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Thread: Kingdom Hearts - an opinionated retrospective

  1. #31
    WarZidane's Avatar
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    Hello, my favorite KH entry (for now).

    I loved it when I first played it, and I still loved it when I played it again in 2018.

    Sure, the camera has its PSP limitations, but the command deck is just great. Spells and skills that don't rely on MP but instead a cooldown timer that's not too long means you're finally able to just go all out instead of going "oh but what if i need my MP for a curaga in 3 seconds". The style changes depending on which skills you use are also great, really overall it's just a joy to play, IMO even moreso than KH2.

    Story-wise it's also my favorite, which considering my prejudice against prequels is honestly astonishing.

    Having to go through the same worlds three times may sound tedious but it's really not, thanks to the events being different for each character and the worlds also just being pretty short.

    One thing that never bothered me (because of the power of overleveling and great command setups) but I can see why it bothers other people, some of the bosses in this game. They can be brutal and kind of cheap.

    My favorite segment, same as Fynn, Blank Points. It's not as flashy as other secret endings, but damn is it good, and that scene with Dearly Beloved playing as you see all the characters waiting for Sora gets me every damn time.

  2. #32
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Birth by Sleep is probably my second favorite entry in the franchise. It easily has my favorite gameplay in the series tied to CoM, mainly because it brings the challenge and the combat actually has some substance to it and real customization. Of anything, the fact the later games kind of shy away from this one was a disappointment to me because I could honestly live with this being the de facto battle system for the series. Also shame on you for dissing D-Links, they are actually super useful when you use them at the right time, especially in the early game when your character doesn't have much to work with like poor Aqua.

    Though it's hardly my favorite set of worlds, BbS honestly made going through three of the most iconic Disney Fairy Tale worlds super enjoyable, and unlike there previous two handheld efforts, the level design for these places is pretty fair and doesn't feel completely phoned in. Mechanically speaking, my only real issue with BbS is similar to my issue with 358/2. This game deserved to be made for something with more power. If Days would have been better handled on the PSP, I strongly feel that BbS should have remained as a console entry like it was originally intended. I'm not even saying make it for PS3, I would have been fine had it stayed as a PS2 title. Not like the system was completely obsolete by it's release date. We would have likely lost out on the Multiplayer mechanics, but honestly, I felt Days multiplayer was more fun when I tried it.

    The plot is a mixed bag for me. There are certainly some great moments here, and collectively, I found the story of the three Keyblade wielders once again more engaging and interesting than whatever Sora and Riku are doing, but there is also a real sense of been there and done that with some of the characters. Terra's fall to Darkness wasn't really as good as Riku's story, and Ventus may look like Roxas and shares his existential angst, but he comes across more childish and flat as a character. Aqua is about the only unique figure among the roster and as Fynn kind of points out, she's a wee bit too perfect as a person compared to her compatriots who wear their flaws on their sleeves. I will say Xehanort did turn out to be a pretty interesting villain, you can feel the influence from Ansem the Wise of KH1 here as opposed to smug snake Xemnas. I do wish we could have gotten more screen time for Org. XIII's human members and Real Ansem, still disappointed that their roles in the plot were just a silly cameo and we're still denied any real character development for them. On the other hand, I appreciate that Scrooge McDuck got some real screen time in this entry. I will always take more Scrooge.

    I think my biggest beef with the plot overall is the introduction of yet a third means of getting to Kingdom Hearts and a method that feels suspiciously like Nomura and the team are simply laying the groundwork for the post-Xehanort arc of the franchise. This inconsistency with the world's cosmology is really irritating to me, though it wouldn't completely break my patience until 3D.

  3. #33
    Recognized Member Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
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    I do enjoy this game a lot. I especially like how fun blowing everything up with Aqua becomes by the end of the game. I appreciated the difference between playing as the three characters on the first play through due to variety, but Aqua will always be the most fun to me.

    It’s hard to say anything else that hasn’t already been said. I do remember having Wolf’s same exact thoughts when I first played this game about yet another change to how Kingdom Hearts works.

    Also, that secret ending had me super pumped to get to the conclusion of the series. It really felt like it was building up to the conclusion, and a part of me always feels like we should have just got the final game after that. I do appreciate 3DS more since the last time I played it, but Fynn will get to that game too. I’m just excited that we are finally getting the conclusion that I was pumped for after this game.

