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Thread: Let's Harry Potter Games Part 3

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    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Default Let's Harry Potter Games Part 3

    It is time for another instalment of the fabulous Harry Potter Games! The grand winner of the last poll was...

    The Gameboy Advance game!

    It's another RPG, so we're going back to the classic days of the original Let's Harry Potter. I know I'm excited, and I hope you are too!

    It's time for magic!

  2. #2
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    What magical facial expressions. I must go and see them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

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    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    I'm just about to fly to Dubai and will have the privilege of travelling business class. During which time I will get drunk on champagne and mojitos before enjoying 35 degree heat for ten days...

    But THIS has me more excited.

  6. #6
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Why does Ron have one of those weird-ass micro pigs on his right shoulder?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    Why does Ron have one of those weird-ass micro pigs on his right shoulder?
    Why does he have a unibrow?
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  8. #8
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to the third instalment of the ever enjoyable Let’s Harry Potter Games! This time I am taking you through the life and times of our eponymous hero during his year involving the Prisoner of Azkaban. I think we’re all in for a treat. I am ready for high quality gameplay and storytelling right here!

    Can’t stop this hype train! Choo Choo!

    Typical start menu fare… New Game… Options… wait, what’s this?!


    Oh god. What joys will this game bring me today?!


    Well, nevermind. I’m sure I’ll unlock incredibly fun and fair mini-games as the game progresses. Not a single bit of cheating from the computer will be involved in any of them, I’m sure. Not that Harry Potter games would ever stoop so low.

    Right. Time to get this party started. NEW GAME!

    I mean, I guess this is what happens in Prisoner of Azkaban. If you shorten down the first three chapters into three sentences.

    I like how it implies that the main reason Harry left was because of Dudley. Not a single mention of Aunt Marge. But here I am again, expecting this to have some vague knowledge of the source material.

    Moving on from the only plot we’ll get, I’m sure. I finally have control of our hero.

    Unsurprisingly, the GBA graphics are improved from the GBC ones. Shocking.

    Looking much better Harry. And I believe that is a tiny scrunched up pixilation of Daniel Radcliffe beside that Flipendo icon. Brilliant.

    A few steps forward and Harry is accosted by a strange man.

    Who are you!? I don’t remember anyone with that face from the film!

    Harry, of course, always has the right things on hand to say.

    Um… Okay…

    This is, I’m sure none of you are surprised to hear me say, is Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic. Why the game makers spent so much time getting Harry’s likeness to be so close to Dan Radcliffe, while pretty much sacking the attempt with Fudge is unknown to all.

    I suppose it’s just because Fudge probably isn’t going to be around long, and he’s not really that major a character. Anyway, the old guy introduces himself, and Harry gets right to the point.

    Wait, who?

    No, seriously. Who? There has been no mention of this Sirius Black person at all so far. Fudge himself appeared confused by this sudden mention. Luckily, Harry can go into more detail.

    Where the heck are you pulling this information from Harry?

    Glorious exposition!

    The incompetence shown by Fudge is excellent.

    Oh, THAT Sirius Black. I thought you were talking about my cleaner! I’m glad we cleared that up.

    This is right on point for Fudge’s character. Quite by accident, the game gets some things right.

    I now take full control of Harry, and get to wander around the old pub. I, of course, start by mashing buttons to find out what I can do.


    I can use magic outside of battle! Cool. This is an RPG though, so I’m not sure how useful this mechanic will prove to be.

    Harry is so happy to be throwing his chocolate in the air.

    In conventional RPG fare, there are chests littered around. No more investigating patches of wall for items, it seems. So there have been improvements made to the formula since the GBC game, but… is this really what I wanted…? I’m sure they will have fixed all the terrible things that were so great.

    Or not!

    Their attempts to keep vaguely faithful to the movies has worked against them here. There are just so many things I am not sure about going on here. Brilliant. My hopes are renewed for more terrible faces!


    Good lord, what is that on the top left? Really. I wipe the tears from my eyes, and head upstairs to get to bed. It’s been a long day for Harry.


    I see. Thanks, I guess?

    Who would have thought that the Minister for Magic would be such an advocate for Wizard Cards!

    This again? I can ignore this mechanic once more.

    It is pretty neat that they have taken the original game system and built upon it. Made improvements, I’m sure. I hope.

    Right that’s enough about Wizard Cards. Go home Minster, you’ve been out at the pub for far too long.

    Time for bed.

    But wait!




    Harry has received a “gift” from Hagrid for his birthday.

    It is the Monster Book of Monsters, and this thrusts Harry into his first battle of the game.

