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Thread: Story footnotes for easy reference

  1. #1
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Default Story footnotes for easy reference

    I have trouble keeping track when there's a lot going on, so I'm taking some notes. I'll share them here as I take them and others can post some up if they like also!

    If I misunderstood something in your section, I apologize, and feel free to correct me so I can better understand and fix the notes.

    Loony BoB

    Aziish rents stalls in King's Square Lucrecia.
    Jahred is his colleague.
    There is a festival that night to celebrate the 50 years since the Queen inherited the throne from her father.

    Daniel arrives in Sedorra only to be shocked by the chocobos and different races.
    He runs in a panic, trips on a rock, hits his head on another rock, and dies.

    Serophyn arrives near a river in Lucrecia.
    He encounters a man who tells him of Lucrecia and the festival, so he begins en route towards there.
    He has a strong connection to the stars.

    Cohen awakes on a busy street, disoriented.
    He figures he went out for a walk and starts looking for the University where he resides.
    Cohen is a High Priest.
    He speaks to a native who informs him that he has never heard of the University.

    Tala arrives in Lucrecia from the mountains, which she rarely does.
    She came down because she read in the stars that something momentous would happen in Sedorra.
    She consulted with the elders of Aelum and her fellow priestesses and it was decided she would be the one to leave the mountains to tell the other Ursus of the happenings and to gather information.

    Kathvi arrives near a river, disoriented and lost.
    She heads towards Lucrecia in the hopes of finding information about herself and her whereabouts.

    A boy hunts a deer in the woods.
    Locke, who was with the boy, expresses pride at the event.
    Last edited by Pumpkin; 04-30-2014 at 04:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Lonely Paper Star
    Camille is southwest of Lake Arna, at the edge of the forest, by the fork in the river.
    She used to be well-traveled and rich years ago, but now lives on borrowed land and breeds chocobos.
    Takka is her eldest chocobo. No one rents or buys him because he limps due to one leg being longer than the other.
    She heard about the festival and comments how the Kingdom made her poor because of something she did.


    Haruko is near the ocean, speaking to a mysterious woman who says she will be leaving her until the day of the damned.
    Haruko wakes up confused near an alley.
    Two men harass her and she says something about them not taking her back and she runs away.
    She thinks about her 'true' form, which is not human.
    She sees a person of a different race and thinks it is a demon.

    Nagul is the man Haruko saw and thought was a demon. He pulls a rickshaw and doesn't seem to enjoy his job.
    He is a Doban.

    Sigrid is working for a fisherman named Bates.
    She is a 13 year old girl who lives in an orphanage in Naithe owned by a woman named Ms. Pan.
    Sigrid wants to go out to sea with Bates, but he says it's no place for her. She dreams of having her own ship to explore the unknown.
    She notices a strange blue creature in the water.

    Xilka was up disoriented in unfamiliar waters.
    He realizes he is in unfamiliar territory and clutches his surfacing knife as he goes to explore the land.

    Jhera, coming from Steel, the capitol of the Empire of Kur, is delivering a message from the Emperor to a rebellion.
    He can fly, and also has telepathic abilities, which he uses to convey a cease and desist message to the rebellion.
    As he is flying back he is hit by a pulse of air. When he straightens himself, he finds himself in a new, unfamiliar city with unfamiliar races of people.
    He overhears about the festival.

    Cohen explores the city, disconcerted by the new races of people.
    Cohen encounters a bear, who is also confused by the goings-on of the bustling city.

    Agent Proto
    Radley is sailing the Deeps in a red ship called the Lost Soul. He has been out for over a week, and braved a storm yesterday.
    He sees a beach line with a few small huts and theorizes they are near a group of small islands to the north of Sedorra.
    He and his crew are excited to be on land again.

    Kathvi arrives in Lucrecia. Is insecure and out of her element.
    She can't remember people from her homeland.
    A stranger approaches and speaks to her as she is trying to work up the courage to ask someone for information.
    Last edited by Pumpkin; 04-30-2014 at 04:42 PM.

  3. #3
    Formerly Important Lonely Paper Star's Avatar
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    It's awesome that you did this, shion.

    Starting on my left with one, your number comes up, you go.

  4. #4
    Word Engineer Miss Mae's Avatar
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    This is so incredibly helpful. Thanks so much for compiling this. This is going to be such a useful reference point for people.

    My future is fuelled by the fires of words, wit and companionship.

  5. #5
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Excellent idea!

    As things move on, this will become more and more important for people new to the RP... and as things move on even further, it may be worth updating the first post with a summary of the summaries. xD
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  6. #6


    Just a lil correction: He followed the river and path to Lucrecia BECAUSE the man told him in the first place - the scene with the Chocobo guy was a flashback - so point 1 and 3 are part of the same with me not mentioning before hoe much time has passed after he woked up to the point where he met that man. He really only followed the path a bit before but not for hours. The hours have passed after he has met him. He follows the river in the first lines, because he already returned to it and the point in the flashback where I said he went back to the river lead to the present, so the first lines.
    Last edited by Sephiroth; 04-30-2014 at 11:56 AM.

  7. #7
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Thank you for making this. I haven't had time to make a starter post or anything and I already feel behind so this helps.

  8. #8
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Great job shion. Great way to summarise things.

    I left Locke's first chapter deliberately confusing. My intention was to have the reader think it was Locke being chased (which is why I had to use 'he' many times over), only to then reveal Locke was the hunter himself. Not quite so sure how that went, really.

    As for the victim, as you find out in Locke's second chapter, it's actually a deer they were hunting (Perhaps I should have made that slightly more obvious in the first chapter ). Furthermore, Locke isn't actually the boy's father. The boy just looks up to Locke.

