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Thread: Dragon Age Series

  1. #1
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Default Dragon Age Series

    DA is awesome.

    My brother got me Dragon Age 2 for PC for Christmas one year and I loved it. I had a lot of fun playing it and trout. I still need to get back to it some day. I usually play as a warrior, though from what I hear they improved a lot upon the magic system, though it's awkward playing as a Blood Mage because the party has this "Anti-Blood Mage" stance and completely ignore the fact your character is one of them, and just saved that person using Blood Magic. Kind of hilarious, actually.

    Dragon Age Origins is currently collecting dust in my Steam Library.

    Then there's the new Dragon Age that came out recently. How's that so far?


  2. #2


    Merrill is my DA Waifu. On my second run, I made sure to get 100% Friendship with her because only an asshole would Rival her. Besides, she's right. There's nothing wrong with what she was doing. After we killed her idiotic, racist clan, I made sure she accepted that they wee all a bunch of morons who rushed to their death and that they deserved their fate. Besides, she has Hawke, she'll always have Hawke. On that run I was a Pro-Templar Mage Hater but Merrill was my weak spot because she is just sweeter than sweet.

    Anders is a much better character than people give him credit for. He was right about pretty much everything, after all.

    Zevran is my DA Bro and/or Friend with Benefits. He's in Origins. Kind of a secret party member. There is not a single more charismatic figure in the entire DA universe. I could chat him up for days.

    Sten is the most interesting character in the series. It's hard to get close to him but I assure you, it's worth it. Once you build up your relationship with him enough, he has the most fascinating conversations.

    Dragon Age II is just as good as Origins, it's just that they are in good in different ways. The DA2 hate is really quite sickening. If you don't know, there was an entire campaign by assholes on the internet against one of the writes for DA2 back when it came out.

    DA2's soundtrack needs more appreciation.

    My last run of DA2 I played as a Warrior, a Two-Handed Reaver to be specific. (with the "Silly" persona and an appearance based on Jack from Mass Effect 2 as I had just beaten the ME Trilogy prior to this new run) I also played the game on Normal. Jesus Christ, the Arishok.... People were not exaggerating when they said that fight was a nightmare. This was also the first run where I didn't turn Elizabeth over to him. In my original run I handed her ass over because it was all her fault. Plus the Arishok was really cool and I agreed with him most of the time. But this time, Hawke wouldn't abandon her girlfriend and so she fought the Arishok for Elizabeth's freedom. She died a million times for Elizabeth's freedom.

    The hardest part about the fight is the fact he can HEAL. What the hell, game????? I chip away at his health for an eternity and he gains it all back in one shot. I swear during one attempt he healed 2, maybe even 3 times. It's no coincidence in my one successful run he only healed once. Thank god for random boss AI.

  3. #3
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Just started recently. Might I say that the combat in DA:O is slow as butts and it just about puts me to sleep.

    When I actually get into the game, I'll let you know how I feel.

  4. #4
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    I knew there was a lot of hate towards DA2, but unless we were talking about the maps I never understood it. The story is solid and I like any game that has conflict beyond the usual black and white things we see in other games.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Shauna View Post
    Just started recently. Might I say that the combat in DA:O is slow as butts and it just about puts me to sleep.

    When I actually get into the game, I'll let you know how I feel.
    Stick with it. The combat is indeed very slow and one of its few negative features but the characters and music make up for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ayen View Post
    I knew there was a lot of hate towards DA2, but unless we were talking about the maps I never understood it. The story is solid and I like any game that has conflict beyond the usual black and white things we see in other games.
    Don't ask me, there are also people who hate ME2 and think ME1 is better. Some people are just wrong I'm afraid.

    For some reason when EA started to work on the games or whatever a lot of the fanbase lost their minds and began to whine about how everything had been "changed."

  6. #6
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    I preferred the slow, tactical combat of the first game. I like all three games, but the first one is still pretty clearly the best, in my estimation.

    Maybe it was because I was a Rogue but I found the Arishok fight really easy. He basically couldn't hit me. And Anders is a good character, and a terrorist.