    This is not the kind of package anyone would enjoy

    Standard turn based battle system fare. A neat little turn order in the top right. Health bars for all the enemies too! Sweet.

    Time to check out the damage I can deal.

    So… literally the exact same as before.

    I cast a wee cheeky incendio at the book. You know, it’s a book, and fire should really kick its butt. If books had butts. …Do monster books have butts?

    Regardless, it does the trick and I destroy that damn thing.

    Alternatively, it just goes away. Wandering down Diagon Alley, snapping at the heels of children.

    Whoop! I win! Time to collect my spoils.

    The ghoul gains 8 experience.

    Why the heck did a book have a school robe? Was it going to try and pretend to be a student so it could eat people’s hands?!

    I get prompted to equip that school robe. I don’t know what Harry was wearing before…

    Same sort of deal here as previously.

    They have kept so much the exact same as that first venture into handheld RPG. At this point, I am honestly wondering if they changed anything except the graphics, which has had a mild update. Ah well, moving on.

    A quick attempt to explore the Leaky Cauldron has me met with more talking doorknobs.

    Curse you!

    Downstairs, we bump into some familiar faces.

    At least, I think they’re familiar.

    It’s a bunch of gingers, so it has to be Harry’s adopted family, the Weasleys!

    You’re not… What?

    Right. Okay. So Harry is Dan Radcliffe. Fudge is barely Robert Hardy. Tom the Innkeep is very much Jim Tavaré as seen in the movie. Molly Weasley in no way is Julie Walters. Arthur Weasley is also in no way Mark Williams.

    I just… don’t get it. They are so odd in picking and choosing who they take the likeness of. I just…

    Walking slightly to the right, we find Harry’s best friend in the entire world standing in a corner staring off into space while his rat eats his shoes.

    Thanks for coming to say hi to me, jerk.

    That vacant stare…



    Some small talk passes, and Ron complains about Scabbers. He’s been quite sick recently, poor thing. Harry luckily knows all about how to take care of rats. Probably because of all that time he spent with him in that cupboard under the stairs.

    Serious though Harry, why do you know these things?

    Ron is pretty useless though.

    All you do with your life is look after this rat. Why don’t you have any rat tonic?!

    Harry has the bright idea to go down the street to Magical Menagerie to get some more rat tonic. You know, the shop on Diagon Alley that exists for the sole purpose of providing lotions and potions for your pets.

    Only kidding, he goes to talk to the creepy innkeep.

    Brilliant. Saving a few pennies while wandering around a cellar.

    Seems that Flipendo isn’t the only spell I can use on the field. After mashing a few more buttons, I find the switch spell button.


    I am fully equipped to take on this cellar. Bring it on! Just down these stairs…

    No duh, Harry.

    Welcome to the first of many dungeons! Turns out, Harry Potter really likes to whine about stuff.

    How dare a cellar not be the cleanest thing!

    I mean, it’s not like he’s lived in terrible conditions his whole life. How very dare there not be a house elf cleaning this massive room.

    Moving forward, we come across our first obstacle. A hole in the ground. But, using the important advice Tom gave me, I light up the wand and…

    It’s just like magic!!

    It appears that just like in the PS2 game, Lumos helps us find the way forward.

    Also I get some EXP for crossing the bridge.

    I didn’t even do anything… But okay free levels!

    It appears that you get EXP for doing certain things on the field. Using Lumos to cross the bridge again yields no results. Yes, I did try.

    Harry talks to himself some more, to give us important information about playing the game.


    There are some barrels around that you can destroy for no reason. I get some EXP for destroying one of them, but the rest of them net nothing. Not even any items or anything. But that’s enough about the basics of how to play this game.

    It’s time to d-d-d-d-d-

    The monsters are pretty!

    Shapeless blobs alert me to the position of the enemies on the field. I can get around them easily enough, but who wants to do that? I will destroy everything. EVERYTHING!

    From Spiders…

    …to rats…

    …to… uh… ugly guys?

    I jest, they’re red caps. Obviously. See their little red hats?!

    After all that hard work fighting, another level is handed to us.

    Sparkles for the ghoul!

    And I get to see an old friend!

    I am sure you will save my life in the coming minutes.

    As expected, there are treasures hidden around the dungeon. All in little chests. It really does make it so much easier.

    What wonders do you hold?


    So soon, game? I… I am saddened that you would think I’d need a Grand Wiggenweld Potion so soon!

    Oh who am I kidding, I’ll definitely need it sooner rather than later.

    The battles give us some good loot too!

    Ewww, walking around this dusty cellar barefoot. What is wrong with you Harry?!

    Speaking of the dust, Harry cannot stop himself commenting on the state of the place.

    Twice! Twice he feels the need to comment.

