It was good. Like most in this thread I wasn't blown away by it, but I also have no real gripes with it. I thought it was a respectful way to usher out the old and hint at the new. I don't think the next Marvel arc will be as successful as this one, but at the same time I don't see these movies going anywhere anytime soon.

It's funny to think how much I didn't think it would work back in the day. I remember hearing about the plans for the MCU back when Iron Man was the only film out. Besides enjoying seeing Samuel L. Jackson, I rolled my eyes at that post credit bit in Iron Man. Even when I saw early photos of the first Avengers movie I thought that while crossover stuff may work in comics, doing something like that would be too goofy and bloated to have so many different character with different tones being in one spot. Now looking back the original Avengers movie is so quaint.

I got a Mortal Kombat Trilogy vibe watching the movie's climax. I mean this in a spiritual sense. Back in the original games like most people around my age I really got into the MK series. When Mortal Kombat Trilogy dropped the concept of the game alone along with seeing all the versions of all characters in one spot amazed me. It pushed the spectacle so far past the point of absurdity there was order in the chaos. That same vibe I got. I'm sitting there watching this remembering this all started with a disgraced alcoholic actor punching The Dude himself, Jeff Bridges with a damn bald cap on. And here I am watching this...madness unfold and going, "Yeah, I understand this."

There were many other things I enjoyed about the film. To sum up everything, from a big picture sense the movie was satisfying, but nothing truly outstanding. However, there were plenty of really cool moments that were pulled off gracefully sprinkled throughout the film. Also, the pacing was well done. It both felt and didn't feel it's length.