  7. #7
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I loved DAO. I was a Warrior/tank and that worked well since it allowed me to charge into the fray and manage the flow of the battle while my mages blew everything away. Mages were incredible in that game and far superior to any of the DD classes, so I just always brought Morrigan and Wynne along to kill everything, with Leliana shooting a few arrows every now and then. My character had a torrid affair with Morrigan before settling down with Leliana.

    DA2 was not as good as Origins but still fun. They changed a lot in the game and the battles were much more of a random frenzy than the fairly calculated setup of DAO, and much easier too. I was a Rogue in that game and I pretty much mashed the attack button to win and rarely ever took too much damage. I didn't even use a healer in the second half of the game and only died once to a high dragon (and won once I swapped in Anders just for this fight). Also the dialogue is more like the Mass Effect series with your answers based on tone. I usually picked the humorous option when it was available. I tried to flirt up all the female characters but got locked into a pairing with Isabela before I could romance Merrill. Aveline, Merrill, and Fenris were my standard party.

    I liked Anders better in Dragon Age Awakening than in DA2. He was funnier. The DA2 Anders was too much of a downer, though his plot twist at the end certainly gave me a shock.

    I have Dragon Age Inquisition but I just beat DA2 so I'm waiting a bit before I jump back into this world. I hear great things about it though, and it won many people's game of the year last year.

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    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    That's what I like about DA2 and the ME series, the way the dialog options are. Witty Hawke is best Hawke.

    Not sure if I'll be able to adapt to the lack of a VA for my custom character in the first game. The others have kind of spoiled me in that regards.

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    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Just met Morrigan, really. Already got all the moves on her to the point that making out has occurred. Things move fast in this game.

  10. #10
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    I love everything about Dragon Age except the fade. That being said, I do like the second one better than origins. 2 you can move fast and dominate in battle. I played a force mage in that one. The third I haven't tried yet but have on the back burner.

  11. #11
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shauna View Post
    Just met Morrigan, really. Already got all the moves on her to the point that making out has occurred. Things move fast in this game.
    Shauna's a playa. Hide your wives!

  12. #12
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    I'm actually about a third of the way through my second DA3 game right now, with a completely different character in both class and personality. It's still fun, no way I have the patience to do "everything" again though.

  13. #13
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Mr. Carny got me into the series and I instantly fell in love with it. I loved all the games, though I actually don't think DA:I is all that. It is great, don't get me wrong, but the sidequests are just... fetch quests. Companion quests aside, the vast majority of the quests in DA:I were mindless filler with very little involvemnet. "Oh, a letter randomly in the field, telling me to go here." And then you go there: "oh, a dead body, and the end of the quest. Ho hum." It's lazy story-telling, forcing you to draw to your own conclusions what happened.

    The dragon battles though, they were awesome. They were pretty epic affairs.

    As for DA2, I agree that sarcastic Hawke was the best Hawke by far. I laughed hard several times due to her comments. For my first run-through of the series, I went full paragon with everyone. I had Quistis Cousland (Rogue), Freya Hawke (Warrior) and Vanille Lavellan (Mage) to sample each class. Warrior was fun but mostly mindless. Rogue was very overpowered in Origins with the backstab, and the Mage in DA:I is practically a required class with Barrier.

    I'm now doing a Daenerys run-through of DA:I, and I'm amazed at how much it looks like her.

  14. #14
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    I'm now doing a Daenerys run-through of DA:I, and I'm amazed at how much it looks like her.
    I saw pictures of her circling Google Images. Looks great.

    Wait, is there really no black hair in DA:I? The comment section of that article keeps saying it looks blue.

  15. #15
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ayen View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    I'm now doing a Daenerys run-through of DA:I, and I'm amazed at how much it looks like her.
    I saw pictures of her circling Google Images. Looks great.

    Wait, is there really no black hair in DA:I? The comment section of that article keeps saying it looks blue.
    It does have some weird 'midnight blue'. I mean, it is 'mostly' black, but it does have a weird blue/purple tinge. To be honest, the hair choices in DA:I are fairly lackluster. It's as if they've not heard of long hair.

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