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Thread: Best Speech- Summer Ciddies 2015 Edition!

  1. #1
    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    Red Exclamation Mark Best Speech- Summer Ciddies 2015 Edition!

    Sorry to be late w/ this, there's been a lot going on this past week.

    But anyway, we would love it if you guys could pick your top 5 favorite speeches and PM them to me. I'll give each one a point value (5 for your favorite, down to 1 for your 5th favorite). After I get all the votes, I'll total up the points & will name the best speech of the 2015 Beach Party Bingo Ciddies!

    Please have your top 5 in by Friday, July 17th (your local time)! Once it's the 18th everywhere, I'll tally up the score & post the winner! Here's a convenient list of all the speeches:

    50. MLT Have a Summer Romance
    49. MLT Go on a Bro(ad) Trip
    48. MLT Forget to Wear Sunscreen & Get Sunburn
    47. MLT Wear the Most Revealing Swimsuit Possible
    46. MLT Stay Inside & Play Video Games
    45. MLT Be Rejected @ Customs
    44. MLT Wear Socks & Sandals
    43. MLT Be Adventurous & Try the Local Cuisine
    42. MLT Have a Cold, Wintery Vacation
    41. MLT Get Arrested While Abroad
    40. MLT Start a Petition to Get DQVII Localized
    39. MLT Not Vote Because of Heavensward
    38. MLT Buy Every DLC Song for Theatrhythm
    37. MLT Have the Biggest Nerdgasm After the FFVII Remake Announcement
    36. MLT Be Waiting in Line for KHIII
    35. MLT Get a Moogle Hug
    34. MLT Be Forever Trapped in a Visitor Message Conversation
    33. MLT Get Banned
    32. MLT Win a Ciddie for the First Time
    31. MLT Be Next Staffer (note: Award-chan's baka assistant forgot to post this speech)
    Quote Originally Posted by Pumpkin
    I think this is a good speech for me to take because I am a staffer, and therefore I have insight as to who we will or won't be hiring. Now I hate to break this to you buuuuuuuut... the answer is none of you. None of you have what it takes to be staffer!


    Bubba is a musician and therefore a Diva. This is true 100% of the time. We don't need any Diva's in staff! Now get out of my face, and don't forget my green M&Ms!


    Remember that time he left us for like a year? Because staff does. Staff never forgets. Just because you have school and friends and a boyfriend and a life or whatever doesn't mean you can spend time away from the forum. A good staff member would know that.


    Weird obsession with hypellos.


    We can't very well hire a mirage guys, they're just optical illusions.


    Old Man Winter. If you don't know what I'm talking about, count yourself lucky. Very very lucky. We'll never be clean again.


    He said Final Fantasy IX was good, but he did not say it was the greatest game of all time. We just can't have our staffers being wrong on such a basic concept.


    He'd probably quit staff because it wasn't engaging enough for his picky tastes. He'd probably give us a 4/10 and our self esteem just couldn't handle that.

    So as you can see, none of these people are suited to be staffers. None of them. They're all really bad choices and all of you should feel ashamed and wrong and terrible for nominating them. You're all bad people and none of you have what it takes to be EoFF's Next Staffer.

    Vote Pumpkin best staffer 2015

    30. Cutest Couple
    29. Most Missed Members
    28. Most Underrated Member
    27. Most Grumpy Member
    26. Most Honest Member
    25. Most Helpful Member
    24. Most Dramatic Member
    23. Most Hard Working Member
    22. Most Carefree Member
    21. Most Awesome Member
    20. Most Syltish [sic] Member
    19. Most Intimidating Member
    18. Wackiest Member
    17. Wittiest Member
    16. Drunkest Member
    15. Best Custom Title
    14. Best Signature
    13. Best Avatar
    12. Best Final Fantasy Poster
    11. Best Let's Play
    10. Best Article Series
    09. Best Post
    08. Best Thread
    07. Best Writer
    06. Best Artist
    05. Best Chatter
    04. Best n00b
    03. Best Veteran
    02. Best Staff
    01. Best Member

  2. #2
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    I think if you look back in the thread you'll see that MLT Be the Next Staffer was posted and totally not edited in today.

