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Thread: Let's Harry Potter Games - Help Choose The Next Instalment!

  1. #91
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Bane is now my new favourite character in the entire Harry Potter series.

  2. #92
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    How about that, they made Filch look just like Walder Frey.

  3. #93
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    Bitch go near the girl dorms and I'll smurfing shank you

  4. #94
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Oh man, so the next entry, believe it or not, is the final one. Just putting together the final touches for it and I'll probably get it up tomorrow.

    How hype are we for the climactic finish?!

  5. #95
    Word Engineer Miss Mae's Avatar
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    I am both very excited and super sad.

    My future is fuelled by the fires of words, wit and companionship.

  6. #96
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Anguished, though I'm expecting a Chamber of Secrets sequel!

    It's actually good for me, because I've never seen or read Harry Potter in my life, so I'm actually getting the (probably truncated) plot and know what happens.

  7. #97
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    This is literally the worst way to get to know the Harry Potter plot. Regardless of what Skyblade thinks ( ), you should give the actual story a go yourself and experience it without all this... horrible.

  8. #98
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    This gonna be a long one, so strap in, guys!

    There is nothing standing between me and the saving of the school. Invisibility cloak on, wands at the ready… it’s time to stop Snape getting that stone.
    We head down to the third floor corridor.

    When’s a door not a door? When it’s a-jar!

    Who even speaks like this?

    Ugh, nevermind. There’s no time for this dilly-dallying! Into the room!

    Does Harry even know how to play a flute? I imagine it requires some amount of skill.

    After mere seconds, he falls asleep.

    Which apparently caused a trapdoor to appear. Why not?

    Our heroes jump into the hole and fall some distance. Harry lands right on some hard stones, I suspect his legs are broken. Ron and Hermione landed on something soft, however they are not in a good situation.

    They look fine, what’s the issue?

    Harry is thrust into a battle with some tentacles.


    That takes them out pretty quick. You know, I thought this would be tougher for the end of the game. I expected too much, obviously. But the tentacles are down, and Ron and Hermione are saved.

    No bother mate, maybe next time you could help out though, you know incendio too.

    Into the next room, where our heroes look up to the ceiling as soon as they enter.

    Birds? I’ll zap the hell out of them with my magic

    Harry has a moment of realisation.

    Keys? I’ll zap the hell out of them with my magic

    I will have to find the correct key from the hundreds of flying ones. This will be great, I’m sure.

    Unfortunately, Harry suddenly realises he doesn’t have his broom with him. Not that I believe he ever had a broom in this game. Why would you even think to bring a broom with you in this situation?

    Ron did though. Why does he even have his broom in Hogwarts? It’s not allowed!

    Ick, a Comet 260? Nothing compares to the Nimbus 2000. Not that Harry has one.

    TO the skies!

    Stop giving me that look, man.

    This was actually a super annoying minigame. Every time you hit one of the keys, which were really difficult to avoid I might add, there was about 5 seconds in which you couldn’t move and you sank lower again. The keys seemed to converge on Harry many times, so I often could not move for tens of seconds at a time.

    But I finally break through.

    What a fancy, regal looking key.

    It is mine! The door is unlocked, and we move into the next room.

    A giant chessboard awaits. Ron and Hermione stand at the edge while Harry does all the work, of course. Ron warns Harry to watch out for the Queen!

    The knight actually moved in an L-shape. I was impressed.

    The frickin’ horse kicked me in the face!

    A few incendios later and he is out for the count.

    The rook moves in for the kill

    Again, a few incendios cast and the rook is done. If only I could play real chess this way. Losing? Set the pieces on fire.

    The Queen makes a move on Harry.

    Not tonight, lady, I’m on a mission

    Ron jumps in to save Harry’s dignity. Not that I need help really, I could take her on.


    Ron is out for the count. Maybe we should do something about him just lying on the board…

    …or we just move to take the King down.

    This is actually a fairly difficult battle as none of my spells do any damage to him.


    After wasting a lot of magic, I cast poison and whittle him down to no HP.
    Hermione had dragged Ron off the battlefield during the climactic finisher. Again, it would have been nice if she’d helped out…

    Thank goodness he wasn’t hurt being stupid.

    We of course, leave him behind, and press on into the next room, where it’s Hermione’s turn to be stupid.

    Not again? He’s clearly out for the count.

    The troll has been knocked out by Snape already. We gotta move faster! Into the next room!

    In the next room we are faced with a table with some potion ingredients on it. Hermione complains that she doesn’t understand what’s going on.

    Hagrid’s information is useful for once.

    I approach the potion table. It is time for… Mastermind…?

    Aaaaahhhhhhhh nooooooooo

    I am terrible at this gaaaame. Noooooo. I will never get past this.

    Time to randomly throw stuff in.

    Okay that went better than expected

    The potion is made, time to press on. Unfortunately there is not enough potion for Hermione to come too.

    Very great.

    Good riddance to her, she was completely useless in this entire affair. Just like Ron.

    It’s time though.

    Through this door is Professor Snape.

    And Voldemort.

    Time to face the past!


    It was Quirrell all along! I did not see that coming!

