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Thread: Let's Play Resident Evil 2 badly

  1. #16
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    Let's continue. When we last left Claire, we had just gotten hold of some C4 and a detonator, ready to blow a hole in the wall to get into Chief Irons' office. Personally, I think the explosives could be put to better use in getting us the hell out of here, but whatever.

    We also picked up a lighter from Marvin's desk. This thing is so small that Claire could just store it in her bra, but it takes up the same amount of space as a damn grenade launcher With this in hand we can take a short detour to that creepy painting we saw earlier.

    So now we have the second red jewel, we can put it in the other bust in the room next to Irons' office.

    What is it with all these complicated contraptions being used to store mundane trinkets!

    Inside is a broken half of the blue 'Serpent Stone', which means we're probably going to have to find the other half at some point and join them. I'm half expecting being required to run halfway around the police station in order to find some sellotape to put them together.

    So with the explosives set, it's BOOM TIME

    Claire demonstrates that three yards is an acceptable distance to stand safely away from high powered plastic munitions.

    Into Irons' office! Let's get some answers!

    Oh God, I'm so sorry for interrupting. I should have knocked first. I'll leave now and I promise I won't tell anyone I saw anything. I...hang on, what?


    "And that's the last time she forgets to record The Great British Bake Off while I'm at work!"

    Ol' Brian Irons here is to have us believe that everything that has happened is an unfortunate accident, and that the corpse in front of him is the mayor's daughter, who sadly died due to his inability to protect her from the zombie invasion. Even though EVERYTHING we've seen up to this point, from the notes from his secretary to the fact that he just turned around in his chair like a smurfing Bond villain and waved a gun in Claire's face has indicated that this guy is a murderous psychopath with ulterior motives. I'm sorry Chief, but I smell bulltrout here.

    Of course, Claire takes it all at face value and leaves him to it.

    Right, let's get out of here. After all that effort to get the damn bomb...

    trout! This little bitch is trying to steal our gun! You can't do that, you've got a whole solo section coming up where you're supposed to be unarmed!


    After getting her to calm down, we find that this girl (that we encountered earlier) is Sherry Birkin, the daughter of William Birkin, the guy who developed the G-Virus and is responsible for this whole mess. Were we in the middle east, Claire would just shoot her here and now as some sort of referred punishment, and save ourselves a whole lot of future bother. Also notice the pendant around her neck that is definitely not a plot device that will play a part in the game later on.

    No sooner does Claire decide to make it her life mission to get Sherry out of Raccoon City safe and sound, that Sherry just turns around and runs off, while Claire just stands there. I hope she never becomes a mother. Let's move.

    Irons has disappeared, and taken his corpse with him. That painting behind his chair does look awfully 3D rendered...


    Time to get the pieces to put in here, I suppose...

    An interrogation room. Right, we all know what happens here. We've seen it before. Just stay calm.

    It's just a mirror. Just take what we need and get out. Cool as a cucumber.

    Right, we've got it. Just be cool, be cool, be coo-

    JESUS smurf EVERY smurfING TIME

    That's two pairs of underwear ruined.

    Now we're down in the basement of the police station, and we're reunited with everyone's least favourite dobermans. Funnily enough, this area is pretty much the only place in the game we'll be fighting these things, given the ubiquity of them in RE1. We're looking for the last of the 'suit' keys - the club key. Why it was hidden down here is not for us to ponder. Let's look around.

    smurf. That. trout. Next!

    The next room along is a generator room with an absurd switch puzzle.

    You have to flick the switches (which make the power gauge go up) so that you end up with 80 volts, which powers up a card reader for a door around the corner. No, this doesn't make any sense.

    Continue on a bit and we run into Sherry again. How the hell did you get down here without the right keys?

    Claire once again proves that she is useless by losing her again. Do I smell a solo segment?

    Meet Sherry. She is small, slow, and completely unarmed apart from a first aid spray and a tearjerker family photo. Strangely enough, she can also take more hits than Claire before copping it .

