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Thread: Let's Play Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster #48 - Don't Worry, We Got Better

  1. #226
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    Double the Dat Matt Because Shauna was too lazy to do it~

    Let's Play Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster #38 - Kogoro Blaze It!

    Running into the Djose Temple we find anothing familiar face wanting to kill us. Pretty normal for The Gullwings at this point. Things take a turn for the worst when Yuna falls in a deep dark hole in the ground and is man-handled by a priest.

    This week is filled with endless terror and dank may-mays. At least one of these is true...

  2. #227
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    I think you really only need 30+ Marriage Points by saying the correct thing 6 times and you already get the best reward. Though I believe 130 is the threshold for getting the best result. Not that it matters because the reward is still the same and I don't think the quest gives any % points at all.

    Hooray for Trainer, the best dressphere in the game.

    The Berserker has a neat ability, Unhinge, that reduces the enemy's accuracy and evasion. That might've been helpful.

    Gotta give credit to the voice acting performance on Shuyin. The contrast to Tidus is great. I definitely wish the connection between the two were more defined though. Any theory I've heard so far has either holes or far-fetched assumptions, or is just unsatisfying.

    I still don't get how the hell Yuna got out of there.

    Oh god Chapter 4. The part where getting 100% is the most insanely boring and tedious thing in the world. Probably the primary reason I've decided not to bother with 100% in one run anymore. Good luck with that!

  3. #228
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    And so we enter the most boring part of the game. Such boredom. I suppose it's nice to get a glimpse of what's going on around Spira? Ugh. Well, at least we get to see more of Paine's personality and backstory? And uh... Yuna dancing?!

    Nope, there's not much going for Chapter 4 of FFX-2. Just remember to vote in the comments!

  4. #229
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    And this was the *more* interesting part of the CommSpheres.

    I don't really care for seeing the CommSphere trout all over again. If you want to show it to some degree, speed it up or something =P

    Might wanna save before doing the Kilika Temple CommSphere scenes. For some reason that first scene is difficult to trigger sometimes, and if you back out without seeing it that counts as skipping it.

  5. #230
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Let's do some CommSpheres then!

    Haha, only kidding, that's two hours of our lives we're not getting back - not gonna make you sit through it too. Instead, you get to join us as the Gullwings chase down Tobli! The little scamp has got himself in trouble! Don't worry though, he's alright. And we're gonna finish up the quest with a bit of a dance party! Yay!

  6. #231
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    The Commspheres are the worst part of the game. Oh, they're so tiring, yet so necessary to get a few Episode Completes.

  7. #232
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Man Chapter 4 is such a random part of the game. All of a sudden we're chasing Tobli all across the Moonflow, then we're doing a strange dancing minigame. It's probably the most whatever part of the game which is a little strange considering the plot actually gets just a little bit dark in Chapter 3.

    Mashing all buttons is by far the easiest way to pass that minigame. Although I never really bothered looking further into it.

    Have fun with the rest of the CommSpheres. I guess.

    I'll nominate Alchemist Yuna, Songstress Rikku, Samurai Paine for the Thunder Plains. Although I guess if you're going with the Charm Bangle it doesn't really matter.

  8. #233
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Yeah, the mini-game is basically 'mash everything' and get the accessory. That works surprisingly well with an Adamantite on a Songstress for near endless dancing.

  9. #234
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    I apologize in advance for Shauna's terrible performance

    Let's Play Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster #41- We Are Terrible At This Game

    In this episode of Let's Play Final Fantasy X-2 HD, we decided to ignore sagely advice and turn off the charm bracelet for the Thunder Plains.

    Turns out this was a bad idea, as a 5 minute job took much, much longer than expected.

    At least we learned Fireworks!

  10. #235
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    "Don't use Sparkler". The strong, single-target, defense-ignoring ability is off limits? Oh this'll be a fun episode.

    Good old trolling Choco Meteo. It can't actually kill you since it does damage based on your current HP, but man is it scary.

    Ah, never mind, they used Sparkler.

    Not gonna lie, I was laughing my ass off at that fight vs the Aka Manah. Sorry not sorry =P

    To be precise, ALL abilities instantly fill up upon battle end, it's just that damage abilities don't go through anymore. Any healing/status curing/buffing/singing will still go like normal.

    Let's go back to screaming about Sparkler, huh. Oh, nvm, thanks Matt.

    The ogres get super high physical defense when they put up their arms. It's pretty annoying.