  4. #34
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    To be fair, it does look like KHIII is actually concluding stuff this time instead of making new stuff up, and there’s a big chance the .Org XIII members will be getting more screentime judging by the trailers, but I guess we’ll get that at a later point. I will agree that this is the game that actually made Xehanort into an interesting villain, but I’ll probably get note into that once I cover DDD.

  5. #35
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    To be fair, it does look like KHIII is actually concluding stuff this time instead of making new stuff up, and there’s a big chance the .Org XIII members will be getting more screentime judging by the trailers, but I guess we’ll get that at a later point. I will agree that this is the game that actually made Xehanort into an interesting villain, but I’ll probably get note into that once I cover DDD.
    Except that's what a lot of us were saying when we saw the Org. XIII members in BbS. It might be nice to see Marluxia and Larxene again, but there's not enough evidence yet whether the game will properly explore the cast or simply make them one scene wonders. I gave up on Org. XIII getting anymore characterization after 358/2 dropped the ball. That was a perfect opportunity to really explore the group, I don't really feel like KHIII is going to come through because as it stands, the game is juggling too many plot elements as it is. It would be silly for them to try to cram in some more characterization into characters whose role in the story is likely coming to a close. Especially since this game has enough on it's plate and will likely be dealing with a MCU Avenger's scenario of trying to cram too many characters into one title, but at least KHIII will likely have the time to do them justice.

    KHIII is finishing Xehanort's plot, but Nomura has already said in interviews that the next arc after Xehanort will explore the Keyblade War. I imagine KHIII will end Xehanort's plot but also spend a good chunk of it;s time laying down the new mysteries pertaining to the Keyblade War, in fact they've been doing that since KHII when they introduced the concept. While it's not fair to judge a game before you play, considering the series track record, I feel KHIII will follow the pattern of all of the other games and spend just as much time introducing new mysteries while answering the few lingering questions left.

  6. #36
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Except all the Keyblade War stuff is being explored through χ (now Union Cross), which will 100% be necessary reading before the next console title, so I have faith Nomura will at least attempt to make this feel resolved, since he has gone on record saying resolution was the main theme of the game.

    But again, we’ll get to this in my later write ups

  7. #37
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    You know, reading this whole thing made me realise - I think that I liked BBS as much as I did, not just because it was fantastic, but because it was the first KH game I'd played since KH2 that I actually, you know, enjoyed the activity of playing.

    I played KH1>2>CoM (scandalous, I know)>Days>BBS. It felt like a bit of a return to form! For me, at least. I actually did everything the game had to offer (on baby difficulty lmao) which is incredibly uncommon for me to do, because I am bad at video games. But yeah, that's the kind of level I enjoyed playing this game.

  8. #38
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    So a little sidenote here, guys. Some of you may know that I am very annoyed whenever someone goes "wow this must have been done on drugs". People are creative, stop chalking up outlandish concepts that you wouldn't have been able to come up with yourself to intoxication.

    That is not the case with Kingdom Hearts coded, however. Nomura was literally drunk when he came up with this idea.

    God save us all.

    I also make no secret of the fact that I consider this hands-down the worst Kingdom Hearts game of them all. The fact that I still liked it and think it's very fun to play just goes to show how solid a track record Kingdom Hearts has with its games, but that doesn't change the fact that this game frustrates me to no end. And no, it's not because of the gameplay.

    I knew from the moment I started this retrospective that this game would be a little bit problematic. And this is due to the fact that, despite Nomura's insistance on the contrary, coded is completely, 100% irrelevant and skippable. Incorporating this in a retrospective that's meant to sum up plot points that will most likely be relevant come KH3 just seems like a waste of time. Were that the only grievance I had with the story, it would have been fine. The problem is that throughout the whole game, it tries to make us feel stuff by recontextualizing previous events from the game. It's a damn shame all of this, all of the stuff happening is a complete sham.

