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Thread: Story footnotes for easy reference

  1. #31
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Lots of fish based words in your language Bleys!

  2. #32
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Serophyn remembers a dream he had last night. He knew it wasn't just a dream, but he couldn't tell is it was a vision or a memory.
    Serophyn had dreamt about a girl named Cecily who was beautiful and had a beautiful aura but she was sad.
    He wants to cure her sadness and he remembers thing seeing her, but the old Innkeeper wakes him up from his dream.

    Agent Proto
    Ziad, an Akim, arrives to Lucrecia from Akimolm Desert
    He meets a stranger and it is implied Ziad has visited before and didn't know it was the time of the Queen's Festival. He says he has somewhere to stay and isn't there to meet a friend.

    Radley is back on the Lost Soul with the loot and food stolen from the villagers.
    The plan is to head on a week long voyage in to the deeps to sail to the opposite end of the bay, just east of Lucrecia.

    Lonely Paper Star
    Camille is in search of her 2 missing Chocobos, worried she may have went the wrong way.
    She begins to doubt herself and thinks of turning back, but Stissi pushes forward, speeding up.
    Camille gets thrown off of Stissi's back from the speed and the Chocobo continues running ahead without her.
    Camille is tired, in pain, and fed up. She eventually catches the Chocobo's attention, and being able to mount her again.
    They head to the Betheron Wylds, hoping nothing bad will happen.
    Last edited by Pumpkin; 05-06-2014 at 08:17 PM.

  3. #33
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    There is no "and Akim" with Ziad.

  4. #34
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Sorry, I mean AN Akim. He is an akim, correct?

  5. #35
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    Yes he is. :P

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  6. #36
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Locke and Alistair arrive in Lucrecia just past noon.
    Alistair is excited about the festival and the performers and Locke thinks about the slums of the city.
    They locate an Inn, the Carbuncle's Cave.
    Locke lies about Alistair's age to get a free room. Alistair is shocked at his behavior.

    Azelin walks down the street with some plump, irritating ladies who are giving him directions by guiding him.
    He is surprised by all of the Hyu'mans, as the ones he is familiar with are no longer allowed to rule themselves and are always starting wars and hungry for power.
    He spots some Doban who look somewhat similar to himself but are slightly taller, sturdier, and older.
    The ladies point him to the Ceiling Cat.

    Kris, a lady in Naithe, is letting her legs drift in the water as her father checks the crab pots. Today had been a slow day.
    They find many empty crab pots and knowing this to be a good spot to fish and having taken care to not overfish, they wonder if something is scaring them off.
    As her and her father row back, she thinks of telling him to take the day off tomorrow after seeing the disappointment getting to him.
    She looks out on to the sunset and remembers the legend that the more striking a sunset, the more promising tomorrow will be.

    Jacques sat on the veranda waiting for dinner. He had to wait for his father before he could eat, though.
    He was happy his dad had a day off because every day his dad had off he also had off. He spent it mostly whittling.
    He notices two dark silhouettes and eventually recognizes one to be Kris, whom he is happy to see.

    Tala watches the human pace uncomfortably before finally introducing himself as Cohen.
    She introduces herself as Tala Aurora and can see many emotions washing over the man when she speaks.
    She asks him his name.


    Cohen is excited about the bear speaking and understanding him. He thinks of shaking hands with her, but decides against it.
    He asks Tala where he is.
    Tala explains that he is in Lucrecia on Sedorra. The man obviously doesn't understand her and she gets impatient. She is clever and wants to speak to a clever human and not someone slow.
    Tala asks what he's wearing and Cohen rambles on about how he woke up here from the University, before explaining he is wearing the Robes of the Order, the robes of a High Priest.
    Tala concludes that Cohen must be from a different world and Cohen agrees.
    They spot two strangers looking at them.
    Last edited by Pumpkin; 05-09-2014 at 04:42 AM.

  7. #37
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Updated. Also very very tired so forgive me if I got stuff wrong.

  8. #38
    Word Engineer Miss Mae's Avatar
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    All good, shion. There's a little typo in Jiro's where it says 'crab post' instead of 'crab pots' that you might want to fix. Also, I'm 99% sure Kris' dad isn't actually an Ursus - he just has big hands. You know, like if someone has 'bear hands', but in this world there are Ursus instead of bears...

    Thanks again for writing up these cliffnotes. It made reviewing what had happened in Naithe before I started my character there so much easier!

    My future is fuelled by the fires of words, wit and companionship.

  9. #39
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Oh, sorry about that! The bear stuff apparently has me confused haha

  10. #40
    Word Engineer Miss Mae's Avatar
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    No big deal - easily fixed.

