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Thread: EoFF Mafia: Everlasting Love Edition!!!

  1. #241


    Idk if it's Opera or EoFF but Under the Sea puts the whole front page in the quick reply box instead of a reply so quoting posts is a pain in the butt for me.

    Anyway Kuro you misunderstood Fujio here I think:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuro
    From the details we have from princey, all members either have "town" or "mafia" in the name. Why would Fujio be different. Because Fujio is a bad guy. Why would Fujio claim to be bulletproof when the weapon is a katamari. It must have been copied from an old game of mafia.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fujio, way earlier
    I'm the No Push-over. (Katamari for Bulletproof Townie, because the mafia kill with katamari, not guns with bullets in them.)

    Do I believe Fujio? Well we can't know for sure of course, but if Fujio was mafia and lying, I think whoever was actually responsible for the lack of a night kill would have stood up and called him out.

    I'm most suspicious of Kuro for going along with a wrong assumption that was very very convenient for him. Then insisted he knew the doctor was good because of his role. And now he's saying he's vanilla townie. I think he's either mafia or demondude, and demondude is banned

    ##Vote: Kuro

    I'm also mighty suspicious of Miso being just barely here enough to avoid the inactive kill.

  2. #242


    Quote Originally Posted by Opeo
    Do I believe Fujio? Well we can't know for sure of course, but if Fujio was mafia and lying, I think whoever was actually responsible for the lack of a night kill would have stood up and called him out.
    "You didn't die from being the target of the night kill because we never voted for you" Said no mafia member ever. Fujio claiming immunity from the night kill gives him immunity for being target in the day, so long as he can prove that he was the target of the night kill and that his ability counter acted it. So we need to take his word on the fact that he is immune to the night kills, which I believe he is. Either he is immune from Night kills through his ability, or because as a mafia he will never be a target.

    Quote Originally Posted by Opeo
    I'm most suspicious of Kuro for going along with a wrong assumption that was very very convenient for him. Then insisted he knew the doctor was good because of his role. And now he's saying he's vanilla townie.
    I'll let you in on a secret. I knew Ryu's Role in advance. That was my "Hidden" ability in this game as a Vanilla Townie.

    Quote Originally Posted by Opeo
    I think he's either mafia or demondude, and demondude is banned
    Not sure what Demondude is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Opeo
    I'm also mighty suspicious of Miso being just barely here enough to avoid the inactive kill.
    Everyone is suspcious, but Miso's Lack of anything in this game is frustrating. I am upset we lost jungle, because he would post massive walls that were interesting to read. Miso has done the exact opposite and it's pretty dull. Perhaps my Day 1 Vote based on the desire to drink the miso soup out her head was dead on.

    ##UnVote: Marcy
    ##Vote : Miso

  3. #243
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Adama's Avatar
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    ##vote: kuro

    I don't know who to vote. But kuro has been too inconsistent and full of nonsense. Now claiming he knew ryu's role beforehand? I don't even know.

    Ugh this has been a tough time.

  4. #244
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    Half an hour left! Are you excited to see how this plays out? I am excited to see how this plays out!

  5. #245
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    DAY 4 is officially over! You can post all you like until flavor is posted, and then NIGHT 4 will begin! (Or will it?!)

  6. #246
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    The Prince idly hits a paddleball on his cabin porch. It is quiet. It was quiet all DAY. There was a terse exchange after breakfast, and then everyone went to their rooms. Other than bathroom breaks, there has been no sign of his Cousins anywhere. He kicks a stone; it flies off into the brush, but exactly where, he cannot tell because it is getting dark. ...Dark!

    A little ghostly floating later, the Prince finds that the ballot box has already been stuffed with a few votes. Okay, so people did get out and vote; maybe through their windows? How is that for democracy in action? Well, whatever: business time.

    The public announcement system crackles to life, and the Prince's voice comes out. "Ahem, ahem, ten-four, all my Cousins in the house," he goes. "Results of today's pollings are in. We have ourselves a winner for the rope [i]to[/b]-night! Those few survivors have voted to suss out the Mafia for once and for all, and we have decided, drum roll please...KUROOOOOO must be Mafia! He wins a one-way trip to the gallows, no dessert, and all of our sympathy!"

    Perhaps a little tiredly, the Cousins file out of their cabin rooms and make way to the execution site. The DEADLY katamari is there, as usual, and seems to glow a darker black than the falling twilight. Kuro twitches and gibbers, but compliantly accepts the noose. The rest of his relations jointly mutter Battlestar Galatica's famous line, "So say we all," as Marcy drops the trapdoor. One sickening snap later, and the deed is done.

    Did we get him? Was he...! No! Kuro was a Vanilla Townie! Thus, DAY 4 ends and NIGHT 4 begins! Inactivity also kills Fujio and Miso, and their roles are...! Fujio was a No Push-Over, and Miso was a Vanilla Townie! With three Townies dead, and two players remaining, the game has effectively ended!

    Who was the Mafia? Marcy or Opeo Maybe not one of them, but both of them? There is only one way to find out: let me type it out in another post!

    Edit: Ha, I can edit! Specifically to say NIGHT 4 comes and goes. The Mafia has won! You can talk about this and how it sucks/rocks while I type up what I got to. Thanks for playing, guys!
    Last edited by [M] Mom – Host; 04-04-2014 at 09:12 AM.

  7. #247
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    Mood music:

    "Nooooooooooo! Noooooooo, noooooooo, no, nononono, no, noooooooooo," wails the Dead Prince. "My revenge has be forestalled, stopped, and demolished! Tanj!"