    The game starts with Jiminy looking at his Journals. The old one, with the "Thank Namine" note, happens to have a new message - "Their hurting will be mended when you return to end it." Naturally, King Mickey decides the only way to get to the bottom of this is to digitize the journal's contents and guide a data copy of Sora through its contents in order to find out what the deal is - you know, as you do. Bugs start appearing, corrupting the data within the journal further, and it's up to Data-Sora to save the day...? Then it turns out there's a hooded Riku running around and he's actually... the Journal's anthropomorphic representation? At some point Mickey and the rest of the Disney Castle gang are sucked into the Datascape somehow? And Maleficent tries to take over the datascape, of course - if she can't have the real thing, she'll at least settle for a Second Life account.

    There are so many things that make this much more frustrating than it needs to be. Data Sora is clueless, so we need to learn everything from scratch along with him, and he gets his memory wiped at least twice in the game, so it reaches the point that I seriously question Mickey's computer skills. All the worlds are rehashes from KH1, with the exception of Castle Oblivion, and the game really tries to make the scenes feel weighty and emotional but just fails at all of that because Data Sora is a cheap imitation. Donald and Goofy treating him like the regular Sora and promising to be friends forever is meaningless because this dude is a program and their memories and bond are with a different person. Thanking Namine near the end is a slap to the face since neither Sora nor Namine in this game are the Sora and Namine for whom the thanking act actually matters. There's just so many layers upon layers of artificiality in this game's story that it is beyond me how Nomura expected anyone would relate to these characters. The absolute worst thing is that this could have been avoided wth one, very simple fix, but I'll get to that later.

    Now that that's out of my system, I can finally talk a little bit about the gameplay, which is easily the best part of the game. It's baffling to me how this game of all the games in the series, got condensed into cutscenes, considering how utterly irrelevant everything that happens here is and how stellar the gameplay is. Not the camera though, as thats once again atrocious, and there's no type-2 camera to pick this time around. The Command Deck is back and its as good as ever, but coded takes full advantage of the fact that we're in a virtual world now to really do some exciting things. First of all, theres the Matrix system, which gives you access to several Sphere Grid/Licence Board-like character progression boards that are incredibly fun to tinker around with. There's the Overclock system, which is kind of reminiscent of BBS's command styles. And then there are all the various challenges for you to undertake in the debugging sections. It's also really cool how most worlds have interesting gimmicks, with Traverse Town having 2D platforming segments, Olympus Coliseum playing like a traitional turn-based RPG, and Hollow Bastion having you without your Keyblade and needing to rely on Donald and Goofy, whom you have limited control over.

    What I'm trying to say, this may be one of the most creative games in the series from a gameplay standpoint. It's a crying shame, then, that the story is so empty - especially at this point when we're slowly but surely reaching the quickening stage of the KHIII buildup.

    The following section will be really short because I'll be summing up the story bits which are actually relevant to the plot. Data-Sora's adventures for the most part are just digital variations on his KHI adventures, so you're really not missing out. The story's one serving grave is Roxas' appearance in Castle Oblivion and how different he seems from anything we've ever seen before - you can really feel the frustration born from forgetting Xion.

    Important story bits
    • We learn that Sora's heart is the thread connecting the hearts of all those who have faced a foul fate, and is the key to saving them (which we already learned in Birth by Sleep, but OK, I guess it's spelled out now).
    • Mickey, of course, is here to learn all of this, and this is what pushes him to write the letter from the KH2 epilogue to Sora.
    • Yen Sid tells Mickey that when both the Heartless and the Nobody of a specific person are defeated, the original being reforms.
    • An added scene in the cutscene version introduces us to Young Xehanort as he shows up near Ansem's awakening apprentices (not exactly necessary since the next game gets you up to speed very quickly.

    Favorite story segment
    You know, I could just say the Castle Oblivion segment since it's the only area of the game that actually has any story relevance and is pretty intriguing, but instead, I'm just going to say how much of a massive missed opportunity this game was. You can tell from the interviews, as well as most of the interesting cutscenes in the game, that Nomura wanted to make this game Mickey's story. And I'm all for that idea - but why have Data-Sora steal the show then? Why have him in there at all? You could have just madea game where you investigate the Datascape as Mickey and that would have been so much more interesting. It's great that the Disney Castle crew got a day in the limelight, but it would have been so much more compelling had they gone full out and just let us see stuff from Mickey's perspective and him learning everything he knows first-hand. There would be plenty of room for character development for him - his guilt, his friendship with Donald and Goofy, all of that should have been center stage instead of some weird B-plot that is actually somehow trying to be the A-plot. This story would have been a million times more enjoyable with just this one minor change. And now I'm mad that this is a game I'll never get.

