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Thread: We want your Eyes on Final Fantasy Memories!

  1. #1
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    Default We want your Eyes on Final Fantasy Memories!

    Immediately after making this thread title, I am given the image of a deranged doctor (Loony BoB) in a science fiction film piecing apart memories of the members here in a darkroom as if they were photographs.

    This is very important. I need you! YOU! Yes, you, I'm pointing at you, don't turn your head back and gesture to the member behind you!

    Your friendly neighborhood staff are in the works of attempting a very special project and I need all of your help. It's going to take time and effort. I need you to reflect on your history as a member of EoFF and come up with examples of what you pinpoint to be highlights of your membership. There is no limit! No limit whatsoever.

    We are looking for images from your stockpile of graphics created in EoFF-related images, share links of threads you insist on being included, photos of meetups, paraphrased recaps on hilarious stories of you or other members. Anything and everything you can think of, we want it. Whether you've been a member for over a decade or under a year - tenure does not matter. We want to collect your memories!

    No, I cannot tell you what the project is. But trust me that if we can get everyone to come together for this and put in effort, it will be well worth it.

    What pieces of your time at EoFF are you willing to share? Post them here, PM me, PM another staff member, open up a private feedback thread. We would love to obtain them by any avenue necessary!

    A massive thank you in advance for your cooperation! I hope that this journey helps enlighten you all to reflect on the amazing times here and help indulge in nostalgia of your experiences of Eyes on Final Fantasy. If our Ciddies yesterday were any indication about the amazing times we can collectively have as members here, I am certain that filing through your memories past will bring you the same amount of joy.

    Get to posting!

    Important edit: We are also looking for people to summarize a year of Eyes on Final Fantasy! If there are any years of your membership that stand out, please do this. We can have multiple entries for years and you can do more than one year, this is encouraged. Write out sentences, paragraphs, or you can even just list descriptive words.

    Threads of importance:
    EoFF Memes
    EoFF Meetup Photos
    Post your EoFF History
    So how is everyone doing?
    Summarize a year of EoFF

  2. #2
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    There is time, though for certain, I can't say how much. I don't want to say, "You have months!" because I think this will discourage people from participating by being forgetful, though that is the true answer. A few months. I'll give an arbitrary deadline of September 1st.

  3. #3
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    My ultimate moment will forever shall be this gif I created for the staff back in '06. I want to share this with our newer members.

    The members in the picture are Big D, Loony BoB (in the backseat), and RSL (driver).
    Last edited by Agent Proto; 06-01-2014 at 07:05 PM.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  4. #4
    purple Alive-Cat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bravely Proto View Post
    My ultimate moment will forever shall be this gif I created for the staff back in '06. I want to share this with out newer members.

    The members in the picture are Big D, Loony BoB (in the backseat), and RSL (driver).
    Oh, it's been a while since I saw this thing around! Just beautiful.

    Argh, a lot of my main old school memories are back in the '05/'06 era, but as far as images etc go I have none now. Also a lot of weird, pointless and mostly funny stuff in usernotes. People's usernotes and the looonggggg endless stream of strange phrases and conversations that went on forever need to get a shout in this thing somehow.

    Great times in MSN with members as well, but that's another thing where there isn't really a way to show the memories.

    But I'll wrack my noggin for a way to contribute to this somehow!

  5. #5
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    Get an Admin to find where on the server the old photo album is, or maybe in the archive there's some of the old threads, and you'll find tons of pics of EOFF meetups.

  6. #6
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Hmmm, I will throw down some thoughts here to prompt me to try and remember more! When I am less tired.

    - First Glasgow meetup with smittenkitten and Squinn (and subsequent nonsense times with Danielle)
    - Y!M. All of it.
    - The hustle and bustle of 2005 #eoff, they were crazy times. Me and the gals from that time... Classic.


    - Distant Worlds and rejoining the community, I guess, was a big thing for me.
    - Edinbugger meets with the Poocats
    - The Towns Wedding
    - Being staff, I suppose. It's not nostalgic right now, but it might be soon.

    Good lord I don't nearly have enough memories of this place. I'll come back to this...

    ...I might even, oh god I can't believe I'm even thinking this, look through my LJ and see what utter trout went down in my 14-17 EoFF times.

  7. #7
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    *I have mentioned this one many times, but the time that a topic about the Mako poisoned guy in the slums of Sector 5 eventually turned into people viciously debating other aspects of FFVII, including the material Vincent's coffin was made out of based on the sound it made when it opened and closed. Though at the time I was frustrated at the topic (and I think one of the posters was trolling), what made it funny to me is that edczxcvbnm and I came up with an idea to get it closed. At the time, even jokingly suggesting that you can revive Aeris was a big no-no. So one of us posted it, then we reported ourselves to Kawaii Ryukishi, a mod at the time. He totally knew what we were up to, but closed the thread and sarcastically posted that it was a bloody shame that he had to close the off rails thread at that point.

