Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Carnelian View Post
Ryuji is great. He's my far my favourite of the dudebro characters (i.e. Junpei P3, Yosuke P4).

Okay, so I just beat Kamoshida's Castle.

Thoughts so far:

I love that the mini-boss to reveal the stairs is a dick monster. A slimey dick monster, but you can't tell me that's not a cock.
I named my character Bucket. Now, you might think I get a giggle every time other characters have in their dialogue. And sure, that's great. But nothing cracks me up more than Bucket-kun.
Morgana is a weird name for a boy. Mona isn't any better.
This game reminds me a LOT of the Shadow Hearts series (or at least, Covenant).
I've still got a loooong way to go, but I'm considering doing a 100%/guided run after I finish this run. I'm playing it blind right now, and no doubt I'll miss a lot of things I wouldn't have otherwise. But I'm loving this so much that I might have to play it again. We'll see how burnt out I get by the time I finish.

Quote Originally Posted by Shauna View Post
Ryuji is actually terrible

Anyway I look forward to your choice of best girl. This will determine the fate of our friendship
So far, obviously, I only have Ann. And I freaking love her. If other girl(s) is better, she will be great. I was expecting to find Ann an annoying Mary Sue--and I'm certain that there are people who have a case for that--but she's not like that at all to me. I guess that's sort of her whole thing (subtly) is that she's more than her looks.

I think something I'm enjoying so much about this game so far is that I like all of the characters. Usually by this point there'd be some that I love, some I hate, or at least feel ambivalent about. But I love them all. Granted, your character is kind of voiceless, but Ryuji, Ann, and Morgana are all great. It's made me invested in a way I didn't think I'd end up invested.

Also, Morgana is just like, a split of yourself. Igor keeps talking about rehabilitation, Morgana lost all of his memories, he has a black and white motif JUST LIKE YOU. Calling it now.