    Gameplay highlights
    • The Command Deck is back!
    • The Overclock system is reminiscent of Command Styles, with its own digital twist.
    • The Matrix System is one of the coolest character progression systems in the series.
    • A lot of really cool gameplay gimmicks in every world.

    So what did you think of coded? Did you even play it? Did you even bother to watch the cutscenes? Perhaps you disagree with me and think this game really is relevant to the overarching plot? Feel free to take part in the discussion!

    ~Play order~

  9. #39
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I never bothered with coded, it pretty much looked like the type of game that CoM was accused of being, a rehash of the first game with two new story bits to justify dropping some dough to play it, and your overview seems to confirm that assumption. I did like the fact Roxas was the final boss, but he's my favorite character in the franchise so call me bias.

    I imagine that Mickey was short changed because of Disney. Despite letting them have access to their IPs, it seems to me like the Mouse House is really stingy and very specific with how Mickey can be utilized in the game. I feel the only chance of Mickey being a prominent character in the plot and fully playable would likely require Disney to have heavy involvement with the game's development which I don't feel Nomura and SE are really willing to do.

    I will totally laugh if it turns out Data Sora is going to show up and be important in KHIII.

  10. #40
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    I still recommend it though. The DS version, of course. It really is a blast to play.

  11. #41
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    I'm gonna be honest here and say I never played the actual game. Added to the whole handheld issue I already had with Days, this one was released in 2011, at which point in time I had already completely abandoned my DS in a dark corner of my room.

    I did however watch the whole thing on the collection, so judging by that it is indeed the worst KH. Completely irrelevant until the final part, and even that is questionably relevant because yeah, even the information you get from that is basically covered in other games.

    All that said, I'm guessing the structure and story of the game was like that because it was originally an episodic game made for mobile phones.

  12. #42
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    I loved the circuit board. I messed around a lot with it. Easily the best character progression system in the series. Prolly my favorite of all time.

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    I never really expected too much of the story since it was originally a cell phone game, but I remember being so disappointed with this game from a story standpoint. I agree with basically all you say regarding the story.

    That being said, I did have a lot of fun playing it. I did watch the cutscenes to get a theme for my ps3 I think? It is dumb to have just had the cutscenes from this game since the gameplay was the only real point to the game.

  14. #44
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    To say this game is controversial is an understatement to say the least. From the complex story, even by series standards, to the very experimental gameplay, Dream Drop Distance have left many fans scratching heads as it took the series in a direction no one was really expecting, really shifting people's expectations of Kingdom Hearts III. Now, despite the fact that I believe the game was most likely cut severely either due to time or platform constraints, I still can't overstate how much I love it. Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance shares the comfy #3 spot with Birth By Sleep.

    One of the most notable elements of this game is the fact that we take control of both Sora and Riku again. Unlike in CoM and BBS, however, this game doesn't do separate campaigns - instead, both characters are controlled in tandem, the details of which I'll explain later. Due to the fact that we've just learned that Xehanort has reformed and that there's a small village worth of Keyblade wielders to be saved by Sora, who has become a Messiah of sorts in between defeating Xemnas and receiving Mickey's letter, the boys need to take the Mark of Mastery exam, stat. Due to the impromptu nature of this exam, they can't really do it the long and safe way that the Wayfinder trio has, so instead Yen Sid sends them balls-deep into the Sleeping Realms, tasking them with awakening the worlds that couldn't awaken after Sora restored most of the other ones after KHI. The cosmology of this universe is all over the place, I know. Don't worry about it too much.

    Reverted to their kid forms and with new duds that have mystriously materialized them for what is most likely no important reason at all, don't worry, Sora and Riku make their way through a small selection of surprisingly elaborate worlds from Disney's B lineup, which incidentally happens to be my favorite. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is one of my favorite Disney movies of all time, and then there's Fantasia which is like, my entire childhood, and the Three Musketeers which is something that amused me and my brother to no end when I was in high school. The world selection is surprising, is what I'm saying, and in a good way. It helps that, aside from the first and final world (both of which have been substantially altered, by the way), all of the worlds in 3D are completely new ones. So no more revisiting the same four rooms of Wonderland or murdering rogue pots in Olympus Coliseum!