    So, to correct your notes in the first chapter:

    - A boy hunts a deer in the woods
    - Locke, who was with the boy, expresses pride at the event

  9. #9
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Citizen Bleys
    Desmond Arsibault shares a home with Janelle.
    He arrives home intoxicated, which upsets Janelle. They argue, Janelle giving him an ultimatum about his use of the drug Brilliance and also tells him he needs to get a real job as she won't support him forever.
    He works as a dead-end bartending job as his music career has failed to take off.
    Desmond walks out and Jerry, the bar owner, allows him to stay at the bar. Janelle doesn't respond to him in the morning. He moves his stuff out of the house hoping to get Janelle's attention, but she still doesn't respond.
    A few weeks pass and Desmond begins using more drugs and drinking more. Jerry fires him.
    Desmond joins in on criminal activities, including robberies.
    Desmond remains clean of Brilliance for one day while hooked in to Nexus, the planet.
    He asks a salt-of-Nexus co-worker, Crossbones, for a gun and more Brilliance.
    Desmond goes to the Temple, each Temple on Nexus has a Table through which can sometimes be seen other worlds. On rare occasions, aliens have passed through these gates and in to their world. But it is usually several hundred years before the planets line up correctly.
    He sees Janelle at the Temple, who ignores him. He plans to kill himself in front of her and the Temple.
    He unhooks himself from Nexus in the Temple, which is frowned upon, he takes a lot of Brilliance and raises the gun to himself.
    Just as he was planning to pull the trigger, he finds himself in a new world.
    He is at first excited about this, as he thinks he can return to his world and become rich off of his discovery, but then he panics when he realizes he can't return.

    Loony BoB
    Jahred spots a strange furry person and nudges his fried Aziish to alert him to it.
    They wonder if it is from some new Ursus tribe, although Jahred suspects it is something new and different.
    He wants to know more about her so he strikes up a conversation with a guard close to the furry person and watches her closely. He then notices his friend also talking with a guard. And pointing.
    Just as he is thinking his friend an idiot, the festival entertainers arrive, setting off fireworks and kicking off the celebration.
    Noticing the masks on the performers, he approaches the furry strangers and compliments her on her costume, while leading her somewhere else.

    Serophyn arrives in Lucrecia and is overcome with other people's emotions. People stare at him, making him realize he hasn't been here before.
    He is uncomfortable with a lot of the negative emotions his empathic abilities are picking up. It isn't necessary for him to feel what others are feeling, but it is his nature to seek out spiritual contact. He also needs to restore his own harmony.
    He meditates while walking down the street and searching for an Inn.
    He finds the Inn and is happy to feel a lot of positive energy, which allows him to stop meditating. He asks the Inn keeper for a room, and then realizes he isn't able to pay.


    Locke and the boy return to the village with their deer, much to the pleasure of the village, who hadn't eaten a large meal in days.
    Locke cleans up in his modest, simple home, as the village of about 20 works to prepare the feats they had anticipated. Once ready, they villagers happily celebrate.
    The boy Locke hunted with, Alistair, a boy of 12, thanks Locke for taking him hunting and allowing him to make his mother proud.
    When Locke first arrived at the village, Alistair's family was the first to greet him. A year later, Alistair's father died, which is never fully explained or discussed in the village.
    Alistair brings up the festival in Lucrecia. This makes Locke think about how it has been several years since Locke saw his mother, and that he said he would never venture there again as there were too many bad memories.
    A village berates the Royal Family while one of them, Locke, sits a short distance away.
    Last edited by Pumpkin; 04-30-2014 at 07:00 PM.

  10. #10
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Again, I apologize if I get your information wrong. It's a bit difficult sometimes for me to keep all of the information straight, so I hope you aren't offended if I misunderstand something.

  11. #11
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    I'm just sortof lurking as this project goes on, but this is a great idea!

  12. #12
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinx View Post
    This is great. Maybe you should hold off and just update once a day though, so it's easier to keep track of/tell where were are.
    Mostly I'm just planning to have the posts divided to cover up a lot of the story, while also not being too long as to better help digest the information. Especially since some people have long intro posts to help us better understand their back story, putting too much in one block can get a bit more difficult to read (for me anyways) when the goal is more of a short, easy to follow event list.

    Depending how many people post, it probably will be a once, maybe twice a day thing. For example, if one more person posts today, I'll just edit it on to the last update or, depending if its 11 hours from now and almost tomorrow, I'll just wait to post it with more posts tomorrow. If 10 more people post today, I'll make a separate one to help better break up the information, instead of just adding it on to an already full post.

  13. #13
    Not responsible for WWI Citizen Bleys's Avatar
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    Well, one tab isn't a lot of Brilliance, but he's carrying a large amount of it.

    This will become significant once it's clear that there's no way to get more on Sedorra. Brilliance is a drug from the universe in which Brillance resides.

  14. #14
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    I really hope this doesn't become a recurring theme! Sorry Shion!

    In Locke's second chapter, you mentioned how Locke was berating the Royal Family. In fact, it was another (unnamed) villager who went off on one about the Royal Family.

    "Queen's Festival? Bah, bunch of bloody posh bastards that's all it is" said one villager who overheard Alistair. "All they do is arse about in their high thrones eating fine foods and swanning about. What do they actually do for us?". The anti-Royal sentiment in the village has always been lukewarm, even if not everyone openly admits to it. The Queen's Festival simply strengthens opinion, one way or the other. For Locke, it is simply awkward.
    I hoped the bit that said 'one villager' meant that it wasn't Locke speaking it, and also the way the unnamed villager spoke as well. Also finally, the Royal member who overheard all of this is Locke himself. I did mention the Queen being Locke's mother.

    Again, sorry Shion! I should really telegraph things better.

  15. #15
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I fixed it. Sorry Formy

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