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Thread: Eating better on a budget and with little work

  1. #1
    radicaledward124's Avatar
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    Default Eating better on a budget and with little work

    ok I've been trying for along time now to eat better, you know less pre processed stuff and other bad for you thing and more natural good for you stuffs, problem is I basically am stuck at home 5 days a week and i have to do all my shopping for the week during the weekend when my Dad and Sister are home for working in Ms. SO i need to know what things I can eat that require little work cause let's face it i'm a college student i spend all my time work on school stuff and the last thing I want to do is cook for a hour or more. I really eat more Ramen, frozen pizzas and other meals than anything and I dont want to eat salad all the time either. any ideas??

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  2. #2
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    Buy a whole chicken. Roast the chicken. Cut the chicken into bits. Stick the chicken carcass in a big pot with water, chicken stock (cubes or whatever you want), and an assortment of vegetables. Leave for a few hours. The good thing about roasts and stews is that there is about 15 minutes prep time, and then the rest you can just leave on a timer and do your own thing.

    Return and remove all the bones. You can freeze the stew and it'll last you at least a fortnight. The chicken meat itself will last a few days, depending on how much you eat. This is food for half a month and it costs next to nothing.

  3. #3
    noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Buy frozen veggies with no sauce.

    They're picked at the peak of freshness and flash frozen. Which means they're pretty much better for you. Also, they're pretty cheap! You can often get single servings of PictSweet brand for $1 or so.. Those may have butter though. Also, they have bags of mixed veggies for different things- stir fry, fajita blend, etc..

    If going the fresh route, buy what's in season, obvs ..

  4. #4


    bulk buy things like rice and pastas. if you can find a chinese market nearby you can often get rice for crazy low prices

    do the chicken thing that Quin suggested, it is amazing what value you can get

    check your local markets and things for cheap meats and veggies. its a little work but you'll be surprised what bargains you can find. once you've identified good stores then youre golden.

    and yea, frozen veggies are often the best, and very convenient.

    you can cook up a whole big bunch of pork or w/e other meat (get it on sale) and make burritos with it, you can freeze these and just defrost/nuke them whenever. you can make enough to last a month no problems

    finally it might be good to invest in a slow cooker. you can throw the ingredients in, go to work or whatever and then come home to a kitchen that smells like heaven. again, the one-pot meals will last you days or more

  5. #5
    radicaledward124's Avatar
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    thanks guys!! I'll give some of this a try about time i started using the grill press thing dad got for Christmas last year.

    So this is love and See you space cowboy were made for me.

  6. #6
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    Learn to like the following: Frozen vegetables, lentils, beans, brown rice, soups.

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