    How… would he know what James Potter thought of Snape?

    Harry is shocked and appalled by this sudden revelation. He was so sure it was Snape! His world has been destroyed!

    At what point was Snape “after” Harry at all in this game?

    More questions are sent Quirrell’s way as Harry struggles to wrap his puny brain around what has been happening over the course of the year. Who was Quirrell crying about then?!

    Of course! Your master was the one threatening you. It makes sense.

    Oooh, what’s for me? A present?! Just gonna hand over the Philosopher’s Stone, eh?

    Harry’s too tied up to stop Voldemort today.

    Well, this isn’t good. Harry is bound. Nobody knows they’re down here. It’s all over. Quirrell monologues some more.

    The mirror is here for a reason, so yes, it’s probably the key.

    Quirrell doesn’t know what to do. The mirror is not an easy puzzle to solve. However, his master seems to have an idea.

    It’s time guys! Voldemort is going to have a line!

    How disappointing.

    Well… at least we know that Voldemort likes to shout a lot.

    Harry is summoned to stand before the mirror, and something magical happens!

    He is supposed to be winking here

    The stone!


    Quirrell demands Harry repeat himself, and Harry instead lies. Voldemort though, he knows a liar when he hears one.

    And he has very good hearing too.


    He is quite powerful.

    Not powerful enough though!

    Nothing can withstand the powers of poison!

    Outside of battle, Quirrell takes off his turban. We finally get to see his true face. While he explains his plans.

    Man, his voice must get pretty rough what with all that shouting he’s doing.

    Harry of course responds the only way he knows how.

    You know it

    Why is Harry even arguing this? He knows nothing about his parents, for all he knows, they did die begging for their lives. In fact, his mother was begging for Voldemort to not kill Harry. Nevermind all that. LIAR.

    Time to take you down, Voldemort.


    Jesus he is tough. He casts one spell and one spell only: Avada Kedavra. I successfully poison him but…

    Double trout.

    I die. Fortunately, it takes me just back outside Fluffy’s room. Silver linings. I do have to battle my way back through everything again though. The Devil’s Snare, the chessmen, the flying, the potions… Lots of experience. I get progressively worse at the puzzley side of things. I actually failed the mastermind potion puzzle and was sent to the beginning agan, which was terrible. There are lots of useful drops, like better armour and all that. Every run through makes things better for me. Ended up on the other side of level 75 when I was done.

    I will let you in on a little secret here. My time clocked in running through the final dungeon was almost two hours. I just could not beat Voldemort. His Avada Kedavra spell consistently took off over 100SP. My spells do barely any damage to him overall. I used up all my items the first time I battled and lost. But I just keep chipping away, being sent back to the start, and going back in again.

    Literally for hours.

    Voldemort can’t withstand whirlwinds!

    I rely on luck – his Avada Kedavra spell often misses. Along with luck and prayers to whoever may be listening, I have him poisoned. Slowly but surely, he is taken down.


    It is done! He is defeated!

    Not defeated enough though.

    The screen fades to… green?

    THE END. Again.

    Or not.

    Harry is safe and sound in the hospital wing. He immediately goes crazy.

    Very well is probably pushing it quite a lot.

    But, it is time for all of the plot questions to be answered. Hopefully they will be answered to my satisfaction.

    Oh who am I kidding, of course they won’t be.

    Getting a little bit too foreshadow-y there, Dumbledore.

    I see. That makes almost no sense. Thanks.

    How thoughtful.

    Nice and easy for question two. I bet Dumbledore is loving all this knowledge he has kept to himself all year.

    Uh huh… Actually, hold on.

    Snape protected Harry all year. Okay. In the book, yes. He did. He saved Harry once or twice. But in this game? There was no protection from Snape at all. The two of them barely even communicated. Snape is definitely not even with anyone with his lacklustre actions over the course of this school year.

    Moving on.

    Dumbledore has had enough of your silly question.

    Will be soon. Riiight. Well, that cleared up all my questions!

    For one final occasion, time has passed.

    It is the end-of-year feast. We all know what that means!

    You’re going down, Ravenclaw!

    Yes, you’re right, they should be. Harry did a lot of hard work doing everything below the trapdoor. I want my recognition for being the greatest.


    Ron didn’t even play chess! Or battle the chess pieces! He just threw himself in front of a piece. That’s hardly a strategy. Especially when I could have dealt with it.


    Hermione didn’t even know what to do in the potion room. It was Harry who worked out the correct combination! She just flailed around and then said that Harry was very great. She did nothing.

    You’re damn right

    Double damn right.

    Okay I guess I can’t fault anything here

    Really there should have only been 70 House Points given away, but we do need a lot more than that to catch up. I suppose I’ll stop complaining about those two lazy so-called friends riding on my coattails.

    Bring on the House Point tally!

    I… lost.

    If… if I hadn’t lost those 15 house points that night at the library… I would have won by a single point. I…

    You weren’t good enough guys.

    At least it wasn’t Slytherin…?

    Screw you Draco this is all your fault.

    At least he isn’t happy about it either. That makes it a tiny bit better?

