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Thread: Fallout 4: Dog. Dog never changes.

  1. #16
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Can companions die in this one? They couldn't in New Vegas obviously but when I went back to replay 3 I was rudely awakened to the reality that companions die and die easily.
    Not that I'm aware of. Both Piper and Dogmeat have taken a knee more times than I care to count but neither has died yet. The real threat to companions is them disappearing off the face of the earth as I've lost the pair of them and don't have a clue where they might be.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ayen View Post
    You're still gonna bang her, aren't you?
    Well I mean if I bump into her again and she's forgiven me for showering her with fire, sure. I was making good progress on our companionship (she apparently gets off on watching locks being picked) and got a couple of *~*touching conversations*~* before the trout hit the fan.

  2. #17
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    (she apparently gets off on watching locks being picked)
    She wants HER lock to be picked!

  3. #18
    tech spirit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pumpkin View Post
    Sharkson and I are hoping for a PS4 Christmas bundle with Fallout 4. We're saving up the monies for a PS4 since the library is building in to a decent amount of games we want, but we'll only be able to afford one game at first. I think we decided on Fallout 4 because it interests both of us. I am excite

    Although I kind of want Darth Vader PS4 :/
    Make sure to get the new PS4 model, the one without the shiny plastic on one side. The new model generates a lot less fan noise. The first gen PS4s sound like vacuum cleaners when you play for example MGS5.
    everything is wrapped in gray
    i'm focusing on your image
    can you hear me in the void?

  4. #19



    I want to get to know you.

    Why is trading the only thing you care about. It's not even trading 'cause you're in my settlement, you're just junk storage.

  5. #20
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    I blew my gaming budget on other games so I'm holding out on FO4 for now (hopefully I'll acquire it within the next couple of months though). But in case anyone in the thread is interested, a handy guide to an infinite money glitch:

  6. #21
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Can confirm that works.

  7. #22
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    How ironic that console gamers can't use console commands to make glitches like that totally unnecessary.

  8. #23
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    I've spent like four hours today scrapping everything in Sanctuary and then building stuff there, smurfing kill me tbh

  9. #24
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mister Adequate View Post
    I've spent like four hours today scrapping everything in Sanctuary and then building stuff there, smurfing kill me tbh
    So should we kill you because you're unhappy or because you're lost forever? If the latter, better kill me too. I don't even want to talk about how much time I spent blacksmithing in Skyrim.

  10. #25
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Oh the latter, for sure.

  11. #26
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Mission accomplished.

  12. #27
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Oh ho ho ho Good man. Details and gynoscope screenshots pls.

    The more I play this game the more I honestly love it. I think it's their best since Morrowind. I'd give both my left nuts for an Obsidian-made NV style game to accompany this.

  13. #28
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    She kept her hat on and I got a bonus called "Lovers' Embrace"

    An action tale for you all. It's smurfing long and you probably won't find it interesting but whatever, I wanted to write about itAs I wandered through the wastes I spied a large white wooden house in the distance with a lighthouse further down. A Vertibird lazily circled overhead. Picturesque, thought I. I shall visit this little quaint place and make some memories. I then see a lot of green ripples from the ground being launched at the Vertibird. I had no idea what they were - I thought perhaps they were Mirelurks as we were by the sea and I remember on FO3 Swamplurk Kings having these weird ripple projectiles and it resembled that the most. The Vertbird was taking dozens of these and didn't really seem to care, idly spitting machine gun fire back at the aggressors. So, investigation time!

    I learned that it was the Children of Atom. I hadn't encountered them on Fallout 4, my only experience of them being their Fallout 3 edition where they were a non hostile but wacky cult. They're pretty smurfing hostile on this, let me tell you. They still hadn't spotted me, and were at the back of the house plinking away at the Vertibird. I moved through the house and spied their leader. On Fallout 4, enemies who are above your level will have a skull next to their name to let you know not to take them lightly. Usually you'll get one as a sort of boss in a pack of minions. So, plan! While these goons are distracted I shall march out and eliminate this smurf with a critical shot from my shotgun and then mop up the leaderless rabble. The first part of the plan went well enough. Took a couple of shotgun hits but using my critical chewed through the Preacher's health. With the leader dead, I turned to mop up the survivors ...and then I realised every single one of the smurfers had a skull next to their name. smurf. smurf me. I have only ever seen more than one enemy with a skull next to their name once, and that was when two of them fought against each other while I was atop a tower (and it was super cool but that's another story) much less five or six of the s. I am in an area that I am not meant to be in yet.

