilers: (SPOILER)After watching Ep 16 for the first time, I had to take a breather. I literally fell into a bit of despair and I was in denial over what just happened. That was also when I looked at the series in a different light. Over all this time, you build up a strong relationship with the main characters. Ep 16 made me reflect on all the time I had spent with them, how much I came to care for them.

    Of course, the series is rather cruel about the Ep 16 twist. I was expecting a Deus Ex Machina considering all this "miracle" talk they've been having up till then. Next episode: 5 years later. No miracle. She died. It was heartbreaking. And then as Tomoya slowly got back on his feet, they go even further and put Ushio in the same situation as Nagisa. I can't even begin to describe what I was feeling at the time.

    The end seemed a little out of place, honestly. It's a situation where you can make your own sad ending by simply ending an episode or two before. It did remove the depression though...

    So yeah. Overall, most of it just kinda happened, but the good parts are too good to let them go. White Darkness (Ep 16) was the absolute culmination of it all for me... Nagisa's death really hit me hard. Those few episodes are probably my favorite part of any anime, period. And while I say it just kinda happened, I certainly enjoyed it - great characters, some good humor and just overall a nice atmosphere, just a bit lacking in the compelling story department. Also, I really liked the OVAs with the different girls. I'm glad I watched them before After Story though, I don't think I'd be as accepting of a Nagisa-less relationship now.

    I still don't think it beats Elfen Lied, but it's closer than even Steins;Gate. Definitely in my Top 3. Looking forward to rewatching it some time in the future, or maybe I'll try to get my hands on a translated version of the visual novel.

  3. #153
    Recognized Member Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
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    The one consistently awesome thing in all of Clannad was Nagisa's dad. He's just awesome.

    I also largely agree with the things you have to say about the series. I'm okay with not having an overarching compelling storyline. I like the more slice of life feel it has to it a lot of the time.

  4. #154
    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    dunno how i feel about kill la kill
    on one hand its ridiculous
    on the other hand its a whole lot of fan service which i do not like
    arguments for continued watching after ep 1?

  5. #155
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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  6. #156
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Just finished Higurashi No Nako Koro Ni, gonna watch through Kai - or at least most of it - tomorrow. It had kind of a dull start but really caught my interest a couple of episodes in. There're still quite a bunch of questions left unanswered, but I heard Kai does answer some of them so I'm looking forward to it.

    Spoiler territory: (SPOILER)Shion was probably my favorite character. And I know how weird that sounds. In the end she is an absolute sadist and murders many people, all because she wants to take revenge on those who killed her crush (and they didn't actually do it). But even so, just like with Kaede/Lucy, I can't help but feel sorry for her. They managed to present her in such a likeable way at first and that scene where she pulls her own nail was hard to watch. Another character I just want to find happiness, because they couldn't and it made them into monsters. Plus, she was surprisingly delightful in her sadistic phase and it was fun watching her scheme even though it always ended in her killing someone. And her maniacal laughter was really well done, kinda like Kefka's.

  7. #157
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    The second season wraps up Higurashi nicely. :}

  8. #158
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    It's interesting. Now that I've seen both seasons, I like the first one more, precisely BECAUSE I've seen the second one and now have come to understand the first one better. Meakashi-hen (Shion's arc) is still my favorite and I'm gonna rewatch it soon^^

    Something I really like about the series is that there is an overall character description of every character in Higurashi:the protagonist of Storyline A and the villain of Storyline B.

    What about the OVAs? I've watched Nekogoroshi-hen, but there's still Rei and Kira. There's also Ura Higu but I've heard little good about it.

  9. #159
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    I haven't seen beyond Higurashi Kai, so my knowledge ends here. It's on the to watch list though, along with Umineko which is completely unrelated as far as I know.

  10. #160
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    I suppose I might as well share my thoughts on them now that I'm finally completely done with Higurashi. None of them are particular must-watches. Rei is alright, at least the episodes in the middle, though the first was so downright ridiculous I laughed at how stupid it was. Kira has 4 episodes and they share no particular connection. Out of those 4, the latter 2 were the only enjoyable ones. Nekogoroshi-hen was underwhelming, it presents a backstory and does nothing further.

    So yeah, you don't miss out if you skip them. Main thing I like about them is that they go further into the Keiichi - Mion - Rena triangle, particularly the last episode of Rei and the 3rd episode of Kira (IIRC). Rei is the only one I'd actually consider worth checking out, and only if you're interested.

    Next up are Ano Hana, Mirai Nikki and the Clannad VN. I peeked into the first 30 min of the latter and I think I'll enjoy it, particularly since Clannad (or After Story in particular) is now my second favorite anime, behind Elfen Lied and followed by Steins;Gate. I'll probably also check out Tomoyo After: ~It's a Wonderful Life~ as well, though the fact that it's an erogé is a tad disappointing. Nonetheless, it seems it has a good storyline and may be comparable to After Story in emotional weight. I doubt it is, but it's definitely a good reason to play it.

