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Thread: Tale of Zestiria anyone?

  1. #1

    Default Tale of Zestiria anyone?

    I know Halo just came out, and Guitar Hero, and a couple of other things, but I'm a little surprised nobody's talking about this gem. I find the game surprisingly good. The Tales team seems to be mostly divided into two groups these days, as this game appears to be more like Graces, while the next game looks a lot more like Xillia. And I adored Xillia, and not so much with Graces. I didn't have very high hopes for this game. But it's actually really good

    Unlike most Tales games, I don't feel like I'm playing a teenager. I imagine if I look up character ages, i'll probably be disappointed to find them all to be 16 or some garbage, but there isn't any talk of school, or adult life, or anything along those lines. So without in depth character info you can pretty much draw your own conclusions, and consider them whatever

    I also don't find much to be very cliché in the character archetypes. I mean, it's Japan, and a heavily anime influenced series, so archetypes still exist, but they're not played as cliché stereotypes. They're frequently played straight. The main character isn't bombastic, naïve, idiotic, or annoying like most would be in his situation (basically the chosen one, which itself isn't played as cliché or stereotypical as it could have been, he's chosen by circumstance, not destiny).

    The child(like) and mascot(like) characters don't grate on my nerves, and much like Xillia, the characters seem more realistic than the typical stereotypes. So good on Namco and the Tales of Team to be a bit more progressive than I'd expect

    And of course, they took a page out of Xillia's book on combat, which is typically insanely fast an enjoyable. And on top of that, there is no load between battle and overworld. In fact, battles take place on the world screen. There's just a pause while people jump into combat position and status info pops up, and then you just run in and tear hell. Battles are very frequently over in a matter of seconds, and without the load time, they're not annoying and barely detract from whatever progress you're making. And just like in Xillia, they're almost so much fun, it's worth grinding and enjoying the battle system. Which until Xillia I never thought I'd say about a JRPG

    I regret assuming it was going to have a fluffy pastel atmosphere with forgettable characters in the vein of Graces. I opted out of getting the limited edition. And now I wish I had. The game feels like a SNES JRPG brought into the future, and done really well, with modern sensibilities. So it's like enjoying an old game, without the need of nostalgia goggles. I'm about 11 or 12 hours in, and can't get enough. Really well done

    If anyone was sitting on the fence, I'd say take the plunge, or at the very least, if you haven't already, it's probably a good time to check out Xillia, since it's less than half price these days, and then if you like that game, you'll almost definitely like this one

    It also helps that it's a PS3 release as well as PS4 (which I should note, I'm going off the PS4 version, so there might be load times in the PS3, but I doubt it)

    Anyone else playing or interested in this game?

  2. #2


    I love my Tales games, was hyped for this for a while and then I kinda lost that for some reason... I'll pick it up for sure when I can! How does the battle system compare to Graces; I hear its a similar style and I really wasn't very keen on Graces.

    My rule of thumb for ages in Japanese games & anime: take the age they look like and subtract 5.

  3. #3
    tech spirit
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    I'm interested in this (as I am with most tales games), but I am on a purchase-block. I'm not buying another new game until i've finished one that I have. And I still have MGS5 left. And all I've played lately is new vegas because i want to have actually completed it before i buy FO4.
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  4. #4


    I have a hard time remembering anything stand-out about Graces battle system other than it was faster and more fluid than Vesperia and Abyss. It feels pretty much as fast and awesome as Xillia.

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    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I'm at the part where (SPOILER) I have to go to the waterfall and Mikleo and Sorey are all fussy at each other. I was super pumped for Lailah and she has not disappointed at all!

    The game, to me, is a combo between Xillia and Graces and a bit of Vesperia. Fox: The combat system is more in line with Graces in a lot of ways but it has also added a lot original and unique. I wasn't huge on Graces battle style myself, but it manages to be similar while also being a good bit better and more intuitive.

    I love being able to talk to my characters but I think it's a bummer that I can't switch onscreen characters like in most Tales games . The customization and all of the battle stuff is kind of overwhelming and I don't have the hang of all of it yet. I like some of the funny tutorials like "That was about it.... So how's your day going?" THANK YOU FOR ASKING, TALES OF ZESTIRIA

    Also, don't forget to get the skits and Alicia's story as free DLC

  6. #6


    Is Alicia's thing out yet? I got the pre-order and strategy guide DLC stuff, but all of it said it wouldn't be available until after October 26th, and I saw nothing on PSN, at least for PS4

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    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I have the PS3 version and I just downloaded it a few hours ago

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    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I think I've asked this before, but are all the Tales games independent like the FF series? Would this be an ok first Tales game for someone who, very likely, won't go back and play the older ones anyway (until his kids are in college or something)?

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    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Most Tales games are stand alone. The exceptions are aptly named - ie Tales of Xillia 2 is a direct sequel to Tales of Xillia.

    I have not played it, however, so I cannot comment on whether this is a good one to play. It is in the post though so maybe in the coming months.

  10. #10


    It's really good, low loading times, battles happen on the field. But the camera wasn't meant to have hectic battles in a tight corridor. Especially in multiplayer. And there are a lot of complexities to equipment and their effects in battle. Not to mention a lot of different types of artes. It's a great game but much easier for me to appreciate as a fan. I'd honestly say Graces is probably easier to get into for a rookie. A tad less hectic and less complex. Fast enough to be fun. Slow enough to grasp easier. Xillia is probably still my fave but you'd be jumping headlong into insanity. Difficulty isn't high but lots of arts, skills, links, super fast combat, crazy as heck story,etc

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    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I'd say start with Xillia. It's the one I started with and while it did take some adjustment, it wasn't super hard to grasp. And honestly Graces is a good game but it doesn't measure up to the series and I feel like he'd be missing out on a lot of the Tales series strengths if he only played that one

  12. #12


    True, if I were to only play one Tales game I'd want it to be Xillia. Just didn't know how well it'd work as the first game. I know I'd want to play it first, given the option. But I was already familiar with the mechanics. But with someone else saying it's a good starting point it probably is one of the best starting points. And if you happen to like it, it's one of the few with a direct sequel so you can have even more fun with that crew. But it doesn't end on a cliffhanger so you can also pretend the sequel doesn't exist of you want. Though its a surprisingly good follow up. I loved it almost as much as the first. And it changes up a lot so it's not just more of the same. Totally different experience

  13. #13


    I'm playing Zestria and getting frustrated as smurf. My AI partner literally stands there doing nothing. At all.

    And I can't find a setting in the AI to fix this. Reinstalling now and hoping that will fix it. ;_;

  14. #14


    Sounds like it thinks the second controller is active and the character is semi auto or manual instead of auto. That's the only setting I know. Can be changed in battle of there is a second controller pushing in a thumb stick. Or in the character menu while setting their arts or something

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    Tales game problem: Having too many characters I like and having a hard time deciding who to use

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