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Thread: Discord Quiz

  1. #31
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    It was a fun ride!

    To be fair, though, a lot of the questions were very specific and I feel like I lucked out with a few of them, but I’m still happy I won and it’d be nice to do this again sometime!

  2. #32
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Yeah it was all luck of the draw.

    But totally if enough people enjoyed the goofing then we can do this again in another 6 years time. Maybe another topic next time!

  3. #33
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Let’s do it on the classic British sci-fi sitcom Red Dwarf!

  4. #34
    Darkhero's Avatar
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    Didn't realize the quiz was yesterday. Guess I should check here more often.

  5. #35
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Apologies, I did mean to get a little pinned message put in the Discord channel, but irl has taken control recently and I haven't been about as much as I would have liked.

  6. #36
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Any chance of a catch-up on what the questions were, with a spoiler tagged answer sheet? I'm curious to know if I could have got any of them! Glad it went well.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  7. #37
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Uhhh I might have saved the spreadsheet! I'll check when I'm home.

  8. #38
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    I had a huge ol' list of questions broken down into Final Fantasy games, so what we did was everyone got a question pertaining to each FF entry. It was random so sometimes there were easy ones and other times... not so much.

    I didn't keep note of who got which question, but here's all the ones that were asked and most likely not answered. The numbers drop from 6 to 5 towards the end because Freya had to take a call and then do adult things like wash some forks.

    (FFI) What is the HP of the final boss (Chaos), in the original NES version? (SPOILER)2,000
    (FFI) What is the name of the secret mini-game? (SPOILER)15 Puzzle
    (FFI) Who is the fiend of fire? (SPOILER)Marilith
    (FFI) Who or what teaches you how to view the map? (SPOILER)Broom
    (FFI) Who is the blind witch? (SPOILER)Matoya
    (FFI) How many platforms is this game available on? (SPOILER)10, but this was contested during the quiz. Not that the answer given was correct in any case.

    (FFII) Who kills Ricard? (SPOILER)Emperor Mateus
    (FFII) Who is in love with Princess Hilda? (SPOILER)Gordon Scott
    (FFII) What was the object that killed Josef? (SPOILER)A Boulder
    (FFII) Who has the ability to talk to animals? (SPOILER)Guy
    (FFII) Name the key to Kashuan Keep. (SPOILER)Goddess's Bell
    (FFII) Minwu offers his life in exchange for what? (SPOILER)Ultima

    (FFIII) Who has feelings for Ingus? (SPOILER)Princess Sara
    (FFIII) Which animal does Refia hate? (SPOILER)Toad
    (FFIII) Who is Refia's adopted father? (SPOILER)Takka
    (FFIII) Excluding Xande, name Noah's two other disciples. (SPOILER)Doga and Unei
    (FFIII) Luneth and Arc were adopted by? (SPOILER)Topapa and Nina
    (FFIII) What is the "unknown metal" that is required to get Ultima Weapon? (SPOILER)Orichalcum

    (FFIV) Who does Edge have a crush on? (SPOILER)Rydia
    (FFIV) Which village guards the Water Crystal? (SPOILER)Mysidia
    (FFIV) What does Cid use to seal the entrance to the underworld? (SPOILER)A bomb
    (FFIV) What item is used to wake Yang up in the Sylph Cave? (SPOILER)Frying Pan
    (FFIV) What is the name of the "Home to all Eidolons"? (SPOILER)Feymarch
    (FFIV) Who is Cecil's brother? (SPOILER)Golbez

    (FFV) Besides Galuf & Dorgann, name one of the other two Warriors of Dawn. (SPOILER)Xezat or Kelger
    (FFV) Who is the king of Surgate? (SPOILER)Xezat
    (FFV) How many minutes do you have to find & defeat Gogo before you run out of air? (SPOILER)Seven
    (FFV) Who has the ability to talk to moogles & chocobos? (SPOILER)Krile
    (FFV) What cures wind drakes from sickness? (SPOILER)Dragon Grass
    (FFV) Who is Galuf's granddaughter? (SPOILER)Krile

    (FFVI) Name the first esper you encounter in the game. (SPOILER)Valigarmanda/Tritoch
    (FFVI) How many permanent playable characters are there? (SPOILER)14
    (FFVI) Who does Relm call a "fuddy duddy"? (SPOILER)Strago
    (FFVI) What name did Edgar go by in the World of Ruins? (SPOILER)Gerad
    (FFVI) Name the monster the party must be swallowed by in order to find Gogo. (SPOILER)Zone Eater
    (FFVI) Who was the original owner of The Falcon? (SPOILER)Daryl

    (FFVII) Sephiroth is right-handed. True/False? (SPOILER)False
    (FFVII) With whom is Elena in love? (SPOILER)Tseng
    (FFVII) You get the Blue Magic, 'Beta', from which monster? (SPOILER)Midgar Zolom
    (FFVII) What is the name of Barret's level 4 Limit Break? (SPOILER)Catastrophe
    (FFVII) What is the name of Vincent's level 4 Limit Break? (SPOILER)Chaos
    (FFVII) What is the one FFVII spin-off that never left Japan? (SPOILER)Before Crisis

    (FFVIII) What is the true identity/name of the UFO? (SPOILER)PuPu
    (FFVIII) What is the name of the creature engraved in Squall's Revolver? (SPOILER)Griever
    (FFVIII) Seifer, Fujin, and Raijin, make up what committee? (SPOILER)Disciplinary Committee
    (FFVIII) What is the only word Moombas know? (SPOILER)Laguna
    (FFVIII) Who is Rinoa's father? (SPOILER)General Caraway
    (FFVIII) Within the game, who is widely regarded as the best card player? (SPOILER)Queen of Cards