    Everyone else weighs in on Gryffindor’s loss.

    Priorities: You need them

    Nevermind that whole Dark Lord business. If you had stopped us, we would have lost the House Cup even worse!

    Why are there two tables celebrating?

    I am honestly really gutted about not getting the House Cup. Ahahahaha, I am such a loser.

    It doesn’t help that the game is laughing at me too.

    Next time?!

    Implying that there ever would be a next time for anyone playing this game.

    Well guys, here we are. The end of the journey.

    Bye bye!

    The credits roll, and I save my clear data.

    It turns out there is a New Game+. So I can go through with all my collected sickles and level and all that good stuff and play the game all over again! That’s why they said next time at the end of the game.

    Not that I am ever turning this game on again.

    I had a lot of fun playing this game, if you could call it that, and I hope you all enjoyed my venture into the world of witchcraft and wizardry! Thanks for reading! You all made it worthwhile!

    And my final comment: I wonder what craziness Harry’s second year at Hogwarts will hold… maybe you’ll get to find out. But of course, in the spirit of things, you’ll have to find out on your own with no guidance from me whatsoever.

  9. #99
    Word Engineer Miss Mae's Avatar
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    This gonna be a long one, so strap in, guys!

    When it's a-jar? Are you smurfing kidding me. -_-

    Way to take away Ron's crowning moment in this story - the chess game. Yeah, he totally just dived in front of the queen as it attacked Harry - that's totally what happened in the book. And then the queen just magically disappeared. Yes.

    At least they actually included the logic puzzle with the potions. I was really sad Hermione's time to shine was taken out of the movie. I love that fire just randomly starts being talked about here - were the fires visible on the doors, or was Harry just ridiculous?

    Umm... he had to mix a potion? And Hermione wasn't involved at all? And she could just get through the fire in the other doorway without any trouble? I... I take back what I said about being glad this was in the game.

    Snape was after Harry in that scene where it looked like he was trying to knock Harry off his broom! Wait, that didn't happen. Harry wasn't even on the Quidditch team. He didn't even have a broom.

    I'mma just let you live while I look at this mirror. La de da...

    Voldemort's face is such a let down. At least it vaguely looks like eyes and a hood though, I suppose. I didn't know Voldemort's eyes glowed red.

    Hahaha the winking face is great.

    So even though Quirrell has taken off his turban, Voldemort still has a hood? Weird.

    So much aggressive, pubescent angst from Harry.

    God that boss fight seemed outrageously more difficult than anything else you had encountered so far. What a steep difficulty curve.

    So Dumbledore has become the new Hagrid, spouting out all sorts of random knowledge for no particular reason. Random knowledge that doesn't even make sense in the context of this game. Rad.

    Ron and Hermione contributed literally nothing and then got a stack of points............. -_-

    Ummmmmmmm........ Ravenclaw still won? What is this?

    Haha Next Game+. As if anyone would.


    Awesome LP Shauna. I enjoyed every second and there were lots of laugh out loud moments.

    My future is fuelled by the fires of words, wit and companionship.

  10. #100
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    My Dad told me the door is ajar joke when I was younger.

    RE: The fires - they were visible, but they kind of just looked like black bubbles around the two doors. Nothing that could possibly look fire-like.

    Thanks! Glad you enjoyed!

  11. #101
    Jinx's Avatar
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    Voldemort, bro, your capslock is on.


    There's a key on your left


    No, dude, it's about halfway down the keyboard and




    Also, lol that Voldemort uses Avada Kedavra. It's the Killing Curse!

    And...I like that Gryffindor didn't xD
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  12. #102
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shauna View Post
    This is literally the worst way to get to know the Harry Potter plot. Regardless of what Skyblade thinks ( ), you should give the actual story a go yourself and experience it without all this... horrible.
    Yep. A world in which helping Muggles with magic is frowned upon, but wiping their minds every half hour to get them to do menial chores for you is a standard government program. Just one small gem among the hundreds in these great stories.

    The first one was easily the best, because it was a completely ridiculous story, and it wasn't trying to be anything else. The characters were two-bit caricatures with no depth, and the world was much the same way. But, as the fans took the stories way to seriously, J. K. Rowling followed suit, and the result is one of the most nonsensically built worlds I've ever seen in a work of fiction.

    That said, your Let's Play was great, and I did thoroughly enjoy it. I'm kind of sad that the card combinations apparently got no use in the game. I'm convinced that's why you lost so many times to Voldemort.

    Also, I do love the "no one else can beat Slytherin"... And then Ravenclaw utterly trounces everyone, even with the massive bonus points.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  13. #103
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Whatevs. My point really was that he should experience it himself and not be swayed by comments that it's not worth his time. He can decide for himself.

    Anyway, I looked up the card combos, and they're all terrible.

    Well, some of them are good, but I probably didn't have the necessary cards to do the better ones. I didn't have many cards. I probably could have explored more but... nothx.

  14. #104
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    NOOOOO!! You lost the House Cup!

    Congrats Shauna, you got this game's equivalent of a bad ending

  15. #105
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Yep. I'd be more ashamed if I wasn't glad this atrocity was over. xD

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