    Really, it sucks to be a ghost with no recourse for murder-justice. He fades away with the darkness, into oblivion, eternally a failure and failed by his family. That abnormally large SLAUGHTER katamari stays exactly here, though, and Marcy, the Mafia Mastermind uses it to mop up the corpses of Fujio and Miso. Kuro has already been cut down and stuck on it's spiky impaling surface. The katamari looks positively happy for an inanimate object. Our one surviving Vanilla Townie, Opeo, walks out of his cabin in horror and a bathrobe.

    "Wha--but---how--," Opeo lets the questions cascade and jumble all at once. "You are scum, Marcy? And you killed the other two? H-how? Fujio was No Push-Over; how could you kill him without using the katamari?"

    Marcy is presumably amiable and answers Opeo's questions. "Yes, yes, the katamari, he was, and with this." Marcy does not hold the gun with the most practiced ease, but when she unloads it at Opeo, she only misses somewhat; she also hits a bit, and lethally enough.

    "This crown is mine now, especially after the succession has gotten so short," Marcy laughs, as she dons it. With the power of the King imbued into it, Marcy ascends to the heavens and commemorates her coronation by turning her Mafia Cabin Thrilling Killing katamari into a Mafia Cabin Thrilling Killing star! It is composed of 70% murdered cousins, 14% woodland debris, 14% cabin kindling, 1% breakfast cereal, and 1% democratic voting system tools.

    SO, TIME FOR THE BIG REVEAL. In another post. (I am just trying to up my post count, okay, do not judge me.)

  8. #248
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    THE PLAYERS have always been the initial, what, twelve who outright joined. There was only one mystery contender, who will stay mysterious unless they want to out themselves, but as for the others, our players were:

    Mr. Shauna
    Mystery Contender

    THAT DOES NOT ADD UP, if you look at the number of players (12) and the number of, well, players (22). But there is a difference between people behind the accounts and the number of accounts, and the idea there is that all the townspeople got an additional account. And one of the Mafia members got an extra account. This was, ideally, to help extend the number of days, give new players a second chance as they learned how to argue, give people someone they could trust (essentially, you were all Masons) and so no one suffered a permanently bumming DAY 1 lynch/NIGHT 1 kill.

    I STARTED TO TYPE ALL THE DETAILS OUT, but eff that. Here, you can look at the Google spreadsheet I used to plot the game out. It is a little messy, and there may be slight differences in what things may say, but it is pretty spot-on:

    JUMPING BACK UP TWO PARAGRAPHS, in a way, it was also really good that I added so many extra accounts to help with how many deaths there turned out to be. I have played games of Mafia where people are inactive all day, never vote, show up once and leave, and then get replaced two times in the same game, and I always get frustrated as one of the other players, so I said screw that. If people do not post, they die. I did not think it would be so hard for people to find an hour in their day to post, especially since they said they wanted to play, but maybe I was wrong. Maybe if this rule gets used again, we should go for longer (much longer days). We might turn into MS, and at that point, we may just want to join up with those folks.

    HERE ARE THE SECRET QUICKTOPICS for the game, but they are not even worth looking at. The Love-Bro forum died because they did, the Mafia forum was just Marcy telling me who she wanted dead, and the Dead forum had to stay dead because I realized a little late that, duh, if someone is both alive and dead, then that is a huge, huge exploitation and I am a moron.

    ALL IN ALL, I hope the game was as fun as it could be, though I suspect a lot of people lost a lot of interest in it, and for that I apologize. Hugs, fire, and everlasting love to you all.


  9. #249
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    I can't be bothered signing in to my Marcy account, so I would just like to thank the town for making it pretty easy to win. I was worried at the start when I lost my whole team, but I tried to play smart, and the inactive town helped a super amount.

    Thanks MDNA! It was super fun, although it would have been nicer if people were around. I probably would have lost if that was the case. I crack under pressure. xD

  10. #250
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    I hate you, Shauna. You were the Light to my L.

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
    Trying to catch me riding dirty.

  11. #251
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    The Split personality from Kuro was an idea I was thinking about on day 2, implementing it towards the end, about an hour or so before voting. It ended being ahead of schedule when I accidentally posted on the wrong account, Ryu. Ryu was supposed to say "I can see you have deciphered my logic" or something like that, but I posted it on the Kuro account and rolled with it. My general manner of speaking as Kuro was Light Hearted, so I figured a grim dark batman sort of person would work.

    The Idea was that Kuro saying that the Mafia were super nasty would make her the target of the night kill which the Doctor would prevent. This fell through when Ryu was Lynched, but Kuro managed to survive 2 further days anyways.

    I knew Marcy was Shauna, but I did not know her role. She was pretty tight lipped. I assumed that she was a Mafia during Day 3, but I was more suspicious of Fujio. I stuck to my guns on that one.

    Being the wildcard was interesting though. Kuro didn't think everyone would vote for her though, Sob~ ♥

  12. #252
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    As Fujio and Opeo both I was pretty positive Kuro was mafia until he let it slip that knowing Ryu's role was his "secret power" as a Vanilla Townie. Once I opened my PM to see I had two accounts it was pretty clear who are "secret" players were. But unfortunately it was pretty much right after I PMed our host asking if I could subtly hint on that when I lost my connection :<

  13. #253
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    I had heard that some players were getting multiple accounts. I wasn't aware it was basically everyone xD. I had coined to the fact that one player was playing as both Fujio and Opeo which made it pretty hard to continue as Kuro after Ryu's Death.

    I am pretty curious to find out who Miso was though. I think she made all of 5 posts towards the thread.

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