    *My personal return in January of 2012. Though I posted a few months at time since I joined, I think the longest I went without posting here was maybe barley over a year. However, ever since I came back, I have stuck around and been having the best time I ever had in any sort of online community. As shameful as this is to admit, while I was never the biggest trouble maker, there were far too many times that I argued with the staff or other members. As the years went by combined with myself mellowing out over the years, I learned that I appreciate rare communities such as this place.

    Almost everywhere else on the internet people feel obligated to be as rude as possible to each other because the whole "LOL INTERNET HATE MACHINE" mindset. Though I feel that aspect of the net isn't as bad as it used to be in general, smaller communities like this one are fantastic. Even when people argue with each other here, it's more of a reasonable deal then other places around the internet (yes, I feel that way as much as I gripe about EOEO).

    Most of us know each other beyond our screen names and most of us have seen us take major steps in our lives. It makes me wish that I posted here frequently ages ago, honestly.

    *Though I don't take the Ciddies very seriously, I find it a fun thing to be apart of, no matter if I was nominated for something or not. That being said, when members pulled together to vote me to "Win a Ciddie for the very first time" I felt great about it. Though I miss the running gag of me barley missing winning a Ciddie by a vote or two, I am happy that people feel positively about me. In the most recent Ciddies as of this writing, I got over 30 votes for best member. That blew my mind.

    *Belto Maxson. In a thread where someone was making fun of Tetsuya Nomura's obsession with belts and zippers. One poster wondered if he would design a character that was just a "sentient belt mass." That night I made a long winded post making up all these BS facts about a hidden or cut character in FFX called Belto Maxson. I used the character to make fun of everything from Japanese to English translation to typical video game secret crap. Eventually, I reused the character in a five part MSpaint comic that also poked fun at edczxcvbnm and FF tropes. Long story short, I first introduced the character in 2004 or 2005. When I started to post again in 2012, a couple of long time members STILL referenced him. My drawing of character in question:

    *The Polo Ponys. Back in 2001, edczxcvbnm and I wanted to make fun of typical hard music that got heavy for the sake of being heavy, despite the fact to some extent, we both like heavy music (these days I am much more into heavier stuff and edczxcvbnm doesn't like anything heavy). Anyway, we crated a "band" where edczxcvbnm screamed his lungs out while having a keyboard on a crappy drum loop and bashing other keys randomly. I borrowed his younger brother's guitar and either played the same pattern of power chords or just wailed on the guitar completely randomly. The only link I can find that has a song of ours is a YTMND that Agent Proto put together: Also, keep in mind that we did this before either of us drank.
    Last edited by Sephex; 06-01-2014 at 09:01 PM.

  8. #8
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    Important edit added: We are also looking for people to summarize a year of Eyes on Final Fantasy! If there are any years of your membership that stand out, please do this. We can have multiple entries for years and you can do more than one year, this is encouraged. Write out sentences, paragraphs, or you can even just list descriptive words.

  9. #9

  10. #10


    Any of the 11 hours of TeamSpeak yesterday.

  11. #11
    Total Sweetheart
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    I've got plenty of fond memories. I'll post them at some point. I still need to figure out how I'd like to word it all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bravely Proto View Post
    My ultimate moment will forever shall be this gif I created for the staff back in '06. I want to share this with our newer members.The members in the picture are Big D, Loony BoB (in the backseat), and RSL (driver).
    For full effect, press play and leave it running in the background:

  12. #12
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I don't have any pics of memories or anything D:. I can just kinda... talk about them

  13. #13
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    So talk about them! Link to them! Link your favorite threads

  14. #14
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Well I met Peeg which was fun in a weird way and I met VTG which was weird, but he was a nice guy really. Met sharky of course and began a relationship. When I first joined, DD and I would visitor message each other every single day with nonsense, because we'd run out of things to talk about but wanted to talk anyway.

    When I first started talking to sharky I didn't like him because I thought he was married and cheating on his wife with foa, which is kind of funny in hindsight.

    I had a lot of fun with the Movember event and I donated a whole bunch of money to it. I've run a whole bunch of events and enjoyed doing it. I get excited everytime I get an article published. I remember seeing a section to contribute stuff to the frontsite back when I first joined, but I kind of laughed and said that would never be me. Now I'm the only current holder of the contributor title and have written a good amount of content, and have no plans to stop doing so.

    Chat has always been an awesome place for me and I love the chat peoples. I was so intimidated by it when I first started going and now it's like "my people !!!" My life would be very much different without it.

  15. #15
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    This sounds like a particularly overwhelming project. The only things that I feel like mentioning off the top of my head are the Apocalypse Party, the Poké Party being arguably the first elections party to actually win and effect change, everybody getting Linus a job , and the hours G13 and I spent in MSN chatting about what we were adding to the Wiki.

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
    Trying to catch me riding dirty.

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