    Luckily, the only enemies we have to face are two dobermans that are chilling out at this...substation I guess? Are we outside? I thought we were in the basement?

    Long story short, Sherry runs around a bit and comes up with our coveted Club key and a stash of grenades for the grenade launcher. Even better, she then buggers off again.

    Okay, I guess it's time to go into the Autopsy Room...

    This is not a good idea.

    A curiously rendered coffin door?

    Oh Capcom, you silly snakes.

    Inside the cupboard is the card key for the door we mentioned earlier.

    "Hi, my name is Solomon. I'd like to talk to you about God"


    Okay, time to use the card key.

    Inside is a locker with a choice of two items, or both. The catch which Capcom don't tell you about is that whatever you take, Leon won't be able to on the B Scenario. Seeing as you're never really that far from an item box and I'm just too damn stingy to ever use the submachine gun, we'll leave them both for Leon. Claire is such a giving person.

    Onwards and upwards!

    In here is nothing but an unfortunate bloke who sleeps every night next to a box of grenades, and presumably died protecting them. That's it. We just went all the way through the basement to find a hidden key that unlocks some cop's smurfing dorm room. The key unlocks one more door, however...

    Another puzzle. Good job I brought the lighter even though I was given absolutely no indication that I would need it, otherwise I'd have to run all the way back to the basement.

    More junk!

    When walking into the library, Claire is startled by zombies breaking the windows in a corridor on a completely different floor. We have no reason at all to go back there, so what is the point of this threat?

    And now...the Raccoon City Police Station...clock tower. A clock tower. In a police station. Yep.

    Is...could this be...a job for the crank!?!? Finally! Shame I didn't bring the damn thing. Back to the item box...


    A hidden staircase.

    And here's where we put the cog we just picked up. Now we can get the clock going again, because this is one of the first things that needs to be done during a zombie outbreak.

    The other half of the stone. We don't need sellotape, thank God.

    Back to Irons' office to place our stones in - oh, smurfing hell.

    Slip the stones into the wall, and...

    Another secret passageway!

    That's finally the end of the Police Station for us. Don't worry, it only gets more farfetched from here.
    Last edited by Old Manus; 09-12-2014 at 11:31 PM.

    there was a picture here

  2. #17
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    This is an excellent let's play. Seriously making me want to play through this again.

  3. #18
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post


  4. #19

  5. #20
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    So when we left our heroine, we were about to enter a super-secret hidden passageway in Chief Irons' office.

    The hidden passageway leads to a hidden elevator. Possibly even Claire is getting fed up of Sherry by now, as she decides to leave her on her own in the zombie-infested death trap of a police station, while she takes the exit herself.

    So we just took an elevator on the first floor (second floor, for those from the western colonies) downwards, to some kind of dungeon. According to the map, we must have just crashed through a ground-floor office to get here. This place is making the Overlook Hotel look architecturally sound.

    Rounding the corner...

    "Ooh, talk to the hand because the face ain't listening, gurl!"

    "I meant my hand, Chief!"

    The mutant arm shoots its hot, sticky load down Irons' throat, and he chokes and collapses to the floor. I wish this part was a joke.

    Eye wonder who this could be? *shot*

    This all happened up ahead, so let's go and see what's up.

    Claire catches up to Irons, only for him to point his gun at her again. Christ, man, what is your problem?

    He's just about to put a bullet in Claire's head and end the nightmare when he suddenly gets a bout of stomach cramps. No, please, just shoot us. We can't take it any longer.


    "Well that's disgusting." regina_by_kenny1654-d7m4jh6.png

    Whatever just climbed out of the Chief's chest has slithered off down the ladder. There's only one thing to do: follow it down! But first, let's take a look around.

    It looks like we've stumbled across Chief Irons' personal sex dungeon. It looks just like mine.

    Why would you smear blood on a saw?

    Okay, down the ladder. It appears that this police station is built above a giant cave.

    Suddenly, whatever smoked Irons slithers into view. It's definitely grown a lot.