    (FFIX) What is the name of Queen Brahne's airship? (SPOILER)Red Rose
    (FFIX) You first meet Cid when he is not in human form but in the form of what? (SPOILER)An oglop
    (FFIX) Who was responsible for turning Cid into a frog? (SPOILER)Doctor Tot
    (FFIX) The "eye in the sky" turns out to be? (SPOILER)The Invincible
    (FFIX) What is the name of the sailing ship? (SPOILER)Blue Narciss
    (FFIX) What is the name of Garnet's true mother? (SPOILER)Jane

    (FFX) Who is Yuna's father? (SPOILER)Braska
    (FFX) What is the name of Wakka's home blitzball team? (SPOILER)Besaid Aurochs
    (FFX) Who created Sin? (SPOILER)Yu Yevon
    (FFX) What was the original name for The Crusaders? (SPOILER)The Crimson Blades
    (FFX) Who is the fayth of aeon Anima? (SPOILER)Seymour's mother
    (FFX) Who is Lady Yunalesca's husband? (SPOILER)Zaon

    (FFX-2) What is the name of the blitzball team of which Biggs and Wedge are a part of? (SPOILER)Gull Wings
    (FFX-2) Who is the leader of the Youth League? (SPOILER)Nooj
    (FFX-2) What is the title of the song sung during Yuna's concert? (SPOILER)1000 Words
    (FFX-2) What is the name of the Gullwings' airship? (SPOILER)The Celsius
    (FFX-2) What is the name of the rival group to Gullwings? (SPOILER)Leblanc Syndicate
    (FFX-2) What are the names of Leblanc's two lackeys? (SPOILER)Logos and Ormi

    (FFXIII) Where is Lightning's l'Cie brand? (SPOILER)Chest
    (FFXIII) Who has the ability to sense beings from Pulse? (SPOILER)Dajh Katzroy
    (FFXIII) Who is the PSICOM officer who captured Sazh and Vanille? (SPOILER)Jihl Nabaat
    (FFXIII) The fal'Cie, Eden, is named after a summon of the same name from which FF series? (SPOILER)FFVIII
    (FFXIII) Name Sazh's eidolon. (SPOILER)Brynhildr
    (FFXIII) Name Fang's eidolon. (SPOILER)Bahamut

    (FFXIV) What species handles the postal system in Eorzea? (SPOILER)Moogles
    (FFXIV) What does Teledji Adeledji raises as a pet? (SPOILER)Gil Turtle
    (FFXIV) Who is the "duelist" who challenges adventurers and takes their weapons upon defeating them? (SPOILER)Gilgamesh
    (FFXIV) Who is the Lord of the Hive? (SPOILER)Ravana
    (FFXIV) How many dragon killers are present on the Steps of Faith? (SPOILER)Three
    (FFXIV) Who is Livia sas Junius's sister? (SPOILER)Lucia goe Junius

    (FFXV) The "creatures of the night" are known as? (SPOILER)Daemons
    (FFXV) How many floors does the deepest sealed-door dungeon have? (SPOILER)100
    (FFXV) Who is Gladiolus's father? (SPOILER)Clarus
    (FFXV) Biggs & Wedge are the lackeys of who? (SPOILER)Aranea Highwind
    (FFXV) The head of Ramuh's staff is modeled after which other summon from the FF series? (SPOILER)Ixion
    (FFXV) How did Gladiolus get the scar going down his right eye? (SPOILER)Protecting Noctis from a drunk

    (FFT) Who is the Holy Dragon? (SPOILER)Reis Duelar
    (FFT) Who is Princess Ovelia's bodyguard? (SPOILER)Lady Agrias
    (FFT) Gaffgarion is employed by who? (SPOILER)Dycedarg Beoulve
    (FFT) Who is the leader of the Lucavi? (SPOILER)Altima
    (FFT) Who is the host of the Lucavi, Cuchulainn? (SPOILER)Alphonse Delacroix

    (FFTA) What is the game's default Clan name? (SPOILER)Clan Nutsy
    (FFTA) Llednar is a "reverse" image of who? (SPOILER)Randell Mewt
    (FFTA) Famfrit is the totema of which race? (SPOILER)Moogles
    (FFTA) What is Cid's occupation/role? (SPOILER)Judgemaster
    (FFTA) Who is Mewt's mother? (SPOILER)Queen Remedi

    (FFVII C.C.) What's the name of Angeal's fan club? [spoiler]Keepers of Honor[/spoilers]
    (FFVII C.C.) It's possible for Zack to have a fan club. True/False? (SPOILER)True
    (FFVII C.C.) How many fan clubs does Genesis have? (SPOILER)Two
    (FFVII C.C.) Who is Angeal's mother? (SPOILER)Gillian Hewley
    (FFVII C.C.) The naming scheme for Angeal's special moves is inspired by? (Hint: Christianity) (SPOILER)The Seven Deadly Sins

    (TYPE-0) What is Joker's real name? (SPOILER)Lean Hampelmann
    (TYPE-0) Who is No.07 of Class Zero? (SPOILER)Seven
    (TYPE-0) Who is No.10 of Class Zero? (SPOILER)Tiz Tohno Mahoroha
    (TYPE-0) What is Trey's weapon of choice? (SPOILER)Bow
    (TYPE-0) Who is the NPC you can spy on to watch her in bikinis? (SPOILER)Emina Hanaharu

  9. #39
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Those are still the only forks i've washed and I have no plans on washing more until a few more days.

    I'm a great housewife/

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