    I am really sorry about that Pumpkin. xD

  3. #3
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    I want to apologize for making my speech a near 7 minute video. Should have had more foresight than that during the Ciddies! I did have fun making those drunk skits, though! If I do something like that again, I'll make it shorter!

  4. #4
    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sephex View Post
    I want to apologize for making my speech a near 7 minute video. Should have had more foresight than that during the Ciddies! I did have fun making those drunk skits, though! If I do something like that again, I'll make it shorter!
    Your speech was still 14 hrs. 53 mins. shorter than the rest of the show.

  5. #5
    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinx View Post
    Shaibana for Best Speech.
    PM, turkey!

  6. #6
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    You can't make me choose, ant-face.

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    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Most Intimidating was pretty amazing for that Del Murder thing.

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    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shiny View Post
    Most Intimidating was pretty amazing for that Del Murder thing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Angus View Post
    PM, turkey!

  9. #9
    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    Red Exclamation Mark RED ALERT!

    OK guys, I've been totally neglectful of this & I'm sorry. However, I'm going to expand voting for a few more days & announce the winner on Friday!

    [crickets chirping]

    So, if you didn't vote, feel free to do so! [pm me your top 5]

  10. #10
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Angus View Post
    OK guys, I've been totally neglectful of this & I'm sorry.
    Apology not accepted. Michelle says you're in big trouble, mister!

    Okay, now you're forgiven.

  11. #11
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    I was looking at that picture, and the girl in the blue bikini is already skinny enough, but the way her hair is made it look like her rib cage was all exposed and she was completely emaciated.

    Anyway, I was freaked out for a minute and had to express it.

  12. #12
    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    It's time to announce our Winner for the Best Speech of the Summer 2015 Ciddies!Wait, is this thing still going on?

    First, I'd like to thank all of our voters, speech writers, and Ciddie participants. W/o you, we wouldn't be here.

    Before we name our winner, I'd like to name all those speeches that received appreciation.

    2 points- MLT Forget to Wear Sunscreen & Get Sunburn & Best Signature

    3 points- Most Grumpy Member, Most Carefree Member, & Best Staff

    4 points- MLT Wear Socks & Sandals & Best Veteran

    5 points- MLT Wear the Most Revealing Swimsuit Possible & MLT Go on a Bro(ad) Trip

    7 points- Best Avatar

    8 points- Best Member

    10 points- Most Intimidating Member, Drunkest Member & MLT Have a Summer Romance

    Finally, our winner. This speech garnered an amazing 30 points (in 9 total votes)!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaibana
    lets put some drama in the ciddies!

    Forsaken Lover (sorry but i am unaware of your gender, but im guessing She)
    She urged to cross the river. she knew he was there but people were aware of her. she couldnt slip away.
    her secret lover would be there but they couldnt be together because they were in rivaling clans. they were *drum roll* .. forsaken lovers *wink wink*
    but that evening she saw an opening and she managed to get out of the village and into the rainforrest on her way to the river to meet her lover.
    there he was chilling on the usual spot butnaked, wait what? no, that was just in her mind. he had some bamboo leaves on the usuall places because they are bush people and ForsakenLover thought it was very sexy.
    He noticed he and got up 'i thought you would never come' he said as he took her hands in his. 'i couldnt get away, im sorry' forsakenLover said.
    in the background they heard noises.. 'we have to go!'he said' run away with me!'. ForsakenLover hasitated a moment but then agreed. they ran for the angry mob that was now chasing them.
    they ran untill they reached a waterfall. they turned around and the mob caught up on them!
    so they decided to jump! but the waterfall was only 1 meter so it wasnt that dramatic....

