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Thread: Let's Play Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster #48 - Don't Worry, We Got Better

  1. #211
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    mmm dat side...thigh? heh heh heh well well well WHO IS THE SLOTS KING NOW not you CERTAINLY NOT YOU

  2. #212
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    well well well well YOU ARE BAD AT SLOTS yeah that'll show ye

    Ah, the sandy deserts! So many strange creatures here, most notably the talking cacti. Where did Pointy Shinra learn how to speak cactus? Weird. Well, the Friendly Neighbourhood Gullwings take on the mission to save the cactuars from themselves.

    Afterwards, we cool off at the Macalania Inn where terrible things have happened. And continue to happen. Oh god they keep happening.

  3. #213
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    I'd never seen that "What you think you're done here? Think again!" bit before

    They did a good job making the cactuar hunting mission a bit more interesting in this game. The minigame is pretty bs though. You can do perfectly but still lose due to bad luck since I've never seen any hint of a correlation between the cactuar dodging and the player's performance. At least it only has one reward attached to it.

    The Rhyos is easily the toughest enemy in the Macalania gauntlet and pretty much the sole reason the mission is as hard as it is. I had to skip it on my first playthrough because the goddamn thing oversouled. Little did I know I was missing out on a dressphere by doing that...

    Fire Eater sure would've been helpful against the chimeras ^^

    Best of luck to O'aka and his little shop.

    Halfway through is quite a statement considering one instance of getting 0.2% requires you to dive through the latter 80 floors of Via Infinito.

    I'll nominate Gun Mage Yuna, Songstress Rikku and Berserker Paine for next time. Berserker is a pretty great dressphere, though both Yuna and Rikku have painfully annoying attack animations. Too bad learning its quintessential passive takes so much AP.

  4. #214
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Those surely are some sandy buns but I wish Shauna would stop talking about them.

    Matt should get a gig as a Cactuar translator. He just needs a pointy hat.

    THERE ARE FIENDS AT THE TEMPLE! *camera zooms in on Rikku's bikini clad breasts to emphasise the danger*

  5. #215
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    Holiday special? Na, we don't do crap like that.

    Let's Play Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster #33 - Returning Home For Christmas

    On this episode of lets play FFX-2 we go home for the holidays.

    Except it's not Christmas and there are chores to do like fiend killing. The old'uns try clear up the mess, but in the end they just take a nap in the hall and the kids have to clean up after all.

    At least your crazy uncle shows up this year, even if he wants to burn the house down...

  6. #216
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Sigh. Here I am being all thoughtful, giving you Gun Mage when I know you're going through the Thunder Plains where you can get Flame Breath, and what happens? smurfing Charm Bangle ruins everything. Goddamnit.

    That damage on the Berserker. Very nice, very nice.

    I like Beclem during this mission. He's completely practical and doesn't give a damn about the temple, but his points are perfectly valid. He just prioritizes things differently, putting the safety of the townspeople above all else. Which I can respect; just as much as Yuna and Wakka's standpoint.

    smurf Cat Nip. One single accessory utterly ruined the most awesome challenge any FF game has to offer. And even nerfed it's still stupidly good.

  7. #217
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Ah, the calm beaches of Kilika. Nothing bad ever happens here.

    Except FIENDS! From the TEMPLE! Uh oh. Guess the Gullwings better get in there to try and help out, even though the temple definitely doesn't want their help. We will help them whether they like it or not.

    All the while, the Shaunas discuss evening telly for the Spirans. Who would you vote out?

  8. #218
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    The Bushido Lore is probably the best of the lores in the game given how good the Samurai's skillset is. Though you can always just use the GG that gives the same effect plus 60 extra Strength and using the skills in question faster so there's that.

    This part is where I started really disliking the Youth League. Sure, let's just lock up these people dying by the dozens so they can't escape the inevitable death. If Yuna hadn't showed up they'd have all been massacred before the YL would've let even one of them through (though I suppose with the defense line they had they might've been able to hold out until help arrived). I love how Buddy extorts the New Yevon guys for money though. Makes me laugh every time.

    Hooray for fighting seven forced Daevas in a row. I think they ran out of ideas.