  11. #161
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    Man those eroge anime are so sappy and full of cliches and they always make me cry like a daytime soap opera I'm watching because "it's so bad it's funny."

  12. #162
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Ano Hana was neat. It had some good characters, every one of them had a distinct personality. Menma kinda reminds me of Mayuri. It also had a good length of 11 episodes, any more than that would've been pushing it. Took about 4 hours. Nothing spectacular, but nice to watch through.

  13. #163
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    I can't just let this thread die.

    My Anime Fever hasn't really died down. Since my last post, I've watched Accel World, Air, Code Geass, Guilty Crown, K, Kanon 2006, Kokoro Connect, Mirai Nikki, Spice and Wolf and Zetsuen no Tempest. Not to mention having watched a playthrough of Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies since I don't own a 3DS as well as the movies to both Clannad and Steins;Gate. Might as well give my thoughts on each of them.

    Accel World was good while it lasted. In retrospect it's not really different from most Shonen series. It does have a rather nice concept. But what bothered me most was the fact that it doesn't end. It just stops.

    Air was... weird. It had its heavy moments and for the most part it really did feel like a precursor to Clannad. It has an alright cast of characters and puts them to good use. The finale was quite heart-wrenching. Only problem I had with this series was that it made no sense whatsoever.

    Code Geass was pretty damn good. It reminds me of Death Note in a lot of ways which is a good thing. It made great use of the Geass concept and Lelouch was an awesome protagonist, especially since he kept jumping through the moral grey zones and I never knew whether to root for or against him. The plot has some very good twists and turns and the ending of Season 2 is what seals the deal.

    Guilty Crown, sadly, left a bad aftertaste. It had a lot of good points but whenever I think about it I can't help but notice just how much better it could have been. I loved it towards the middle. But after that it kinda goes downhill. It's not that bad, it's just that it keeps wasting potential. Interesting characters are thrown out of the picture prematurely while some plot twists arise that made little sense to me and the ending felt... unnecessary. It was good, but it could've been great.

    K is a strange one because I don't think I've ever watched an anime only to think to myself in the last third "when did this anime become so good?" I was rather indifferent towards it at the beginning but then all of a sudden it turned out pretty good. Maybe it's because you finally find out just what the hell is going on.

    Kanon 2006 I just finished. Likeable cast of characters, sad stories, good presentation. Very good show, and once again feels kinda like a precursor to Clannad. If only it had had an After Story...

    Kokoro Connect... I love this show. I don't know why I just love it. Maybe because it toys with the human psyche in a believable manner, maybe because it had a love triangle that actually worked, maybe because its already great concept was so beautifully executed. Most of all I feel the insights into the human mind are not pulled out of thin air, but rather I felt the show did a great job presenting what it would be like if it were real. How this sort of occurence can really affect a person in both positive and negative ways.

    Mirai Nikki has an interesting concept. Having twelve different people who can all predict futures slightly differently fighting each other to the death is rather unique. But in the end, by far the most memorable part of this show is Yuno, the Second. She is downright insane. Very much so. But her insanity is what drives this show. Her unpredictability is just frightening and you just never know what crazy trout she's gonna do next. And yet it never seems out-of-place. Just... wonderfully executed is what I can say.

    Spice and Wolf, if I had to describe it in one word I'd say "charming". It's a series that just has a certain charm to it and I can't really explain it. I suppose what I can say is that its best point is its character interaction between the two main protagonists. Really, that's what most of this show is about. Putting the two of them in different scenarios and further exploring and evolving the relationship between them. It works quite well.

    Zetsuen no Tempest, finally, excels in its writing. I can say that without second thoughts. It doesn't really have an original concept. Magic, Godlike Trees, People trying to resurrect an "old evil". Nothing spectacular here. But what it does have is a duo of very interesting protagonists and while the concept isn't unique by any means, its execution is what sells it. Plus, you know, it constantly references Shakespeare. Gotta love it.

    Clannad Movie isn't worth the watch. The series is better in pretty much every way and trying to fit 20 hours worth of anime into 1.5 hours (or even 40+ hours if you go by the visual novel) doesn't work out.

    Steins;Gate Movie on the other hand is. If you liked Steins;Gate, don't pass up on the movie. Especially if you liked Kurisu. It's no After Story, but it does its best to expand on the series without destroying anything and it does a good job.

    Sooooo... up next on my To-Watch list would be NANA, Angel Beats! and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, most likely in this order. Although it might take a bit until I get around to it since I still have to finish The Office, watch through Steins;Gate again and do the last bit of university stuff before Christmas. Besides that there's also FF8 on Steam eating away hours off my free time. There's just way too much I want to do with way too little time :P

  14. #164
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Spicy Wolf is awesome. ~Economics~

  15. #165
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Currently watching Sword Art Online. People are put in a virtual reality MMO world and cannot leave unless they beat the game.

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