    I turn to run back through the house and it was of course at this moment that the Vertibird fell out of the sky onto the front door and exploded. Plans A and B have both become write offs in the space of 30 seconds. I do another 180 and devise Plan C on the fly. There is something of a battle raging out here, Piper is going wild and I spied a couple of Raiders out there too who I assume were fighting the Atom cultists but smurf knows. Speaking of assumptions, I assumed the people in the lighthouse had left to fight off the Vertibird and were out here on the lawn, leaving the lighthouse itself empty. Plan C was devised: Make a bolt for the lighthouse door, charge up the stairs and snipe my foes from the top. As with Plan A, it started out very well. I dashed through the firefight unscathed and encountered no resistance on my climb. At the top resistance was encountered, resistance in the form of a heavily armoured and rather cross fellow. He had a really smurfing fancy title that I've since forgotten and he was packing a very powerful sniper rifle of his own. Not to put a finer point on it, this was the boss of a group of bosses. Big Boss, if you will. Yes, the fun just kept on leaving.

    I have a very nice sword on Fallout 4 named Anduril and I'm very proud of it. Who fancies some irrelevant sword backstory? See, I used to have just a regular old nice sword. I say regular, it was a smurfing awesome serrated sword and I named it Narsil because I'm a sad loser. A legendary Bloatfly was kind enough to give me a new sword (I don't know how it was carrying it about but whatever) with a 20% chance to cripple someone's legs. I took the serrated mods from Narsil and used it on the new sword to forge Anduril. Yes, yes I'm really smurfing sad okay, I'm not creative with names and it seemed appropriate shut up Back to Grand Showdown at the top of the Lighthouse! I swing for the fences with Anduril and eventually break the bastard's legs. Imagine the Benny Hill theme playing as a heavily armoured guy limps around after me as I duck in and out of the lighthouse, casually dropping frag mines and handing out shotgun blasts as I go. This was a very long and drawn out process as he is an absolute bullet sponge. Having a long range weapon in a close quarters fight didn't really help him, but when he did manage to tag me with his sniper rifle believe you me I smurfing knew about it.

    The end of the fight was a thing of beauty. I was down to my last two shotgun rounds and knew he didn't have much left in the tank. I dashed out onto the walkway, unloaded both shells at point black range into his face, hoping this would end it. It wasn't enough though, and he had a sliver of health left. He lumbered forwards on his bad leg and I instinctively smashed the butt of my shotgun into his face, killing him and sending his corpse sprawling over the railing. Not going to lie, I was pretty smurfing aroused at how that all went down. With that said I wasn't best pleased that I couldn't loot his corpse, although his rifle was still up there. Anyway, time to start sniping, right? Oh dear, no. You see the Children on the ground had positioned themselves right up close to the lighthouse so I couldn't get an angle on them. They were all still happily trying to fire up themselves though, presumably having now murdered the trout out of the Raiders and Piper.

    I headed downstairs and prepared to try to fight my way out. Mistake. It was as if Hell itself had opened and attempted to come pouring through the door of the lighthouse. I discovered what those green ripple gun things are. They are Gamma Guns. They fire radi-smurfing-ation. I came to this discovery when I was hit by a smurfing bombardment of them that turned my entire health bar red. I had just a fraction of green left when I managed to get into the Pip Boy and heal it all up before I turned into a pile of radioactive slag. I turned to my old staple of throwing a molotov into the crowd and bidding a retreat. Incidentally I saw Piper down there, taking a knee, so as per usual she became a human torch for me. Sorry babe, love you.

    Having fled back up to the top of the lighthouse I decided to look about and check out the light room. This gif adequately explains what happened.

    I am Grandpa and a mothersmurfing Glowing One the Children had been keeping up there is Bart.

    There is only one way out of this situation, and it's the most smurfing metal one possible. I am going to hurl myself off the top of the lighthouse, pray that I land in the ocean and swim to safety. I take a deep breath, sprint at the railings and take a flying leap. Time seemed to stop as I majestically flew through the air and the ocean came rushing up towards me. Luckily there were some jagged rocks there to break my fall and my legs and my entire body.

  14. #29
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    I am glad that Piper wasn't blown to smithereens - my heart was a broken for you when she disappeared.

  15. #30
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Piper is indeed bae. But first,


    Behold, foolish Wastelanders! Look at our bustling capitalist shopping district! ...shut up I'm lazy.

    And fear our mighty defences! (in the gap in the wall there's a pressure plate and if you step on it you get zapped I'm really proud of that one!) Oh and check out dat bootay.

    Me, bae and our pet flamingo, Jeff. He's not touched his food in days so I'm a bit worried about him. I'm beginning to wonder if the post apocalypse is the right environment for raising a flamingo.

    Yes I have spent the entire smurfing game wearing this god damn hat and no I am not taking it off for anyone.

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