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Thread: Winter Ciddies '15 REVELATIONS!!!

  1. #301
    Get me some wine. Recognized Member Queen Award, First of Her Name's Avatar
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    Most Likely To...


    The Nominees
    Ayen Loony BoB Mirage Old Manus Psychotic Raistlin Sephex Skyblade Spuuky

  2. #302
    Not breaking faith today Shaibana's Avatar
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    Ah. The speech. It comes.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  4. #304
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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  5. #305
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    There is something very elf on the shelf like about ChocoBoy

  6. #306
    Get me some wine. Recognized Member Queen Award, First of Her Name's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaibana
    Raistlin – and the snowmen
    Raistlin spends most of his time making snowmen. As he lives in the winter wonder land they never run out of snow, and it never melts. for 13 months he has been building snowmen all over town and he made quit alot already. Everybody loves them and Raistlin got alot of praise. Carefully he stacks 3 big snowballs on eachother and gives them a carrot nose. Buttons for eyes and a mouth. And twigs for arms.
    Raistlin talked to everyone about a big suprise in the main square this christmas eve and everybody got excited. ´well, i think that should do it´ Raistlin said, wiping sweat off his forhead ´tonight is the night..´
    That evening he got in his best suit and made his way to the stage in the center of the square.
    All the town had gathered and music was playing. Raistlin got all excited, this was His night!
    He cleared his throath and said ‘Ladies and gentleman, thank you all for being here to attend my special christmas suprise!’ a loud suprise roared and raistlin took a bow.
    He took out his magic wand and waved it and within a couple seconds some of the snowman started dancing. The crowd started pointing and cheering at the dancing snowmen.
    A couple of swings more of the wand and other snowmen started to come forward and sing a christmas carrol. The crowd love dit and started dancing and singing along.
    More and more snowmen came forward to dance or sing.
    Now is the time rainstlin new and with another swing the snowmen all stopped.
    the crowd went silent in confused as the snowmen formed a line and walked tot he crowd slowly.
    As they trie to back away all the sudden the snowmen leaped forward and bared their teeth.
    People were getting bitten by the snowmen and panick broke out.
    Everywhere snowmen hurdled themselves on the humans and ate their flesh. Screames were heard everywhere.. there were so many of them!!
    And Raistlin stood there on his stage, laughing, waving commands with his magic wand as the snowmen murdered the village..

    Sephex – and the 1 horse open sleigh
    It was christmas morning and Sephex woke up. Filled with joy he ran down and made breakfast.
    Today there would be a huge market in town and Sephex was ready to buy a sleigh and horse.
    ´bye mom! Bye dad!´ he yelled quickly and ran fort he door to pur on his scarf, coat, hat and his warm gloves. Before he shut the door behind him he checked his wallet. All the money was there.
    It was early, the market was still building up but people were already there to buy things.
    He looked around, he already knew what he would buy but he couldnt find the guy yet.
    There he is! The skinny man already set everything up. The sleigh was shiny, and the horse looked strong in his gear. ´its so beautifull´ Sephex said excited.
    ´consider yourself lucky´ the skinny man said ´there were already some ladies that offered more, if you didnt come so early i wouldnt have waited for you´
    ´ooh thank you, thank you!´ sephex said joyfully and handed the old man the money.
    ´he´s a good horse, treat him gentle´ the old man said and sephex noded.
    ´alright boy, lets go!´ and the horse stepped forward.
    He pulled the sleigh very easy and he walked the way home.
    Sephex started to feel a little uncomfortable. He started feeling.. angry, bitter.
    What was going on? And all of the sudden the horse started to become red! and the ski’s of the sleigh caught fire! ‘what the?’ sephex panicked. He saw his hands turning green and hairy and his thoughts got more bitter and bitter. Im going to ruin this years christmas he thought.
    He saw a couple of kids making a snowmen. He turned the horse around and ran right over the snowmen. The kids screamed as they jumped aside. ‘noooo! Not the snowman!’ Sephex heard a kid say. He turned around in the sleigh and gave the kid the finger. He saw a Choir singing happy christmas songs. Again he turned the sleigh and in full gallop he ran through it. everywhere people where shocked as Sephex ran through all the christmas stuff.
    From that day on Sephex hated christmas and ruined it for everyone every since