    Boss battle time! He's fairly easily taken down with a few acid rounds. Let's just get on with this.

    So...where the hell are we? The sewers?

    No! No we don't!

    Sake. All the way back to Irons' office, then, to pick her up.

    "Where are we, Claire?"
    "This is your father's best friend's underground death dungeon, Sherry. Do your best to ignore the instruments of torture and blood-stained operating tables"

    "I guess he's only half the man he used to be, Claire!"
    "That's the spirit!"

    Back into the sewers with Sherry in tow, we get an unexpected visitor.


    Through the next door, we immediately lose Sherry once again as she manages to fall down the chute in the left of this picture. How has this girl managed to live this long?

    That's right, it's another Sherry solo section!

    In the next room is a lone zombie, some items we can't reach, and a vent.


    Wrong exit.

    A bit more poking about has us pick up this item that will surely be used in some kind of contrived item placement quest shortly.

    Then for no good reason whatsoever, the floor falls beneath Sherry!

    Oh...trout...threepio! Shut down all garbage compactors in the detention level!

    The scene thankfully cuts away just as the monster impregnates Sherry with his seed. Again, I wish I was joking.

    Back with Claire, who decides that just climbing into the hole and following Sherry would just make too much sense, and so decides to find another route.

    An office. Let's just take stock here. We're in a huge underground sewer complex directly below the police station, complete with offices. Are we to assume that all employees would have to get to work every day by walking through Chief Irons' office, down a few ladders, and through tunnels of raw sewage?

    Giant spiders! Resident Evil is never complete without giant spiders. They just crawl along the walls and spit acid very inaccurately. To shoot them would be a complete waste of ammunition, so we'll just pretend they aren't there.

    Through the next door, we find...uh, oh, trout.

    Claire continues her schtick of just standing there blankly while people point loaded firearms at her.

    Meet Annette Birkin, wife of William Birkin, also known as the giant multi-eyed monster that copped Chief Irons and just impregnated his daughter Sherry Birkin. She helpfully provides some exposition as to the causes of the whole outbreak, which for the uninitiated, is her husband developed the G-Virus, successor to RE1's T-Virus, which secret evil organisation Umbrella wanted for themselves. They attack his lab, causing him to inject himself with the G-Virus, transform into the mutant demon we know today, kill his attackers, and let the T-Virus loose on the city. Make sense to you? Me neither.

    Claire tells Annette that her daughter is on the loose somewhere in the sewers, and she runs off to look for her, leaving us to venture deeper into complex.

    The valve handle makes a welcome return as part of an attempt to lower a bridge to let us get to the other side of the sewage. Remember, people work here every day.

    A tunnel.

    This looks eerily long, wide and empty...

    Sherry! ...and...what?

    Someone call Steve Irwin!

    In a set-piece borrowed straight from Jaws, we let loose a completely pointlessly placed compressed canister (WHAT THE HELL IS IT DOING THERE)...

    Let him chomp on it...

    Yipee ki yay, mothersmurfer.

    Now to save Sherry, picking up her Wolf Medal on the way.

    This guy probably just shot himself over working in an open sewer, rather than the whole zombie thing. Looks like he's got another medal.

    Sticking both of them in this little machine in the right opens up the pathway to the next section. I'll also add that when going with Sherry in tow, if you get too far away from her, she just stops and sulks until you come back to her. Couple this with the fact that she moves very slowly, and you find yourself constantly having to stop to let her catch up, which makes it a right pain when the undead are trying to feast on you.

    An underground train platform...this whole place is built into solid rock. How much did this place cost to excavate and build?

    Taking the cable car leads us to another section of this underground complex.

    This one in particular being notable for consisting of nothing but corridors.

    This bloke doesn't disappear when you leave the screen and come back, so something must be up.

    He's carrying a giant electricity gun! This is almost totally useless apart from against an enemy we will shortly be finding ourselves acquainted with.

    Okay, we've somehow ended up outside. A train! Our ticket out of here!