    the world was about to collapse. a meteor would strike earth in less then an hour.
    it was chaos everywhere. ppl trying to look for shelter. riots in the streets for food.
    society as we know it would seize to excist. Jinx was sitting at the table with her hands in her hair.
    what would she do? where would she go? is there a way to survive this?
    40 more minuts till impact. she looked outside and could see the meteor aproaching. it made her nervous.
    she wanted to run, but too where? she heard a suddent noise and all the sudden a man was in her room. they made eye contact and looked at eachother for a moment, but the man ran for the kitchen and took her food.
    she wanted to say something but why bother? just 32 minutes.. it wouldnt be enough to make it up a mountain for safety.
    she looked in the fridge and saw that he also took the nutella: 'the bastard' she said out loud.
    she would be damned if she let him go with her nutella, she would not die before she had a last taste of it.
    Jinx walked out the front door and looked around. there he was, stealing a purse from an old lady.
    'EEH YOU, GIVE ME BACK MY NUTELLA' She shouted at him. he noticed her and ran of
    . she ran as fast as her leggs would take her and she was catching up. the man was carying all kinds of stuff, making him heavy and slow.
    she tackled him grabbed him by his throat! 'GIVE ME THE NUTELLA' she shouts and she suffocats him. it didnt took long before the man stopped resisting..
    just a couple more minutes before impact. she took the nutella and ate it..
    a couple of seconds left! ... 10 seconds...5 seconds.. any second now!!
    *tock* something hit her head.. a tiny rock.. it was the meteor..
    and Jinxy went to jail for murder... for some nutella

    fear overtook her when she entered the chamber. this was the moment. she was so close.
    there it was: the coffin with the vampire in it. she had practised years for this moment, to finaly defeat her nemesis while he was asleep.
    she took a deep breath and stepped towards it. and tried t lift the cover. but it was too heavy. she tried and tried but it wouldnt budge.
    suddenly she heard a voice inside the cover 'the nails..'... she looked and saw that the coffin was nailed shut.
    'ooh.. thanks' MissH said and she picked up a screwdriver to get the nails out.
    'please be carefull when you remove the cover' the vampire said 'dont damage the floor'
    MissH carefull lifted the lid and the vampire sat up. he was beautifull like a spanish man but pale.
    'kill me of you want' he said 'my hear cant bear being away from you'
    MissH was taken by suprise by this but deep in her heart she knew she loved him too.
    she fell in his arms and he said: 'lets be together forever! lets roam the nights for the rest of the eternity!'.
    'let it be!' MissH said and the vampire bit her!
    and they sparkled on forever after because he was half a gay twilight vampire

    Night Fury
    As NightFury rides on her elegant white horse at the shore, in full galop, her (and the horses) hair swirling in the wind. she sees a man in the distance.
    he is getting closer because her horse is galopping so hard. closer.. and closer.. TOO CLOSE. the horse knocked him over at full speed!
    as dramatic and pretty as possible she swooshes down from her horse and bend over him to see if he is ok 'Mi Amore, are you ok? she asks
    the handsome Christian bale look-alike looks sheepish in her eyes as he mumbles some vague words she doesnt understand.
    NightFury passionately kisses him and the sparks fly all over the place and the handsome man's eyes are sparkling with love.
    he gets up, holds Night Fury tight in his arms and says: 'bea, you are so pretty, with such a pretty horse, and such pretty hair'
    'what? bea..?' Night Fury asks. the handsome man grabs a Scumbag Steve cap and says:'ofcourse chicky, i got my swag back'.
    for a couple of sec they look in eachother eyes when Night Fury breaks lose. flips him a finger and rides off on her pretty horse.

    Noxy looks through her window in the big tower of the castle she saw her lover and the bottem.
    She went downstairs to meet him and greeted him with a big kiss. 'ive waited so long for you' she said 'lets take that long walk in the forrest now!'
    he nodded and took her hand and they walked into the forrest and they kept walking till their feet ached.
    she heard footsteps behind her but before she could react she felt a pain at the back of her head and everything went black...
    she woke up in a curious house full with the smell of food. she was caged and so was her lover.
    a weird smelly old lady came up to her 'goodmorning precious' she said sarcasticly.
    'what do you want? why am i here?' Noxy said angrily. 'you are here to be my dinner!' said the old witch with a big smile on her face.
    Noxy looked around, her lover was still unconscious. it was a weird house.. made of... gingerbread?
    'let me see your finger' the old hag demanded. 'is this a house made of food?' noxy asked her. '.. yes' said the old woman.
    'and you are going to eat me...' noxy asked. again the women replied with yes.
    'wth are we? hansel and grettle? are you freaking kidding me! you cant just kidnap ppl and eat them! thats is cannibalism and that gets frowned upon! and if you are so hungty why dont you just eat the freaking house!?'
    the witch couldnt bring a word out. 'im outta here!' Noxy declared and she knocked a hole in the gingerbread wall.
    'gingerbread is NOT a good material to make a house of, you stupid old hag!' the witch was staggered as she saw Noxy walk away, mumbling all kinds of things