    Skyblade – and the candy canes
    Skyblade was a burgler, but he wasnt very good at it. he got busted more then he wanted. And he lived on the street. This christmas he had a plan. It was cold and snowy. He went to the candy store.
    He didnt have any moeny so he just walked around a bit ‘looking’ at the candy.
    The storeowner wasnt really paying attention. 2 kids came in and took the store owners attention.
    Skyblade quickly snatche a couple of candy canes and walked out of the store. He looked back if someone was following him, but nobody was.
    A couple of streets further he stood still. He had snatched 3 candy canes.
    He started sucking on 1 till it had a pointy end. Perfect he thought. And shaped a 2nd one exactly alike. It was 4 in the morning when he decided to do something. He went to house on the edge of the street. It was known that the owner went to his family out of town every year for christmas. So the house would be empty. He looked around, nobody was in the street.
    He walked up the door and started to picklock the lock with his 2 sharpened candy canes. It didnt take him long before he got it. he walked in and saw some presents under a tree.
    He opened a couple to see if something usefull was inside. A slowcooker, a videogame, a bottle of perfume. Nothing usefull. He did find some socks he put in his jacket.
    Suddenly the light went on. It scared skyblade.
    ‘what are you doing in my house?’ he heard a man say.
    He turned around to see that the man had come home.
    ‘who are you?’ the man demanded.
    ‘go away!’ skyblade shouted and pointed the candy cane at the man
    The man put his hands up ‘i dont want to fight, just leave my house’
    Slowly the man stepped aside and Skyblade slowly walked to the door, the sharpened candy cane still in his hands. He was almost at the door when suddenly the man grabbed for his candy cane and suddenly they were wrestling. They fell to the ground, both of them holding tight to the candy cane.
    The candy cane broke and they both jumped up. The man had the pointy end. Skyblade tossed the useless part away and grabbed the other candy cane out of his pocket.
    Skyblade charged the man and before he even realised what he had done red blood gushed all over the place. The candy cane stabbed the man through the throath. The man desperatley grabbed at his throath but there was nothing he could do to stop the bleeding.
    Skyblade was terrified, this was not what he wanted. ‘im so sorry’ he said and ran away..
    The end

    Spooky’s haunted christmas
    It was a cold christmas day as spuuky was spooking around his big castle.
    Having died a 100 years ago, he was very bored. He had done all the haunting he could and he grew bored of it.
    Every year he waited for Santa Claus to show up, and he litteraly died waiting for him.
    ‘that stupid old fool’ he muttered ‘ive always been a good boy, never on the naughty list and you didnt even bother to show up’ he slammed his fist through the table in anger.
    Today was the 1st christmas day and he was going to do what he always did: haunt the fake santa’s.
    He floated tot he nearest mall where a fat santa sat in his big chair to talk to all the children.
    It made him furious! ‘those fakers’ he said angry ‘YOU ARE NOT THE REAL SANTA’.
    he flew fast at the santa and screamed at the top of his lungs.
    He could see terror on the face of the santa and the children as they fled away.
    He grabbed the santa and tossed him on the ground ‘WHERE IS THE REAL SANTA!!’ He demanded.
    ‘i dont know! I dont know!’ the fake santa cried as he soiled his breeches.
    Spuuky shoot the santa a couple of times and tossed him aside.
    Furious as he was he wrecked the entire mall, shred all the christmas decorations and made sure that every child pooped its pants.
    ‘DEMONSPAWN’ Spuuky heard and he turned around..
    And.. no.. it cant be true!.. is it really…? Yes… it was santa, there was no way to mistake that.
    ’s-Santa? ‘ Spuuky said, still not believing his eyes.
    ‘you have been very naughty the last 100 years’ Santa said.
    ‘no! YOU have been naughty, santa! Every year i waited for you and you abandoned me! Ive been a good boy my entire life!’ he shouted back.
    ‘but this year.. you are going Down!’ said santa as he picked up his weapon and aimed fort he ghost.
    ‘who ya gonna call? Santa Ghost Buster!’ he shouted as a ray shot to Spuuky and grabbed him tight.
    ‘no.. NOO !! santa noooo!’ he cried out as he got dragged into the device.
    The end