    Cripple is probably gravity-elemental anyways so it wouldn't have worked on either the Daevas or Ifrit.

    Dona technically makes it all the way to the Zanarkand trials, actually! If you don't encourage her to quit her pilgrimage on the airship you can meet her there when you return after beating Yunalesca.

    Paine's Berserker attack animation is just by far the best of the girls'. Yuna does an awkward jump and Rikku dances around before they finally get around to attacking. Paine just rolls and uppercuts like it's nothing.

    Ifrit is pretty easy if you put everyone on the Fire-absorbing GG. Otherwise he does hit quite hard.

    Yay Samurai! Easily the hardest hitter in the game before you get Mascot or the ultimate Blue Bullets.

    I nominate Lady Luck Yuna, Songstress Rikku, Samurai Paine for next time. Gotta give new dresspheres some love and Lady Luck feels like it fits pretty well with the other two, so enjoy.

  9. #219
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    Holidays are over. We're back baby!

    Let's Play Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster #33 - The Zanmato Show

    This week on Lets Play Final Fantasy X-2 we do some sidequests. You know, just for funsies.

    Then head to help people in distress at the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, because The Gullwings help all people! Little did we know, a Zanmato or 6 was in store for us when we got there.

  10. #220
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Ah the Sunken Cave mission. Easily the biggest difficulty spike of the first four chapters.

    Yeah you can get all of them in one go. It's worth it to just go through and pick up all the people in the right order. It sounds like a hassle but the hints on all of them make it exceedingly clear when to pick them up to keep them till the end. Saves you a lot of walking.

    I think it's pretty troutty that you have to go back out of the cave to get one of the energy cores. I'd have never thought to do that on my own. You can actually get it before you even start the mission.

    As far as I can tell the main reason to save everyone in the cave is that it opens up the side rooms in which you can find a chest with a pretty neat Defense Bracer in Chapter 5. Though that still makes saving the last guy a total waste of time from a meta perspective. Actually I don't know, does the reward you get change depending on how many peeps you saved?

    Ah god I really wanted to yell at the screen when you didn't realize you could've just warped back to the entrance with the last two guys >_>

    A pretty neat trick I learned about sometime is that you can leave the mission, save and restart the mission and you won't have lost any progress. So you can save directly before the boss fight which given his difficulty is pretty cool.

    And there he is, Yojimbo himself. I remember how I totally shat my pants the first time I saw Zanmato and was first thankful that it just reduces your HP/MP to 1, but then it turns out that's actually preeeetty deadly especially with how well it synchs with the Poison he loves to inflict. Going in with poison protection is definitely a good idea and makes the fight a lot easier, plus he telegraphs Zanmato nicely so you can stack a healing item to go out straight after it happens. Mega Potions and Megalixirs actually end up being really useful here. Probably the best fight to use them in in the entire game. No reason to be stingy with them.

    Not gonna lie, when Yuna sapped his MP I had to laugh.

    See this is why I don't like the Charm Bangle. It smurfs up your dressphere progression so hard. Having at least one or two active abilities learned for Samurai would've sped up the battle quite a bit. I mean sure they cost MP but recovering that would've been certainly worth it.

    Daigoro is such a troll in this battle. I remember once I went into this battle perfectly prepared, but I didn't have any turns ready when Yojimbo used Zanmato and I got wiped out with 2 Daigoro attacks and one Wakizashi before I even got the heal off.

    It's funny because you'd have survived and gotten back to full health for your entire party if you had used a Mega Phoenix instead of a Hi-Potion at the end there. That thing revives even the user if they get KO'd while using it.

    I did this to you? WELL EXCUSE ME IF YOUR PLAYING SUCKS. Well true having a better damage dealer might've helped. And using dresspheres with some AP in them. And having an MP independent healer. Okay yes different dresspheres would've made this fight a lot easier. Happy?

    But tbh I actually would like to see you try the fight again with the same dressphere, this time knowing what's ahead and minmaxing to the best of your abilities. Good luck with that!

  11. #221
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    Grinding before Yojimo!

    Pro - The actual Yojimbo fight went super well and we were pleasantly surprised
    Con - Microphone failed ot pick up any audio so we didn't get to capture that shock.

