"Excuse me Miss, do you like pineapple?"
Fair enough.
The ATB in VII was pretty rubbish, so little of value has been lost. I expect it to function very similarly to Kingdom Hearts (everything accessible via menus but tie common actions to shotcuts). The only real question is: can you control all party members? That's gonna be the dealbreaker for a lot of people. XIII and XV both got stick for that.
I don't think that's the right decision given what they're remaking, but I still think it's possible to make a fun action based system.
I wouldn't mind a FFXII system where your companions run on A.I unless you 'ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL' of them.
Crisis Core, Final Fantasy Type-0 and Final Fantasy XV have all proven that an action based battle system can work for Final Fantasy. I have no problem with the Final Fantasy VII Remake going down this route providing that we can have full control of our party, including being able to change the active leader. I wanna bash some Shin-Ra scum over the head with my Rod.
Real time games take a lot more time and money to develop than turn based games. You need a far more robust physics engine, far more complicated calculations, with a lot more glitches and bugs to test for. Turn based game play is basically just numbers exchanging in the background, everything you see on screen is a combination of pre rendered animations and effects. It's a lot easier to do, and if the visuals become a problem anyways, you can easily skimp on them without in any way impacting the actual game play.
ღმერთის შვილი შეეხო და მითხრა, რომ ანგელოზთა ფეხები მომეხია.
Pretty disappointed. My hype for this game has definitely plummeted.
Pull my Devil Trigger!
But we already knew this when they showed us gameplay.
No, the only thing that was evident is that the battle system would be changed and more action-oriented. It's only with this that the game has been confirmed to be completely action based.
Well, thanks for ditching one of the things that made this game special SE. Looks like they intend on making all of their games have identical combat to each other.
Guess it's too much to ask them to give FF7R the REmake treatment.
Pull my Devil Trigger!
And of course everybody learned how reliable early GUI screenshots are
Seriously, I really don't get why people get so worked up over games and their expectations toward them? I mean, I'm not interested in FFVII R simply because I've kind of gotten over VII, but if they announced, say, a Kingdom Hearts game that would be a total departure in gameplay from the other games, I wouldn't be like "screw you, SE, I wanted this to be X and you choose to stomp right over my childhood" and more like "well, okay, that's different, let's see how this plays out."
I mean, you could argue that they made everything the same back in FFVII's day when they just slapped ATB onto everything
TBH, though, I'm with Fox - VII's implementation of the ATB was one of the worst in the series so here's hoping they can make stuff more interesting