I have determined that you guys need practice using the Songstress dressphere. I've decided I will vote for Songstress every video from here on out.

"No strong hitters" they say when they've got a Black Mage and a Gunner on the team. Trigger Happy chained to strong hitting Black Magic is a pretty good combo at this point in the game.

I second Jinx's Songstress and White Mage suggestions. Gotta give new dresspheres some love. For the third party member though I'll vote for putting Brother, it's something you need to see. ProtipPick the third option in the Creature Create menu and release Brother from your party. He'll be instantly put back into your team since you won't have any creatures (which automatically adds Brother). But he'll be a higher level since he's still Level 1, and when you rerecruit him he gets YRP's average experience. If that kind of vote isn't allowed, I'll put forward Warrior once again.

Btw the guide was telling you to save, view the scenes in Guadosalam and check if you're at 7% thereafter, and if you are, load and pretend you never went to Guadosalam. It's just a way of checking that you didn't miss anything until now, and it's pretty unnecessary IMO.