    My future is fuelled by the fires of words, wit and companionship.

  11. #41
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Derk heads to the Cornerstone Inn after a long day at the Forge.
    He is tossing a bright blue material in his hands.
    He removes his night eyes and uses the blue material, cobalt, to pay at the bar for his usual.

    Gehrard was the bar and was in high spirits because had chased away 2 filthy human scavengers.
    His favorite customer, Derk, had walked in. He serves him in exchange for the cobalt.
    Gehrard doesn't like tabs and asks Derk if he had a good day or a bad day since a bad day led to the same ale but with less upfront payment.

    Agent Proto
    Ziad feels out of place in Lucrecia due to how many people there are.
    He goes to check out the Carbuncle's Cave

    Kris hears Jacques calling out to her and her father leaves knowing how much of a talker her is.
    Jacques asks if Kris saw his father down by the docks and she tells him she hasn't.
    He worries his father may be missing and suggests going to look for him, but Kris tells him he is being dramatic and they say goodnight,

    Jacques is very hungry and worried about his dad, who hasn't stayed out past dark much since his mother died.
    He eats an apple and tries not to worry.
    He throws his apple core outside and nearly hits his dad in the face with it.
    His dad told him he went up the coast to nowhere special and is frustrated at his lack of success for the day.
    Jacques, knowing his dad would not approve of his whittling, hides it behind his back and tells his dad he is going to bed.
    In his bedroom, he puts his whittling in a box he keeps underneath his bed. He doesn't get along with his father and thinks about his mother telling him stories of knights and pirates and such.

    Derk tells Gehrard that he had a good day.
    He talks about how a woman came in wanting him to make her a pair of earrings and he laughs her off saying its a smithy and not a jeweler.
    He asks Gehrard how business is with the fetival.
    Last edited by Pumpkin; 05-10-2014 at 01:56 AM.

  12. #42
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Doin' great, shion.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  13. #43
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    In case you're wondering what is happening with the footnotes, I am going to takeover after Shion's spectacular performance.

    Well, I will be after my darn exam tomorrow. Expect a HUMUNGOUS update at some point. Thanks guys for your patience!

  14. #44
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Default A most humongous update - Part One

    Right, so where were we? Sorry I've been so behind, life issues.

    Anyway, I'll be catching up. The footnotes below here are all the ones on Page Four that haven't been footnoted. I'll do Page Five and Page Six of the Official Story when I've had a break reading everyone's stories!

    Again, any corrections, don't hesitate to slap me, and then inform me as to what needs correcting.

    Loony BoB
    Having noticed an Aelum, another person came to greet her, much to Jahred's chagrin.
    Determined to meet her, Jahred ushers Kathvi in the direction of the Aelum.
    Showing great respect because the Ursus assisted him earlier in life, Jahred enquires to the Aelum, asking if she recognises the race to which Kathvi belongs to.
    Meanwhile, the companion to the Aelum is fascinated by the three people stood before him, making Jahred uncomfortable.

    Blackie Ganister is disturbed by the sounds of warking and loud noises. He is less than impressed.
    A young, big, dumb man came crashing through, asking for Blackie. His companion confirms this, all the while, struggling with his chocobos. Blackie noticed they looked abused and fearful.
    The two men are looking to sell the two chocobos, and know from others that Blackie would buy and sell almost anything. Blackie simply frowned.
    The two men had no papers, and the loud noises has disturbed the entire Wylds, and the men need a good axing. Blackie's confrontational style alerted the two men.
    Blackie exclaims he is a businessman, not a murderer, and offers them the paltry sum of 130 Arnan Coin. The men scoff at this offer, and claim that it is two versus one.

    Locke and Alistair prepare to leave the inn when they notice an Akim and the innkeeper, haggling. The innkeeper struggles over the Akim's name.
    The Akim is introduced as Ziad. Locke instantly recognises him as a traveller, and the two converse, particularly about the Queen's Festival.
    Ziad offers to play a game of darts, which Locke eagerly accepts.

    Agent Proto
    Ziad misses his first dart by a wide margin. Playing the game reminds him of his childhood.
    Locke inquires further. During calm, windless days in the desert, Ziad explains, he and his friends would draw targets in the sand, and throw rocks, scoring points based on accuracy.
    Intrigued, Locke asks for it's name, to which Ziad replies there is no official name.

    Tala, the Aelum and Cohen, the human look upon the odd couple with much puzzlement. She recognised one of them as an Akim, but the other, while analogous to a Snow Fox, was a creature she has never seen before.
    Tala listens to the Akim's question while Cohen grins, enjoying himself.
    Equally puzzled as to Kathvi's race, she responds that only during dinner would she see something looking like her.