    Ayen - and the eggnog

    The familly had gathered in the house to celebrate christmas and the children ran outside for a snowballfight.
    It was a rather dull christmas this year. The same people, the same gossip..
    But it would all chance today. He had bought a special potion today that he would put in the eggnog to makes things a little lively this year.
    With a dull excuse he walked tot he buffet. He looked around him to see if anyone was paying attention as he poored the substance into the eggnog and stirred it.
    ´what are you doing?’ his uncle Ben asked. ‘euuh ooh, n-nothing uncle.. i was just going for some eggnog’ and he poored himself a cup ‘would you like some, uncle?’ and offered him the cup.
    ‘why yes my dear’ he said and took a sip from the drink. ‘tasty as ever’ he smiled and went back.
    That was a close one he thought as he scooped up some food to make him less suspicious.
    The evening went on and a couple of more people drank som eggnog.
    There was alot of laughter.. untill…. It happened.
    Uncle Ben started coughing histerically and people were starting to help him.
    But with every cough he threw up leaves.
    It made people scared and the old lady shrieked.
    ‘what the hell is this?’ somebody shouted. The leaves were piling up and a 2nd person started coughing and kittes came out of his mouth. Ayen stood in the corner, amused and more people started coughing up random stuff: christmas balls, rubber ducks, and candles.
    Keep it going he thought keep it going
    After a couple of minutes they all choked to death and the room was full with all kinds of things.
    ‘a succesfull night’ he told one of the kittens as he stepped over a body to collect the things they all coughed up ‘all this stuff will make me a fortune’
    Well satisfied Ayes left the house. He was never seen again…
    The end

    Loony BoB- and the gifts

    LoonyBob had the fortune this year to act as Santa Clause of the town this year.
    It took him a couple of years but this year he was selected to do this important job.
    The council had brought him the sleigh with the reindeers and all the pressents.
    As he was preparing for his ride when his sidekick came in. ‘are we ready for tonight, Loony?’
    ‘yes’ loony replied with an evil smile ‘yes we are, prepare the sleigh!’
    ‘yes sir!’ the side kick said and went off.
    ‘this is a christmas they will never forget’ Loony assured himself as he put the last package in the bag.
    He picked up the bag and went tot he stable and saw that the sleigh was all ready. His sidekick was was almost dont with the last reindeer.
    ‘we’re all ready, sir!’ the sidekick said.
    Loony put the bag in the sleigh and his sidekick sat next to him.
    ‘lets go!’ Loony commanded the reindeer and they started to run. Once they had a good speed they went up in the sky and they were on their way to deliver presents all over town.
    They flew to the first adress and landed on the roof. Loony and the sidekick got out and got a couple of presents from the bag.
    ‘what do we have for deaf Mr. Jones this year, sidekick?’ Loony asked with an evil smile.
    Giggeling the sidekick said: ‘ a radio, sir!’.
    Laughing Loony went through the chimney. The house was very nicely decorated. The tree was big and full. Mr. Jones had left some milk and cookies for Santa. Loony left a note: Your cookies are horrible!' and left the pressent at the tree.
    Back on the roof they moved on the the next house where little Daisy lived. Daisy loves horses. So she got a dinosaur. Miss. Smith wanted to lose weight so she got alot of candy and cookies.
    ‘haha! This will surely ruin christmas’ Loony said to his sidekick. ‘are we ready fort he grand finale?’
    ‘y- yes sir!’ the sidekick picked up a tube and started shooting around randomly all over town.
    ‘hahah! Now there is dogpoop everywhere’ they both started laughing hystericaly as they rode of tot he northernlight. They were never seen again.
    The end