    Now, before I move on to talking about the gameplay, it's time to address the great pink elephant in the room. KH has a reputation of being complicated and, let me tell you, even though I usually rebuff these notions, 3D had me scratching my head for a long time. There's time travel, dream worlds, parallel worlds, possessions - all the things that let you cook up a nice big confusion smoothie, just like mom used to make. I've mentioned the beta scenes found in BBS before as evidence that most of the stuff that seems out of left field has actually been planned, or at the very least foreshadowed before (it has, don't lie), but they're also evidence of the fact that the story was definitely meant to be spread out better. The Destiny Islands segment in the game proper is incredibly short and very vague, while the content found in BBS appeared to be much more robust. Whether Nomura ran out of time or space on that tiny little 3DS cartridge, it is clear that corners were cut since I think the story's absolute biggest sin is the fact that it feels choppy and rushed and poorly explained.

    However, despite all this, I am actually a fan of everything that is happening here. Say what you will about the inclusion of a time travel mechanic, but I see it in a similar way to how I see the Time Turner in Harry Potter - it's a thing that has very specific limitations and nothing can really be altered to create a separate timeline - you can only really change the stuff that's already been changed due to time travel. Nomura's way of implementing this particular plot point may be sloppy, but God damnit, I can't be the only person who really felt that the stakes needed to be raised significantly before KHIII? For goodness sake, Sora already has Riku at his side, so if he were to have five more Keyblade wielders, all in order to beat Grandpa Xehanort, then the old guy doesn't feel like he's very much of a threat. 13 Xehanorts sounds menacing and, to take this HP allegory further, reminds me of Voldemort and his horcruxes, which were also seemingly late additions to the story that were there in plain sight all along (though how much was actually pre-planned in either case is debatable; I am pretty convinced Nomura had thought none of this up before BBS, but I'm sure everything since that game has been part of this setup).

    It's crazy, but it's a good kind of crazy that keeps you wanting more. It doesn't hurt that, despite the very poor explanations, the characterization is still fairly strong. I love the fact that Xehanort is capable of playing the long game and him being prepared for everything beforehand not only makes sense within the context of time travel, but also make him seem so much more conniving and threatening. Young Xehanort was interesting since this is the guy that's still kind of in his "oh, you know, just kind of curious about darkness" stage and I love that he was his own start of darkness. That's just hilarious. And then there's Riku. Sora, sadly, has regressed a bit in this game, becoming the generic all-loving hero again, but I do enjoy the fact that it's that overreliance on light that has made him fall at the very end of the story and nearly have him become one of the 13 darknesses. Riku, on the other hand, finally has his arc complete, and I feel it's very satisfying and I love the fact that he's the actual protagonist of this game. His experiences may have weighed heavy on him and it's been a rollercoaster ride over the whole series, but now that what he considered to be his "taint" with darkness has actually given him an advantage, making him immune to Xehanort's influence, this is exactly the boost of confidence that Riku needed in order to save Sora and ace the exam. He really did deserve to become a Keyblade Master after all this time.

    So gameplay. There's a lot to unpack. There's the command deck again, but you don't meld commands this time. How do you get abilities, then? Dream Eaters. These creatures serve as your companions this time around and it's them that you have to grind if you want to get access to new abilities. Sadly, this involves some very repetitive mini games, which I wasn't really a fan of, but eh, they're cute. Then there's flowmotion. I've said before that the worlds are much more expansive right now, and part of the reason for that is the fact that you can now parkour across the scene, making skills like high jump and glide obsolete. Additionally, they add a whole new variety of combat abilities, so now your surroundings are far more important to your battles. Then there's the drop mechanic. You get to play both as Sora and Riku at once, but each of them is on a timer and when it runs out, whether you're just exploring or in the middle of a boss battle, you are forced to switch characters. Still, it's far less rigid than it sounds, as you can get items that extend your time very early on very cheap. It goes without saying, then, that 3D plays like nothing else in the series, and for the most part, it's very enjoyable Those mini games, though, I could really do without.

    Alright, time to take on this bad boy.