    Sigrid notices a blue creature rising out from the water.
    This fish-like man begins asking a myriad of questions, about the land, about Sigrid, and so on.
    Excited about the strange new creature, Sigrid responds to all his questions and looks at him in expectation.

    Derk, one of his favourite patrons, was complained to Gerhard about his driggers, while also relaying today's activity at the smithy.
    Repeating his motto about 'the customer isn't always right', Gerhard tells Derk about his business during the Queen's Festival. He complains about humans, thinking that they 'own the place'.
    Just then, three humans enter his pub. They ask for a bed, some ale and some stew. Gerhard flatly refuses, and throws a stool at them, deliberately missing so he doesn't have to mop up any blood.

    Kris awoke and ate with her father, and set off by herself fishing, to prove that she could do it on her own.
    The day started slow, and the fish were avoiding the nets. Undeterred, Kris rowed to an inlet in the west, where she noticed a boat aground on the shoreline.
    A figure lay inside, seemingly dead. He suddenly sat bolt upright, startling both Kris and himself.
    Introducing himself as Ceres, Kris felt him warm and comforting, and so was not nervous around the stranger.
    Kris informs Ceres where he is; he is not familiar with Naithe or other Sedorran cities. Knowing the man could not survive in his wrecked boat, she offers the mysterious man a stay at her parent's house.

    Jacques struggled to get some rest, and thinking it a fruitless endeavour, decided to go for a walk.
    Creeping out of the house, he wandered towards the beach, feeling the cool water between his toes.
    Jacques counted the fishermen, and Kris, rise with the sun and row towards the Deeps. He found it odd that Kris was by herself.
    The sun fully risen, Jacques walked back home, before his dad could wake.
    His dad already awake, Jacques is chastised for not working on Mrs Pan's table, and is denied breakfast, working until mid afternoon.

    Loony BoB
    Kathvi winces at Tala's remark, but for Jahred, he is certain that Kathvi is very foreign, as even an Aelum could not identify Kathvi.
    Unsure as to the tone of Tala's remark, Jahred bows again to the Aelum, and ushers Kathvi away once more to find a place of rest.
    Jahred was anxious to ascertain who Kathvi was, as after the festival, Kathvi would surely stand out more obviously.
    Jahred takes Kathvi to an inn where he has a room booked, and leaves her there to close up his stall, whilst admiring the pyrotechnics the Doban had on display.
    He tells his men he would be busy for the coming days, and to take the wagon to Akimolm after it's use.
    Returning to Kathvi, Jahred tries to learn more about her, and where she came from.

  15. #45
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Default A most humongous update - Part Two

    Time for Part Two! This is the entirety of Page Five of the Official Story. In case you're wondering, this does quite some time.

    Page Five is mostly a back and forth between Tala and Cohen's intertwining storylines, which makes for some interesting reading.

    Having met three highly unusual people in Lucrecia, Cohen remarks on what a curious world he is in.
    Exhausted by the day, Cohen looks for somewhere to rest, helped along by Tala the Ursus.

    Distressed, Kathvi lies in her room in the inn, scared and threatened by today's events.
    Jahred re-enters the room, and asks her what she remembers of her home, the people she remembers, and so on.
    Concentrating hard, Kathvi remembers others like her, alongside humans in the mountains, and that there were lizard-like beings in the desert.
    Kathvi's mind strains, as if attempting to reject her own memories.
    She further remembers baking bread in an oven, the heat making her uncomfortable. She then trips, but cannot remember further.
    Sensing her growing panic and discomfort, Jahred decides to give Kathvi some air, hoping that he will not regret that decision.

    Tala is gathering her thoughts about what just happened, and how this may relate to the warnings the Stars gave.
    Cohen asks Tala for somewhere to rest. While Tala is not familiar with Lucrecia, she is aware of The Quiet Lobster, and offers to take Cohen there.
    On the way there, Tala cannot help but find Cohen's fascination with his surroundings peculiar.
    They reach the Quiet Lobster, where she hopes to continue their conversation.

    Despite arriving at their destination, Cohen is immediately drawn to the smell of human delicacies, and seeks to find the source. Tala, exasperated, relents.
    The source of the smells is a seedy looking inn: The Cornerstone Inn. Entering, Cohen notices a lack of people, and that the man behind the bar seemed unapproachable.
    Still uncomfortable because of the possibility of breaking a Order rule, Cohen begins talking with Tala about what an Aelum is.

