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Thread: Unintuitive Game Controls

  1. #1
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Default Unintuitive Game Controls

    So, I've been playing some God of War recently, since it's one I missed back in its PS2 heyday, and it is pretty good!

    Except for the fact that I need to move my thumb away from the attack buttons to evade. Instead of using one of the many other buttons, evade is the right analog stick. And I just cannot handle it, I shouldn't be moving my hand away from the only way to continue an attack for the sake of an awkward roll.

    I'm sure I'll get used to it. ._.

    So, what games do you think have some ridiculous control choices?

  2. #2
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Pretty much any game where you need to press up to duck down, or stay ducked down. Yeah, they exist.

  3. #3


    I remember a couple of none sensible things in mgs4. I'm pretty sure there's a command for rolling sideways while proned but man is it awkward to pull off.

    Also the amount of times I've accidentally layed down instead of fastrolling out of danger in mgs2 and 3 is too smurfing high. The 2 actions are totally unrelated, yet assigned to the same button :s

  4. #4


    I can't remember which way I hate it, but Y-axis camera tilt drives me INSANE if it's the wrong way. It feels completely off.

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  5. #5
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    the controls in DayZmod are luls. You have to use your scroll wheel for just about everything. See a ladder you want to climb? Scroll wheel to select "go up" on the ladder. Not very good for tactical situations and when you need to do things quickly while beating beat up by zombies or bandits. they're working on it for DayZStandAlone.

  6. #6


    And the Gold Award for Excellency in Awful Controls goes to:

    Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

    Try to aim and shoot the FAMAS. If you can.

  7. #7
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
    And the Gold Award for Excellency in Awful Controls goes to:

    Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

    Try to aim and shoot the FAMAS. If you can.
    Auto-aim ftw, brah.

  8. #8


    In Mega Man Legends (PS1), the directional buttons make you run in their respective directions, but the camera always stays in one spot. If you want to turn your character and the camera, you have to press L1 and R1, which is weird. So, if you're running forward but want to turn as you go, you have to press up and L1 or R1.

    I somewhat understand why, though. A common and abused technique involves circling your enemy without having to lock on to anyone. You have to press about three buttons to pull this off, and the fourth to shoot. But the camera is pretty much exactly where you need it when you're circling. I think the controls were based around that one idea. It's hard to play when you first start out, but then it becomes like riding a bicycle.

    Even when Legends 2 had analog control, they still used the same format for the default controls.

  9. #9
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    ^ yeah I remember that being weird when I went back to it, I think the first Siphon Filter was the same way. It was the early days before PlayStation released the Dualshock, so they had to make 3D camera controls work without analog sticks.

    I wonder if it's in the PlayStation Store and I could map the camera to the Vita's second stick.... that'd be pretty incredible!

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Electroshock Therapy View Post
    In Mega Man Legends (PS1), the directional buttons make you run in their respective directions, but the camera always stays in one spot. If you want to turn your character and the camera, you have to press L1 and R1, which is weird. So, if you're running forward but want to turn as you go, you have to press up and L1 or R1.

    I somewhat understand why, though. A common and abused technique involves circling your enemy without having to lock on to anyone. You have to press about three buttons to pull this off, and the fourth to shoot. But the camera is pretty much exactly where you need it when you're circling. I think the controls were based around that one idea. It's hard to play when you first start out, but then it becomes like riding a bicycle.

    Even when Legends 2 had analog control, they still used the same format for the default controls.
    Legends has AWESOME controls. Your description is right - it takes some getting used to, but once you do it's spectacular.

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  11. #11
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    for younger players who are new to RPG's FFvii controls are annoying considering there is no auto sprint and O = ok and X = no. which is kind of annoying. but like i said its oonly a problem for starters and is easily fixed

  12. #12
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Trying to pilot the Steambots in Steambot Chronicles is awkward because half you controls only control the top half and the other controls the bottom half which may sound standard except when both controls make lots of use of rotating and have their own rotating controls. so you could rotate the top of the robot to attack behind you while your legs ran in the opposite direction but usually what happens is that you get wailed on while trying to get your head and feet to cooperate.

    The early Armored Core games have really picky and precise controls as well but if you suffer through the game long enough they do become second nature.

    Guilty Gear Isuka was a 2D attempt at a four player game with background maps you could fight on. To resolve control issues with being surrounded, the game mapped turning around to a button. It is as awkward as it sounds and one of the reasons few GG fans ever talk about Isuka.

  13. #13
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    I've gotta put it in here (sounds like a broken record with numerous mentions of the game on numerous topics) Too Human had some of the worst Hack N Slash adventure game controls I've ever used. Melee and Aiming at range are both bound to the right analogue stick. This means if you want to shoot the big boss whilst ignoring the minions (probably a bad idea but there's a few times when you'd want to) you actually can't. Because trying to move your analogue stick will auto lock your melee to an enemy and attack for you!

  14. #14
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    I've said this before but Shadow of the Colossus.

    It's not unintuitive but the analogue controls are backwards which is really confusing. After playing games like Red Dead Redemption and Uncharted then switcing to SOTC it is pretty much an impossibility.

  15. #15
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gruntace101 View Post
    O = ok and X = no. which is kind of annoying. but like i said its oonly a problem for starters and is easily fixed
    Yeah, that was annoying. Metal Gear Solid did the same thing.

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