I went to see The Book Thief last night and we sat down in our seats. Okay so imagine there's a walkway in the middle separating the seating into two halves: we were sat in the back row, right next to the aisle (2 seats btw). Anyway, these people rock up and shuffle over a little and sit down and it's all good for a while, watching the previews.

Then some people show up and stand next to us looking around and they say their seat numbers out loud and I'm like 'oh snap those people are in their seat' and the new people are like 'hey folks you're uh in our' and the chick next to us is like 'uh yeah but THEY'RE in OUR seats' and we're like whoa back the smurf up here are our tickets right here that say our seat number. So anyway those two smurf off somewhere else and the trio of new folk sit down in their designated seats.

Anyway like three minutes later some people show up and apparently the two from earlier are sitting in their seats and the woman just loses her trout and they go home.

I guarantee that her tickets were either a) for different seats b) for a different cinema c) for a different time d) for a different movie altosmurfinggether. And I understand how frustrating that must be for her but like either find your seat or find A seat and just bounce around until you're fine. BUT on the flipside holy trout all these people are like "uh you're in my seat" -- the cinema was only like half full at best so it's not like there was a shortage of seats.

I don't understand why going to see a smurfing movie is such a trying experience for some people? Also I don't understand why every mother smurfer needs a one seat buffer in case of cooties? Like I get that having some personal space is nice but do you know how many extra people could fit if you didn't want to sit away from everyone else I mean smurf.

This is why I stay home and torrent my movies on my own like the sad sack of trout I have become