    Egads we gotta record it all again

  12. #222
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Yojimbo is taken out swiftly and easily this time around! But that's not where this episode ends! Well, the excitement takes a bit of a hit, but what can you do - after last episode's stress we need a bit of a break!

    We hit up the beaches of Besaid for a bit, and then head to the quiet temple in Bevelle. The Gullwings totally don't get lost in either of these places, and we see some insight into the past of our most mysterious member.

  13. #223
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Well that was an anticlimax =P

    Y'know did you see that little chocobo next to the CommSphere Shinra placed? It teleports you to the chocobo farm instantly. And if you were to send out some chocobos now you could shave off some time from one of the most tedious parts of the game, which is filling out the checklist for the Ruin Cave.

    Man stuff like the Search Sphere sidequest makes me really appreciate how random miniquests and secrets are just strewn all over the game. There's not much to it, but it's there.

    And then there's the smurfing Bevelle Chapter 3 meeting quest. I probably never would've found it if I hadn't read about it. What can I say, I don't just randomly go to an unrelated location when I've already started doing main quests? I wouldn't be so bitter about it if it didn't give you one of the mandatory Crimson Spheres for the Den of Woe quest. Which you can still easily miss regardless because of how tiny it is, just lying there on the ground. At least it's a damn good scene. I like the dynamics of the leaders trio and how their motivations only get gradually revealed through sidequests.

    Hey good job, you activated the shortcut elevator that makes you miss out on what's easily one of the best accessories in the game up to this point! And skipped the shortcut elevator that makes you skip the useless dungeon sections!

    Oh and hey random Malboro. WHERE THE HELL DID THAT THING COME FROM !?

    Hmm, maybe switch it up a bit for next time? Dark Knight Yuna, White Mage Rikku, Berserker Paine.

  14. #224
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    Who even keeps to a posting schedule these days?

    Let's Play Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster #37 - Youth These Days...

    As previously promised, in this episode of Let's Play Final Fantasy X-2 HD we climb a mountain at the request of the Elder Ronso (who is like 27 btw) to take care of the youth of today.

    Don't worry though, the Shaunas know what is hip and cool. We will try to win them over with dank mey-meys and pogs. That'll sort them!

  15. #225
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    You have a posting schedule?

    Yaaaay Trainer dressphere..... Hyyyyype..........

    I like how Berserk'd Paine's regular attacks do as much damage as Darkness.

    Really, Itchy is a pretty harmless status effect all things considered. It's cured without further ado in almost zero game time. Somehow it still manages to be pretty annoying regardless.

    I love how the fixed damage Skullcracker hit Rikku from behind, so it did double damage and instantly killed her. Hilarious.

    Somehow the Vespa got way weaker in oversoul, using only a physical attack instead of messing you up with all sorts of ailments. I always find it weird when regular versions are more difficult than oversoul version (*glares at Chac*).

    Man those wolves are horrible at keeping you confused. I like how Paine quickly uppercut the wolf that was about to attack. Fast attack animations ftw.

    I always failed this mission my first few playthroughs because I ALWAYS went up towards the hot springs and got lost. I mean how the smurf was I supposed to know getting to the 'summit' involves not going the path that leads you upwards?

    Darkness is a physical attack so Defense Down (Armor Break) would make it do more damage. It works so well against the Gemini because it ignores defense. And Protect and Shell. And yes it's still buffed by Defense Down despite that.

    "Garik not listen. Garik cover ears." Uh huh, that about sums up this situation.

    Such an easy boss fight. You can get the Mighty Guard Blue Bullet here if you want to but... you can just do that easily and safely in the Fiend Arena, so there's no real point to going out of your way to do it here. Despite how easy he is here though, Garik is a really tough opponent in the Youth League Tournament! Those insane Mighty Guards and White Winds make it very hard to deal damage to him once he gets below a certain threshold.

    You really don't need to start the cactuar mission now. You can do all of it in Chapter 5 if you want to.

    I nominate Trainer Yuna, Black Mage Rikku, Berserker Paine for next time. Much as I don't like it Trainer should at least get SOME screentime.

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