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Thread: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

  1. #151
    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    This episode was beyond spectacular. (SPOILER)Lots & lots of deaths. So many people bit the dust, Daisy's mom, Raina, Agent 33, & Gordon. The Bobbi/Ward storyline was the best. She kicked some Major League ass this episode.

    The great performance of this season goes to Mister Hyde. As the season went on, he got better & better. His performance in the final two episodes was great.

    I wonder what that black thing is that sucked up Simmons?

  2. #152
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    So glad I stuck with this show through it's rocky first season. Third season has been a blast so far.

  3. #153
    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    Yeah, it has been awesome. Don't know how I feel about the thing @ the end of the third mid-season finale, but I'm interested in seeing where they take it.

  4. #154

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    How do you do that link containing a spoiler in it? I wanna discuss stuff about this series!

  5. #155
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    [xspoiler]text[/spoiler] without the "x".

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  6. #156

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    Ok so I've got to the bit in Season 3 where (SPOILER) Ward jumps up the evil ladder another notch and turns on the InHuman inducing gas into Gardener's cell. I would like to know which episode Lash was introduced as I have missed some ones previous to this. Did Gardner and Agent May get back together briefly as well?

    Little help from anyone who has watched season 3 up to this point?

    At least I think its Season 3, all these mid season breaks throw me off.

  7. #157
    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midgar Mist View Post
    Ok so I've got to the bit in Season 3 where (SPOILER) Ward jumps up the evil ladder another notch and turns on the InHuman inducing gas into Gardener's cell. I would like to know which episode Lash was introduced as I have missed some ones previous to this. Did Gardner and Agent May get back together briefly as well?

    Little help from anyone who has watched season 3 up to this point?

    At least I think its Season 3, all these mid season breaks throw me off.
    You see the show in the UK a bit delayed than we do in the US, so I'll try not to spoil anything for you. If I remember correctly, (SPOILER)May & Andrew got back together at the end of season 2 when May goes on leave from SHIELD. When they returned this year, it revealed they went on a trip together. There's an episode where Andrew seems to die, but in the 6th episode May finds out that he didn't die, because he morphed into Lash & killed most of the Hydra guys.

    Our break from the show happened in early December & it just came back this past week w/ episode 13. You might be on one of the last episodes before the winter hiatus.

  8. #158

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    I hate these mid season breaks, they never used to have them. I hear its just a money making scheme by the networks. I don't think we always get them, sometimes when they get over here they show us the full series.

    Thanks for the info, it clears up a few things.

    One more thing regarding Skye: (SPOILER) why is she calling herself Daisy now? It seemed to suggest in one episode that she switches between two personas, perhaps depending on whether she is using her powers or not.

  9. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midgar Mist View Post
    One more thing regarding Skye: (SPOILER) why is she calling herself Daisy now? It seemed to suggest in one episode that she switches between two personas, perhaps depending on whether she is using her powers or not.
    (SPOILER)Because it's her name? Wasn't this just the entire plot of S2?

  10. #160

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    Well yeah I know about that but, (SPOILER) they were referring to her as both names in an S3 episode, as if she's two separate identities. That's the part I'm not getting.

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midgar Mist View Post
    Well yeah I know about that but, (SPOILER) they were referring to her as both names in an S3 episode, as if she's two separate identities. That's the part I'm not getting.
    I think Coulson has a thing where he still calls her by her old name & she corrects him. I think others have done it, too. It's hard to remember what to call someone you've known for a while when they change their name.

    Honestly, I like her real name better than Skye.

  12. #162

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    So I'm glad that (SPOILER) Grant Ward is dead. He was really starting to get on my nerves with that mouth of his. However, its nice the actor now gets to play a better role. Goodbye annoying human, hello otherworldy being who makes more sense as a bad guy.

    Also, I'm glad that Bobbi and Hunter get the happy ending they deserve, if Joss Whedon really has left the team its more likely to stay that way.

  13. #163
    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midgar Mist View Post
    So I'm glad that (SPOILER) Grant Ward is dead. He was really starting to get on my nerves with that mouth of his. However, its nice the actor now gets to play a better role. Goodbye annoying human, hello otherworldy being who makes more sense as a bad guy.

    Also, I'm glad that Bobbi and Hunter get the happy ending they deserve, if Joss Whedon really has left the team its more likely to stay that way.
    You seem to be pretty caught up. Not sure how far behind you guys are over there, but tonight's episode here was a really good one. Lots happens & I think you'll like it.