    Ah yes the Via Infinito. Cat Nip now adds SOS-Berserk and SOS-Slow to the wearer. Although Slow can be overridden with Haste, Berserk can't be avoided. Well if you need any help I'm always here, but otherwise I'm looking forward to seeing you do it :P

    > Notes with surprise that the Heady Perfume restored all MP.
    > Proceeds to use absolutely 0 MP the entire battle.

    Man that 1300 damage Gun Hater. Never seen that before, actually. I find it pretty hilarious that Paine spawned behind the drake though, dealing double damage the entire fight. If you'd just used Sparkler you'd have done a ton of damage in one shot.

    An Ether really wouldn't have been a bad idea here. It's not like you EVER run out of them...

    smurf yeah Fireworks. One of the best abilities in the game.

    That trophy, Dousing the Fire, the one you get for beating Zalamander, is hilariously broken. It's supposed to be a kind of "you beat Chapter 4" trophy, but you can get it in early Chapter 1 if you just fight Zalamander in the Fiend Arena.

    No idea what you'll be doing next episode, so no nominations for now ^^ I personally stopped following nemes1s' guide at this point since you can really do Chapter 5 missions in whatever order you want to, so long as you don't screw up in one of the very few ways you can. If you do the same, I recommend starting the Thunder Plains mission ASAP and getting the Champion Belt from Tower #4 (you *did* calibrate that one if I remember correctly, right?). You seem to be in dire need of an accessory that good.

  11. #236
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    Fecking Celebrities do what they please, right?

    Let's Play Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster #42- The World's Worst Concert

    So, Yuna, here's how concerts normally work. You have someone come out and sing to get the crowd going and then you come on, sing about 10 songs and then head off unless you get an encore.

    What happened here was you took everyone to the worst place in Spira for a concert, you let the crowd fight and you only sung one song. If people didn't come here for free I'm sure they would be asking for their money back.

    I guess there is just that little to do in Spira, right?

  12. #237
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    top lels I forgot to edit the number on the cover image so it says 30 xD

  13. #238
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Oh wow, did you really just upload 1000 Words to YouTube without getting a copyright strike? Didn't know that was even possible.

    Say what you will about FFX-2, this FMV is one of the series' very best.

    The chocobos in the Cabin come from the Chapter 2 mission and the Thunder Plains CommSpheres. They have no bearing on anything ever in the game, but hey, free chocobos for the cabin!

    Man how nice that the people of Spira are accepting enough to just casually throw away their beliefs and differences.

    Pretty sure summoning DZ was a last resort accepted by the Zanarkandians, not forced upon them. They wanted their Zanarkand to live on in an ideal, the real Zanarkand was doomed either way. Yevon was their leader and ended up shouldering a responsibility and burden that all but shattered his mind. It's hard to trace the origins of the 'teachings of Yevon' but it was probably a combination of Yunalesca and general observations from the perspective of the Bevellians. The teachings have a firmly pragmatic background either way. The leaders of the church of Yevon are the ones that really see the non-spiritual side and their nihilism and cynicism masquerading as realism ends up corrupting the order.

    Most of this is pure speculation. But, well, I like that it lets you reconstruct the history of Spira from the few fragments you're given, at least in theories.

    Hooray for Chapter 5. It really is this game's major high point in the story as far as I'm concerned, and not because of the main plot.

    Dresspheres to use, hmm. Let's be pragmatic and go with Dark Knight Yuna, White Mage Rikku, Samurai Paine. Seeing as how the Mascot is not too far off, might as well invest in the skillsets they can use. I'd pick Berserker if only so you can get some AP going towards Evade & Counter before the Via Infinito, but I doubt you'd get that in time anyways.

  14. #239
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    The fruits of our labour are finally coming together and the final chapter Episode Completes start pouring in! Well, we see one. That's good enough. The stress of this though... it's already strong, I don't think the Shaunas will make it through!

    We also see some hypello gettin' it ON, a dead guy chatting a lot and some more of the leaders of Spira pointing guns at each other, except this time it's in the past. Exciting times, and more to come!

  15. #240
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Not much I can say here. I've seen these cutscenes so, so many times.

    "Let's go get Mascot" they say. Ha ha ha. Sorry but you'll have to keep waiting a bit longer for that.

    I recommend doing Chapter 5 out of order, partly since the guide expects you to go to the Via Infinito smack dab in the middle of it (which is not gonna happen) and partly because some quests are better done over a longer period of time - the Ruin Cave especially; if you encounter any chocobos during your other quests make sure to catch them, and if you have any in your ranch might as well dispatch them now to save time later. Oh and make sure to dispatch one disposable chocobo to Bikanel, you won't regret it when the time comes to dig a lot.

    And of course as long as you do everything there is to do you'll still reach 100%, even if you don't have the convenient checkpoints along the way.

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