    The Man
    it was july 2482. and The Man was making himself ready for 1 last mission. it was top clasified and he did not inform his dog on where he was going.
    'be a good boy for daddy' he said to the fluffy dog as he said goodbye. he was nervous, not sure about what was going to happen. but he knew he had to do this 1 more time before he could retire on the kabawoeloe planet in the 4th milkyway.
    'just 1 more time' he kept telling himself as his hoovercraft hooverd him to the spacestation.
    when he arrived 2 man in black suits were waiting for him and escorted him to the spaceship. they suited him up with the newest laser guns.
    he took his seat and they went off to the the 3rd habitable moon on the 4534 solar system where the mission would begin. they arived within minutes (because.. technology) 'alright boys, wer are going to do this fast and easy' the captain shouted 'we are going to enter the spacestation in stealth, get the hostages and return as fast as we can'.
    The man grew restless, they all knew what too do. the countdown began... 5...4...3...2...1... the door opened ad they all rushed outside.
    into the moon trees and quickly over the fences into the spacestation. the silently blew up the door and took the hostages.
    halfway back they stumbled on some resistance! *pew pew pew* 2 men of his own team got hit! their heads imediatly blew up! but they managed to blow 6 off the enemies. as he walked backwards he stumbled over something. a dog!! confused he looked at his captian.
    'get that dog in the spaceship, soldier!' the captain shouted through all the chaos.
    and The Man did as he was bid. the dog was scared but they made it to the spacestation.
    he got permision to take the dog home and introduced him to his dog and they all lived happely ever after on the kabawoeloe planet in the 4th milkyway.

    it was a cold evening in a big city and ToriJ was walking down the street. it was bussy for a wednesday evening, the stores were all closed.
    he went to the old bookstore where the cute lady worked. the store would already be closed but she would usually still be there to put some books back in its place or to clean a up a bit.
    today he was lucky. she was there, sweeping the floor. he peeked through the glass like some pervy creep. she didnt see him. he admired her for a while but was too shy to speak to her.
    but tonight was the night. tonight he would ask her out! he picked up all his balls (as they just fell on the ground) because he wanted to juggle for her and entered the door.
    'sorry, we are closed' the cute lady said. 'euuhm.. sorry ma'am, im here because.. i..i ve been watching you for a while..' the girl looked scared. 'ooh, no wait, i didnt meant o sound creepy!.. will you go out with me?'
    Tori's face was all red with embarasement. 'alright, pick me up tomorrow at 8' (just like in the movie: just shout something and not check if it convenient together)
    Tori was overjoyed and left the building and head home.
    the next day he got all tidy and lovely. he put on his best shoes and combed hair 20 times to make sure he looked good, and gave himself 24 compliments because he looks so handsome.
    he got into his ar and stopped at the store to pick her up for the date.
    but she wasnt there. he knocked and looks creepy in the store. he waited for almost 2 hours when a girl aproached him: 'are you the guy who has a date with the lady?'. 'yes' Tori replied.
    'im sorry to tell you this but she got in a accident and is now in the hospital. the doctors say she might enver wake up' she turned around and walked away crying. Tori could cry right now.. why her of all ppl!?
    he walked home, crossed a bridge and stopped to look down.
    but he didnt suicide because he is not That dramatic. and so he lived a little less happely every after.

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  13. #13
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Most Deserved Win.

  14. #14
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Wooo congrats!

  15. #15
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Of course fan favorite Shaibana wins. These awards are a fix!

    I'm putting a restraining order out on Shaibana for following me around, and suing her for publishing private information about me without my consent. I'm going after every dime you own, Shai!

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