    Settling an increasingly ill Sherry down inside, we flip a few switches and get going the hell out of Raccoon City.

    Hang on, we're going down?

    Tune in next time to start the inevitable-secret-underground-factory section!

    there was a picture here

  6. #21
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Irons is such a whack job. Isn't he the one responsible for the loony tunes layout of the police station? Also I've never quite figured my head around it - is Claire wearing pink double denim over the top of black lycra? Her outfit makes no sense to me.

  7. #22
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    I love you so much for the Dino Crisis and Metal Gear Solid reference.

  8. #23
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Looks like the Police Chief couldn't...IRON out his plans enough to not get killed!


    I am not good at that, sorry.

  9. #24
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    I get the feeling you're trying to say that the plot of Resident Evil makes no sense, or something...

  10. #25
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    Continuing on...

    To recap, we've just got on the last train out of Saigon, but for some reason we seem to be heading even further into the Earth's core, rather than out of the city. To make matters worse, Sherry is still alive.

    There's a bang on the roof of the train, so Claire decides to go check it out.

    "It's goofy time!"

    Boss fight!

    Remember the ridiculous lightening gun 'spark shot' that we picked up earlier? Time to make use of it then forget about it forever!

    A few blasts and he's down and out.

    The train platform (what is the actual point of the train being there?) comes to a halt, judging by the time taken to beat the last boss and the speed we were travelling, about a mile into the ground. Umbrella don't mess around when it comes to hiding their secret zombie labs.

    Claire finds an empty office and lays Sherry down inside, furnishing her with her pink jacket which by now is no doubt covered drenched in sweat, raw sewage, and infected zombie blood. High five! Now we need to look for a vaccine for Sherry, before her 'embryos mature' and she starts to look a lot more like her daddy than her mommy.

    trout's getting serious now, so we'll offload the handgun for good. We've barely used the crossbow, so we may as well put it to use now, even though the period when it would have been effective against enemies has probably passed. Doesn't matter though, it's a smurfing crossbow, guys!

    Into the super secret Umbrella lab, once again we find ourselves having to turn the power back on.

    I know Umbrella like to cut down on central heating bills, but this is ridiculous.

    To turn on the power, we need a fuse. To hold the fuse, first we need the 'fuse case'. Once we have the fuse case, we can insert it into this ridiculous contraption which seems to exist solely to insert fuses into fuse cases. Only then can we carry the fuse back to the giant breaker to turn on the power.

    With the power back on, we can have a look at this interesting blast door. We need two people to open it...could this be a job for Leon? We will see in the distant future. For now, we can't sign in as we need to verify Claire's fingerprints first (which is of course something that is performed in a whole different wing of this lab).

    The enemies down here include these weird plant things, which take a fair amount of punishment before going down. We can kill them all now instantly by turning on a special mutant-plant-killing sprinkler (they think of everything!), but this will only make things more difficult for Leon later on. These guys also have a habit of respawning, so we'll do our best to try and ignore them.

    Naked zombies! We're definitely near the end of the game.

    Ever wonder where the Iifa Tree relocated after FF9?

    This is our door out of here, but first we need to go on an arbitrary fetch-quest.

    Into the G-Virus lab, some lab technicians are really dedicated to their work.

    Picking up the card key to a locked door we passed earlier, we leave and are jumped by Annette again.

    Annette seems to have lost it completely and appears to care far more about Claire's intentions with the G-Virus than her own daughter who is about to die very painfully in a save room a few corridors away.

    And then old Billy himself makes an appearance!

    "This is for all the times you forgot to record the Great British...oh, I already made that joke.

    I wonder how Claire is going to break the news to Sherry that the monster that impregnated her with zombie embryos was actually her dad, and he just eviscerated her mother. Maybe she just shouldn't give her the vaccine.

    With that loose end tied...

    You can't really see it in this picture, but we are actually fighting a giant moth. Is no creature safe from the T-Virus? Are we to start fighting mutated aphids on the next screen? ...Actually, that would be pretty scary.