    Following Cohen into the Cornerstone Inn, Tala cannot think of how demanding this peculiar human is.
    Cohen, scared to order food at the bar, instead asks Tala just exactly who she is.
    Forlorn at how ignorant Cohen is about the Ursus and the Aelum, she informs Cohen that she is a High Priestess among her people, and asks who Cohen is in turn.

    Cohen is thrilled to meet a High Priestess, of the same profession as himself. Tala's vocation reminds him of University; invoking pangs of homesickness.
    Noticing the darkening clouds, Cohen realises that he has no bed for the night, and that he is still starving.
    Cohen dismisses these practical concerns, thinking that this strange place is an opportunity to discover a new world.
    Knowing that Tala is a High Priestess, Cohen asks if she has a meditation hall so he could speak to the Gods for guidance.


    Derk listens to Gerhard discuss the Queen's Festival's effect on his customers, agreeing with Gerhard's view on humans.
    Sensing three humans wander in, he observes quietly while Gerhard 'deals with' the three humans.
    Enjoying the excitement, Derk gives Gerhard a small golden nugget for the stool, the entertainment and for another round of ale.
    A large Ursus and a strange looking human enters the Inn. Derk sighs, hoping they don't cause trouble.

    Xilkar listens to the small creature's responses to his questions, and stands straighter while the human asks some of it's own.
    He tells the human that he is a Loquan, and that he never has never heard of humans before.
    Knowing that he is not in his own world, Xilkar explains what his surfacing knife is for, before diving back into this foreign ocean, espying the little human on the shore.

    Hearing Cohen out, Tala surprisingly feel pity for him, sensing he is quite conflicted.
    Tala hears Cohen's request to speak with the Gods. Not knowing which Gods Cohen believes in, Tala nonetheless points to the Stars for the guidance he seeks.
    Cohen doesn't seem to understand, and looked expectant and forlorn. Tala explains further, stating that she herself does not know all the answers, and that they could find these answers together.

    Curious to learn that Tala prays to the Stars, Cohen quickly remembers that without a meditation hall, he would be unable to pray himself.
    Cohen is crestfallen that Tala could not give him the answers he seeks, but is pleased to have a companion.
    Finally succumbing to the pangs of hunger, Cohen inquires to Tala whether his home currency would be accepted here.

    Tala is surprised at the level of emotion that is being exhibited from the human, identifying both sadness and curiosity in his voice.
    Cohen tells Tala that he is happy to stay with her for awhile; Tala cannot help but think her role as a babysitter in this situation. She tells herself that this must have been what the Stars has ordained.
    Cohen asks her if his purse of gold is accepted currency here: letting out a growling laughter, Tala tells her it is accepted everywhere.

    Cohen, smiling, asks Tala if she wants anything to have as well.

    Tala is surprised that she is warming up to this human.
    Flashing her pointed teeth, she tells Cohen to fetch her the rarest slab of meat he can get.

    Cohen approaches the bar, incredibly nervous against the glare of the barkeep.
    His voice trembling, Cohen asks for whatever stew is cooking, and for the rarest steak they have.

    Loony BoB
    Getting some air, Jahred and Kathvi head to King's Square, and Jahred is relieved that no-one pays her any heed; she is just another performer.
    Suddenly, trumpets start blaring, pronouncing the official beginning of the Queen's Festival.
    Human, Akim and Doban alike clinked glasses, a rare sight outside of Lake Arna.
    As the festivities become more rapturous, dancers, fireworks and Doban Bonfire Wagons flooded King's Square. On the far side of the square, Doban travellers tell enamoured kids all about their scary adventures.
    Jahred realises that the Queen's blessing of the city will be beginning shortly. Meanwhile, Kathvi is pestered by several children to dance to the beat of the band.

    Lonely Paper Star
    Camille and Stissi, her Chocobo, could hear distressing Chocobo cries in the far distance along with sounds of struggle, and Stissi moved with great haste toward the source of the noise.
    About half an hour passed before another sound, this time a heated conversation between three men. Stissi was ready to interrupt, despite Camille's pleading to stay still, away from danger.
    Not listening to her owner, Stissi warked loudly and crashed on through into what appeared to be someone's camp.
    Camille immediately noticed her two Chocobos, Koko and Bristles, clearly worse for wear. Her heart sank at this sight, but not before realising the dangerous situation she has gotten herself into.
    Before her were three shady looking people: a Doban, and two humans across from him; one of the humans tell her to shove off, frightening her.
    However, seizing the moment, Camille decides to take advantage of this ailing situation. In a bold manner, Camille enters herself into the business 'meeting', stating that Koko and Bristles are hers.
    One of the humans recognises her as the girl who won the Queen's race. Steering the conversation back on hand, Camille demands reparation for the abuse suffered upon her two Chocobos.

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