    Mirage – and the snowmachine
    Mirage lived in a place where it never snowed. Every christmas they they would celebrate a green christmas. It rained alot, but it never snowed.
    For the last couple of years Mirage the scientist had worked on a snowmachine to give the people of this town a white christmas. Everybody was excited, it would make christmas perfect.
    And it was ready this year. He had loaded the machine on a big truck and rode to the center of the town. It was a heavy thig and he needed a couple of strong men to unload it. ‘will there be a white christmas this year, Mr.Mirage?’ a young boy asked. ‘there will be, my young friend, there will be’ reassured Mirage.
    He ran through some lasts test to make sure everything would go right.
    ‘its time’ he said ‘lets do this’
    He turned on the machine. It made a loading sound. People had gathered to watch and a beam shot out of the machine into the sky. ‘yes!’ mirage said cheerfully ‘thats it!’
    High in the air around the beam clouds started to gather. It started to rain and he could hear the people’s disapointment.
    ‘dont worry! Its only the beginning, soon it will snow!’ he said to the people.
    It started to rain harder, then a light snow.. and after a couple of minutes thick snowflakes cam out of the air and the crowd whent wild. There was alot of snow comming down and soon enough people were already starting snowfights and making snowangels.
    More and more snow came down, and bigger snowflakes and it slowly turned to light hail.
    ‘no more!’ Mirage shouted and they tried to shut down the machine.. but it wouldnt…
    ‘shut it down!’ mirage yelled. ‘NOW!’
    ‘we’re trying, we’re trying!’ they shout back but there was no stopping the machine.
    By now the snow had turned to a thick hailstorm and te people were screaming and taking shelter.
    ‘this is all going horribly wrong, evacuate the city!’ Mirage commanded as he started to load the truck with ppl. The hailstones were getting bigger and bigger and the people who ran for the savety of the truck fell to the ground as they got struck on the head by the huge hailstones.
    He startede the truck and drove away. His windshield was completely busted but somehow he made his way out of the town.
    Once they were out of the hailstorm they looked back to the town.
    Hail as big as footballs were raining down on the town, destroying everything.
    People cried for their loved once stuck in the city. Most lickely dead now…
    The end

    Psychotic – and the star on the tree

    As the oldes child of the family psychotic never got to put the star on the tree. And it bothered him more then it should.
    If only that little brat wasnt born he thought bitterly as he came downstairs on christmas morning to see the family having breakfast together. He took a seat and ate with them.
    Little tommie was very happy, today they would decorate the tree and he would get to do the finishing touch.
    ‘goodmorning darling’ his mother said ‘you are up late, are you well?’
    ‘i’m fine, mother’ he replied and waved her away.
    ‘son, help me get the tree from the yard’ his father commanded and they walked tot he yard to get the tree. ‘son.. i know how depserately you want to put the star on the tree, but tradition sticktly says that only the youngest child can do that. ‘is not fair’ psychotic answered angry ‘i was too young to put the star on the tree even before he was born’ his father stopped to put a hand on his shoulder ‘im sorry son, but thats just bad luck’.
    In silence they dragged the tree tot he house.
    That evening as they put the tree in place and decorated it… it was time to put the star on the top.
    Proudly his father lifted little tommie to he top ´a little higher, daddy!´ tommie said cheerfully.
    His father lifted him highe rand Psychotic took his shot and pushed his father hard in the back!
    ´aarrgghh!´ he heard his father shout as he fell forward into the tree still holding tommie who held the star. They all fell on the ground and little tommie dropped the start and it shattered on the ground.
    ´what have you done!!´ Mother shouted. ´this cant be!´
    That day little tommie died and Psychotic became once again the youngest child.
    The end