    There's a computer in the corner. The username is GUEST, purely because I remember it from a previous playthrough and can't remember where I'm supposed to find this out. Umbrella security, ladies and gents Here, we can upload Claire's fingerprint to the system so we can try and open that blast door from earlier on.

    Tracking back, we spot...

    Leon on CCTV! How did he get down here!? What the hell is he even doing here!?

    "Leon, excellent. I can't be arsed anymore, so can you go and pick up Sherry? She's in the save room near the entrance. Hopefully she'll be dead before I can give her the vaccine. And by the way, both her parents are dead. Later!"

    Now that we've offloaded the dead weight onto Leon, time to get the vaccine, which comes in three parts. The 'catridge' carries it, then we get the 'base vaccine' and insert it into the vaccine synthesis machine to get the actual complete G-Vaccine. The base is formulated inside this mini Large Hadron Collider. Lights throughout Raccoon City presumably dim whenever it is switched on.

    We also pick up the MO Disk, so we can leave this dump. But first...

    Now we just need to do the same thing for Leon in the B Scenario to open the door!

    After dragging ourselves back and forth across two wings of the lab several times, we can finally insert the base vaccine into the vaccine synthesis machine. Why the hell didn't they put this thing next to the base vaccine machine? This smurfing game!

    Now with the vaccine in hand, we can get the hell out of here. Put the MO disk in the big door, go down the corridor, and...

    We have five minutes until the whole complex self-destructs. This can't be a set-up for some kind of climactic final battle, surely...

    "You're damn right it can! (and don't call me Shirley)"

    Right, time to finish Bill Birks off once and for all. Load up the grenade launcher, top up the health, and...

    Well, trout.

    Tune in next time for the thrilling conclusion!

    there was a picture here

  11. #26
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Sherry is going to have so many different psychological issues that won't be touched on in Resident Evil 6.

  12. #27
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    I remember I died several times against that form of "Billy" when I first played RE2. My problem is that I barley had any weapons with real firepower. I finally did it and felt like a badass afterwards.

  13. #28
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sephex View Post
    I remember I died several times against that form of "Billy" when I first played RE2. My problem is that I barley had any weapons with real firepower. I finally did it and felt like a badass afterwards.
    Same here. Except not when I first played RE2. When I recently played. Within the last two years.

    Speaking of, you've got through this pretty fast! It took me ages (because I'm terrible, if you couldn't guess).

  14. #29
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    Time to round off Claire's adventure. A short update!

    In our last update we ended with Claire getting wasted by William Burkin Turbo Mode. Can our heroine defeat him second time around?

    Yeah, I sort of didn't get any decent screenshots. Here's one of him biting the dust, though

    The lift finally opens!

    One more godforsaken corridor and it's all over!

    Suddenly a fully functioning train (that is actually moving laterally) appears out of nowhere! Could this be our ticket out of here!?

    The strong white man comes to save the day? Anita Sarkeesian (SPOILER)and EoEO is going to be frothing at the mouth!


    For smurf's sake, Claire!

    Claire eventually regains consciousness and jumps onto the train at the next carriage. Time for a touching reunification?

    It appears Leon did save Sherry, after all.

    "She needs to be dead. Leon, you have to tell me she's dead."

    Claire thinks long and hard about the repercussions, before deciding to give her the vaccine anyway. Presumably orally, as I don't see a syringe anywhere around here (and I hope to God she doesn't use it as a suppository).

    Imagine waking up to this sight.

    "Well, it's finally over. Looks like it's time for a GUITAR SOLO!"

    No, that actually happens.

    And what's our prize...?

    I...I...don't know what to make of this.

    Well that's it folks. Thanks for bearing with the lack of screenshots at key moments, the unfunny commentary, and missing zombie Brad.


    To be continued...?

    EDIT: Ok the Youtube bit didn't work. That's a bit anticlimactic.

    there was a picture here

  15. #30
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Hell yeah. Now it's time for the funniest protagonist ever: Leon. He is such a dork! But somehow a coooooool dork.

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