Player Name: Loony BoB

Preferred number: 23

Country of Origin or State of Origin for the 'Muricans: New Zealand

Appearance: The kind of person that would give Phil a surprisingly nice feeling in his special place.

1. If you could be any animal which would it be and why (in one sentence)? Jaguar!

2. What is your favourite sport to watch (please don't say "no sport", even if it's absolutely stupid or completely untrue, I need something to work with) Rugby

3. How would you describe your dancing ability? Seated.

4. Are you quick to anger? No.

5. If you could be one character from a Final Fantasy game which would it be and why (in one sentence)? I would be Red XIII, before he meets his grandpa and becomes a wuss.

6. Which of these foods do you prefer most (pick one)?
- Chilli Con Carne'

7. Country you would most like to visit on a holiday?