    Important story bits
    • Sora and Riku undergo the Mark of Mastery exam, which involves unlocking te sleeping worlds. Upon arrival, Sora and Riku get new outfits - Sora's has a large X on it, while Riku has the Dream Eater mark on his back.
    • Back in the real world, Lea - Axel's complete form - awakens in Radiant Garden along with Ansem's other apprentices. They all retain their memories from their time as Nobodies on top of their human memories. Lea goes to visit Yen Sid and asks to be trained in the Keyblade.
    • Riku and Sora get separated, and they end up exploring two different versions of the same world every time. It later turns out this was due to Xehanort's meddling - Riku has actually found his way inside Sora's dream by accident, instinctively trying to protect him when Xehanort and his minions were trying to find a way to Sora's heart.
    • At the end of his journey, Sora confronts the various people from his memory and ultimately faces Xemnas. The X on his clothes is the Recusant Sigil - something which lets Xehanort trace people (which is why he gave Organization members names with Xes), marking Sora as one of his chosen for the 13 Darknesses. Sora defeats Xemnas, but falls to sleep anyway, leaving his heart vulnerable to darkness. Luckily, Ventus' heart protects him using his dark-resistant Keyblade armor
    • The rules of time travel are simple: you must abandon your body, you can only travel back in time to a period where a version of you exists, once you travel to the past you can only travel forward in time, and you cannot change Destiny's course. After returning from your journey, your memory of the time trek is wiped so that Destiny can still take its course. This is how Young Xehanort is present here, as well as all the other 13 Darknesses, and the reason they disappear is because they travel further to the future, to the final confrontation.
    • Speaking of the final confrontation, Xehanort still wants to forge the χ-Blade, but this time he plans to pit 13 beings of pure darkness against 7 pure lights instead, as apparently that method is more reliable than just using one dude.
    • Riku faces off against Ansem, Seeker of Darkness and ends his power over his heart once and for all, but now he must rescue Sora. He's the one to witness the gathering of the 13 Darknesses, which Mickey interrupts with a Stopza spell. Young Xehanort, however, shakes it off and a battle ensues. Riku saves Sora, but the Darknesses must now travel in time further for the fnal confrontation.
    • Sora still won't wake up, so Riku must dive into his heart once again. After defeating the Ventus armor, possessed by Dream Eaters, he frees Sora. Riku receives the Mark of Mastery, and even though Sora doesn't, he is still extremely happy for his friend. Bless his heart. Sora must now retake the test to become a true Keyblade Master.
    • After the credits, we see Axel get his Keyblade, and Kairi also wants to get in on the action. Since she doesn't want to just stand by anymore and has been bequeathed a Keyblade, she starts her training with Yen Sid alongside Axel.

    Favorite story segment
    Honestly, everything that happens after Sora's story is over is pure gold. You've go some high stakes, Riku is super fun to play, and his boss rush is simply exhilerating. The fact that this time it's Sora falling to darkness and Riku is here to rescue him this time is incredibly fitting and makes a very nice bookend to Riku's character arc.

    Gameplay highlights
    • COMMAND DECKS!!!!!
    • The Dream Eaters are actually pretty fun to play around with, what with their ability boards
    • Flowmotion gives a new dimension to exploration, and it's just a very satisfying thing to execute in battle
    • The drop mechanic adds an additional level of strategy and makes things tense in a pleasant way

    So what are your thoughts on DDD? Did you play it? Did it make you quit the series or quite the contrary - it whetted your appetite for III? Feel free to take part in the discussion!

    ~Play order~

  15. #45
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    Cattleya Paphia (Sargatanas)


    DDD was okay but definitely not one of my favorites.

    While I have no issue with the actual content of the story, I did feel like the way they spread it over the game was poorly done. When I think back on KH games in terms of "where do the story bits happen" (apart from coded/recoded, because what story ), the only game that makes me go "they really just dumped it all at the end of the game" is DDD. Every other game there are bits and pieces that play out over the course of the game.

    Gameplay-wise, I was glad the command deck was back but I did not like the dream eaters system at all. This is troublesome because not only are dream eaters your partners in battle, they're also your source of abilities and commands. The actual combat was fine, but everything around it just annoyed me.

    As for flowmotion, some aspects I liked, some aspects I could do without. I didn't really care about its in-combat uses and things like launching objects, but I did like being able to just wall jump infinitely.

    This is the one entry I actually didn't replay in the collection. I just had no motivation to go through it again and watched it online instead.

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