  14. #164

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    Dudes catch me up. I need to know about the two episodes after (SPOILER) the thing posessing Ward's body consumed those five people and had him dripping in goop I've been working Sundays and its been on on Sunday nights when I've been exhausted and asleep. Also, I should stop relying on my dumbass mother to record stuff. Use all the spoiler tags you need to.....

  15. #165
    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    Woo... you've miss A LOT. I don't know if I want to spoil anything for you, but some big stuff goes down. That was episode 12, & in the US they just showed ep. 17 last night.

    Some highlights, IF you want to know what's going on (separated by ep. so anyone can go as far ahead as they'd like):

    Episode 13Hunter & Bobbi have to kill the Russian Minister of Defense, who is an Inhuman, because he's trying to assassinate the Russian Prime Minister. When caught, they have to deny being in SHIELD & Coulson, undercover as someone else got them off. This leads to their spin-off next season.

    Episode 14Mack takes a vacation to visit his brother. SHIELD & Mack come across this anti-Inhuman group called the Watchdogs, & Mack's brother finds out he's a spy (Mack told his family he sold insurance). Also, Mack's real name is Alphonso.

    OK now we start getting into deep stuff. The former two episodes are kind of stand-alone (especially 13).

    Episode 15A homeless guy in NYC is Inhuman w/ weird powers where if he touches someone they foresee death. He's taken captive by HYDRA & Ward/Hive get's a mechanical exo-skeleton for Malick. After Daisy tries saving the guy by fighting robo-Malick, she see's the death of a SHIELD agent (we only see the shoulder & a floating cross necklace). The homeless guy ends up saving Daisy by giving Malick a vision of his own death. SHIELD finds out that Ward/Hive exists.

    I should mention that Andrew/Lash returns, to say goodbye to May, as he knows the next time he changes, it will be for good. She tries to use a vaccine Jemma created, but it doesn't work, so it's goodbye Andrew.

    Episode 16OK, things get real here. There's a lot of flashback that involves a younger Malick & his brother. Their father was a member of HYDRA & knew Daniel Whitehall, who tries to persuade the boys from following their father & his quest to bring back HIVE. They find out a secret of their father's. There was a ritual HYDRA members would take part of, where they'd draw a stone from a sack. The one w/ the white stone would get sent to the planet that HIVE inhabited. Malick's father had a nicked stone that he'd put in the bag, & when he felt the nick, he knew not to take that stone. Malick & his brother went to the pond to get rid of the stone, but Malick switched it w/ another & kept the nicked stone. Then, when they went through the ceremony, Malick got a black stone & his brother was left getting the white one, which he didn't intend to happen, it just did.

    Anyway, back to present day, Malick tells his daughter that he saw his death @ the hands of Hive. She says he's crazy & that Hive knows Malick is loyal & he has nothing to worry about. We find out that HIVE retains all the memories of the host bodies he takes over. Since Malick's brother went to the planet, HIVE had taken over his body & remembers getting screwed over by Malick. So, in revenge, he confronts Malick w/ Malick's daughter. Then when you think he's going to kill Malick, he kills Malick's daughter instead.

    That's not all. The Chairman of Iron Chef America, one of Hive's henchmen, took control of the SHIELD jet & had most of the team held hostage.

    Episode 17Daisy and Lincoln decide it's up to them to save the rest of the team & get Joey & Yo-Yo & finally form the Secret Warriors. Oh boy. Here we go. They rescue the team & Joey kills the guy w/ the Medusa Eyes by jamming a pipe through his heart. When the take that guy's corpse in, they find that his brain has been infected w/ Hive's parasites. So they know that Hive can control Inhumans. Malick was brought in for questioning. When Mack & May call in Coulson while he's interrogating Malick to tell him about the parasites, someone kills Malick. They figured one of the Secret Warriors must've done it. After sequestering them into a room & having them argue it out, Coulson finds a device (which Daisy & Lincoln got from an untransformed Inhuman in the last ep.) in Lincoln's locker. OK, so Linoln's the one who did it... (SPOILER)Turns out he isn't. DAISY goes to his holding cell & tries to convince him to go on the run w/ her. He finds out SHE's the infected one & the one who set him up. When he won't go, she leaves, but not before shaking up the whole place, and the episode ends w/ her tearing everything down.

    Also, Fitzsimmons kiss.

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