    This kid needs to readjust his priorities.

    A bit further on, we come across our first puzzle.

    I need to get over there, but there’s a gap! If only I had some horribly awkward jumping mechanic!

    The solution, is of course, magic. And I get myself some EXP for being a smart cookie too.


    Across this gap, I encounter some new enemies.

    Not bats. They’ll get in Harry’s messy hair!


    Palette swaps already? Geez. Not even out of the first dungeon.

    Some more loot comes out way.

    I do kind of want this beanie myself. If only it wouldn’t cost £30 at the Studio Tour.

    The next obstacle in my path is DARKNESS.

    Yes, that would be terrible.

    Honestly, there is nothing in this area to trip over. Lumos does make the place a little bit easier to see in though.

    This is a door. I had no clue what it was until I walked through it. Thought it was a bridge or something.

    We make it safely out of the dark corridor, and find our goal. It’s the rat tonic!

    Stupid jerk rat, what are you doing?!

    All this hard work, and a rat has already got to it.

    I suppose you really should expect this when you leave rat tonic for rats in a dark place where rats live. Rats.

    Unfortunately, the rat tonic isn’t all good.

    Jesus, and you want to give Scabbers this stuff?


    ??? HP?! God help me.

    God did indeed help me, as it turns out.

    When did this happen?

    The game made no effort to say that I learned Flipendo Duo at any point. But it appears that the spells level up with use, just like they did before. I am waiting for the improvements to start showing up, but so far it seems to be the exact same.

    Flipendo Duo makes quick work of the rat, and I am done.

    The giant rat only gives me an ordinary belt?! The nerve.

    Harry picks up the last dribble of the rat tonic and we head out of the cellar, back to more acceptable, non-dusty places.

    Unfortunately, as he emerges, Harry overhears the Weasley parents talking about some serious business.

    Don’t worry, Harry already knows everything about Stubby Boardman.

    Harry reacts in a reasonable way.

    Nah it’s coo’ that he wants to kill me

    Come on boy, there’s a crazed murderer after you, and that’s all you have to say?! Are you not even the slightest bit concerned?!

    Uh huh

    Well, fair enough, I guess. Except Sirius Black has his own body. And can use it. To kill you. Right now. I’m not sure why he’s not more concerned about this.

    Wise words of warning from Arthur Weasley.

    Alright, I pr-

    Fine then, just walk away.

    Don’t even wait for Harry to respond. They just accept that he totally won’t do anything stupid. I mean, he’s got a great track record of not doing stupid things.

    Back to Ron!

    No thanks to you, you lazy ass.

    Harry wastes no time in getting to the important details.

    Well, alright, I mean, we were just talking about Scabbers and rat tonic… but if that’s the way the conversation is swinging…

    Luckily, before the conversation swings wildly in another direction, everyone’s favourite nerd shows up.

    Aww, kitty!

    Hello Hermione!


    Aaaahhhhhhhhhh it doesn’t even look

    Scabbers has gotten a bit of a make-over since the last time we saw him.

    He actually looks like a rat. Not a demon from hell. Can’t say the same about poor Crookshanks though.

    I suppose Crookshanks was never written as an attractive animal.

    These were obviously fighting words between the cat and rat. Scabbers takes off with Crookshanks on his tail.

    Well, as close to his tail as they could programme him.

    Ron is upset about this.

    Do we have to? Can we not… just let Crookshanks get him? I can’t be bothered with the inevitable return to the cellar to find the stupid animals.

    Nope, Harry needs to go search for the animals. I’m sure he’ll have to go down by himself while Ron and Hermione sit and sip brandy or something, right?


    This was a genuine surprise when this popped up. Multiple party members. Excellent. First proper shake up to the original formula.

    So, I have been given the choice between going with Ron to find Scabbers and going with Hermione to find Crookshanks.

    Who to choose?

    It was pretty much a no brainer for me.

    Ron smells, etc. Don’t worry Roonil Waslib fans, he’ll get his chance to shine soon enough. I’m sure.

    Back to the cellar with Harry and Hermione, to find an ugly cat. Will we find him? Tune in next time.

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    Are we voting in the comments for who we want you to choose?

    Also, Ron has seen some trout.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  10. #10
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    No. I have chosen Hermione. NOBODY GETS TO CHOOSE.

    If you want to tell me who you would have voted for, or that I have picked the wrong partner, then feel free to do so.

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    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jinx View Post

    Also, Ron has seen some trout.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  13. #13
    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    Ron Hitler

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    Hermione looks like Bran Stark.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalevala View Post
    Hermione looks like Bran Stark.
    It's dangerous to go alone, Harry. You better take Bran with you.


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