    Old Manus – the turkeyman
    The Turkey man they called him..
    But everyone knew who he was and where he lived. But for some reason the people of Coldtowncould not stop him from… cutting all the turkeys.
    Gary sat near his baking turkey. He couldnt wait for it to be done and be be the 1st one to cut the turkey was an honor. A sign of dominance and he took it very seriously.
    But so far he failed at it every year. Nomather what procaution he took Old manus the Turkeyman always beat him to it.. the sneaky bastard. Old Manus lived high in the mountains and was always on the move. He knew the proud men of Coldtown were looking for him
    *ding* the oven went and the turkey was done. He was alone this year because his family couldnt handle it. they went to a save place where they could cut the turkey in peace but Gary would not let Old Manus win. I WILL cut the turkey this year, by the gods i swear it.
    He took took the turkey out of the oven and placed it on the table next tot he shotgun and the knife.
    As he turned around to see if put the oven of he heard a noise. He turned around and there he was… Old Manus the turkey cutter.
    They stared at eachother in the yes for a couple of seconds. ‘no! Not this year Manus!’ Gary said.
    Old Manus only stared back at him. Gary slowly stepped to the table. And then he jumped for the gun and shot at Manus! But Manus was fast and he dodged it and dissapeared out of sight.
    Gary looked around nervously trout, i missed him. Gary was prepared fort his he quickly put the turkey in a special bag but the adrenaline in his system made it hard. Quickly he ran for the door. Once outside he ran for the forrest. He looked back but saw no sign of Old Manus.
    He ran and ran as hard as he can, as far as his legs would take him. And after a couple of minutes he stopped to catch his breath.
    A distant whistle brought him back on his feet again. Shotgun ready, and the turkey save in the bag on his back. ‘you cant run from me’ he heard on his left. ‘hand over the turkey!’ he heard on his right.
    ‘its just a little cut’ he heard behind him. Quickly he turned around and suddenly Old Manus was there. He held a knife at his throath. ‘drop the gun’ the turkey cutter commanded ‘ DROP IT’ she shouted and Gary dropped the shotgun. Old Manus picked it up. ‘now turn around’ and walk.
    Gary, cold with fear turned around and he felt a sudden pain on the head and everything went black.
    When he woke up he was gratefull to be alive. His head felt as it if was going to explode. He sat up and then he saw the bag… th bag with the turkey. He opened i tand grabbed the turkey out of it, but… it had been cut… a fine slice of meat had been cut off. ‘no… no… NOOOOOOOOOOOO’

    The end

  7. #307
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I can't remember but I think for some reason I may have nominated myself for this one. I legit can't even remember why. If I did.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  8. #308
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    XD That speech

  9. #309
    Not breaking faith today Shaibana's Avatar
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    Word corrected alot of 'to the' to 'tot he' becase tot is a dutch word and its corrected it automaticly.
    ive tried to correct them back, but ive problably not found everyone of them.

  10. #310
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    *reads speech*

    I'm so happy.

    Also, Daisy better be smurfing grateful, that's one awesome present.

    If she's not, she can just go outside, because that ain't dog poop, that's dino poop, and it's made up of 100% pony.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  11. #311
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Worth every second spent reading it. xD

  12. #312
    Get me some wine. Recognized Member Queen Award, First of Her Name's Avatar
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    32. MLT Be The Grinch

    Loony BoB.......................1
    Old Manus.......................2

    And our grinchy winner is...
    Last edited by Queen Award, First of Her Name; 12-12-2015 at 05:13 PM.

  13. #313

  14. #314
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Congrats Spuuky! Hopefully you manage to get out of that ghost catcher device soon to continue spooking up Christmas.

  15. #315
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    It is literally just for Shaibana's speeches that I am sad that we don't do more audio recordings of speeches.

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